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Another interesting post from my files on aloe vera.

Allied Pharmacy offers the same aloe vera Dr. Ivan Danof used in all of his


Aloe, Pharmaceutical Grade/ Movement of Congestion & Detoxification,

Inflammatory Cytokine Suppression

[interesting post. Read article on Aloe at bottom of page.]

Date: Fri Jul 11, 2003 5:21 am


Dear Group:

Jerry , R.Ph. of Allied Pharmacy, who specializes in

Pharmaceutical grade Aloe, is offering a discount to group members of 10% if you

buy two bottles. This is quite a savings and the product is the best grade and

most potent Aloe I have been able to find, as well as having the reputation of

Allied Pharmacy along with it.

I have shared with you repeatedly how much it has helped loosen the

mucus in my sinuses and lungs from my depressed MSH, ('MSH' STANDS FOR

" MELANOCYTE-STIMULATING HORMONE " ), from A Neurotoxin Mediated Illness.

I can not recommend it enough.

Aloe at such high concentrations is also a powerful cytokine

suppressor. This has been well documented by Dr. Danhof,MD, Ph.D. the expert

researcher on the uses of Aloe. One capsule in equal to one bottle of Aloe. 2

capsules 4x daily is the highest recommended dose for Immune support,

inflammatory cytokine suppression and the movement of congestion and


I have told this story before, but it has been awhile. So here

goes. When the Aloe was first given to me 3 yrs. ago as part of my Stealth

therapy with IV Ganciclovir, I almost choked to death so much mucus was released

and needed to be expectorated. I wanted to stop it as I thought the Aloe was

causing the mucus, but my physician asked me not to. I coughed up mucus in

gobs. I coughed so hard, I thought I would brake a rib. Finally one day I

coughed so hard, I coughed up something that had been deep in my lungs for

countless years. It was a hard piece of mucus, green in color and looked like a

fish skin. It was about 2-3 " in length. It was smooth on one side, but the

other had these deep circles imprinted in it giving it a fish scaly look. My

physician explained it was mucus from maybe 10 years in the sides or bottom of

my lung that had hardened over time and was green from containing infection.

The circles were the imprint of the lining of my lung.

Since then, nothing that dramatic has occurred, but over the years

the Aloe of Allied Pharmacy which is the strongest and purest capsules at 400mg

each, has been able to loosen and move the mysterious continuous build up of

mucus in my lungs and sinuses.

It was not until I began the Neurotoxin therapy and I began to

almost choke to death again, with abundant amounts of mucus coming up out of my

lungs and draining out of my sinuses, did I learn the mysterious cause to my

mucus problem. Neurotoxin Mediated Illness affects your hypothalamus and causes

a deficiency in MSH, a hormone that regulates the mucus. As Dr. Shoemaker

defined MSH: " MSH is a hypothalamic neuroregulatory/cytokine regulatory/mucus

membrane regulatory hormone. This causes a continuous build up of mucus in the

lungs, and sinuses and I would guess the intestines too. As you begin to treat

the Neurotoxin disease, the MSH level begins to raise, and the regulation of

mucus improves and the mucus expectoration takes place.. For me this intense

mucus expelling lasted the first 2-3 weeks of my Neurotoxin therapy. It is

still occurring to a lesser degree. I believe my taking the Aloe has helped me

in this expectoration process of the mucus and has made the treatment process


Please keep in mind that Aloe helps Stealth Virus also by producing

anti-inflammatory cytokines, which may help the Neurotoxin Illness also as with

the Neurotoxin Illness, there is a big cytokine problem which is why taking

Actos concomitantly with the Cholestyramine is so important as Actos suppresses

TNF, a major inflammatory cytokine.

As to the dose, I take 2 400mg. capsules 4x daily. This is the

highest recommended dose. I hope this explanation helps some, and so does the



Allied Pharmacy specializes in Pharmaceutical Compounding. He also is an

expert on the use of ALOE VERA (whole leaf lyophilized) in the treatment of

disorders of the Immune System. His Aloe Vera comes in 400mg capsules, and each

capsule is stronger than a whole liter of Aloe juice! Aloe is long known for its

healing properties, and more recently is being investigated as a very powerful

Immune System enhancer. It is well documented in the literature that Aloe may

play a critical role in fighting infection, both bacterial and viral. According

to Dr. Atkins, a leading " Alternative Medicine " expert, in his book,

" Vita-Nutrient Solution " he says, and I quote: " Some of the more recent Aloe

research points to the plants capabilities against Immune weakness, Viral

Infections, and even Cancer. Stronger preparations are necessary here...The

effective is at least 800mg, the equivalent of drinking 3 pints of aloe juice .

The Aloe must be sure to contain " acemannan " which is chemically unstable. " To

be sure you are receiving chemically stable acemannan, the Aloe must be

" Pharmaceutical Grade. " The Aloe Vera capsules from " Allied Pharmacy " are 400mg

per capsule and pharmaceutical grade. Allied Pharmacy is located : 801 Stadium

Dr. #111, Arlington, Texas 76011-6245, phone: 1-800-428-6331; Fax: 817-860-1275.

Jerry's Aloe is 100% pure and organic.

http://alliedrxflash (DOT) net


Dr. Danhof, M.D., Ph.D.

In a variety of chronic disease entities, the cytokine, TNF-alpha, is a

major pro-inflammatory agent responsible for various symptoms of the disease.

For example, in Crohn's disease, the TNF-alpha levels are very much elevated,

and the levels correlate very well with the symptoms and severity of the

disease; similarly the levels of another cytokine, transforming growth factor

(TFG), which is anti-inflammatory, are very low.

The administration of aloe to Crohn's disease patients has a rapid and

profoundly beneficial effect in these patients owing to the " immune modulation "

action of the aloe, i.e., it substantially lowers the level of TNF-alpha, and

simultaneously increases the level of TGF, restoring the balance between the

pro-inflammatory and the anti-inflammatory cytokines which is associated with

the onset of remission of the disease.

The restorative modulation by aloe of competing cytokine levels in such

diseases as chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosis, chronic

ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., reduces the abnormal elevation

and increases abnormally low cytokine values thereby inducing the remarkable and

salubrious modulatory actions of aloe polysaccharides on the immune system.

Allied Pharmacy and Aloe Vera Jaumave: www.aloejaumave.com

This is the product information on the Aloe Vera used by Allied Pharmacy


H. Lynn Knapp, M.A.


The Stealth Virus Support Group



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