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Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards quickly. Help please!

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I forgot to add that:

even though you dont HAVE ADDISONS....the same aspect sort of

applies....you have a deficiency of HC...where-as mine is totally

huge...yours is less dramatic...nevertheless the concept is the same.

if you're driving a vehicle 30 miles distance away...you still need

gas....whether or not you're going 60 MPH or 20 mph...you still need gas.

likewise if you have a deficiency of HC you still need it whether it's a

large amount or a small amount...you need to determine the most

advantageous amount for you yourself based on symptoms and cortisol saliva


C. Hunter

> Carolyn, I agree COMPLETELY!  I like my doc in some ways - he has no

> problem prescribing dessicated thyroid, believes in supplementing

> treatment with vitamins and minerals, and is open to labs that I request.

> That's how I even learned about the RT3 -- I added it to my own lab slip.


> Topamax and Phentermine combined are the components of the latest diet

> drug under trails - called Qnexa. I haven't found any details that say the

> combo helps with adrenal fatigue. Since this doc likes to work " outside of

> the box, " I think maybe he's just intrigued and wants to see the combo in

> action for himself.


> Just to clarify - I don't have s, just adrenal fatigue and low

> adrenal reserves per the diurnal cortisol test.


> The doc said he'd rather " fix the problem " with the drug combo rather than

> just give me HC to treat the low cortisol. I know -- he's completely on

> the wrong path. Unfortunately I've tried five different docs now to treat

> the adrenal fatigue and none of them were willing to even discuss the

> issue.


> On a side note - I just realized that I have access to prednolisone for my

> cat and could probably get some for myself.....   I read a piece on

> adrenal treatment at

> http://featherstone.bravehost.com/thyroid/peatfieldadrenal.html that says

> " The disadvantage of hydrocortisone is that it needs to be given 4 times a

> day to be fully effective. Some patients do as well, or better, on he

> widely used synthetic derivative, prednisolone. The equivalent dose of 20

> mg. of hydrocortisone id 5 mg. of prednisolone. " I wonder if this might be

> a viable option if I can't get a doc to prescribe?


> Thanks again for your note and your support!  It really helps.







>> From: keickholt13 <keickholt13@ comcast.net>

>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards

>> quickly. Help please!

>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com

>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 5:59 PM







>> Did the doc say how the heck those meds were supposed to make your

>> adrenals work again? I looked them up and I'm clueless on that one.


>> If the steroids suppressed your adrenals (and those hefty doses probably

>> did), you have to wean off or get very sick, which you are already

>> experiencing.


>> I know this is supposed to be mod week off for adrenal stuff, so I'm not

>> sure if Val will get to this right away. I just wanted to offer support.

>> Given your initial saliva labs and the fact you felt better on steroids,

>> you probably needed to be on HC anyway. But I am not qualified to say

>> how

>> much or what dosing based on your results.


>> To go on steroids without your doctor's help, you can try HC cream (OTC)

>> but HC online from sources, or order Isocort and just go by assumption

>> one

>> pellet is 1.5 mg hc. Unfortunately, I don't know how much to tell you

>> take

>> given that you were on all those steroids. But you could at least start

>> with the 20 mg dosing until someone else helps out.


>> Hang in there!!





>>> From: <artisticgroomer@ ...>

>>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards

>>> quickly. Help please!

>>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com

>>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:14 AM







>>> The only way I cna help with what oyu need is fr you to go 2 weeks

>>> wihtout ANY steroid and redo a saliva test. BUT form what I have seenin

>>> the past, wiht already weak adrenals then several HEFTY doses of strong

>>> steoids, and triamcinolone is WAY strogner than 4 times cortiosl, Here

>>> is a steroid converiosn tool, btu it says it si 5 times stronger than

>>> HC

>>> btu I have seen it listed as even stronger than that depoending on

>>> absorption.

>>> http://www.globalrp h.com/steroid. cgi

>>> At any rate you have been on hefty doses of steroids and as they wear

>>> down you are havign allergies show up, a sure sign of adrenals that

>>> crashed from the high steroid dosing. Now you nee dot go on steroids

>>> until they can regain strength or a LONG slow taper. Basically this is

>>> what we do to fix adrnals a taper that can last a couple years.


>>> --


>>> http://nthadrenalsw eb.org/

>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo

>>> rmonesADRENALS/

>>> http://faqhelp. webs.com/


>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

>>> http://www.thyroid- rt3.com/


>>> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

>>> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/





















> =2

C. Hunter

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Guest guest

I forgot to add that:

even though you dont HAVE ADDISONS....the same aspect sort of

applies....you have a deficiency of HC...where-as mine is totally

huge...yours is less dramatic...nevertheless the concept is the same.

if you're driving a vehicle 30 miles distance away...you still need

gas....whether or not you're going 60 MPH or 20 mph...you still need gas.

likewise if you have a deficiency of HC you still need it whether it's a

large amount or a small amount...you need to determine the most

advantageous amount for you yourself based on symptoms and cortisol saliva


C. Hunter

> Carolyn, I agree COMPLETELY!  I like my doc in some ways - he has no

> problem prescribing dessicated thyroid, believes in supplementing

> treatment with vitamins and minerals, and is open to labs that I request.

> That's how I even learned about the RT3 -- I added it to my own lab slip.


> Topamax and Phentermine combined are the components of the latest diet

> drug under trails - called Qnexa. I haven't found any details that say the

> combo helps with adrenal fatigue. Since this doc likes to work " outside of

> the box, " I think maybe he's just intrigued and wants to see the combo in

> action for himself.


> Just to clarify - I don't have s, just adrenal fatigue and low

> adrenal reserves per the diurnal cortisol test.


> The doc said he'd rather " fix the problem " with the drug combo rather than

> just give me HC to treat the low cortisol. I know -- he's completely on

> the wrong path. Unfortunately I've tried five different docs now to treat

> the adrenal fatigue and none of them were willing to even discuss the

> issue.


> On a side note - I just realized that I have access to prednolisone for my

> cat and could probably get some for myself.....   I read a piece on

> adrenal treatment at

> http://featherstone.bravehost.com/thyroid/peatfieldadrenal.html that says

> " The disadvantage of hydrocortisone is that it needs to be given 4 times a

> day to be fully effective. Some patients do as well, or better, on he

> widely used synthetic derivative, prednisolone. The equivalent dose of 20

> mg. of hydrocortisone id 5 mg. of prednisolone. " I wonder if this might be

> a viable option if I can't get a doc to prescribe?


> Thanks again for your note and your support!  It really helps.







>> From: keickholt13 <keickholt13@ comcast.net>

>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards

>> quickly. Help please!

>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com

>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 5:59 PM







>> Did the doc say how the heck those meds were supposed to make your

>> adrenals work again? I looked them up and I'm clueless on that one.


>> If the steroids suppressed your adrenals (and those hefty doses probably

>> did), you have to wean off or get very sick, which you are already

>> experiencing.


>> I know this is supposed to be mod week off for adrenal stuff, so I'm not

>> sure if Val will get to this right away. I just wanted to offer support.

>> Given your initial saliva labs and the fact you felt better on steroids,

>> you probably needed to be on HC anyway. But I am not qualified to say

>> how

>> much or what dosing based on your results.


>> To go on steroids without your doctor's help, you can try HC cream (OTC)

>> but HC online from sources, or order Isocort and just go by assumption

>> one

>> pellet is 1.5 mg hc. Unfortunately, I don't know how much to tell you

>> take

>> given that you were on all those steroids. But you could at least start

>> with the 20 mg dosing until someone else helps out.


>> Hang in there!!





>>> From: <artisticgroomer@ ...>

>>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards

>>> quickly. Help please!

>>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com

>>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:14 AM







>>> The only way I cna help with what oyu need is fr you to go 2 weeks

>>> wihtout ANY steroid and redo a saliva test. BUT form what I have seenin

>>> the past, wiht already weak adrenals then several HEFTY doses of strong

>>> steoids, and triamcinolone is WAY strogner than 4 times cortiosl, Here

>>> is a steroid converiosn tool, btu it says it si 5 times stronger than

>>> HC

>>> btu I have seen it listed as even stronger than that depoending on

>>> absorption.

>>> http://www.globalrp h.com/steroid. cgi

>>> At any rate you have been on hefty doses of steroids and as they wear

>>> down you are havign allergies show up, a sure sign of adrenals that

>>> crashed from the high steroid dosing. Now you nee dot go on steroids

>>> until they can regain strength or a LONG slow taper. Basically this is

>>> what we do to fix adrnals a taper that can last a couple years.


>>> --


>>> http://nthadrenalsw eb.org/

>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo

>>> rmonesADRENALS/

>>> http://faqhelp. webs.com/


>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/

>>> http://www.thyroid- rt3.com/


>>> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/

>>> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/





















> =2

C. Hunter

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Wow, Kitty. I just read your posts. You have quite a story!

Thanks for the link to the info on dosing with the cream. I'm hoping for a bit more info from Val and then I'm going to approach my doc to see if he'll give any help. If not, then it'll be on to the cream and self-treating.

Thanks again for your insight!

>>> From: carolyn Hunter <hunter10039@ infostations. com>> Subject: Re: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards> quickly. Help please!> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 6:13 PM>>> Â >>>> you said:>> "I read in 's "Adrenal Fatigue" book last night about steroids and> cortisol weakening adrenals,">> I remark:>> It doesnt actually weaken the adrenals...it just sort of puts them to> sleep, so to speak....and

your body got used to the higher dose you were> taking...and when you stopped suddenly...your adrenals were unable to wake> up completely.>> I feel that Dr did you a dis-service by cutting you off suddenly without> tapering off slowly.>> probably out of his/her ignorance?>> nevertheless you probably DO need HC...but how to get it ASAP? i dont know> unless you find one of those smart in-the-know type of drs nearby who can> help you???>> like the other person said, in a pinch you can drop by a pharmacy and get> OTC hydrocortisone creame to slather on your skin so it gets> absorbed.... but BE CAREFUL YOU SHOULD ONLY USE A TINY AMOUNT AND I DONT> REMEMBER HOW MUCH!!!!>> C. Hunter>>> Did the doc say how the heck those meds were supposed to make your>> adrenals work again? I looked them up and I'm clueless on

that one.>>>> If the steroids suppressed your adrenals (and those hefty doses probably>> did), you have to wean off or get very sick, which you are already>> experiencing.>>>> I know this is supposed to be mod week off for adrenal stuff, so I'm not>> sure if Val will get to this right away. I just wanted to offer support.>> Given your initial saliva labs and the fact you felt better on steroids,>> you probably needed to be on HC anyway. But I am not qualified to say>> how>> much or what dosing based on your results.>>>> To go on steroids without your doctor's help, you can try HC cream (OTC)>> but HC online from sources, or order Isocort and just go by assumption>> one>> pellet is 1.5 mg hc. Unfortunately, I don't know how much to tell you>> take>> given that you were on all

those steroids. But you could at least start>> with the 20 mg dosing until someone else helps out.>>>> Hang in there!!>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> From: <artisticgroomer@ ...>>>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards>>> quickly. Help please!>>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com>>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:14 AM>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> The only way I cna help with what oyu need is fr you to go 2 weeks>>> wihtout ANY steroid and redo a saliva test. BUT form what I have seenin>>> the past, wiht already weak adrenals then several HEFTY doses of strong>>> steoids, and triamcinolone is WAY strogner t>> han 4 times cortiosl, Here>>> is a steroid converiosn tool, btu it says

it si 5 times stronger than>>> HC>>> btu I have seen it listed as even stronger than that depoending on>>> absorption.>>> http://www.globalrp h.com/steroid. cgi>>> At any rate you have been on hefty doses of steroids and as they wear>>> down you are havign allergies show up, a sure sign of adrenals that>>> crashed from the high steroid dosing. Now you nee dot go on steroids>>> until they can regain strength or a LONG slow taper. Basically this is>>> what we do to fix adrnals a taper that can last a couple years.>>>>>> -->>> >>> http://nthadrenalsw eb.org/>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo>>>

rmonesADRENALS/>>> http://faqhelp. webs.com/>>>>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/>>> http://www.thyroid- rt3.com/>>>>>> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/>>> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =2C. Hunter

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Wow, Kitty. I just read your posts. You have quite a story!

Thanks for the link to the info on dosing with the cream. I'm hoping for a bit more info from Val and then I'm going to approach my doc to see if he'll give any help. If not, then it'll be on to the cream and self-treating.

Thanks again for your insight!

>>> From: carolyn Hunter <hunter10039@ infostations. com>> Subject: Re: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards> quickly. Help please!> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 6:13 PM>>> Â >>>> you said:>> "I read in 's "Adrenal Fatigue" book last night about steroids and> cortisol weakening adrenals,">> I remark:>> It doesnt actually weaken the adrenals...it just sort of puts them to> sleep, so to speak....and

your body got used to the higher dose you were> taking...and when you stopped suddenly...your adrenals were unable to wake> up completely.>> I feel that Dr did you a dis-service by cutting you off suddenly without> tapering off slowly.>> probably out of his/her ignorance?>> nevertheless you probably DO need HC...but how to get it ASAP? i dont know> unless you find one of those smart in-the-know type of drs nearby who can> help you???>> like the other person said, in a pinch you can drop by a pharmacy and get> OTC hydrocortisone creame to slather on your skin so it gets> absorbed.... but BE CAREFUL YOU SHOULD ONLY USE A TINY AMOUNT AND I DONT> REMEMBER HOW MUCH!!!!>> C. Hunter>>> Did the doc say how the heck those meds were supposed to make your>> adrenals work again? I looked them up and I'm clueless on

that one.>>>> If the steroids suppressed your adrenals (and those hefty doses probably>> did), you have to wean off or get very sick, which you are already>> experiencing.>>>> I know this is supposed to be mod week off for adrenal stuff, so I'm not>> sure if Val will get to this right away. I just wanted to offer support.>> Given your initial saliva labs and the fact you felt better on steroids,>> you probably needed to be on HC anyway. But I am not qualified to say>> how>> much or what dosing based on your results.>>>> To go on steroids without your doctor's help, you can try HC cream (OTC)>> but HC online from sources, or order Isocort and just go by assumption>> one>> pellet is 1.5 mg hc. Unfortunately, I don't know how much to tell you>> take>> given that you were on all

those steroids. But you could at least start>> with the 20 mg dosing until someone else helps out.>>>> Hang in there!!>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> From: <artisticgroomer@ ...>>>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards>>> quickly. Help please!>>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com>>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:14 AM>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> The only way I cna help with what oyu need is fr you to go 2 weeks>>> wihtout ANY steroid and redo a saliva test. BUT form what I have seenin>>> the past, wiht already weak adrenals then several HEFTY doses of strong>>> steoids, and triamcinolone is WAY strogner t>> han 4 times cortiosl, Here>>> is a steroid converiosn tool, btu it says

it si 5 times stronger than>>> HC>>> btu I have seen it listed as even stronger than that depoending on>>> absorption.>>> http://www.globalrp h.com/steroid. cgi>>> At any rate you have been on hefty doses of steroids and as they wear>>> down you are havign allergies show up, a sure sign of adrenals that>>> crashed from the high steroid dosing. Now you nee dot go on steroids>>> until they can regain strength or a LONG slow taper. Basically this is>>> what we do to fix adrnals a taper that can last a couple years.>>>>>> -->>> >>> http://nthadrenalsw eb.org/>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo>>>

rmonesADRENALS/>>> http://faqhelp. webs.com/>>>>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/>>> http://www.thyroid- rt3.com/>>>>>> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/>>> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =2C. Hunter

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Hehe... my story feels never ending... I have given up on docs... I actually feel better in 2 months than I have in a few years with the help of the girls here so self treating isn't so bad! I hope the cream helps :D I never was able to try it since almost all of them have ingredients I can't have. Please feel free to ask any questions :D


To: RT3_T3 Sent: Wed, April 21, 2010 9:34:36 PMSubject: Re: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards quickly. Help please!

Wow, Kitty. I just read your posts. You have quite a story!

Thanks for the link to the info on dosing with the cream. I'm hoping for a bit more info from Val and then I'm going to approach my doc to see if he'll give any help. If not, then it'll be on to the cream and self-treating.

Thanks again for your insight!


From: carolyn Hunter <hunter10039@ infostations. com>> Subject: Re: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards> quickly. Help please!> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 6:13 PM>>> Â >>>> you said:>> "I read in 's "Adrenal Fatigue" book last night about steroids and> cortisol weakening adrenals,">> I remark:>> It doesnt actually weaken the adrenals...it just sort of puts them to> sleep, so to speak....and your body got used to the higher dose you were> taking...and when you stopped suddenly...your adrenals were unable to

wake> up completely.>> I feel that Dr did you a dis-service by cutting you off suddenly without> tapering off slowly.>> probably out of his/her ignorance?>> nevertheless you probably DO need HC...but how to get it ASAP? i dont know> unless you find one of those smart in-the-know type of drs nearby who can> help you???>> like the other person said, in a pinch you can drop by a pharmacy and get> OTC hydrocortisone creame to slather on your skin so it gets> absorbed.... but BE CAREFUL YOU SHOULD ONLY USE A TINY AMOUNT AND I DONT> REMEMBER HOW MUCH!!!!>> C. Hunter>>> Did the doc say how the heck those meds were supposed to make your>> adrenals work again? I looked them up and I'm clueless on that one.>>>> If the steroids suppressed your adrenals (and those hefty doses probably>> did),

you have to wean off or get very sick, which you are already>> experiencing.>>>> I know this is supposed to be mod week off for adrenal stuff, so I'm not>> sure if Val will get to this right away. I just wanted to offer support.>> Given your initial saliva labs and the fact you felt better on steroids,>> you probably needed to be on HC anyway. But I am not qualified to say>> how>> much or what dosing based on your results.>>>> To go on steroids without your doctor's help, you can try HC cream (OTC)>> but HC online from sources, or order Isocort and just go by assumption>> one>> pellet is 1.5 mg hc. Unfortunately, I don't know how much to tell you>> take>> given that you were on all those steroids. But you could at least start>> with the 20 mg dosing until someone else helps

out.>>>> Hang in there!!>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> From: <artisticgroomer@ ...>>>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards>>> quickly. Help please!>>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com>>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:14 AM>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> The only way I cna help with what oyu need is fr you to go 2 weeks>>> wihtout ANY steroid and redo a saliva test. BUT form what I have seenin>>> the past, wiht already weak adrenals then several HEFTY doses of strong>>> steoids, and triamcinolone is WAY strogner t>> han 4 times cortiosl, Here>>> is a steroid converiosn tool, btu it says it si 5 times stronger than>>> HC>>> btu I have seen it listed as even stronger than

that depoending on>>> absorption.>>> http://www.globalrp h.com/steroid. cgi>>> At any rate you have been on hefty doses of steroids and as they wear>>> down you are havign allergies show up, a sure sign of adrenals that>>> crashed from the high steroid dosing. Now you nee dot go on steroids>>> until they can regain strength or a LONG slow taper. Basically this is>>> what we do to fix adrnals a taper that can last a couple years.>>>>>> -->>> >>> http://nthadrenalsw eb.org/>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo>>> rmonesADRENALS/>>> http://faqhelp. webs.com/>>>>>> http://health./ groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/>>> http://www.thyroid- rt3.com/>>>>>> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/>>> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =2C. Hunter

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Guest guest

Hehe... my story feels never ending... I have given up on docs... I actually feel better in 2 months than I have in a few years with the help of the girls here so self treating isn't so bad! I hope the cream helps :D I never was able to try it since almost all of them have ingredients I can't have. Please feel free to ask any questions :D


To: RT3_T3 Sent: Wed, April 21, 2010 9:34:36 PMSubject: Re: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards quickly. Help please!

Wow, Kitty. I just read your posts. You have quite a story!

Thanks for the link to the info on dosing with the cream. I'm hoping for a bit more info from Val and then I'm going to approach my doc to see if he'll give any help. If not, then it'll be on to the cream and self-treating.

Thanks again for your insight!


From: carolyn Hunter <hunter10039@ infostations. com>> Subject: Re: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards> quickly. Help please!> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 6:13 PM>>> Â >>>> you said:>> "I read in 's "Adrenal Fatigue" book last night about steroids and> cortisol weakening adrenals,">> I remark:>> It doesnt actually weaken the adrenals...it just sort of puts them to> sleep, so to speak....and your body got used to the higher dose you were> taking...and when you stopped suddenly...your adrenals were unable to

wake> up completely.>> I feel that Dr did you a dis-service by cutting you off suddenly without> tapering off slowly.>> probably out of his/her ignorance?>> nevertheless you probably DO need HC...but how to get it ASAP? i dont know> unless you find one of those smart in-the-know type of drs nearby who can> help you???>> like the other person said, in a pinch you can drop by a pharmacy and get> OTC hydrocortisone creame to slather on your skin so it gets> absorbed.... but BE CAREFUL YOU SHOULD ONLY USE A TINY AMOUNT AND I DONT> REMEMBER HOW MUCH!!!!>> C. Hunter>>> Did the doc say how the heck those meds were supposed to make your>> adrenals work again? I looked them up and I'm clueless on that one.>>>> If the steroids suppressed your adrenals (and those hefty doses probably>> did),

you have to wean off or get very sick, which you are already>> experiencing.>>>> I know this is supposed to be mod week off for adrenal stuff, so I'm not>> sure if Val will get to this right away. I just wanted to offer support.>> Given your initial saliva labs and the fact you felt better on steroids,>> you probably needed to be on HC anyway. But I am not qualified to say>> how>> much or what dosing based on your results.>>>> To go on steroids without your doctor's help, you can try HC cream (OTC)>> but HC online from sources, or order Isocort and just go by assumption>> one>> pellet is 1.5 mg hc. Unfortunately, I don't know how much to tell you>> take>> given that you were on all those steroids. But you could at least start>> with the 20 mg dosing until someone else helps

out.>>>> Hang in there!!>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> From: <artisticgroomer@ ...>>>> Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards>>> quickly. Help please!>>> To: RT3_T3yahoogroups (DOT) com>>> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:14 AM>>>>>>>>>  >>>>>>>>>>>> The only way I cna help with what oyu need is fr you to go 2 weeks>>> wihtout ANY steroid and redo a saliva test. BUT form what I have seenin>>> the past, wiht already weak adrenals then several HEFTY doses of strong>>> steoids, and triamcinolone is WAY strogner t>> han 4 times cortiosl, Here>>> is a steroid converiosn tool, btu it says it si 5 times stronger than>>> HC>>> btu I have seen it listed as even stronger than

that depoending on>>> absorption.>>> http://www.globalrp h.com/steroid. cgi>>> At any rate you have been on hefty doses of steroids and as they wear>>> down you are havign allergies show up, a sure sign of adrenals that>>> crashed from the high steroid dosing. Now you nee dot go on steroids>>> until they can regain strength or a LONG slow taper. Basically this is>>> what we do to fix adrnals a taper that can last a couple years.>>>>>> -->>> >>> http://nthadrenalsw eb.org/>>> http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo>>> rmonesADRENALS/>>> http://faqhelp. webs.com/>>>>>> http://health./ groups.yahoo. com/group/ RT3_T3/>>> http://www.thyroid- rt3.com/>>>>>> http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HypoPets/>>> http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =2C. Hunter

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Hi Guys,

Did someone post a link to how much HC cream to dose with? I can't find it.

And, I have a similar question as another poster here---If your cortisol levels

are showing up as BOTH high and low, (mine are HIGH in morning, NORMAL in noon,

and LOW in night levels) then do you need HC support, and if so, do you just

take Isocort during lowish levels like at noo and early evening? My TOTAL

cortisol via both 24 hr urine and saliva are in the mid normal range---so over

24 hours I am not producing too much or too little cortisol, but my adrenals and

HPA axis must be weak??. Very confusing how to treat.

THANKS for help!!



> I need some help figuring out what do to next in my treatment. Over the last

six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I

believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a

severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I

can feel my awful symptoms coming back.


> Here's the background:


> In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was

at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in

five doses of 25 mcg each.


> I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around

4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal

at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low

adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to

take Phentermine and Topamax...).


> I had surgery on March 9 and was given a stress dose of cortisol by the

anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a

difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in

spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.


> Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment,

which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose

pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide

cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this

cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.


> Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me

a steroid (cortisol) shot.


> Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no

fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.


> It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid shot. On Friday I realized my

ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb

the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed

until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo

symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using

the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued

my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.


> I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.


> What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need

to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my

T3 dose again?


> I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my

surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.


> Thanks,



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Guest guest

Hi Guys,

Did someone post a link to how much HC cream to dose with? I can't find it.

And, I have a similar question as another poster here---If your cortisol levels

are showing up as BOTH high and low, (mine are HIGH in morning, NORMAL in noon,

and LOW in night levels) then do you need HC support, and if so, do you just

take Isocort during lowish levels like at noo and early evening? My TOTAL

cortisol via both 24 hr urine and saliva are in the mid normal range---so over

24 hours I am not producing too much or too little cortisol, but my adrenals and

HPA axis must be weak??. Very confusing how to treat.

THANKS for help!!



> I need some help figuring out what do to next in my treatment. Over the last

six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I

believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a

severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I

can feel my awful symptoms coming back.


> Here's the background:


> In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was

at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in

five doses of 25 mcg each.


> I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around

4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal

at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low

adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to

take Phentermine and Topamax...).


> I had surgery on March 9 and was given a stress dose of cortisol by the

anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a

difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in

spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.


> Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment,

which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose

pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide

cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this

cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.


> Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me

a steroid (cortisol) shot.


> Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no

fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.


> It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid shot. On Friday I realized my

ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb

the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed

until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo

symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using

the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued

my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.


> I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.


> What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need

to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my

T3 dose again?


> I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my

surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.


> Thanks,



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Guest guest

PS--I have really high RT3, and want to get adrenals happy before starting T3


Thanks again for the help


> I need some help figuring out what do to next in my treatment. Over the last

six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I

believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a

severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I

can feel my awful symptoms coming back.


> Here's the background:


> In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was

at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in

five doses of 25 mcg each.


> I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around

4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal

at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low

adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to

take Phentermine and Topamax...).


> I had surgery on March 9 and was given a stress dose of cortisol by the

anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a

difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in

spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.


> Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment,

which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose

pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide

cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this

cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.


> Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me

a steroid (cortisol) shot.


> Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no

fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.


> It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid shot. On Friday I realized my

ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb

the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed

until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo

symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using

the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued

my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.


> I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.


> What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need

to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my

T3 dose again?


> I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my

surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.


> Thanks,



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Guest guest

PS--I have really high RT3, and want to get adrenals happy before starting T3


Thanks again for the help


> I need some help figuring out what do to next in my treatment. Over the last

six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I

believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a

severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I

can feel my awful symptoms coming back.


> Here's the background:


> In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was

at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in

five doses of 25 mcg each.


> I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around

4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal

at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low

adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to

take Phentermine and Topamax...).


> I had surgery on March 9 and was given a stress dose of cortisol by the

anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a

difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in

spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.


> Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment,

which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose

pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide

cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this

cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.


> Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me

a steroid (cortisol) shot.


> Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no

fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.


> It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid shot. On Friday I realized my

ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb

the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed

until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo

symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using

the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued

my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.


> I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.


> What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need

to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my

T3 dose again?


> I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my

surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.


> Thanks,



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Guest guest

PS--I have really high RT3, and want to get adrenals happy before starting T3


Thanks again for the help


> I need some help figuring out what do to next in my treatment. Over the last

six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I

believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a

severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I

can feel my awful symptoms coming back.


> Here's the background:


> In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was

at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in

five doses of 25 mcg each.


> I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around

4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal

at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low

adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to

take Phentermine and Topamax...).


> I had surgery on March 9 and was given a stress dose of cortisol by the

anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a

difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in

spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.


> Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment,

which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose

pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide

cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this

cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.


> Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me

a steroid (cortisol) shot.


> Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no

fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.


> It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid shot. On Friday I realized my

ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb

the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed

until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo

symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using

the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued

my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.


> I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.


> What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need

to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my

T3 dose again?


> I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my

surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.


> Thanks,



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Guest guest

You may want to post this to the adrenals board rather than the RT3 board.

Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards quickly. Help please!To: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, April 23, 2010, 10:37 AM

Hi Guys,Did someone post a link to how much HC cream to dose with? I can't find it.And, I have a similar question as another poster here---If your cortisol levels are showing up as BOTH high and low, (mine are HIGH in morning, NORMAL in noon, and LOW in night levels) then do you need HC support, and if so, do you just take Isocort during lowish levels like at noo and early evening? My TOTAL cortisol via both 24 hr urine and saliva are in the mid normal range---so over 24 hours I am not producing too much or too little cortisol, but my adrenals and HPA axis must be weak??. Very confusing how to treat.THANKS for help!!Kate>> I need some help figuring out what do to next

in my treatment. Over the last six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I can feel my awful symptoms coming back.> > Here's the background:> > In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in five doses of 25 mcg each.> > I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around 4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to take Phentermine and Topamax...).> > I had surgery on March 9 and was

given a stress dose of cortisol by the anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.> > Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment, which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.> > Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me a steroid (cortisol) shot.> > Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.> > It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid

shot. On Friday I realized my ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.> > I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.> > What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my T3 dose again?> > I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.> > Thanks,>


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Guest guest

You may want to post this to the adrenals board rather than the RT3 board.

Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards quickly. Help please!To: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, April 23, 2010, 10:37 AM

Hi Guys,Did someone post a link to how much HC cream to dose with? I can't find it.And, I have a similar question as another poster here---If your cortisol levels are showing up as BOTH high and low, (mine are HIGH in morning, NORMAL in noon, and LOW in night levels) then do you need HC support, and if so, do you just take Isocort during lowish levels like at noo and early evening? My TOTAL cortisol via both 24 hr urine and saliva are in the mid normal range---so over 24 hours I am not producing too much or too little cortisol, but my adrenals and HPA axis must be weak??. Very confusing how to treat.THANKS for help!!Kate>> I need some help figuring out what do to next

in my treatment. Over the last six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I can feel my awful symptoms coming back.> > Here's the background:> > In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in five doses of 25 mcg each.> > I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around 4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to take Phentermine and Topamax...).> > I had surgery on March 9 and was

given a stress dose of cortisol by the anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.> > Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment, which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.> > Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me a steroid (cortisol) shot.> > Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.> > It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid

shot. On Friday I realized my ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.> > I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.> > What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my T3 dose again?> > I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.> > Thanks,>


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Guest guest

You may want to post this to the adrenals board rather than the RT3 board.

Subject: Re: Cortisol/Medrol - WOW - now sliding backwards quickly. Help please!To: RT3_T3 Date: Friday, April 23, 2010, 10:37 AM

Hi Guys,Did someone post a link to how much HC cream to dose with? I can't find it.And, I have a similar question as another poster here---If your cortisol levels are showing up as BOTH high and low, (mine are HIGH in morning, NORMAL in noon, and LOW in night levels) then do you need HC support, and if so, do you just take Isocort during lowish levels like at noo and early evening? My TOTAL cortisol via both 24 hr urine and saliva are in the mid normal range---so over 24 hours I am not producing too much or too little cortisol, but my adrenals and HPA axis must be weak??. Very confusing how to treat.THANKS for help!!Kate>> I need some help figuring out what do to next

in my treatment. Over the last six weeks I saw an incredible improvement in my health - amazing, really. I believe the improvement was due to several cortisol/steroids prescribed for a severe allergic reaction - but I'm no longer on those meds. Since last Friday I can feel my awful symptoms coming back.> > Here's the background:> > In early January I started on T3-only therapy to clear high RT3. (My RT3 was at 434 with a ratio of 8.5.) I'm up to a daily dose of 125 mcg Cytomel, taken in five doses of 25 mcg each.> > I did my saliva cortisol test in late February. Morning cortisol was at around 4.5 (mid-way in the range), dropping through the day until it was below normal at the last sample of the day. The ZRT report indicated adrenal fatigue and low adrenal reserve. I tried to get HC from my doc without success (he wanted me to take Phentermine and Topamax...).> > I had surgery on March 9 and was

given a stress dose of cortisol by the anesthesiologist (thanks to advice I got on the adrenals board). Wow, what a difference. I came out of surgery feeling better than I had felt in months, in spite of the fact that I had just experienced major surgery.> > Then... I had a severe allergic reaction to my surgical compression garment, which I have to wear 24/7 for several weeks. My doc prescribed a Medrol dose pack, followed by a second dose pack. He also prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide cream that was rubbed over 75% of my body for nearly 2 weeks - I understand this cream is 4x stronger than HC cream.> > Then I had an episode of what was thought to be sun poisoning. The doc gave me a steroid (cortisol) shot.> > Through all of this, I found myself feeling completely WELL! No more pain, no fatigue, no brain fog. I lost 25 pounds. I felt great.> > It has now been about 2 weeks since the steroid

shot. On Friday I realized my ankles and knees were hurting. By Saturday I realized that it was hard to climb the stairs. By Sunday I was fatigued, had no appetite, didn't feel ready for bed until around 4 a.m. each night, and gained five pounds. I can feel my hypo symptoms coming back with a vengeance, and frankly I'm scared. I've tried using the Triamcinolone Acetonide cream in doses throughout the day and I've continued my T3 meds, but I'm still falling backwards.> > I see my endo tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.> > What do I need at this point? Do I need a prescription for cortisol? Do I need to do Isocort? Do I need to just continue the cream I'm on and start bumping my T3 dose again?> > I really don't want to fall back into the darkness where I was before my surgery. Any help that you can give would be a gift from heaven for me.> > Thanks,>


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