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<< Using H2O2 as a mouthwash can cause the mouth to feel a little sore if


leave it in too long, so some adjustment needs to be made for each

individual. >>

<<I just want to add that Dr advises not to do that if you have


fillings or other metals in your mouth.


I have Dr. 's book (The Cure For All Diseases, or whatever). I have a

Zapper. I've done the liver flushes with wondrous results. But I don't

agree with everything that Dr. writes or says. In fact, I don't agree

with a great deal of what she says. Dr. s who recommends the H2O2

mouth wash also recommends removal of mercury fillings in his newsletters.

But he doesn't set any limits on the H2O2 mouth wash. s along with

several other physicians has many years of hands on experience with H2O2 and

ozone therapy. He also publishes lots of testimonials by those who have

used oral H2O2 therapy and gives advice on how to use it that way. (He

refuses to endorse oral ingestion of H2O2 because he doesn't wish to be sued

by someone who misuses it.) He also points out that the coffee we drink

(some of us anyway) contains H2O2 and he extols the virtues of drinking

coffee. I rather shy away from some of the ways in which s presents

his material, but he has several years of personal experience with dramatic

healing using H2O2 (including parasites). Often times Dr. makes off

the top of her head statements. I applaud her for her tenacious pursuit of

alternative healing techniques and I agree with some of it, but that doesn't

make her every statement and recommendation true.

Jim B

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  • 3 years later...

I, as well, use a food grade peroxide in H2O orally and in enema's to help in

my fight against ovarian cancer. I started out with 10 drops in 8oz for a

nearly a week and worked up to 15, I thought I was superwoman and did that 2c in


day and had some uncomfortable feelings at the post operative site so backed

off for a week and then started back with 6-8 drops in the AM orally and now

do 4-6 drops in four oz of H2O in an implant at night when I go to sleep. My

oxygen saturation at last check was 98%. This is good.

Stay well and BE happy,

" To come to be what you are not, you must go by a way in which you are not. "

St. of the Cross




> > ROY H.

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  • 11 months later...

I am in Tennessee. I purchased mine from the local health food store. The brand

I purchased was oxy tech. They have a web site where you can look up local


Check out the website at


For info on H202 check out

www.curezone.com/art/read.asp?ID=73 & db=5 & C0=843

I also just realized I could be using a diluted solution of the 3% h202 as a

nasal spray.

I'm going to give it a try and let you know. how it works.

Good luck


ms sunshine <fickle37@...> wrote:

ron wrote: H202! Whoa does it work

May I ask where you bought it from?




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  • 1 year later...


Have you tried taking Gaba as well for the depression? So sorry you are going

through this.

Cary Cross <caryjean33@...> wrote:

Hi, Bee.

I bought the H202 and this morning I put two drops straight from the bottle into

16 ounces of water. Then tonight I thought I had better find out for sure how

much to take.

Am I correct that I should mix one ounce of the 35% into 15 ozs. of water, then

from this solution I should add one drop to 5 ozs of water, then gradually

increase it? I did not feel ANY different this morning that is why I thought

maybe I had not added enough. I have been tired all day and craving coffee and

sugar very badly, but other than that I do not feel any different. I thought

this stuff would energize me, that is why I bought it. I need energy so badly,

and I am suffering from depression and OCD so badly I want to bawl all the time.

Thank you for your time, I just want to make sure I read it right.



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What is Gaba, I have not heard of it before? Thanks, Cary

beanzie@... wrote: Cary,

Have you tried taking Gaba as well for the depression? So sorry you are going

through this.

Cary Cross <caryjean33@...> wrote:

Hi, Bee.

I bought the H202 and this morning I put two drops straight from the bottle into

16 ounces of water. Then tonight I thought I had better find out for sure how

much to take.

Am I correct that I should mix one ounce of the 35% into 15 ozs. of water, then

from this solution I should add one drop to 5 ozs of water, then gradually

increase it? I did not feel ANY different this morning that is why I thought

maybe I had not added enough. I have been tired all day and craving coffee and

sugar very badly, but other than that I do not feel any different. I thought

this stuff would energize me, that is why I bought it. I need energy so badly,

and I am suffering from depression and OCD so badly I want to bawl all the time.

Thank you for your time, I just want to make sure I read it right.



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This one is good: http://store.thecatalog.com/0087.html

Cary Cross <caryjean33@...> wrote: What is Gaba, I have not heard

of it before? Thanks, Cary

beanzie@... wrote: Cary,

Have you tried taking Gaba as well for the depression? So sorry you are going

through this.

Cary Cross <caryjean33@...> wrote:

Hi, Bee.

I bought the H202 and this morning I put two drops straight from the bottle into

16 ounces of water. Then tonight I thought I had better find out for sure how

much to take.

Am I correct that I should mix one ounce of the 35% into 15 ozs. of water, then

from this solution I should add one drop to 5 ozs of water, then gradually

increase it? I did not feel ANY different this morning that is why I thought

maybe I had not added enough. I have been tired all day and craving coffee and

sugar very badly, but other than that I do not feel any different. I thought

this stuff would energize me, that is why I bought it. I need energy so badly,

and I am suffering from depression and OCD so badly I want to bawl all the time.

Thank you for your time, I just want to make sure I read it right.



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> Hi, Bee.


> I bought the H202 and this morning I put two drops straight from

the bottle into 16 ounces of water. Then tonight I thought I had

better find out for sure how much to take.


> Am I correct that I should mix one ounce of the 35% into 15 ozs.

of water, then from this solution I should add one drop to 5 ozs of

water, then gradually increase it?

==>I don't know off the top of my head what the exact measurements

are. Doublecheck the H202 article.

> I did not feel ANY different this morning that is why I thought

maybe I had not added enough. I have been tired all day and craving

coffee and sugar very badly, but other than that I do not feel any

different. I thought this stuff would energize me, that is why I

bought it. I need energy so badly, and I am suffering from

depression and OCD so badly I want to bawl all the time.

==>You cannot expect immediate results, and DO NOT take more than the

recommended amount. More is definitely not better!!!! You cannot

expect H202 to energize you my dear. It kills candida so the toxins

candida puts out will increase causing you more die-off symptoms.

For help with depression you need to ensure you are taking enough

Omega 3, cal/mag, vitamin E, etc. as well as other things. See this

article on Depression:


I hope that helps,


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  • 1 year later...


> Here I am again today. I have another question. Is it okay to use

regular H202 in the humidifier? I would have to drive about 50 miles

in bad weather to get the food grade H202.

==>Mz Violet. Because of your husband's condition I would use the

food grade H202 only. But until the weather clears up you can put

oil of oregano, clove oil or something similar in the humidifier. He

should also be taking megadoses of vitamin C. Vitamin C actually

stimulates the body to make H202! Interesting eh?


> I must tell you Bee, my husband is really feeling much better

within 4 hours of having the humidifier on. I had enough food grade

H202 for 3 gallons of mist. I started the diluted food grade drops


==>That's marvelous!!


> I am experimenting with my hair and so far what I have done is to

dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a bit of water and pour it in my

hair after shampooing. I don't rinse it out. My hair hasn't looked

this good in years! It has body and is not limp. I will wait to see

if the soda dries out my hair after a few times of this treatment.

==>Wow, that sounds great!


> Today was dear little Abby's ninth birthday. I wanted to join in

the ice cream so I made some fake cream and flavored it with lemon.

Instead of ice cubes I threw in some cubes of full strength lemon

juice. I squeeze and freeze them. It was absolutely delicious!

Everyone indulged in a treat and even Grandma was able to be included.

==>My you are a very clever Grandma for sure! Well done Violet.


> Again, many thanks Bee. My health and countenance is so much

better since I have been on your eating plan.

> From my grateful heart to yours,

==>Awe shucks Violet. You are always so very welcome. You are a

great student!

From my happy heart to yours, Bee

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