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suggestions for pain?

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[ ] Suggestions for Pain?

> Do any of you good people have some suggestions for what we can do for


> I have fibromyalgia and also cancer someplace in this body and today my


> are in tremendous pain. I don't want to turn to Darvocet.....any

> suggestions??


> Thank you,





> You are digging your grave with your teeth!

> Read Hundreds of Collected Cancer Testimonials and learn:

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Hi !

There seem to be a lot of different things that can cause pain. When

doing my own MEDLINE studies, early on in my illness, I was so shocked

to learn that infections can cause pain. ...and allopathic doctors

have the temerity to laugh when you suggest that you have some type of

an infection? :-(

I had a rheumy diagnose me with Fibromyalgia. After checking 12

tender points, he told me he wasn't even going to bother checking any

more, because all of my other symptoms pointed to an FM diagnosis.

Anyway, I did go on long-term (five months) antibiotic therapy (as per

Dr. Garth Nicholson's protocol), and it completely resolved my FM

pain. Another doctor (who has FM) rechecked my tender points and he

couldn't find any. I have been pain free for several years now;

however, the antibiotic protocol did not make a dent in my fatigue or

other " CFS " problems. Prior to going on antibiotic therapy, I relied

heavily on warm Espom Salts baths to help relieve my pain.

My mother also struggles with pain and she has found great relief from

going on Hulda 's parasite cleanse.

In Dr. Teitelbaum's latest book, " From Fatigued to Fantastic, "

(https://www.endfatigue.com/home.nsf) he recommends different things

such as:

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox) - homeopathic



Glucosamine Sulfate / MSM

Essential Fatty Acids

Bodywork (Trager and Rolfing)

Bracelets and Magnets

He has a many different suggestions for pain medications, but reports

that he finds Celebrex and Skelaxin helpful for daytime use. He also

recommends Klonopin and Baclofen.

Teitelbaum stresses the importance of getting 8 hours solid sleep at

night and treating low thyroid function, nutritional deficiencies and

any underlying infections (especially yeast).

Teitelbaum has done a major update on his book and if you don't have

it, I would highly recommend it, as he goes into a lot of detail on

this and other topics regarding " CFS " /FM.

Hope this will help some.

Kind regards,


From: KyHorseMum@a...

Date: Mon Oct 8, 2001 9:20 am

Subject: Suggestions for Pain?

Do any of you good people have some suggestions for what we can do for

pain? I have fibromyalgia and also cancer someplace in this body and

today my legs are in tremendous pain. I don't want to turn to

Darvocet.....any suggestions??

Thank you,

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Dear Sandy,

That seems to be very interesting. I have the zapper and use it, when I

catch a Virus etc.. I get often Neck Pain because I work on the computer

all day.

I know Energy testing CRA, so far when there is pain the immune system

is always overcharged.

That brings me back to the Idea that the zapper may calm the the Immun


I wonder do You zap 3 times with 20 minutes breaks, or??

I think I start zapping for my Neck, lets see what's happening.

Wish the best to Your Health


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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest


I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

" autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are causing all

this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on Minocin,

200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with azithromyin

at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two weeks

ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in both

places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is terrible.

I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically constipated

rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy this

Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I first

started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of it and

the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't there,

and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide bath?

If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.

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one bath tub full, mix in. two cups epson salt. get in for 10 min, then stand

up, pour 2 bottles 16 oz hp, mix it well and get back in. if you take pain

killers and have constipation drink aloe vera juice and take vit c up to your

bowel tolerance or eat flax seed every day (two Tbl in a glass of water for two

hrs, then mix it and drink without chewing).

rheumatic@...: beckman5@...: Mon, 10 Mar 2008

17:58:08 -0400Subject: rheumatic suggestions for pain?

Hi,I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory arthritis

(and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have " autoimmune

tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything, including celiac. I guess

he means that the critturs are causing all this inflammation. Anyway, I was way

better since going on Minocin, 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two

days with azithromyin at night on those days. I felt really good (though not

quite in remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two weeks ago

my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the worst before I

started antibiotics and I have degeneration in both places). Anyway, the pain

has increased until today it is terrible. I can't find a comfortable position.

(I am chronically constipated rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for

a colonoscopy this Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I

first started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I have

been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of it and the pain is

still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't there, and I was told that his

nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile, should i stop the Minocin? Should I take

a hydrogen peroxide bath? If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what?

I would appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.


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, the chronic constipation problem must be resolved. That might be why

you have a problem in the first place. The toxins just back up in your

system and keep re-circulating. Dr. Schulze, a herbalist has two

products I often recommend. www.herbdoc.com The first is called Intestinal

1. You take one capsule with a glass of water at your evening meal. If

that doesn't produce two good size bowel movements the next day, then that

night at dinner take two capsules. If that doesn't produce two good BMs the

next day, then that night at dinner you take 3 capsules. You keep

increasing the number of capsules until you produce two good bowel movements

a day. That then becomes your daily dose. Once that is established, add

Intestinal 2 to clean out the bowel - always making sure you are drinking a

lot of water - 2 quarts minimum per day. With the Intestinal 2, you will

need to drink even more water. You may need to stay on the Intestinal 1 for

a long time. I heard of one man that stayed on it for 7 years before

establishing regularity without it.

With over 70% of immune function taking place in the intestinal tract, one

can readily see the importance of keeping it cleaned out.

(Yesterday I heard a report saying the number is closer to 80% than 70%.)

As much as pain as you say you are in, I think I'd get a head start and get

out the old enema bag. It's amazing the problems a good enema will resolve.


rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> Hi,

> I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

> arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

> " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

> including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are causing all

> this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on Minocin,

> 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with azithromyin

> at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

> remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two weeks

> ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

> worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in both

> places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is terrible.

> I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically constipated

> rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy this

> Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I first

> started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

> have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of it and

> the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't there,

> and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

> should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide bath?

> If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

> appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.





> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe


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Is a bowel movement 1/2 hour to 1 hour after every meal considered normal? I

eat the equivalent of about two complete meals a day, but even if I just have a

snack like nuts or fruit, I end up having a bowel movement too. Sometimes, I

can't finish a meal or I have some broth and 1/2 sandwich. It doesn't matter

when or what I eat. Sometimes I have 4-5 normal bowel movements a day if I am

eating small portions more often If all the bacterial load is in the gut,does

that mean that my immune system is completely healed? I am on MP and have been

in remission since May 07. Lots of people ask me why I am on MP if I am in

remission. Remission to me means the disease has stopped progressing and the

damaged parts like lungs, bladder, thyroid, heart, etc are in the healing

process and I want that to continue until I have zero micoplasma count or as

close to it as I can get. I was having problems with my gut because of a hiatal

hernia of long standing. I have learned how to

manipulate that, with massage, back into the correct position. That and small

meals cleared up the gerd and loose stool problems. I have also put myself on a

low carb diet for high trigycerides from which I have suffered all my life..

Started when I was a child. I have just started and can't wait until my next

blood draw. Apples, nuts, raw vegetable salads give me fiber. I also put flax

seed on everything. Soups, vegetables, etc. It gives a crunch to everything

and I get my Omega 3 with it. I also don't believe in pain meds. Too much pain

meds like codeine make one constipated. Just sharing some things that might

help. Dolores

Ethel Snooks <emsnooks@...> wrote: , the chronic

constipation problem must be resolved. That might be why

you have a problem in the first place. The toxins just back up in your

system and keep re-circulating. Dr. Schulze, a herbalist has two

products I often recommend. www.herbdoc.com The first is called Intestinal

1. You take one capsule with a glass of water at your evening meal. If

that doesn't produce two good size bowel movements the next day, then that

night at dinner take two capsules. If that doesn't produce two good BMs the

next day, then that night at dinner you take 3 capsules. You keep

increasing the number of capsules until you produce two good bowel movements

a day. That then becomes your daily dose. Once that is established, add

Intestinal 2 to clean out the bowel - always making sure you are drinking a

lot of water - 2 quarts minimum per day. With the Intestinal 2, you will

need to drink even more water. You may need to stay on the Intestinal 1 for

a long time. I heard of one man that stayed on it for 7 years before

establishing regularity without it.

With over 70% of immune function taking place in the intestinal tract, one

can readily see the importance of keeping it cleaned out.

(Yesterday I heard a report saying the number is closer to 80% than 70%.)

As much as pain as you say you are in, I think I'd get a head start and get

out the old enema bag. It's amazing the problems a good enema will resolve.


rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> Hi,

> I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

> arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

> " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

> including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are causing all

> this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on Minocin,

> 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with azithromyin

> at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

> remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two weeks

> ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

> worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in both

> places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is terrible.

> I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically constipated

> rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy this

> Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I first

> started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

> have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of it and

> the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't there,

> and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

> should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide bath?

> If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

> appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.





> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


My extreme pain in multiple joints subsided two days after the

colonoscopy, and I'm sure it was the toxins from all the stuff inside


Report on constipation problem:

You are a genius (with the help of Dr Schulze). I have had

constipation problems since the 1980s and have tried everything

including Zelnorm and Amatiza, two Big Pharma products. Amatiza

worked, but it increased my arthritis, and I had to go off it. Now,

I have taken Intestinal 1 for three days. I had some success the

second day, but not easily. Today, the 4th day, after quite a bit of

success yesterday (having taken three at dinner time), I woke up with

a painless, easy, large movement. No gas or discomfort. I am happy.

I know I should keep taking three. Do I need Intestinal 2 since I

had a colonoscopy last week and am cleaned out? I am drinking at

least two quarts of water. If I can go on in this way for a while--

and look forward to eventually getting off Intestinal 1--I will feel

I found the holy grail.

Do you have any comments or suggestions? I looked up the recipe for

Intestinal 1 and see that it has cascara sagrada, which I think is a

laxative. Will that make me dependent on it?

On Mar 11, 2008, at 9:34 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> , the chronic constipation problem must be resolved. That

> might be why

> you have a problem in the first place. The toxins just back up in your

> system and keep re-circulating. Dr. Schulze, a herbalist

> has two

> products I often recommend. www.herbdoc.com The first is called

> Intestinal

> 1. You take one capsule with a glass of water at your evening meal. If

> that doesn't produce two good size bowel movements the next day,

> then that

> night at dinner take two capsules. If that doesn't produce two good

> BMs the

> next day, then that night at dinner you take 3 capsules. You keep

> increasing the number of capsules until you produce two good bowel

> movements

> a day. That then becomes your daily dose. Once that is established,

> add

> Intestinal 2 to clean out the bowel - always making sure you are

> drinking a

> lot of water - 2 quarts minimum per day. With the Intestinal 2, you

> will

> need to drink even more water. You may need to stay on the

> Intestinal 1 for

> a long time. I heard of one man that stayed on it for 7 years before

> establishing regularity without it.


> With over 70% of immune function taking place in the intestinal

> tract, one

> can readily see the importance of keeping it cleaned out.

> (Yesterday I heard a report saying the number is closer to 80% than

> 70%.)


> As much as pain as you say you are in, I think I'd get a head start

> and get

> out the old enema bag. It's amazing the problems a good enema will

> resolve.


> Ethel


> rheumatic suggestions for pain?


> > Hi,

> > I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

> > arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

> > " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

> > including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are causing all

> > this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on Minocin,

> > 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with azithromyin

> > at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

> > remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two weeks

> > ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

> > worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in both

> > places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is terrible.

> > I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically constipated

> > rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy

> this

> > Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I first

> > started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

> > have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of it and

> > the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't there,

> > and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

> > should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide bath?

> > If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

> > appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe

> >

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Hi ,

Now you know how important it is to keep that intestinal tract cleaned out -

every day. Your report reminded me of a similar story heard just Thursday

of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed illness, who had suffered

constipation problems for years - eliminating once a month. She too was

told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took 8 capsules of Intestinal 1

to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the difference in the way she

feels is like night and day.

I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law before, but it bears

repeating. My parents and my husband's parents, along with two other

couples, were very close friends - always doing things together, so Ray and

I basically grew up almost like brother and sister. Whenever anyone in his

family started getting any symptoms of illness, out came the enema bag. My

mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably for constipation, but those

things weren't discussed in those days. Both of them lived to ripe old

ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease - living longer than any of

their siblings. They died in their sleep of heart failure.

You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2 since you just had a

colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have been " scrubbed' clean

temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the Intestinal 1 and then in 6-8 weeks

do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have disease, I would suggest you

repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until you reach remission - and

then once every 6 months or so.

Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you dependent upon it. I

wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and when you do try, lower the

dose and see what happens. Make sure you are getting plenty of fiber to aid

in getting those bowels working. We use Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' - Fiber

Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced Metamucil.


rheumatic suggestions for pain?


>> > Hi,

>> > I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

>> > arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

>> > " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

>> > including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are causing all

>> > this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on Minocin,

>> > 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with azithromyin

>> > at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

>> > remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two weeks

>> > ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

>> > worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in both

>> > places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is terrible.

>> > I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically constipated

>> > rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy

>> this

>> > Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I first

>> > started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

>> > have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of it and

>> > the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't there,

>> > and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

>> > should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide bath?

>> > If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

>> > appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe

>> >

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Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you helped me! L.

On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> Hi ,


> Now you know how important it is to keep that intestinal tract

> cleaned out -

> every day. Your report reminded me of a similar story heard just

> Thursday

> of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed illness, who had suffered

> constipation problems for years - eliminating once a month. She too

> was

> told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took 8 capsules of

> Intestinal 1

> to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the difference in the

> way she

> feels is like night and day.


> I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law before, but it bears

> repeating. My parents and my husband's parents, along with two other

> couples, were very close friends - always doing things together, so

> Ray and

> I basically grew up almost like brother and sister. Whenever anyone

> in his

> family started getting any symptoms of illness, out came the enema

> bag. My

> mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably for constipation,

> but those

> things weren't discussed in those days. Both of them lived to ripe old

> ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease - living longer

> than any of

> their siblings. They died in their sleep of heart failure.


> You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2 since you just had a

> colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have been " scrubbed' clean

> temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the Intestinal 1 and then in

> 6-8 weeks

> do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have disease, I would suggest you

> repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until you reach remission

> - and

> then once every 6 months or so.


> Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you dependent upon it. I

> wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and when you do try,

> lower the

> dose and see what happens. Make sure you are getting plenty of

> fiber to aid

> in getting those bowels working. We use Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> Fiber

> Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced Metamucil.


> Ethel


> rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> >>

> >> > Hi,

> >> > I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

> >> > arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

> >> > " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

> >> > including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are

> causing all

> >> > this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on

> Minocin,

> >> > 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with

> azithromyin

> >> > at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

> >> > remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two

> weeks

> >> > ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

> >> > worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in

> both

> >> > places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is

> terrible.

> >> > I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically

> constipated

> >> > rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy

> >> this

> >> > Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I

> first

> >> > started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

> >> > have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of

> it and

> >> > the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't

> there,

> >> > and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

> >> > should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide

> bath?

> >> > If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

> >> > appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe

> >> >

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I wish I could take the metamucil, but that's wheat and I have to stay off it

since I have Celiac. Anything else out ther that is gluten-free


Beckman <beckman5@...> wrote:

Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you helped me! L.

On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> Hi ,


> Now you know how important it is to keep that intestinal tract

> cleaned out -

> every day. Your report reminded me of a similar story heard just

> Thursday

> of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed illness, who had suffered

> constipation problems for years - eliminating once a month. She too

> was

> told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took 8 capsules of

> Intestinal 1

> to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the difference in the

> way she

> feels is like night and day.


> I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law before, but it bears

> repeating. My parents and my husband's parents, along with two other

> couples, were very close friends - always doing things together, so

> Ray and

> I basically grew up almost like brother and sister. Whenever anyone

> in his

> family started getting any symptoms of illness, out came the enema

> bag. My

> mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably for constipation,

> but those

> things weren't discussed in those days. Both of them lived to ripe old

> ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease - living longer

> than any of

> their siblings. They died in their sleep of heart failure.


> You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2 since you just had a

> colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have been " scrubbed' clean

> temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the Intestinal 1 and then in

> 6-8 weeks

> do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have disease, I would suggest you

> repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until you reach remission

> - and

> then once every 6 months or so.


> Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you dependent upon it. I

> wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and when you do try,

> lower the

> dose and see what happens. Make sure you are getting plenty of

> fiber to aid

> in getting those bowels working. We use Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> Fiber

> Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced Metamucil.


> Ethel


> rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> >>

> >> > Hi,

> >> > I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

> >> > arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

> >> > " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

> >> > including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are

> causing all

> >> > this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on

> Minocin,

> >> > 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with

> azithromyin

> >> > at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

> >> > remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two

> weeks

> >> > ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

> >> > worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in

> both

> >> > places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is

> terrible.

> >> > I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically

> constipated

> >> > rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy

> >> this

> >> > Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I

> first

> >> > started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

> >> > have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of

> it and

> >> > the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't

> there,

> >> > and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

> >> > should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide

> bath?

> >> > If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

> >> > appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> >

> >> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe

> >> >

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Guest guest

Hi Eva;

I have Celiac also and use Benefiber.It is made from Taro . Lynne


> I wish I could take the metamucil, but that's wheat and I have to stay

> off it since I have Celiac. Anything else out ther that is gluten-free


> Eva


> Beckman <beckman5@... <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net>>

> wrote:

> Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you helped me! L.

> On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:


> > Hi ,

> >

> > Now you know how important it is to keep that intestinal tract

> > cleaned out -

> > every day. Your report reminded me of a similar story heard just

> > Thursday

> > of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed illness, who had suffered

> > constipation problems for years - eliminating once a month. She too

> > was

> > told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took 8 capsules of

> > Intestinal 1

> > to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the difference in the

> > way she

> > feels is like night and day.

> >

> > I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law before, but it bears

> > repeating. My parents and my husband's parents, along with two other

> > couples, were very close friends - always doing things together, so

> > Ray and

> > I basically grew up almost like brother and sister. Whenever anyone

> > in his

> > family started getting any symptoms of illness, out came the enema

> > bag. My

> > mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably for constipation,

> > but those

> > things weren't discussed in those days. Both of them lived to ripe old

> > ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease - living longer

> > than any of

> > their siblings. They died in their sleep of heart failure.

> >

> > You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2 since you just had a

> > colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have been " scrubbed' clean

> > temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the Intestinal 1 and then in

> > 6-8 weeks

> > do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have disease, I would suggest you

> > repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until you reach remission

> > - and

> > then once every 6 months or so.

> >

> > Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you dependent upon it. I

> > wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and when you do try,

> > lower the

> > dose and see what happens. Make sure you are getting plenty of

> > fiber to aid

> > in getting those bowels working. We use Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> > Fiber

> > Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced Metamucil.

> >

> > Ethel

> >

> > rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> > >>

> > >> > Hi,

> > >> > I am hoping somebody can suggest something. I have inflammatory

> > >> > arthritis (and mycoplasma antibodies). Dr. Whitman thinks I have

> > >> > " autoimmune tendencies " --and is testing me again for everything,

> > >> > including celiac. I guess he means that the critturs are

> > causing all

> > >> > this inflammation. Anyway, I was way better since going on

> > Minocin,

> > >> > 200 mg bid five days a week and 100 mg for two days with

> > azithromyin

> > >> > at night on those days. I felt really good (though not quite in

> > >> > remission) for months--after feeling horrible. But about two

> > weeks

> > >> > ago my neck and S.I. joints started hurting more (these were the

> > >> > worst before I started antibiotics and I have degeneration in

> > both

> > >> > places). Anyway, the pain has increased until today it is

> > terrible.

> > >> > I can't find a comfortable position. (I am chronically

> > constipated

> > >> > rather than beset by diahrrea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy

> > >> this

> > >> > Thursday.) have wondered if I was herxing, which I did when I

> > first

> > >> > started, but that felt like a flu and this does not. Just pain. I

> > >> > have been taking a little Ibuprofen, but today I took more of

> > it and

> > >> > the pain is still pretty bad. I called Whitman, but he wasn't

> > there,

> > >> > and I was told that his nurse will call me tomorrow. Meanwhile,

> > >> > should i stop the Minocin? Should I take a hydrogen peroxide

> > bath?

> > >> > If so, what is the proportion of HP to water? Or what? I would

> > >> > appreciate suggestions from this knowledgable group.

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> >

> > >> > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribe

> <mailto:rheumatic-unsubscribe%40>

> > >> >

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Guest guest

Brown rice or oatmeal is the best for bowel movement.

you should have brown rice in daily or at least 4-5

days a week. It works wonderful.


--- Lynne and Santos <lynneandsantos@...>



> Hi Eva;

> I have Celiac also and use Benefiber.It is made

> from Taro . Lynne

> G./SD




> > I wish I could take the metamucil, but that's

> wheat and I have to stay

> > off it since I have Celiac. Anything else out ther

> that is gluten-free

> >

> > Eva

> >

> > Beckman <beckman5@...

> <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net>>

> > wrote:

> > Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you

> helped me! L.

> > On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> >

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > Now you know how important it is to keep that

> intestinal tract

> > > cleaned out -

> > > every day. Your report reminded me of a similar

> story heard just

> > > Thursday

> > > of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed

> illness, who had suffered

> > > constipation problems for years - eliminating

> once a month. She too

> > > was

> > > told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took

> 8 capsules of

> > > Intestinal 1

> > > to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the

> difference in the

> > > way she

> > > feels is like night and day.

> > >

> > > I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law

> before, but it bears

> > > repeating. My parents and my husband's parents,

> along with two other

> > > couples, were very close friends - always doing

> things together, so

> > > Ray and

> > > I basically grew up almost like brother and

> sister. Whenever anyone

> > > in his

> > > family started getting any symptoms of illness,

> out came the enema

> > > bag. My

> > > mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably

> for constipation,

> > > but those

> > > things weren't discussed in those days. Both of

> them lived to ripe old

> > > ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease

> - living longer

> > > than any of

> > > their siblings. They died in their sleep of

> heart failure.

> > >

> > > You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2

> since you just had a

> > > colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have

> been " scrubbed' clean

> > > temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the

> Intestinal 1 and then in

> > > 6-8 weeks

> > > do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have

> disease, I would suggest you

> > > repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until

> you reach remission

> > > - and

> > > then once every 6 months or so.

> > >

> > > Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you

> dependent upon it. I

> > > wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and

> when you do try,

> > > lower the

> > > dose and see what happens. Make sure you are

> getting plenty of

> > > fiber to aid

> > > in getting those bowels working. We use

> Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> > > Fiber

> > > Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced

> Metamucil.

> > >

> > > Ethel

> > >

> > > Re: rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> > >

> > > > Ethel,

> > > >

> > > > My extreme pain in multiple joints subsided

> two days after the

> > > > colonoscopy, and I'm sure it was the toxins

> from all the stuff

> > > inside

> > > > me.

> > > >

> > > > Report on constipation problem:

> > > > You are a genius (with the help of Dr

> Schulze). I have had

> > > > constipation problems since the 1980s and have

> tried everything

> > > > including Zelnorm and Amatiza, two Big Pharma

> products. Amatiza

> > > > worked, but it increased my arthritis, and I

> had to go off it. Now,

> > > > I have taken Intestinal 1 for three days. I

> had some success the

> > > > second day, but not easily. Today, the 4th

> day, after quite a bit of

> > > > success yesterday (having taken three at

> dinner time), I woke up

> > > with

> > > > a painless, easy, large movement. No gas or

> discomfort. I am happy.

> > > >

> > > > I know I should keep taking three. Do I need

> Intestinal 2 since I

> > > > had a colonoscopy last week and am cleaned

> out? I am drinking at

> > > > least two quarts of water. If I can go on in

> this way for a while--

> > > > and look forward to eventually getting off

> Intestinal 1--I will feel

> > > > I found the holy grail.

> > > >

> > > > Do you have any comments or suggestions? I

> looked up the recipe for

> > > > Intestinal 1 and see that it has cascara

> sagrada, which I think is a

> > > > laxative. Will that make me dependent on it?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > On Mar 11, 2008, at 9:34 PM, Ethel Snooks

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >> , the chronic constipation problem must

> be resolved. That

> > > >> might be why

> > > >> you have a problem in the first place. The

> toxins just back up

> > > in your

> > > >> system and keep re-circulating. Dr.

> Schulze, a herbalist

> > > >> has two

> > > >> products I often recommend. www.herbdoc.com

> The first is called

> > > >> Intestinal

> > > >> 1. You take one capsule with a glass of water

> at your evening

> > > meal. If

> > > >> that doesn't produce two good size bowel

> movements the next day,

> > > >> then that

> > > >> night at dinner take two capsules. If that

> doesn't produce two good

> > > >> BMs the

> > > >> next day, then that night at dinner you take

> 3 capsules. You keep

> > > >> increasing the number of capsules until you

> produce two good bowel

> > > >> movements

> > > >> a day. That then becomes your daily dose.

> Once that is established,

> > > >> add

> > > >> Intestinal 2 to clean out the bowel - always

> making sure you are

> > > >> drinking a

> > > >> lot of water - 2 quarts minimum per day. With

> the Intestinal 2, you

> > > >> will

> > > >> need to drink even more water. You may need

> to stay on the

> > > >> Intestinal 1 for

> > > >> a long time. I heard of one man that stayed

> on it for 7 years

> > > before

> > > >> establishing regularity without it.

> > > >>

> > > >> With over 70% of immune function taking place

> in the intestinal

> > > >> tract, one

> > > >> can readily see the importance of keeping it

> cleaned out.


=== message truncated ===



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Guest guest

Hi soheila,

I use brown rice almost daily, my rice cooker doesn't know that it should be

off once on awhile, but I use it all the time. I told my hubby I need to buy the

big rice cooker that the Chinese or Thai people use. My daughter-in-law is from

Thailand and when we visit there she has this large rice cooker going all the

time, she knows I love rice.

Oatmeal is out, but rice is okay. After finding out that I have Celiac I

changes my diet, but I am still working on it. There are days I would like to

get a pizza, but my husband can't do dairy product and I can't do wheat, so I

am out in the left field. We tried the cheese replacemant but I rather not have

a pizza that way. Someone told me just to put the pizza sause on it and the

veggies and meat and that would be okay. I did find gluten-free pizza crust.

I will check on one of the lotions someone mentioned. The health food store

where I shop does carry a certain amount of German lotions for pain and hand

creams. Have to check it out if not; maybe the next time I go home( Germany) I

may get some stuff and bring it back. I never had a problem of bringing lotions

back. I bought one time several tubes of Trameel and cough drops, no problrms.

Take care, stay well.


soheila A <soadl80@...> wrote:

Brown rice or oatmeal is the best for bowel movement.

you should have brown rice in daily or at least 4-5

days a week. It works wonderful.


--- Lynne and Santos <lynneandsantos@...>



> Hi Eva;

> I have Celiac also and use Benefiber.It is made

> from Taro . Lynne

> G./SD




> > I wish I could take the metamucil, but that's

> wheat and I have to stay

> > off it since I have Celiac. Anything else out ther

> that is gluten-free

> >

> > Eva

> >

> > Beckman <beckman5@...

> <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net>>

> > wrote:

> > Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you

> helped me! L.

> > On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> >

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > Now you know how important it is to keep that

> intestinal tract

> > > cleaned out -

> > > every day. Your report reminded me of a similar

> story heard just

> > > Thursday

> > > of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed

> illness, who had suffered

> > > constipation problems for years - eliminating

> once a month. She too

> > > was

> > > told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took

> 8 capsules of

> > > Intestinal 1

> > > to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the

> difference in the

> > > way she

> > > feels is like night and day.

> > >

> > > I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law

> before, but it bears

> > > repeating. My parents and my husband's parents,

> along with two other

> > > couples, were very close friends - always doing

> things together, so

> > > Ray and

> > > I basically grew up almost like brother and

> sister. Whenever anyone

> > > in his

> > > family started getting any symptoms of illness,

> out came the enema

> > > bag. My

> > > mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably

> for constipation,

> > > but those

> > > things weren't discussed in those days. Both of

> them lived to ripe old

> > > ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease

> - living longer

> > > than any of

> > > their siblings. They died in their sleep of

> heart failure.

> > >

> > > You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2

> since you just had a

> > > colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have

> been " scrubbed' clean

> > > temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the

> Intestinal 1 and then in

> > > 6-8 weeks

> > > do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have

> disease, I would suggest you

> > > repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until

> you reach remission

> > > - and

> > > then once every 6 months or so.

> > >

> > > Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you

> dependent upon it. I

> > > wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and

> when you do try,

> > > lower the

> > > dose and see what happens. Make sure you are

> getting plenty of

> > > fiber to aid

> > > in getting those bowels working. We use

> Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> > > Fiber

> > > Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced

> Metamucil.

> > >

> > > Ethel

> > >

> > > Re: rheumatic suggestions for pain?

> > >

> > > > Ethel,

> > > >

> > > > My extreme pain in multiple joints subsided

> two days after the

> > > > colonoscopy, and I'm sure it was the toxins

> from all the stuff

> > > inside

> > > > me.

> > > >

> > > > Report on constipation problem:

> > > > You are a genius (with the help of Dr

> Schulze). I have had

> > > > constipation problems since the 1980s and have

> tried everything

> > > > including Zelnorm and Amatiza, two Big Pharma

> products. Amatiza

> > > > worked, but it increased my arthritis, and I

> had to go off it. Now,

> > > > I have taken Intestinal 1 for three days. I

> had some success the

> > > > second day, but not easily. Today, the 4th

> day, after quite a bit of

> > > > success yesterday (having taken three at

> dinner time), I woke up

> > > with

> > > > a painless, easy, large movement. No gas or

> discomfort. I am happy.

> > > >

> > > > I know I should keep taking three. Do I need

> Intestinal 2 since I

> > > > had a colonoscopy last week and am cleaned

> out? I am drinking at

> > > > least two quarts of water. If I can go on in

> this way for a while--

> > > > and look forward to eventually getting off

> Intestinal 1--I will feel

> > > > I found the holy grail.

> > > >

> > > > Do you have any comments or suggestions? I

> looked up the recipe for

> > > > Intestinal 1 and see that it has cascara

> sagrada, which I think is a

> > > > laxative. Will that make me dependent on it?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > On Mar 11, 2008, at 9:34 PM, Ethel Snooks

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >> , the chronic constipation problem must

> be resolved. That

> > > >> might be why

> > > >> you have a problem in the first place. The

> toxins just back up

> > > in your

> > > >> system and keep re-circulating. Dr.

> Schulze, a herbalist

> > > >> has two

> > > >> products I often recommend. www.herbdoc.com

> The first is called

> > > >> Intestinal

> > > >> 1. You take one capsule with a glass of water

> at your evening

> > > meal. If

> > > >> that doesn't produce two good size bowel

> movements the next day,

> > > >> then that

> > > >> night at dinner take two capsules. If that

> doesn't produce two good

> > > >> BMs the

> > > >> next day, then that night at dinner you take

> 3 capsules. You keep

> > > >> increasing the number of capsules until you

> produce two good bowel

> > > >> movements

> > > >> a day. That then becomes your daily dose.

> Once that is established,

> > > >> add

> > > >> Intestinal 2 to clean out the bowel - always

> making sure you are

> > > >> drinking a

> > > >> lot of water - 2 quarts minimum per day. With

> the Intestinal 2, you

> > > >> will

> > > >> need to drink even more water. You may need

> to stay on the

> > > >> Intestinal 1 for

> > > >> a long time. I heard of one man that stayed

> on it for 7 years

> > > before

> > > >> establishing regularity without it.

> > > >>

> > > >> With over 70% of immune function taking place

> in the intestinal

> > > >> tract, one

> > > >> can readily see the importance of keeping it

> cleaned out.


=== message truncated ===


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Guest guest

Hi Eva;

There is a solution to the pizza woe.I have celiac and

sensitivity to anything " cow " There are good gluten free pizza doughs

and I use goat cheese.Quebec is a heaven for cheese lovers and they make

goat milk into almost any chesse tyle you can think of.Maybe your hubby

can eat that???? Lynne G./SD

> Hi soheila,

> I use brown rice almost daily, my rice cooker doesn't know that it

> should be off once on awhile, but I use it all the time. I told my

> hubby I need to buy the big rice cooker that the Chinese or Thai

> people use. My daughter-in-law is from Thailand and when we visit

> there she has this large rice cooker going all the time, she knows I

> love rice.

> Oatmeal is out, but rice is okay. After finding out that I have Celiac

> I changes my diet, but I am still working on it. There are days I

> would like to get a pizza, but my husband can't do dairy product and I

> can't do wheat, so I am out in the left field. We tried the cheese

> replacemant but I rather not have a pizza that way. Someone told me

> just to put the pizza sause on it and the veggies and meat and that

> would be okay. I did find gluten-free pizza crust.

> I will check on one of the lotions someone mentioned. The health food

> store where I shop does carry a certain amount of German lotions for

> pain and hand creams. Have to check it out if not; maybe the next time

> I go home( Germany) I may get some stuff and bring it back. I never

> had a problem of bringing lotions back. I bought one time several

> tubes of Trameel and cough drops, no problrms.

> Take care, stay well.

> Eva


> soheila A <soadl80@... <mailto:soadl80%40>> wrote:

> Brown rice or oatmeal is the best for bowel movement.

> you should have brown rice in daily or at least 4-5

> days a week. It works wonderful.


> soheila

> --- Lynne and Santos <lynneandsantos@...

> <mailto:lynneandsantos%40citenet.net>>

> wrote:


> >

> > Hi Eva;

> > I have Celiac also and use Benefiber.It is made

> > from Taro . Lynne

> > G./SD

> >

> >

> >

> > > I wish I could take the metamucil, but that's

> > wheat and I have to stay

> > > off it since I have Celiac. Anything else out ther

> > that is gluten-free

> > >

> > > Eva

> > >

> > > Beckman <beckman5@... <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net>

> > <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net>>

> > > wrote:

> > > Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you

> > helped me! L.

> > > On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> > >

> > > > Hi ,

> > > >

> > > > Now you know how important it is to keep that

> > intestinal tract

> > > > cleaned out -

> > > > every day. Your report reminded me of a similar

> > story heard just

> > > > Thursday

> > > > of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed

> > illness, who had suffered

> > > > constipation problems for years - eliminating

> > once a month. She too

> > > > was

> > > > told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took

> > 8 capsules of

> > > > Intestinal 1

> > > > to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the

> > difference in the

> > > > way she

> > > > feels is like night and day.

> > > >

> > > > I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law

> > before, but it bears

> > > > repeating. My parents and my husband's parents,

> > along with two other

> > > > couples, were very close friends - always doing

> > things together, so

> > > > Ray and

> > > > I basically grew up almost like brother and

> > sister. Whenever anyone

> > > > in his

> > > > family started getting any symptoms of illness,

> > out came the enema

> > > > bag. My

> > > > mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably

> > for constipation,

> > > > but those

> > > > things weren't discussed in those days. Both of

> > them lived to ripe old

> > > > ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease

> > - living longer

> > > > than any of

> > > > their siblings. They died in their sleep of

> > heart failure.

> > > >

> > > > You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2

> > since you just had a

> > > > colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have

> > been " scrubbed' clean

> > > > temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the

> > Intestinal 1 and then in

> > > > 6-8 weeks

> > > > do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have

> > disease, I would suggest you

> > > > repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until

> > you reach remission

> > > > - and

> > > > then once every 6 months or so.

> > > >

> > > > Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you

> > dependent upon it. I

> > > > wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and

> > when you do try,

> > > > lower the

> > > > dose and see what happens. Make sure you are

> > getting plenty of

> > > > fiber to aid

> > > > in getting those bowels working. We use

> > Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> > > > Fiber

> > > > Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced

> > Metamucil.

> > > >

> > > > Eth


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Guest guest

Hi all,

I was actually thinking of sheep cheese. I use it often and in all sorts of

dishes. I can't do dairy but so far I'm OK with sheep and goat; I just find

goat too strong a taste for me. I also like the vegan cheeses but I'm not

sure if gluten is a factor in those. Regards, El


From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of Lynne and Santos

Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 4:29 PM


Subject: Re: rheumatic suggestions for pain?

Hi Eva;

There is a solution to the pizza woe.I have celiac and

sensitivity to anything " cow " There are good gluten free pizza doughs

and I use goat cheese.Quebec is a heaven for cheese lovers and they make

goat milk into almost any chesse tyle you can think of.Maybe your hubby

can eat that???? Lynne G./SD

> Hi soheila,

> I use brown rice almost daily, my rice cooker doesn't know that it

> should be off once on awhile, but I use it all the time. I told my

> hubby I need to buy the big rice cooker that the Chinese or Thai

> people use. My daughter-in-law is from Thailand and when we visit

> there she has this large rice cooker going all the time, she knows I

> love rice.

> Oatmeal is out, but rice is okay. After finding out that I have Celiac

> I changes my diet, but I am still working on it. There are days I

> would like to get a pizza, but my husband can't do dairy product and I

> can't do wheat, so I am out in the left field. We tried the cheese

> replacemant but I rather not have a pizza that way. Someone told me

> just to put the pizza sause on it and the veggies and meat and that

> would be okay. I did find gluten-free pizza crust.

> I will check on one of the lotions someone mentioned. The health food

> store where I shop does carry a certain amount of German lotions for

> pain and hand creams. Have to check it out if not; maybe the next time

> I go home( Germany) I may get some stuff and bring it back. I never

> had a problem of bringing lotions back. I bought one time several

> tubes of Trameel and cough drops, no problrms.

> Take care, stay well.

> Eva


> soheila A <soadl80 (DOT) <mailto:soadl80%40> com

<mailto:soadl80%40>> wrote:

> Brown rice or oatmeal is the best for bowel movement.

> you should have brown rice in daily or at least 4-5

> days a week. It works wonderful.


> soheila

> --- Lynne and Santos <lynneandsantos@

<mailto:lynneandsantos%40citenet.net> citenet.net

> <mailto:lynneandsantos%40citenet.net>>

> wrote:


> >

> > Hi Eva;

> > I have Celiac also and use Benefiber.It is made

> > from Taro . Lynne

> > G./SD

> >

> >

> >

> > > I wish I could take the metamucil, but that's

> > wheat and I have to stay

> > > off it since I have Celiac. Anything else out ther

> > that is gluten-free

> > >

> > > Eva

> > >

> > > Beckman <beckman5verizon (DOT) <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net> net


> > <mailto:beckman5%40verizon.net>>

> > > wrote:

> > > Again, thank you. I can't believe how much you

> > helped me! L.

> > > On Mar 22, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Ethel Snooks wrote:

> > >

> > > > Hi ,

> > > >

> > > > Now you know how important it is to keep that

> > intestinal tract

> > > > cleaned out -

> > > > every day. Your report reminded me of a similar

> > story heard just

> > > > Thursday

> > > > of a woman incapacitated by an undiagnosed

> > illness, who had suffered

> > > > constipation problems for years - eliminating

> > once a month. She too

> > > > was

> > > > told of the Intestinal 1 and 2 products. It took

> > 8 capsules of

> > > > Intestinal 1

> > > > to get her bowels moving regularly. She says the

> > difference in the

> > > > way she

> > > > feels is like night and day.

> > > >

> > > > I think I've told the story of my mother-in-law

> > before, but it bears

> > > > repeating. My parents and my husband's parents,

> > along with two other

> > > > couples, were very close friends - always doing

> > things together, so

> > > > Ray and

> > > > I basically grew up almost like brother and

> > sister. Whenever anyone

> > > > in his

> > > > family started getting any symptoms of illness,

> > out came the enema

> > > > bag. My

> > > > mother-in-law took enemas regularly - probably

> > for constipation,

> > > > but those

> > > > things weren't discussed in those days. Both of

> > them lived to ripe old

> > > > ages of 91 and 92 without ever incurring disease

> > - living longer

> > > > than any of

> > > > their siblings. They died in their sleep of

> > heart failure.

> > > >

> > > > You asked if you should use the Intestinal 2

> > since you just had a

> > > > colonoscopy. Those intestinal walls should have

> > been " scrubbed' clean

> > > > temporarily, so I'd probably stay on the

> > Intestinal 1 and then in

> > > > 6-8 weeks

> > > > do the Intestinal 2. As long as you have

> > disease, I would suggest you

> > > > repeat the Intestinal 2 from time to time until

> > you reach remission

> > > > - and

> > > > then once every 6 months or so.

> > > >

> > > > Nothing in the Intestinal 1 is said to make you

> > dependent upon it. I

> > > > wouldn't try getting off of it for a while, and

> > when you do try,

> > > > lower the

> > > > dose and see what happens. Make sure you are

> > getting plenty of

> > > > fiber to aid

> > > > in getting those bowels working. We use

> > Wal-Mart's brand 'equate' -

> > > > Fiber

> > > > Therapy. It is the generic for the higher priced

> > Metamucil.

> > > >

> > > > Eth


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Hi El,The vegan cheeses are made from soy.Even worse for most of us. Lynne

> Hi all,


> I was actually thinking of sheep cheese. I use it often and in all

> sorts of

> dishes. I can't do dairy but so far I'm OK with sheep and goat; I just

> find

> goat too strong a taste for me. I also like the vegan cheeses but I'm not

> sure if gluten is a factor in those. Regards, El


> _____


> From: rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> [mailto:rheumatic

> <mailto:rheumatic%40>] On Behalf

> Of Lynne and Santos

> Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 4:29 PM

> rheumatic <mailto:rheumatic%40>

> Subject: Re: rheumatic suggestions for pain?





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