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Re: Wiccan

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I didn't know anything about RA, but I did know how dangerous it was

to be taking the amount of pain medication that Mr Perfect was taking

every single day. It scared me to think that the future could only

mean more and more and more.

So, first off, eliminating all sources of stress, because I knew

that stress hormones do nasty things to the body.

Then eliminating sugar, black teas, tomatoes and all

other members of the bella donna family, all of which

cause inflamation.

The sugar subsitute we chose was Splenda.

I cut all of his pain pills in 1/2.

New rule was " NO PAIN " ... at the slightest

hint of pain he was to take only 1/2, and he

couldn't take another 1/2 for an hour. No more

letting it get worse and worse and worse untill

he had to take 2 or 3 pills at a time to make it

go away. If he was doing something that " might "

cause pain, he was to take 1/2 a pill immediately

before the pain started.

This sounds weird I know, but by stopping the pain before

it started he acutally did need less.

I had added MSM, (methylsulfonylmethane) solely for it's

ability to assist the pain medication to enter the cell

walls ... thinking less medicine doing more work.

So it was 1/2 a pain pill per each 1000 MSM pill.

It was later that I learned that MSM also reduces inflamation

and is involved in healing joints and reducing joint pain

on it's own.


Then I taught him meditation, trance work and ritual. (good

endomorphins do good things for the body)

Ours is a new relationship, only 8 months old, so there

was lots of cuddling and good feeling and loven to create

more good endomorphins.

Then we had to deal with the damage to his eyes, the huge amounts of

thick scar looking tissue on his arm,(from elbow to shoulder,

including both joints) the ulcers on his ankle, and

the many other nasty side effects of this disease.

I arranged for a real massage every month, and I gently rub in

Eucerine moisturinzing cream every evening. Added some long

impossible to remember named herbs and stuff for his leg (veinious

insufficency?)(pills, not to the cream) If you want to know what they

are, I can tell you on Tuesday (we travel on weekends and have the

travel bottles only with us.)

It was by checking to ensure that there was no side effects from this

stuff with his medications ... that I learned how devestating his

medications are.

That lead to figuring out what else was out there that might

at least reduce the amount of DMARDs he is on each week.

So, here we are, he only takes maybe 1 or 2 pain pills a week now,

sometimes none at all.

His eyes are totally healed, his leg is almost normal, the swelling in

his joints is barely noticable, though you can tell that it's there,

and the skin on his arm is also almost normal.

He's had a nasty flu for the last month or more, and hasn't taken any

of his DMARD's so that his immune system can deal with the flu, and

he hasn't had any relapse in any of the symptoms. (antihistimines are

also NSAID's, so that might have something to do with it.)

And he's finished his first week of Tetracycline on the pulse dosing

of 250mg 2x day MWF ... and we're waiting with bated breath for some

kind of noticable change.

He was tested at the beginning of the month, after 2 or 3 weeks with

no DMARD's, and we're hoping that the results are as good as his

November tests so that he can drop at least one of the DMARDs, at

least for now. The next scheduled tests are for the end of March, and

the doctor hasn't yet agreed to the AP Protocol tests, and as long as

she's working with the program we can wait.

You'll find your own Perfect person one day, as long as you

never give up the dream.



> Hi Witchy,


> As a matter of interest, what measures did you take to get Mr

Perfect off the pain pills ? I wish I had someone taking a greater

interest in my condition. He's lucky.


> Leonie (in Australia)



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