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My error, glad you picked up on it. I meant to type Medicaid is paid by


He does most definitely for some of us because of the basis of our

philosophy, our morals. Enough said.

You are correct. There are many people who are working for 'the duty to

die' so we do not use up resources. It is a pity so many think nothing will

happen to them or they can't be bothered to become educated.

> Holy Father has nothing to do with this. Medicare is not paid for by

> taxes. The government takes almost $100.00 monthly from my meager Social

> Security check for medicare( I am retired) and another almost $100.00 from

> my husband's meager social security check monthly.( He is retired

> also).That adds up to about $2,400.00/per yr. and then add the co-pays at

> $20% of the total bill. That's another $5,000.00 + for a couple. We

> haven't even gotten to the Pharmacy yet! We fall well below the " poverty

> level income bracket. " How are we supposed to live? Point!

> Sick people are not supposed to live. They are supposed to hang on with

> expensive drugs until they give out, usually broke by then. Then we die

> and there's no money left for burial. Social Security gives the surviving

> relative a pittance. When my Dad died, I had to dispose of his body. I

> got a check for $10.00. That was a joke. It cost more than that to get

> his body from the hospital morgue to the crematorium. ( About 5 blocks

> away!) Go figure!----- This is not about politics, or religion, it's

> about health care and it pertains to all of us sick people. Can't push

> this one under the rug with any other label but " Health " We are feeling

> the brunt of it every day and we should talk about it. How else can we

> make changes?-----Dolores



> Congress and the Administration have single payer medical care paid for by

> we the taxpayers. Seems to work well for them LOL I do admit the VA does

> not always do so well for our veterans. Then there is Medicare for which

> we

> pay a portion and Medicare paid by taxes.

> I would think that everyone would want to see that all have some form of

> health care especially without making insurance companies wealthy. It is

> shameful that this country that is suppose to be so wealthy cannot

> provide,

> like other industrialized countries, for its citizens. Plus, have you seen

> our health stats! Atrocious.

> I understand, of course, that there are people who are more interested in

> gathering money than in the well-being of the population.

> As the Holy Father warned that capitalism can easily turn to greed.



>> Hi Gang! Geoff here.


>> We in the States are once again involved in our endless debate about

>> nationalized health care. Nationalized health care is when you make

>> everyone in the nation pay for your personal health care by taking the

>> money they earn through taxes. In order for nationalized health care,

>> also know as single-payer health care, to work, it is necessary to outlaw

>> private health care, meaning you give up your freedom to step outside the

>> national system. This is a video of how the Canadian system actually

>> works for their citizens. If you're a fan of this idea, or just curious,

>> it's worth the 5-min it takes to watch it.



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