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RE: Diflucan Protocol and how it is working

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that is amazing! I have always taken Diflucan while on ap. I also take

nystatin. This is in addition to probiotics. I tried to tell anyone who I

talked to about antibiotic treatment that they need to take diflucan. Most

people including my own doctor refused to even think about it. I have a FFM

(friend for the moment) that was on ap and doing well until she switched

from minocin to doxycycline. She went downhill very fast. I suggested she do

diflucan and nystatin but her doc said she is not a subject for this drug as

she is in good health <groan>. She is now off ap and on one of those " other "

drugs. I don't think docs use antifungals often enough. They are so afraid

to harm the liver <duh>. What about the harm from those other drugs! Your

doctor actually listened to you and used his brain.

Anyway good for you and keep it up and you will be on the road to remission.



From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of refrivera

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:28 PM


Subject: rheumatic Diflucan Protocol and how it is working

Well, it has been quite a while since I posted, so let me give

everyone and update.

I was diagnosed with Polymyositis and Interstitial lung disease in

2004. I went on the Antibiotic Protocol not long after that thanks

to the information I found on this webgroup. I have been on

minocycline 100mg x2 daily and zythromax 500mg daily.

I was doing well, on my way to remission, tapering the prednisone,

then this mystery cough began about a year and a half ago. I cough

up phlegm. CPK's begin to rise. But the pulmonologist said it is not

a lung infection since there is no apparant change in my x-rays and

the cultures on the phlegm were negative. So, I go to the ENT. I

knew I had the deviated septum but he said that mucus was trapped

and not draining like it should, which caused a post-nasal drip and

that is the cause of the cough. So in Sept. 07, I underwent

endoscopic nasal surgery to correct the septum and open up the

inflamed sinuses. Everything seemed fine. My CPK's remained stable

at 1500+. A month after the surgery I had what I thought was another

sinus infection but a culture of the mucus revealed it was a sinus

yeast/staff infection. So I had to do a sinus irrigation of a

compounded solution of the equivalent to diflucan. That was when the

lightbulb hit. What if I had a systemic yeast infection? Then an

article circulated in the web group about an interview with a dr.

from Germany who put together a diflucan protocol for chronic Lyme

Disease. By the way, I still had the mystery cough after all is said

and done. Then over the holidays I started feeling terrible again so

I increased my prednisone from 13 mg per day to 15 mg per day until

I could see the rheumy again. With the information in hand, he

agreed to put me on the diflucan protocol and suspended the

minocycline as this antibiotic would be the one to cause a systemic

yeast infection. A baseline of my CPK was taken which I found out

last Friday was 3980 (no wonder I wasn't feeling well, I probably

was higher during the holidays). After 2 weeks on the diflucan (200

mg daily for 60 days to start with) I found out today that my CPK is

3356. And since I have been on the diflucan, I have been bringing up

a lot of phlegm as if I were on an expectorant. I also am no longer

short of breath as I was during the holidays. I have lots of energy

and even got back on the treadmill (lost 5 of the 10lbs I gained

over the holidays).

I will give everyone and update in a month after I have follow-up


Plainfield, NJ

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