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Re: getting pregnant with RA?

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I have developed RA after my first child and now on AP. I wonder if anyone got

pregnant after being on AP? can you share your stories, how did you feel after

the delivery? is it safe to get pregnant after being on AP? and what should i

take during pregnancy if i decide to get pregnant? my doctor suggested that I

should not have any more children as he is thinking that with a 2nd child the RA

can get worse. any comments on that?

thank you

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I too developed RA after the birth of my first child. 6 months post partum

was my first flare and I wasn't diagnosed until 10 months post partum. I

would love to hear more about your specific story and situation? Are you

sero negative or do you have the factor? Did you display ANY symptoms prior

to pregnancy and birth that you didn't realize was RA. For instance, I had

an elbow that had bothered me on and off for about 3-4 years before becoming

pregnant and flaring post partum. It was the worst joint when my flare came

on and helped led to my diagnosis since I eventually got an MRI which showed

synovial inflammation. I was then recommended to a Rheumy

yadda yadda. HOw long after you were diagnosed did it take for you to begin

AP? Did you experience remission? Where you on any other drugs prior to or

during AP?

I am currently pregnant with my 2nd child (due in 5 weeks!) and in between

#1 and #2 I did not know about AP, but I did not take the heavy hitter

drugs. I took some prednisone, mobic and plaquenil. I was miserable during

this past winter, but we were trying for baby #2 so I knew I couldn't go on

anything. I am sure it's safe to get pregnant AFTER AP, just not during.

Not sure if there would be a waiting period once you stop AP before you

start trying? That's a question for your Dr. During this pregnancy I have

done extremely well. In fact, I am in remission and only taking 100mg of

plaquenil. I started off the pregnancy taking low doses of prednisone as

needed. Some days it was 5mg others 2.5..eventually I cut it out completely

by week 20 or so. My high risk OB and Rheumy all said low dose prednisone

is perfectly safe, as is plaquenil. I haven't felt this good in a long

time. Makes me nervous for after baby. I can keep in touch and let you

know how it goes. I do plan on starting AP once I get my first flare. I

want to breastfeed, otherwise I would start it up right away.

My Dr. suggested if I want to have a third, we should have them back to back

possibly before the next flare. Not sure that's the route we will take.

Just taking 1 baby at a time.

I look forward to hearing from you!


On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:30 AM, XD <xeniya777@...> wrote:



> I have developed RA after my first child and now on AP. I wonder if anyone

> got pregnant after being on AP? can you share your stories, how did you feel

> after the delivery? is it safe to get pregnant after being on AP? and what

> should i take during pregnancy if i decide to get pregnant? my doctor

> suggested that I should not have any more children as he is thinking that

> with a 2nd child the RA can get worse. any comments on that?

> thank you



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Hello Carey,

thank you for responding to my email. I remember into my 3rd trimester i started

having a weird hip pain , but i thought at that time that my hips are widening

for the baby, so i am not sure if it was related to RA or my body was preparing

for the delivery?? I was always fit, very active, noone in my family ever had

RA, it is all very new to me and my family. My symptoms started after 3 months i

delivered my 1st child, it kind of happened overnight, i woke up and could not

get up, especially my feet hurt, it was like walking on marbles. My Rhematoid

Factor was very high like 280. It has been a bit over 2 years now since i was

diagnosed and beeing on AP is the first time i started slowly feeling like

normal again, not 100% yet but i am hoping for it...During these miserable 2

years i was on plaquenol as well and various diets, natural remedies. I was

refusing to try any biologics or Methotrexate.  I have started the Antibiotic

Treatment 6 months ago, on

a 50mg dose every other day, just a week ago i have increased it up to a 100mg

every day and also i go and get an IV antibiotic every months now ( it will be

my 2nd one), i feel much better, more energy and less pain and swellowing.  My

Rh. Factor is down to 51 now. Also i am trying the diet: eliminate wheat and

gluten and maybe diery, but have hard time staying consistent with it. I have

met few people who are not on AP treatment and did great only on the strict


Please keep me posted and let me know how you are doing.



> I have developed RA after my first child and now on AP. I wonder if anyone

> got pregnant after being on AP? can you share your stories, how did you feel

> after the delivery? is it safe to get pregnant after being on AP? and what

> should i take during pregnancy if i decide to get pregnant? my doctor

> suggested that I should not have any more children as he is thinking that

> with a 2nd child the RA can get worse. any comments on that?

> thank you



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