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In a message dated 10/17/2001 2:03:19 PM Central Daylight Time,

angelodd13@... writes:

> i've tried kava kava and it didn't help at all

I have tried kava and valerian root, for insomnia, but neither has helped.

Someone suggested SAM-e, and said it was the only thing that worked for her.

I haven't tried it tho. BTW, my cats love valerian root...its more powerful

than catnip in arousing them (I used to have to hide my herbs or my cat would

salivate over the entire bag of them when valerian was present...even in a



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Try deep breathing for the panic attacks, i use to have them before there was

a name for them & after numerous hospital trips which of course they did

nothing! i had them in the middle of the night & would take 3 deep breaths

tell my body to relax and keep repeating this till they were gone. one Dr.

did tell me if you bear down like your having a bowel movement that slows

down your heart beat also. they will get less and less as the yeast leaves

the body. Mog

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In a message dated 10/17/2001 5:22:35 PM Central Daylight Time,

ruthannreul@... writes:

> Annette try a natural progesterome cream it does wonders for insomnia

Went that route, and wish I could say it was successful :(


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I also think that when you change your diet and your not medicating your

body with sugar you have to deal with your emotions in another way,

sometimes I found that I had feelings come up that I perhaps would have

quelled with sugar.


At 15:35 17/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:

> > 2. has anyone had

> > these, panic attacks, as a symptom and did they go away with the diet

> > and anti-fungals

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I have found that taking a balanced amino acid complex has helped my nerves

and helps me get to sleep better.

I have been taking Advanced Greens (found at any health food store-online or

offline). Also I am taking spirulina...it has amino acids.

I know twinlab makes Amino Fuel...but the liquid has sucrose, so the pill

form does not have sugar....but it can be more expensive. Look around and

see what you can find in the pill form.

Spirulina and the advanced greens has helped me. Advanced Greens is a green

food/grass supplement.


Sorry I haven't posted...haven't been on the computer much these days.

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I wanted to ditto the advice about the potassium. I

had determined I needed more, but not because of my

fast heartbeat that comes sometimes with a hard time

staying well oxygenated. I was thinking I needed it

because of the muscle fatigue -- however, I think it

makes PERFECT SENSE that it will ease that symptom as


It is important to get rid of the die-off -- enemas

are great for that -- but PROBIOTICS -- ALWAYS after

an enema and even along the way. Remember, that which

kills candida can kill the good stuff too!

Take extra supplements. I think that could have

helped my hard times more if I would have been into

doubling my supplements. I am doubling them now --

being SURE to take my omega-3 fatty acids -- they make

me feel better!

Pay CLOSE attention to your body and study yourself

and that which is known about this horrific

overgrowth. NEVER, EVER, EVER GIVE UP!!! You can

lick this mess -- we ALL CAN!

God bless you!

Carolyn :)

--- angelodd13@... wrote:

> first of all, thanks to everyone who has answered my

> questions, i

> really appreciate it. sorry to monopolise the board,

> but i have yet

> another question. i have been on the diet for a

> little over a week

> and one of my worst symptoms is panic attacks, i'm

> wondering if 1.

> are your symptoms supposed to get worse before they

> get better (today

> has been an especially hard day with my panic) and

> 2. has anyone had

> these, panic attacks, as a symptom and did they go

> away with the diet

> and anti-fungals. Can anyone recommend anything for

> me to take to

> help get calm these down while i'm fighting the

> candida? i have paxil

> but don't want to take it because of the withdraw

> horror stories, i

> also have xanax but don't want to take it because of

> the same

> reasons. i've tried kava kava and it didn't help at

> all.


> thanks everyone!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Bob,

Just thought I'd jump in here...I think exercise is hugely important, if you are

just getting started

again, you don't want to overdo it, but it helps with depression, bolsters your

immune system,

strengthens your cardiovascular system, builds bone density, and will improve

your overall health. I

have had Hep c for 11 years and work out 6 days a week, somedays I am tireder

than others so I walk

instead of run. I've also started doing yoga which has been very helpful.

Good lluck\


bpopapump8@... wrote:

> Several members have e-mailed me with help full information.have a

> question doyou excercise?Yesterday I went to the gym and lifted with

> one of my old weight training partners and I felt good afterward, Did

> not push hard but got a good woorkout.Is this a good thing?

> Thanks again for the information and kindness

> Bob




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--- bpopapump8@... wrote:

I felt

> good afterward, Did

> not push hard but got a good woorkout.Is this a good

> thing?

Yes, this is a GREAT thing. Just work out at your own

pace, and drink lots of fluids.



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Not seeing the hepatolgist until nov 12 th now .Will know what to ask and

will get copies of everthing .Have gone on a very healthy diet,taking the

right vitamins.Feel like I am on the right track thanks to all of your advice

and Web sites that the warriors have recomended.

Very fortunate to have found you all,thank you so much

Bob G.

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There is no way any blood test can determine that you

are a fibrosis stage of 3 or 4. Only a biopsy can

determine the amount of fibrosis in your liver. There

are blood tests that can give some indication that the

liver is not functioning well. These are NOT the liver

function tests we commonly speak of, the ALT and AST.

Those tests indicate some sort of damage/inflammation

is going on in the liver, although other organs will

secrete those same enzymes, especailly the AST, but

they do NOT indicate how much actual damage has

occurred. However, tests for albumin, bilirubin and

PT, when out of normal ranges, may indicate that the

liver is no longer functioning optimally. They MIGHT

indicate cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is the name of a

disease, not what degree of fibrosis level your liver

has reached. There are many things to look at, not

just blood tests. However, many people don't feel sick

until they reach the stage called 'decompensated

cirrhosis', (meaning the liver can no longer

compensate for damage that has occurred), also known

as 'end-stage'. At this point usually the only option

is to have a liver transplant. Ideally you want to

find out, and treat, BEFORE this happens. Transplant

is not a cure for HCV. There is a 100% reinfection

rate of the new liver. It's possible your doctor is

looking at many different things, including your blood

tests, and feels that you may already have cirrhosis,

but I would definitely ask him further questions on

this, determine exactly what he means, and what he is

going by. I always suggest that everyone get and keep

copies of all their lab tests so you can review them



--- bpopapump8@... wrote:

> if i am in this stage 3 to 4 cirrhosis/per a blood

> test ,how come I don't

> feel terrible ?



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YES<YES< YES! Regular exercise helps remove toxins and the fat from your

liver, be smart, workout with light weights, but do so regularly..peace,


[ ] thanks

Several members have e-mailed me with help full information.have a

question doyou excercise?Yesterday I went to the gym and lifted with

one of my old weight training partners and I felt good afterward, Did

not push hard but got a good woorkout.Is this a good thing?

Thanks again for the information and kindness


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  • 3 months later...

Dear All:

Thanks for all your well wishes. I'm feeling a little better today. No

fever. Still with some pain though. Had to stay up late tonight to finish

" homework " that didn't get done yesterday. " Drugged out of my tube. "

Couldn't take pain meds today. Had to much work to do. Again thanks. I'm

going to bed now.

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  • 1 month later...
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Keep a close eye on the tender abdomen,internal inflamation. hasnt

experianced that I know of but his friend has.Its the splean or something.Good

luck. Becki and 3systemic

W and C Price wrote:

> Thanks to all that responded to me. n is 13 with systemic JRA. When

> her arthritis is acting up she gets a sore throat, headache, sometimes

> tender abdomen, and achiness. Her arthritis has never really settled in one

> particular joint-it moves all over. The backs of her legs can really bother

> her, and sometimes her knees. She gets lots of pain, but usually little

> swelling. This morning her wrists really hurt her. Her rash is much more

> prevalent this last month. It is all over her legs and on her hands and

> between her fingers-but only appears in the evening. I have an appt. for

> April 30th for another ped. rheumy in town. He was trained at the U. of

> Cincinnatti which does alot of research on JRA. We will see what he says.

> Thanks,


> _________________________________________________________________

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That is great ! Hopefully this rheumy can do a little bit more than the

other. Gentle hugs to n..hope she feels better.

Good luck


From: " W and C Price " <immasche@...>


Subject: thanks

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:40:01 -0700

Thanks to all that responded to me. n is 13 with systemic JRA. When

her arthritis is acting up she gets a sore throat, headache, sometimes

tender abdomen, and achiness. Her arthritis has never really settled in one

particular joint-it moves all over. The backs of her legs can really bother

her, and sometimes her knees. She gets lots of pain, but usually little

swelling. This morning her wrists really hurt her. Her rash is much more

prevalent this last month. It is all over her legs and on her hands and

between her fingers-but only appears in the evening. I have an appt. for

April 30th for another ped. rheumy in town. He was trained at the U. of

Cincinnatti which does alot of research on JRA. We will see what he says.



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During Rob's second hospitalization in the early diagnostic stages his abdomen

was very swollen and tender - his liver and spleen were both enlarged - so it

does need to be watched. Take care!


Rob's Mom (4,systemic)

In a message dated Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:26:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Allan

Larson <alarson1@...> writes:

>Keep a close eye on the tender abdomen,internal inflamation. hasnt

>experianced that I know of but his friend has.Its the splean or something.Good

>luck.   Becki and 3systemic


>W and C Price wrote:


>> Thanks to all that responded to me.  n is 13 with systemic JRA.  When

>> her arthritis is acting up she gets a sore throat, headache, sometimes

>> tender abdomen, and achiness.  Her arthritis has never really settled in one

>> particular joint-it moves all over.  The backs of her legs can really bother

>> her, and sometimes her knees.  She gets lots of pain, but usually little

>> swelling.  This morning her wrists really hurt her.  Her rash is much more

>> prevalent this last month.  It is all over her legs and on her hands and

>> between her fingers-but only appears in the evening.  I have an appt. for

>> April 30th for another ped. rheumy in town.  He was trained at the U. of

>> Cincinnatti which does alot of research on JRA.  We will see what he says.

>> Thanks,


>> _________________________________________________________________

>> Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

>> http://www.hotmail.com






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  • 2 weeks later...
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LOL.... Sorry for laughing, but your emails are very funny to me.

I am not " gifted in writing " to explain " thrush " but it is candidiasis of the

tongue. You would see your tongue turn white and it gives a very yuky taste

in your mouth.

I don't believe there is a " condom " (snicker) for protection of the

" tongue " ... I could be wrong though! I'm sure someone here might have

something to add to this " dilemma " and I would be SO GRATEFUL to pass this

info to my partner... I cannot imagine a life " without " .... you know....


How DARE this " yeast " control our lives like this.... DAMN IT!

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In case you came in after the last discussion of this... candidiasis

is sexually transmittable. Depending on the nature of your

relationship, you and your unsympathetic S.O. could be (re)infecting

each other!

(now she'll REALLY think you've lost it! lol)

(BTW, I doubt the insensitivity is intentional... it just doesn't dawn

on people that common things are difficult for us candida-ites!)

It is imperative that you use barrier protection for the foreseeable

future... basically FOREVER if she won't get checked and take any

necessary measures for whatever infection she may have. If she

happens to be on " the pill " , she is probably a walking fungus farm.

(been there, done that)

In considering when to use protection, don't forget that one of the

manifestations of candidiasis is ORAL thrush... 'nuff said.

Keep up the sense of humor, too -- it'll be your salvation on dark



> Well I would like to thank you all for your responses. The links


> very helpful as well. I feel a little strange here as it seems I am

> one of the few, if any, men in this forum. Do not really care

> though.


> I am starting my second week on this crazy diet and it is not too


> so far. Yesterday I was feeling a little agitated but I am ok

> today. It does not help to be living with one of the people that

> thinks I am nuts. She won't admit to it but I know she thinks I am

> going off the deep end. I think she is trying to either test me or

> torture me. I was dealing with some MAJOR cravings yesterday and


> she could watch on the TV was the flippin cooking channel. Just my

> friggin luck, you know. I wanted to spend a little " quality time "

> with her as I had not seen her much this week and that is what I

> get. I had to watch that Emmeril (sp) character " Bam " ing up a

> gourmet batch of apple crisp. WHY NOT STICK A HOT POKER IN MY EYE

> INSTEAD!!!!! I love apple crisp. (pathetic whimper) I could have

> got up and walked away but I was transfixed. I could not move. It

> was almost like watching a burning building. You know you should

> just walk away but you can't. It also did not help that she was in

> cuddle mode and I could not have gotten away if I had tried. I now

> call that stupid channel the demon spawned torture channel from

> Hell. oops sorry to go off on a rant.


> My main problem is that I have not felt any " die off " symptoms. I


> pretty healthy other than this stupid yeast thing and I exercise

> fanatically. Could that be why? Or is mine possibly so bad that the

> die off period has not happened yet and it is just waiting to pommel

> me later. It sounds like some of you have gone through some pretty

> scary die off symptoms. I really hope mine came and gone and I just

> did not notice it.


> OH I can not wait to kick this.




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This may show off my medical ignorance but I am a bit confused. I

could look this up but I am in the middle of a report that is due

tomorrow. What is Thrush???

Oh and yes she is on the pill so it is possible she is infected but

in order to get reinfected I guess we would have to have sex. That

does not seem to be a big threat in our relationship so far.

(Grumble) How long does it take before you can be considered a

virgin again???? Our schedules are so insane... hers being the

worse. Once every 6 months or so is about our record. Well I guess

condom costs are not going to break me.

I seriously doubt if she will ever get checked. She does not think

like me at all when it comes to matters of nutrition and health. She

feels that if it were such a big problem that the doctors would know

about it and inform her of it...blah blah blah. I wish I knew of a

doctor that believed and or knew of this kind of condition. I would

take her.....if she would go. Heck I can not even get her to see a

chiropractor for her bad back. I know, I know, there is a heck of a

lot of trust and open mindedness in this relationship. Something

else I have to consider I guess.


> In case you came in after the last discussion of this... candidiasis

> is sexually transmittable. Depending on the nature of your

> relationship, you and your unsympathetic S.O. could be (re)infecting

> each other!


> (now she'll REALLY think you've lost it! lol)

> (BTW, I doubt the insensitivity is intentional... it just doesn't


> on people that common things are difficult for us candida-ites!)


> It is imperative that you use barrier protection for the foreseeable

> future... basically FOREVER if she won't get checked and take any

> necessary measures for whatever infection she may have. If she

> happens to be on " the pill " , she is probably a walking fungus farm.

> (been there, done that)


> In considering when to use protection, don't forget that one of the

> manifestations of candidiasis is ORAL thrush... 'nuff said.


> Keep up the sense of humor, too -- it'll be your salvation on dark

> days.




> Thanks



> > Well I would like to thank you all for your responses. The links

> are

> > very helpful as well. I feel a little strange here as it seems I


> > one of the few, if any, men in this forum. Do not really care

> > though.

> >

> > I am starting my second week on this crazy diet and it is not too

> bad

> > so far. Yesterday I was feeling a little agitated but I am ok

> > today. It does not help to be living with one of the people that

> > thinks I am nuts. She won't admit to it but I know she thinks I


> > going off the deep end. I think she is trying to either test me


> > torture me. I was dealing with some MAJOR cravings yesterday and

> all

> > she could watch on the TV was the flippin cooking channel. Just


> > friggin luck, you know. I wanted to spend a little " quality time "

> > with her as I had not seen her much this week and that is what I

> > get. I had to watch that Emmeril (sp) character " Bam " ing up a

> > gourmet batch of apple crisp. WHY NOT STICK A HOT POKER IN MY EYE

> > INSTEAD!!!!! I love apple crisp. (pathetic whimper) I could have

> > got up and walked away but I was transfixed. I could not move.


> > was almost like watching a burning building. You know you should

> > just walk away but you can't. It also did not help that she was


> > cuddle mode and I could not have gotten away if I had tried. I


> > call that stupid channel the demon spawned torture channel from

> > Hell. oops sorry to go off on a rant.

> >

> > My main problem is that I have not felt any " die off " symptoms. I

> am

> > pretty healthy other than this stupid yeast thing and I exercise

> > fanatically. Could that be why? Or is mine possibly so bad that


> > die off period has not happened yet and it is just waiting to


> > me later. It sounds like some of you have gone through some


> > scary die off symptoms. I really hope mine came and gone and I


> > did not notice it.

> >

> > OH I can not wait to kick this.

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...
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Tami..thank you for being apart of this family..I have enjoyed your post..it has gotten pretty crazy with the posts but it seems to have slowed down a little..lol! That is great that is doing better..you take care and have a wonderful summer...hope to see ya again some time..


From: "tskiemel"

Reply- Subject: Thanks Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 15:26:09 -0000

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say good-bye. I feel like I can't keep up with all the posts and is doing so well, that I feel I really don't have any help to give to you and your little ones. I pray for you all daily, and will continue to do so!

Thank you Robbin for your wonderful words when was experiencing such "hatred" towards herself. She is really feeling much better emotionally, as well as physically!

I will check in occassionally, but for now I can't keep up. The girls are done with school and summer has officially begun ... trying to keep up with the posts keeps me on the computer way too long, and my attention should be with my girls and enjoy the time I have with them.

Thank you again for this wonderful support group!

Tami & 11 pauci

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Good luck and have a great summer Tami and girls! I can fully understand trying to keep up with post lately lol, Been hard for me as well. keep us updated on 's progress and Even just pop in to say HI if you can :):):):)Tree:):):):) JRA VET C0-Leader/Tres. FACES Facing arthritis with Compassion,Encouragement and Support Thanks Hi Everyone,I just wanted to say good-bye. I feel like I can't keep up with allthe posts and is doing so well, that I feel I really don't haveany help to give to you and your little ones. I pray for you alldaily, and will continue to do so!Thank you Robbin for your wonderful words when was experiencingsuch "hatred" towards herself. She is really feeling much betteremotionally, as well as physically!I will check in occassionally, but for now I can't keep up. Thegirls are done with school and summer has officially begun ... tryingto keep up with the posts keeps me on the computer way too long, andmy attention should be with my girls and enjoy the time I have withthem.Thank you again for this wonderful support group!Tami & 11 pauci

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  • 1 month later...
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Personally, I would get on whatever treatment I could

first. They are both the same, just different drug

companies. I don't know how long it takes to get to a

new stage but I personally wouldn't take any chances.

Treatment isn't fun but it's not THAT bad.


--- mbeg20202 <bestweb20@...> wrote:

> Thanks Sharon, & Terry for responding to me

> with your kind

> words.


> Today I have a headache from trying to absorb all

> this. I just

> found out that I have Stage 3 Fibrosis which was

> diagnosed 19 months

> ago and no one ever told me.


> Does anyone know how long it takes to get from Stage

> 3 to Stage 4

> which I believe is cirroses (can't spell this and

> never want to

> learn).


> I have a new doctor's appt in August (someone I hope

> with a bedside

> manner) - so far the last two had absolutely no

> emotions. Then I

> have an appointment with the head of the University

> of Miami and

> then over to the Shands Hospital (affiliated with

> University of

> Floria).


> Since my timeframes will be later this year I was

> wondering if it

> would be worth waiting for the new Pegasys or taking

> the present

> Pegalated therapy on the market now? Has anyone

> heard anything

> about the new therapy, Pegasys?


> Thanks again for all of your help.


> Maxine Begonja




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Maxine if it was me, I would start the Peg now. See if that works, when the new stuff come's out. Later you could talk with your Doctor about switching. My thoughts are anything that might beet this dragon I will do it.


mbeg20202 <bestweb20@...> wrote: Thanks Sharon, & Terry for responding to me with your kind words.Today I have a headache from trying to absorb all this. I just found out that I have Stage 3 Fibrosis which was diagnosed 19 months ago and no one ever told me.Does anyone know how long it takes to get from Stage 3 to Stage 4 which I believe is cirroses (can't spell this and never want to learn).I have a new doctor's appt in August (someone I hope with a bedside manner) - so far the last two had absolutely no emotions. Then I have an appointment with the head of the University of Miami and then over to the Shands Hospital (affiliated with University of Floria). Since my timeframes will be later this year I was wondering if it would be worth waiting for the new Pegasys or taking the present Pegalated therapy on the market now? Has anyone heard anything about the new therapy, Pegasys?Thanks again for all of your help.Maxine Begonja

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