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for those who suffer from Magellions (sp)

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Two Morgellon's Articles

In response to our inquiry last week, one member sent us this testimonial

(immediately below) which was posted on a site. After that one,

we offer a post by a naturopath, Dr. Gwen , regarding the grape juice

test. It is easier than using red wine.

A Solution to Morgellon's

I have been a Morgellon's sufferer for over ten years. Recently, I

discovered, quite by accident, something that is literally making it

disappear from my body. I have experimented with various super baths,

filling the tub with hot water and putting in things like lemons, baking

soda, dish detergent, laundry detergent, alcohol, etc.

Well, one day about four months ago, I was filling the bath, and I was

pretty dirty from housecleaning, so I put some Sun powdered laundry

detergent with colorsafe bleach into

the water, just a tad, because it really cleans the skin. Anyway, I left the

bathroom for a minute or two and heard a crash that sounded like one of my

cats getting into something.

When I returned nothing seemed amiss, so I slid into the water for a soak.

Everything seemed normal until the bubbles parted, and I got the sight of a

Morgellon's sufferer's lifetime dream: those black and grey specks migrating

out of my skin as fast as they could in droves from every square inch of my


And even as I saw that, I also noticed several large oblong things

" dissolving " in the bottom of the tub. I picked one up, and it was an

alfalfa tablet. Then I noticed the bottle

on the counter next to the tub was overturned, and about 25 of them had

fallen into the water! They were the cause of the migration of all things

Morgellon out of my skin in a fantastic migration for about an hour! Brown

flecks, black specks, fibers, white patches of fibers drifted off the

surface of my

skin like No Problema, see ya later, something I had never been able to

accomplish with any other topical agent. The mighty alfalfa has since

conquered Morgellon's in my body. The scabs are gone, the fibers are

history, the patches of fibers are all taped to a piece of wax paper and

about to be sent off to a research lab that has requested them.

I am sending you my testimonial in hopes that other sufferers will at least

know some relief from the scourge of the skin. Dandelion, the Flame Point

Siamese cat, must be credited with this miraculous discovery. He is only

three years old, but he's a hero to his long-suffering Mommy!

I've done a little research on the mighty alfalfa, and apparently it creates

an alkaline environment in the body in which things like cancer and other

diseases cannot survive.

So, taking it internally can only be a good thing, also; but it's the baths

that made all the difference in the world for me. I also tried putting St.

s Wort in the bath along with it, with even better results. And for some

reason, using the Sun powdered laundry detergent with colorsafe bleach also

helps facilitate the migration of the specks.

God, I really hope this helps even one person as it has helped me. It has

cleared up my symptoms so completely that I kept forgetting to post this

information on the Morgellon's websites! Thank you to God for this

wonderful, freak discovery! Please spread this information far

and wide.


Note: The primary ingredient in this discovery was the laundry detergent

with color-safe bleach. The bleach is an oxidizer similar to MMS. The boost

from the alfalfa is not easily understood but clearly was helpful.

Nano-bodies carried in the blood stream would be perfect targets for

chlorine dioxide gas to destroy, so a four-drop dose of MMS taken internally

would be a perfect compliment for this bathing process. Note also that MMS

can be used in swimming pools and also safely in a bath tub. MMS is a water

purifier first and foremost. For a tub one might mix a 40 drop dose of MMS

for bathing (not drinking).

Grape Juice Test for Morgellon's Update

Well over a year ago I had a bad toothache. The pain was getting to be more

than I could handle, so I went into prayer, asking for help. The answer was

immediate and clear. Wash your mouth with red wine. It seemed odd to me, but

I did it. When I spit into the sink, I couldn't believe my eyes. In the sink

were hundreds of " fibers. "

I called Clifford Carnicom (www.carnicom.com <http://www.carnicom.com/> )

and asked him to come quickly with a camera. The photos he took are posted

on his website under the Morgellon's Research section. Not soon after a

gentleman contacted us and told us he was a recovering alcoholic and didn't

want to put any alcohol in his mouth. He wanted to know if there was another

agent that would work. I tested most brands of conventional and organic

grape juice as it seemed the most logical possibility. The conventional

grape juices produced almost nothing. All had one or more additives. Also,

the grapes had been sprayed. However, when I tested the organic juices, I

started to see some real results. Some produced more " fibers " than others,

but all generated good results.

Currently, Knudsen's Just Concord seems to be the best, but that could

change. It is very important to note that organic grape juice " pulls " many

more fibers than does red wine. Both work, but the juice is much more

effective. We called it a test so that everyone, in the privacy of their own

homes, could see if they had Morgellon's disease. Everyone Clifford and I

asked to swish their mouths produced " fibers. " We found that vigorous

swishing for about 10-15 seconds at least 8-10 times always produced

" fibers. "

It became clear to me at this time that the " test " was actually a pretty

good therapy for getting rid of these unwanted " fibers. " I began to do this

therapy with the grape juice twice a day and have continued to this moment

in time . . . and I still produce enormous amounts of material. In fact, as

time goes on, production increases as I continue to break down the " network "

in my mouth, chin, gums, face, sinuses, nose, neck etc. It seems to draw,

through the mouth, from all of these areas. I do not myself, nor do I

recommend, adding anything to the grape juice. Some additives will dilute

its effectiveness, while others are aggressive and can upset the balance of

good bacteria in your mouth.

After the therapy it is very important to wash your mouth thoroughly. I

rinse at least three or four times with water, I scrape my tongue at least

twice (you will find debris clinging to the tongue,) and finally rinse again

with Colloidal Silver. I keep rinsing until I see nothing at all (small

seeds, mature or immature " fibers, " etc.)

This brings me to a very important observation. (The sink or bowl you spit

in should be white.)It isn't just mature fibers you can see when you spit

the grape juice out. If you look closely (microscopes work is best, but you

can use a magnifying glass), you will see very small black seeds, immature,

or very small fibers, partially mature, fully mature, as well as clumps, or

masses of adult fibers, clinging together. It seems to me this will provide

a very good sample of the many stages of development these pseudo-life-forms

go through for the interested scientist.

I have also noticed that with the fibers, we are extracting saliva,

polymers, and grape juice. The polymer is slippery, has small iridescent

bubbles, and is the medium that carries the fibers up and out of the gums

and teeth. Every time I do the therapy I see the self-replicating polymer

come out with the fiber material. They are interconnected. It may be that

the fibers use this material to self-replicate or reproduce. We have seen

their plastic nature under the microscope many times.

So, this therapy also seems to off-load the polymer as well which is good .

.. . we don't need it in our blood, organs, etc., I am pulling them out of my

arms everyday and am able to closely observe their behavior. They are very

tough, magnetic, and feel plastic. We also know from Mr. Carnicom's work

that these " fibers " have an internal filament that carries pathogens. Most

of the fibers appear dark on my arms, but lately I have also observed clear,

white fibers as well. They have the same behavior and shape as the dark

ones, but appear as natural hair. I have looked at the hair on the arms of

my friends and clients, and we find the same fiber-optic looking " hairs " on


Dr. Mike Castle says they may serve as a sending and receiving system. He

says tests with Morgellon's patients indicate a common frequency, similar to

that of a radio telescope. Obviously, more research on this whole complex

syndrome is needed.

A new and important finding: in my first paper I mention Dr. Milewski's

work with magnetite and water. I have been studying the effects of the

magnetized water on myself as well as my plants. My plants are responding

unbelievably well. All are growing and flowering beyond expectation. My body

is detoxifying much faster. Read Dr.

<http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/hudson/ormusgas.htm> Milewski's findings for

the scientific data and where to get the best magnetite.

Recently Dr. Mike Castle suggested putting the grape juice on the magnetite

in the same manner as the water (leaving it on the magnetite for three days,

spinning clockwise once a day.) I did this and then did my mouth-swishing

therapy. It doubled, at least, the production of fibers and polymer. Since

the fibers are magnetic, perhaps they are drawn toward the magnetic water

and grape juice. Dr. Castle and Dr. Milewski recommend drinking the

magnetized grape juice as an " energy drink " as well. Makes perfect sense as

we know these " fibers " are not just in our head region, but systemic (see

Blood Work on www.carnicom.com <http://www.carnicom.com/> .) Please share

this information with everyone, particularly your health care practitioner

and your dentist. I will update you as new information comes to Light. -

Gwen , N.D <http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=146395>

Water Purification Drops

<http://www.globallight.net/Water-Transformation_75.html> (formerly MMS)

Colloidal Silver


Australia / New Zealand

Water Purification Drops


Colloidal Silver


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