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Congressional bill threatens Lupus & light sensitive patients

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....bill states common incandescent light bulbs will begin being

phased out by 2012...Fluorescent and halogen lights, due to the

ultraviolet rays that they emit, adversely affect many lupus

patients. ...Exposure to ultraviolet light can stimulate the immune

system, causing a " flare. " This " flare " can cause many complications

of the illness including kidney failure, intense physical pain,

neuropathy, migraines and a variety of other symptoms. ... In simple

terms this also means that if you don't have lupus the exposure to

ultraviolet light emitted by the new acceptable fluorescent light

bulbs can cause you to manifest lupus or related conditions. ...

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for gulf war syndrome & chronic fatigue syndrome

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Lupus International Urges Congress to Amend H.R. 6,

the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007


PR Web (press release) - Ferndale,WA,USA


(PRWEB) February 4, 2008 -- Lupus International recently issued the

following letter to their constituents nationwide:

Dear Lupus Awareness Advocate,

Congress recently passed and our President signed into law, H.R. 6,

the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. This bill states

common incandescent light bulbs will begin being phased out by 2012.

Congress has not considered all the ramifications of this bill, and

unfortunately it will adversely affect many Americans. Their health

and well-being will be compromised.

Forcing people to be energy conscientious at the expense of other's

good health is not constitutional and could create many legal issues

at the expense of taxpayers. The exemption provisions, which were

written into the bill, are too obtuse and inaccessible making it

impossible for most anyone to take advantage of them.

Fluorescent and halogen lights, due to the ultraviolet rays that they

emit, adversely affect many lupus patients. It is highly recommended

that patients wear sunscreen to prevent a potentially life

threatening " flare " of their condition. Lupus is an autoimmune

disease. Exposure to ultraviolet light can stimulate the immune

system, causing a " flare. " This " flare " can cause many complications

of the illness including kidney failure, intense physical pain,

neuropathy, migraines and a variety of other symptoms.

Exposure to ultraviolet light from fluorescent light bulbs, which are

the only viable alternative permitted by the bill, is truly asking a

great deal of someone in the sanctuary of ones own home, who is

constantly protecting themselves outside or in their work


Lupus International recognizes the importance of energy conservation.

However, our government put into law a bill that would essentially

make many Americans unhealthy.

According to the January 2008 issue of The New England Journal of

Medicine, candidate environmental triggers of SLE (systemic lupus

erythematosus) include ultraviolet light, demethylating drugs, and

infectious or endogenous viruses or viral-like elements.

In simple terms this also means that if you don't have lupus the

exposure to ultraviolet light emitted by the new acceptable

fluorescent light bulbs can cause you to manifest lupus or related


Lupus International at this time asks you to read statements from

candidates running in the presidential primaries. We asked each of

them what their position was on the new law. Here are the responses

from the candidates who are still running:

Democratic candidate Barack Obama supports updating federal lighting

efficiency standards to ensure that new lighting technologies are

phased into the marketplace. He supports legislation phasing out

traditional incandescent light bulbs, and would also support an

amendment to better protect those who would be medically adversely

affected by the elimination of traditional incandescent light bulbs.

Republican McCain, was not able to supply a formal statement,

however, his policy advisors indicated this is a concern and that he

is interested in protecting those affected by this bill.

Republican Ron , " I was not able to be in Washington when the

bill banning incandescent light bulbs was voted on; however, had I

been able to vote on this bill, I certainly would have voted no. As

president, I will work to repeal the ban on incandescent light bulbs.

If I am not able to gather sufficient support in Congress for a

repeal of the incandescent light bulb ban, my administration will

work with the Lupus International Foundation, and other parties

adversely affected by this outrageous, unconstitutional action by

Congress, to mitigate the harm done by the ban " .

Lupus International did not receive responses from Democrat Hillary

Clinton, Republican Mike Huckabee or Republican Mitt Romney.

All presidential primary candidates were contacted. Of those not

currently in the race, only Democrat expressed a

willingness to help and support this issue.

Please take the time to sign the Lupus International petition to get

the ENERGY AND INDEPENDENCE ACT OF 2007 AMENDED to make access and

economic alternatives realistic for lupus patients and others

affected by ultraviolet light.



Contact Information:

LUPUS INTERNATIONAL, Website: www.lupusinternational.org

17985 Sky Park Circle, Suite J, Irvine, CA 92614, Toll Free Tel:


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