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Your Dr is right. If those platelets go below 50,000 they will stop

treatment. Lowering the dosage should help bring them back up a bit.

They still could just level off at a low rate also. Mine always

hovered between 50,000 and 70,000.

With you being a genotype 2 you do have an excellent chance at

getting rid of that virus!! Sounds like your Dr is on top of it. With

your genotype you should only have to do treatment for 6 months too.

Getting a copy of your file is a smart move. I think everyone should

have copies of everything that happens to them so they can keep on

top of whats going on and make informed decisions.

Hang in there Jeff and let us know how you are doing!


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  • 8 months later...

Hi Alice,

I wasn't trying to be sneaky or anything!! LOL Just a lot of

'heavy' stuff to do before I was put on lifting restrictions + trying

to tie up loose ends at work and family obligations- just not much

time to post!

I'm definitely looking forward to activation day. I've been

struggling with this for only 2+ years and my hearing had really

cratered in the past 8 months or so. Should be a interesting

comparison between natural hearing and artifical hearing.



> Well - you certainly are the quiet one. Congratulations on your

> surgery Thursday. Sorry the hot soup bothered you tonight but this

> will soon be a distant memory as you join us in the world of


> It's amazing how fast we forget.


> Alice




> > Happy you're feeling better. I know exactly how you feel because

> I had ci surgery on Thursday. Take a little while to get moving

> again! Jeff>

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Hi Jeff,

The side effects are not BS, but I have to say.....Dr's prescribe the meds

because we are there looking for help. I don't think they just prescribe them

like candy...especially to people not looking for them. We go to the Dr.

looking for help....and that is the way they can help. And of course we have a

choice to take them or not. My life would not be the same without meds so I am

thankful for them.

I am not looking for an argument...just wanted to put my .02 in!

>>>My concern is the way these meds are perscribed....like candy! My

Doctor thinks all the negative publicity is BS, but I am not so

sure. The big question is what is the worse of 2 evils.....the

illness, or the treatment. I would hate to find out in a few years

that any medication I have taken has caused long term problems.

As always with Physc. medications, each of us is different and

reacts differently!


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


What exactly is Valium supposed to be used for? Thanks.


Re: Going Off SSRI's <<You CAN DO IT!!!!

> Those effects you mention are probably due to coming off too fast!


> I tapered daily but reducing my actual dose each week. Remember

> starving the brain of the SSRI can be dangerous once it is

> accustomed to having it. I believe it is better to gradually reduce

> the dose daily on a weekly basis!


> For those of you who have heard this before, my apologies


> I had been on various ssri';s for about 5+ years (Paxil,

> effexor,lex, etc. After my POdoc gave me Lex 1st at 10 mg and then

> raising me to 30 I started to have sides including insomnia (I

> always slept like a rock!) High BP pushed me over the edge!!! Mine

> went from 120/80 to 150/100!!!!!!!


> I did not ask the doc but told him...I was coming off for good! he

> of course did not agree....wanted me to take a BP med...sheesh


> I tapered my dose over a six week period and ALL the symptoms have

> gradually disappeared! For better or worse, I am me again GAD and

> all!It has now been 6 months and ssri free!! getting from 30mg to 10

> mg only took 2.5 weeks. The eventual elimination took the rest of

> the time. I had gotten down to .5 mg daily for 2 weeks before I

> finally said enough!


> I do take a maintainance dose 5mg x2 times daily of valium instead

> but to me this is far better than the ssri's...it has been around

> for 30+ years and its addictive effects are known. SSRI's are just

> too new!!! I will take my chances with the known entity!!!


> I hope my story helps those wanting off but I do not blame those

> wanting to stay on...one of life's choices!!! On a side note, The

> most effective SSRI for me was Effexor...It was also the most

> HELLISH experience I ever had tapering off! Lex was a relative piece

> of cake!


> As an addition, I am a 56yr old male, just lost my dad and my job

> and have no thoughts of going back to any SSRI. I will take life as

> it comes (along with the valium as needed! As uncomfortable as it

> is, I will also have to live and cope with my GAD!!!


> PS: I am NOT brave....just stubborn <grin>

> Best to all

> Jeff




> > > Does anyone know any information of about how you'll

> > > feel, truly

> > > feel, going off of SSRI'S

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > =====

> >

> > Tammy Cantillon






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Valium (epam = generic)is an anti anxiety med...it dates way

back to I think the 70's where it was widely perscribed until they

found out about benzo addictive qualities of it. It is also quite

cheap...costs me $5 for 60 5 mg tabs on my ins plan (I think $15

without ins)It mellows you out and can make you drowsy. I much

prefer it to Xanax since it does not have the peaks and valleys

associated with Xanax and has a longer half life. HOWEVER, it is

addictive but not as bad as Xanax...in fact they use it to get

people off xanax!

Being aware of that (I am 56, and I am not as concerned with it as I

was with the SSRI's, where I do not believe the effects will be

known for quite some time!!!!! Messing with brain chems is nothing

to sneeze at!



> > > > Does anyone know any information of about how you'll

> > > > feel, truly

> > > > feel, going off of SSRI'S

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > =====

> > >

> > > Tammy Cantillon

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 9 months later...

> How was your hernia surgery, Jeff? Cindi


Thanks for asking! I've got one more day to wait. Fortunately, friends

and bosses have created enough stress that I don't have time any more

to be nervous about the surgery.


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  • 3 years later...

Thanks for this info Jeff - i'm pretty low on insights myself these

days. in fact i'm totally clueless since i didn't even bother to

google this guy before i got all excited about it. one minute

someone is a hero for administering some wonder therapy, and the next

he's a despicable quack. pffffft !



Ps anyone want to start a cluless club with me??



> I am not suggesting I have any insight into the merits of this (or

much of anything these days), but I have heard of Mr. Liefmann's name

before in a less than complimentary context. Only for consideration:


> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,827872,00.html?



> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,902465-2,00.html


> Caveat emptor.....or as they say at the USDA......caveat venditor.


> Jeff


> rheumatic

> From: leoniecent@...

> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 17:59:06 +1000

> Subject: Re: rheumatic New/Old and Effective RA Treatment





















> Hi ,




> I'm from the rheumatic group and saved your email. How is your

wife going ? Did the hormone treatment keep working ? I just

started antibiotics last month, after resisting for many years.

However hormone treatment sounds interesting and in my case, my

mother who was quite unwell with " mystery illnesses " during her

liftetime, always got better when she was pregnant. If you still

think the therapy is worthwhile, could you give me more information

eg who do you consult to get the NBT treatments ? I'm in Australia.




> all the best,


> Leonie Cent




> rheumatic New/Old and Effective RA Treatment




> Hi Group,


> My wife , nne, has been battling Rheumatoid Arthritis for



> three years with varying success.


> When the side effects from the antibiotics became more and more


> problematic, we searched for other


> options.


> Fortunately, I found the so-called HOLISTIC BALANCED TREATMENT on



> web in a book by Dr. Null. It sounded promising and has all


> the credentials of a well researched and tested protocol.


> In addition to various publications by credible, outstanding

MDs , the


> treatment was tested with great success in a double-blind study

with 373


> patients of all ages. This all goes back to the 60 s and 70 s.

The major


> researcher, E. Liefmann, MD got


> interested in this subject when he observed that women with RA



> lose the disease when they got pregnant


> and it came right back after the baby was born. For this reason,



> studied the hormone situation. His treatment consists of taking


> sublingual drops of hormone solutions


> at various proportions, which are individually adjusted according

to the


> response.


> To make a long story short, my wife tried it and within _three

days_ the


> swelling of her hands, pain and stiffness started


> to fade. She is now two weeks into the program and is practically



> !! Physical and mental.No major side effects. The only reaction

is a


> retracing (see Google


> retracing/healing) which is sign of healing.




> I realize that this is a rather short time of my wife's experience



> in view of the tremendous success, I do not want to wait any

longer and make


> everybody with RA aware of this phantastic treatment. This quick


> response pattern is fairly typical according to the administering





> Details and related information is at


> http://www.stoparthritis.com/null.html




> Good luck,







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I think we all want to get well and sometimes fall for things that we have not

checked out all the way. I will join you with the clueless club, because I have

been there.


mumpup2000 <leoniecent@...> wrote:

Thanks for this info Jeff - i'm pretty low on insights myself these

days. in fact i'm totally clueless since i didn't even bother to

google this guy before i got all excited about it. one minute

someone is a hero for administering some wonder therapy, and the next

he's a despicable quack. pffffft !



Ps anyone want to start a cluless club with me??



> I am not suggesting I have any insight into the merits of this (or

much of anything these days), but I have heard of Mr. Liefmann's name

before in a less than complimentary context. Only for consideration:


> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,827872,00.html?



> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,902465-2,00.html


> Caveat emptor.....or as they say at the USDA......caveat venditor.


> Jeff


> rheumatic

> From: leoniecent@...

> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 17:59:06 +1000

> Subject: Re: rheumatic New/Old and Effective RA Treatment





















> Hi ,




> I'm from the rheumatic group and saved your email. How is your

wife going ? Did the hormone treatment keep working ? I just

started antibiotics last month, after resisting for many years.

However hormone treatment sounds interesting and in my case, my

mother who was quite unwell with " mystery illnesses " during her

liftetime, always got better when she was pregnant. If you still

think the therapy is worthwhile, could you give me more information

eg who do you consult to get the NBT treatments ? I'm in Australia.




> all the best,


> Leonie Cent




> rheumatic New/Old and Effective RA Treatment




> Hi Group,


> My wife , nne, has been battling Rheumatoid Arthritis for



> three years with varying success.


> When the side effects from the antibiotics became more and more


> problematic, we searched for other


> options.


> Fortunately, I found the so-called HOLISTIC BALANCED TREATMENT on



> web in a book by Dr. Null. It sounded promising and has all


> the credentials of a well researched and tested protocol.


> In addition to various publications by credible, outstanding

MDs , the


> treatment was tested with great success in a double-blind study

with 373


> patients of all ages. This all goes back to the 60 s and 70 s.

The major


> researcher, E. Liefmann, MD got


> interested in this subject when he observed that women with RA



> lose the disease when they got pregnant


> and it came right back after the baby was born. For this reason,



> studied the hormone situation. His treatment consists of taking


> sublingual drops of hormone solutions


> at various proportions, which are individually adjusted according

to the


> response.


> To make a long story short, my wife tried it and within _three

days_ the


> swelling of her hands, pain and stiffness started


> to fade. She is now two weeks into the program and is practically



> !! Physical and mental.No major side effects. The only reaction

is a


> retracing (see Google


> retracing/healing) which is sign of healing.




> I realize that this is a rather short time of my wife's experience



> in view of the tremendous success, I do not want to wait any

longer and make


> everybody with RA aware of this phantastic treatment. This quick


> response pattern is fairly typical according to the administering





> Details and related information is at


> http://www.stoparthritis.com/null.html




> Good luck,







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  • 1 year later...

Verbal attacks on other members in this group are inappropriate. Members are

asked to express their concerns with more thought, respect and courtesy.

People who do not respect this request will be placed on moderation.


Sue, moderator

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


> ... It wears you right down both physically and emotionally to be in that kind

of pain for any amount of time. It's exhausting! ...


Which brings up something else about pain and why one may want to

medicate. Chronic pain can change your personality. People can become

withdrawn and cranky. I know a women who is divorcing her husband

because after of year of treatment for something other than achalasia he

was so cranky she couldn't stand to be around him. Even a few years

after the treatments did their job his personality never recovered.

Pain itself also effects the body like a drug. It raises blood pressure

and effects the amount of hormones.


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