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Re: Four arthritis drugs get stronger FDA warning

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I had an awful fungus infection after being on Remicade. What's more the

doctor thought I had lymphoma as well--another side effect. Horrible stuff.

I'm sorry I was on it as long as I was. It's a way for doctor's to get rich

at $5,000+ per infusion.


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Dolores and Mike,


you need to read the warning for this medications. Now I know why I had the

fungal infections last year and beginning this year, and my rheumatologist wants

me to get back on them. NO WAY. I think I just don't get back to her again.



From: katz60nm <mpkatz@...>

Subject: rheumatic Four arthritis drugs get stronger FDA warning


Date: Friday, September 5, 2008, 11:39 AM

this was on CNN news today

http://www.cnn. com/2008/ HEALTH/09/ 04/fda.arthritis .ap/index. html

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Thank you to whomever send this e-mail. My rheumy never told me that this could

happen but now I know why I have been so sick for so long. I also have a fungal

infection from the Enbrel. Maybe I should contact the FDA. I am now on the AP

program and getting better.



From: katz60nm <mpkatz@...>

Subject: rheumatic Four arthritis drugs get stronger FDA warning


Date: Friday, September 5, 2008, 11:39 AM

this was on CNN news today

http://www.cnn. com/2008/ HEALTH/09/ 04/fda.arthritis .ap/index. html

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It's all over the news today.  I was the one who refused these meds when they

first prescribed them  to me.  I went seeking for an alternative and then I

found Lynne G. who led me to A/P.  I never used those drugs and that is why I

made such a great recovery.  I've been telling peopld not to take those drugs

for 3 years and now they have proven why the pharmeceutical push this stuff just

to make money.  They woo the doctors with dinners, lunches, gifts and samples

just so they could make a fortune on keeping sick people sicker.  I hate to say,

" I told you so to everybody, but yes---I have been saying all along that these

drugs they give to arthritics are toxic.  And the further insult is that they

are not pulling them off the shelves, they are just putting a warning on those

pieces of paper that come with the drug.  You know, the ones that nobody reads

because they complicate them with model drawings and big words to confuse the

consumer.  Best

to stay away from all those drugs and just take the antibiotics, antifungals,

when needed and a probiotic when needed.  The rest, as far as I am concerned,

can go into the garbage.  Take care and have a great day.  Hope you haven't

developed histoplasmosis from taking any of those drugs.  Get tested.  The best

to you, Dolores & Mike

From: katz60nm <mpkatzlaplaza (DOT) org>

Subject: rheumatic Four arthritis drugs get stronger FDA warning

rheumatic@grou ps.com

Date: Friday, September 5, 2008, 11:39 AM

this was on CNN news today

http://www.cnn. com/2008/ HEALTH/09/ 04/fda.arthritis .ap/index. html

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