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Sometimes my toe joint(s) get so swollen during a flare up it can cause my toe

joints or ankles to hurt and feel like they are jammed. Just my experience.


ksamedifference <ksamedifference@...> wrote: Has anyone had or heard of

your big toe hurting like a really bad

cramp w/o an actual cramp and/or it switching to your like archilles

tendon? I'm having a heck of a time with it. My toe is a lot better

but, the tendon or that area anyhow is crappy! I've had the problem

with my toe b4 but never with the back of my ankle. Just


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  • 1 month later...

What drugs are you taking, ?

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] question

>I just got a call from my rheumy, and he told me my chest xray from couple

> days ago is showing I have Right upper lobe pneumonia. Is this common for

> people with RA? I don't feel sick like that. I have had pneumonia in the

> past and its a feeling you just don't ever forget. But this is different.

> I

> just feel like I may have a cold or something. No fever either. Just

> around

> 99- 99.4 Before it was up to 104.


> Just wondering if this is something that we get more frequent and easier.




> BTW: Today is the first day of fall. So Happy Fall everyone!



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prednisone 4mg 2 daily and plaquinil. I have only been on these meds just

over a week. Last week was my first visit with my rheumy and officially

diagnosed with RA

-- Re: [ ] question

What drugs are you taking, ?

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] question

>I just got a call from my rheumy, and he told me my chest xray from couple

> days ago is showing I have Right upper lobe pneumonia. Is this common for

> people with RA? I don't feel sick like that. I have had pneumonia in the

> past and its a feeling you just don't ever forget. But this is different.

> I

> just feel like I may have a cold or something. No fever either. Just

> around

> 99- 99.4 Before it was up to 104.


> Just wondering if this is something that we get more frequent and easier.




> BTW: Today is the first day of fall. So Happy Fall everyone!



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  • 3 weeks later...

, have you told your rheumatologist exactly how bad the pain is and

how it is interfering with your daily functioning? He/she might increase the

MTX or add another DMARD.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] question

>i have been diagnosed with ra but i have a question about the pain

> there is times when i will have severe pain in my knees and i can

> bairly walk and i have to take major pain meds to just take the edge

> off of the pain and then the next day i feel drained and not able to

> do anything (i also have pain in my hands just started about 10

> months ago)


> Like yesterday i eas having such bad pain i thought about getting

> out the cruches to help me walk because of the pain and then this

> morming i feel like i'm in a fog and i feel like me arms and legs

> are like cement and they are stiff but not to much pain today (so

> far) is this normal or not or is it something different then ra the

> medications that i'm on right now is mtx 2.5 mg i take 5 tablets

> weekly and folic acid 1mg daily and elavil 25 mg at night and

> vicoden es or tyl #3 for the pain when needed




> sorry for the questions in advance


> melissa

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not yet this is the first time sence i have been seeing him ( 3

months ) that it has been this bad. and today is starting to get to

the same way that yesterday was but he mentioned that if this

doesn't work next month when i come in we will talk about adding

injections( i have no clue what kind )

> , have you told your rheumatologist exactly how bad the

pain is and

> how it is interfering with your daily functioning? He/she might

increase the

> MTX or add another DMARD.





> Not an MD


> I'll tell you where to go!


> Mayo Clinic in Rochester

> http://www.mayoclinic.org/rochester


> s Hopkins Medicine

> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org


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I am brand new to RA (July diagnosis, March is when the pain

started) My MD just gave me a pain med and referred me to a

rheumatologist. I was put on prednisone to get my pain controlled,

plus Relafen for pain and swelling and Tramadal for pain and Arava.

The prednisone was a godsend (although temporary) until the Arava

could get to work. I am also now on Enberel injections and weaning

off of the Prednisone. My Dr. was an angel from heaven. My body

was completely racked with pain and I had a newborn baby to take

care of. I could barely walk or move my arms, hands knees or

shoulders. I thought that I would die. She said we would could get

this all under control and that I would have a normal life again. I

still have some stiffness on some mornings but not always. If your

Dr. doensn't understand your pain (which I thought no one could) you

should find one that does. There is relief for us out there. I am

afraid of the pain coming back but for now my life is completely

livable and enjoyable again. Good luck, Abby


> i have been diagnosed with ra but i have a question about the pain

> there is times when i will have severe pain in my knees and i can

> bairly walk and i have to take major pain meds to just take the


> off of the pain and then the next day i feel drained and not able


> do anything (i also have pain in my hands just started about 10

> months ago)


> Like yesterday i eas having such bad pain i thought about getting

> out the cruches to help me walk because of the pain and then this

> morming i feel like i'm in a fog and i feel like me arms and legs

> are like cement and they are stiff but not to much pain today (so

> far) is this normal or not or is it something different then ra


> medications that i'm on right now is mtx 2.5 mg i take 5 tablets

> weekly and folic acid 1mg daily and elavil 25 mg at night and

> vicoden es or tyl #3 for the pain when needed




> sorry for the questions in advance


> melissa


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question....sometimes....I feel a bit out of sync here...I am the

adopted mom of 3 kids. These kids were damaged by drugs and alcohol before

birth....the vaccinations after birth....and a substantial....incredible would

be a better word....amount of abuse..any kind you can think of...and some of

this you would have to be pretty creative to think of.

Are there other parents like me here??? Some of their problems seem so

odd...I know that a lot aren't but sometimes I feel like the lone ranger

here.....oops I guess Tonto...since I am an Indian.....lol

Sometimes I feel lost and like we will never get thru this....I have 3 older

kids at home who are effected by vaccines They try to help...but sometimes

these problems...esp the rages and the selfishness that is so extreme are

sooooooooo wearing....on the little kiddos...the older ones..and me.

Sometimes we seem to be in a pit so deep that I can't find a way out of this


us.... There is no support in place and I am relying on a few people on the


for support. I am sorry if this seems like a major whine....the holidays are

coming....and they are always and all ways so difficult.

I know that this is important...so I fight every day to keep on keeping

on...right now I am just in a bad spot...and would like to hear from others


have kiddos that have recovered or that are doing this with these kinds of

kiddos... I would never want to give them up...but I am scared I won't be

able to help them or will mess it up.

(snuffle snuffle) Ok I am thru with my whine. :-)

Thanks for listening.


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  • 5 weeks later...

One of the best things the teacher ever did was put my son in front of

the classroom with only one peer sitting next to him. He is not in

complete isolation, but is not distracted by others who are moving

about. He can see/hear the teacher MUCH better. He is mainstreamed

for even the tests, so having less distraction has kept his grades at a

satisfactory level.


> I'm writing up concerns reguarding O.T. and sensory issues (again)


> I dont want to leave anything out. I was woundering if anyone can

> write in some of their concerns with their childs sensory or O.T.

> issues so, if it relates, I can add to my list. I have a list


> but don't want to leave anything out.


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Does your son have any concerns with sensory issues? example, does he like to

jump on things, tight hugs, don't like tags on his shirt, other? any with OT?

problems tying his shoes, zippers, writing, other? thanks

LJL <laura6307@...> wrote: One of the best things the teacher ever did

was put my son in front of

the classroom with only one peer sitting next to him. He is not in

complete isolation, but is not distracted by others who are moving

about. He can see/hear the teacher MUCH better. He is mainstreamed

for even the tests, so having less distraction has kept his grades at a

satisfactory level.


> I'm writing up concerns reguarding O.T. and sensory issues (again)


> I dont want to leave anything out. I was woundering if anyone can

> write in some of their concerns with their childs sensory or O.T.

> issues so, if it relates, I can add to my list. I have a list


> but don't want to leave anything out.


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Noise is his biggest distractor. He can't concentrate.

He has problems with his privates - he feels every sensation on his

penis - he cannot stand it unless it is in one position, and he has no

problem with others viewing him adjusting it.

His lips bug him, so he has his hands constantly near his mouth.

He can't tie his shoes. In fact, it has only been recently that he has

wiped his own behind.


> Does your son have any concerns with sensory issues? example, does

he like to jump on things, tight hugs, don't like tags on his shirt,

other? any with OT? problems tying his shoes, zippers, writing,

other? thanks


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My son does not want to tie his shoes, so he leaves them tied and slips them

onto his feet. if they come untied, that's how they will stay. He has trouble

using a fork & knife at the same time, he will get frustrated. he also has

trouble with transitions, Has high tolerance to pain. while doing a puzzle, he

won't turn the piece to make it fit. craves physical sensations, like strong

hugs, likes very fast movement, rides a bike fast without any concern for

safety, rollercosters, and Rollerblades at fast speed. While in the shower,

will let the water hit his chest in the same spot until I tell him to finish

washing. Can stay in a pool for hours.

I've never met anyone with some of the concerns your son has. That sounds

like a tough one. Can it be the detergent you use for his clothes or the

clothes are not soft enough?

LJL <laura6307@...> wrote:

Noise is his biggest distractor. He can't concentrate.

He has problems with his privates - he feels every sensation on his

penis - he cannot stand it unless it is in one position, and he has no

problem with others viewing him adjusting it.

His lips bug him, so he has his hands constantly near his mouth.

He can't tie his shoes. In fact, it has only been recently that he has

wiped his own behind.


> Does your son have any concerns with sensory issues? example, does

he like to jump on things, tight hugs, don't like tags on his shirt,

other? any with OT? problems tying his shoes, zippers, writing,

other? thanks


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It is hard to get everything in one IEP meeting. My sons needs change pretty

frequently so I usually call an IEP meeting whenever I notice changes. I

don't know how the school likes it but oh well, That's what works for us. It

is your right to call on IEP whenever you need to make changes that are

worth calling one for if you know what I mean. Your doing everything you

can. Write a parents concerns sheet out if you have time and make copies

for everyone in the meeting. When they ask you do you have parental concerns

which they will it's the law that they ask, just start going through your

list. Until they are addressed don't let them move forward. Check them of

one by one when you know they are included in the IEP. If the meeting takes

longer than they expected don't feel rushed. You can always ask that they

reconveine until your satisfied. Let us know how it goes and I will pray for

you and your family. Try and relax. I know easier said than done. You'll do

just fine and will learn more and More in time just like we all have.

Take Care! Ann

( ) Question

I'm writing up concerns reguarding O.T. and sensory issues (again) and

I dont want to leave anything out. I was woundering if anyone can

write in some of their concerns with their childs sensory or O.T.

issues so, if it relates, I can add to my list. I have a list started

but don't want to leave anything out.

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Your son sounds exactly like mine, Jordan. It definitely sounds like he has

sensory issues. Check out the websites some else posted. They are very good.

And he probably will benefit from OT therapy.


Re: ( ) Re: Question

My son does not want to tie his shoes, so he leaves them tied and slips them

onto his feet. if they come untied, that's how they will stay. He has

trouble using a fork & knife at the same time, he will get frustrated. he

also has trouble with transitions, Has high tolerance to pain. while doing

a puzzle, he won't turn the piece to make it fit. craves physical

sensations, like strong hugs, likes very fast movement, rides a bike fast

without any concern for safety, rollercosters, and Rollerblades at fast

speed. While in the shower, will let the water hit his chest in the same

spot until I tell him to finish washing. Can stay in a pool for hours.

I've never met anyone with some of the concerns your son has. That sounds

like a tough one. Can it be the detergent you use for his clothes or the

clothes are not soft enough?

LJL <laura6307@...> wrote:

Noise is his biggest distractor. He can't concentrate.

He has problems with his privates - he feels every sensation on his

penis - he cannot stand it unless it is in one position, and he has no

problem with others viewing him adjusting it.

His lips bug him, so he has his hands constantly near his mouth.

He can't tie his shoes. In fact, it has only been recently that he has

wiped his own behind.


> Does your son have any concerns with sensory issues? example, does

he like to jump on things, tight hugs, don't like tags on his shirt,

other? any with OT? problems tying his shoes, zippers, writing,

other? thanks


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I am not sure. We have tried every version of underwear out there,

different detergents, and baby powder when it is really bad. He

says 'it is sticky' so the baby powder at least works temporarily.

We watched him in a music program last night. You know, I really

should not complain. He did everything all the other kids did! Yet,

he also touched his privates once and had his fingers in his mouth,

too. At least I knew I was surrounded by people who knew he has autism

and were not finger pointing.


> I've never met anyone with some of the concerns your son has. That

sounds like a tough one. Can it be the detergent you use for his

clothes or the clothes are not soft enough?

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Dear ,

I wish I had a lot of suggestions to officer, But right now I don't. I do

hope other people write in with suggestions. How old is your son? I'm worried

that when he gets in older grades and with different children, they " will " point

fingers and they will tease. that might cause your son not to want to go to

school and even more social problems. I know your must of tried so many things.

Have you had him check out by his medical doctor to rule out any medical

concerns: urine infection, boy problems? I'm sure you even tried different

material underwear. What about silk? and very loose, like boxers? I'm sure you

tried that too. That must be so very uncomfortable for your son. again, I do

hope people write in with suggestions. Happy Holidays - Rose

LJL <laura6307@...> wrote:

I am not sure. We have tried every version of underwear out there,

different detergents, and baby powder when it is really bad. He

says 'it is sticky' so the baby powder at least works temporarily.

We watched him in a music program last night. You know, I really

should not complain. He did everything all the other kids did! Yet,

he also touched his privates once and had his fingers in his mouth,

too. At least I knew I was surrounded by people who knew he has autism

and were not finger pointing.


> I've never met anyone with some of the concerns your son has. That

sounds like a tough one. Can it be the detergent you use for his

clothes or the clothes are not soft enough?

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Ethan has a secondary diagnosis of OCD, and his neuro doc thought the

penis touching was a sensory issue that because we made a big deal

out of it made it worse in that it makes him think about his penis

more. I dunno. He does not seem to want his penis to stick to his

testicles. We have asked him to position it upwards, which drives

him nuts. He wants it in one position, and that position has it

touching his testicles, which then get 'sticky'. I have asked the

school staff to let me know what the other kids are doing, and they

first told me they had not witnessed it, and then upon observation

acknowledged it was happening but told me the kids appear unaware. I

am hoping that Ethan will get past this by next near. He took a

solid year to work his way through the finger up the nose stage in




> Dear ,

> I wish I had a lot of suggestions to officer, But right now I

don't. I do hope other people write in with suggestions. How old is

your son? I'm worried that when he gets in older grades and with

different children, they " will " point fingers and they will tease.

that might cause your son not to want to go to school and even more

social problems. I know your must of tried so many things. Have you

had him check out by his medical doctor to rule out any medical

concerns: urine infection, boy problems? I'm sure you even tried

different material underwear. What about silk? and very loose, like

boxers? I'm sure you tried that too. That must be so very

uncomfortable for your son. again, I do hope people write in with

suggestions. Happy Holidays - Rose

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I also hope this will pass too. best wishes, Happy Holidays -Rose.

LJL <laura6307@...> wrote:


Ethan has a secondary diagnosis of OCD, and his neuro doc thought the

penis touching was a sensory issue that because we made a big deal

out of it made it worse in that it makes him think about his penis

more. I dunno. He does not seem to want his penis to stick to his

testicles. We have asked him to position it upwards, which drives

him nuts. He wants it in one position, and that position has it

touching his testicles, which then get 'sticky'. I have asked the

school staff to let me know what the other kids are doing, and they

first told me they had not witnessed it, and then upon observation

acknowledged it was happening but told me the kids appear unaware. I

am hoping that Ethan will get past this by next near. He took a

solid year to work his way through the finger up the nose stage in




> Dear ,

> I wish I had a lot of suggestions to officer, But right now I

don't. I do hope other people write in with suggestions. How old is

your son? I'm worried that when he gets in older grades and with

different children, they " will " point fingers and they will tease.

that might cause your son not to want to go to school and even more

social problems. I know your must of tried so many things. Have you

had him check out by his medical doctor to rule out any medical

concerns: urine infection, boy problems? I'm sure you even tried

different material underwear. What about silk? and very loose, like

boxers? I'm sure you tried that too. That must be so very

uncomfortable for your son. again, I do hope people write in with

suggestions. Happy Holidays - Rose

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, corn starch might work better than the baby powder. So - does

he wear briefs (guessing from what you said)? I guess he doesn't

like boxers.

One of my sons went through a " thing " where he began buying pants

that I felt were too baggy, and it was all due to the feeling

in " that " area. I wasn't seeing his penis anymore by that age (late

elementary school) and in my mind was wondering was he " gifted " in

that area or something, LOL! Anyway, I recall just shrugging and

letting him get what he wanted and it finally passed, but I'd say it

lasted a school year.


> I am not sure. We have tried every version of underwear out there,

> different detergents, and baby powder when it is really bad. He

> says 'it is sticky' so the baby powder at least works temporarily.


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Yes, he wears briefs. Boxers caused all kinds of other problems in

addition to his penis 'flopping'.

I'll try corn starch. Thanks!


> , corn starch might work better than the baby powder. So -


> he wear briefs (guessing from what you said)? I guess he doesn't

> like boxers.


> One of my sons went through a " thing " where he began buying pants

> that I felt were too baggy, and it was all due to the feeling

> in " that " area. I wasn't seeing his penis anymore by that age


> elementary school) and in my mind was wondering was he " gifted " in

> that area or something, LOL! Anyway, I recall just shrugging and

> letting him get what he wanted and it finally passed, but I'd say


> lasted a school year.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I only have and aim so if you can get on any of these please feel free to chat with me..I know how it is to need to talk to someone..darker_goddess <darker_goddess@...> wrote: Hey if anyone has MSN chat please add me. My email is Little_devil_with_a_halo@...my messenger is not working so please add me. I really kinda need someone to talk toJan

Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at

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  • 4 weeks later...

> I don't understand something. Cancer seems to be the hardest disease

> of all to cure for mainstream medicine. But Hulda does it in a

> matter of days...weeks at most.

I read a serious review of the cases presented in one of

her books, and some of the claimed successes were apparently

inconclusive on follow-up.

Duncan Crow

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I find that Dr. 's suggestion to clean up the body, which makes it

obviously stronger, makes perfect sense in all instances.

In the case of cancer though some cells have stopped going through

apoptosis, the process where they die and get replaced every four months or

so, and just reproduce without limit or order.

I figure that at that level perhaps the body can use some help in restarting

this orderly death and replacement process.

I had tried ellagic acid among the rest but saw no tangible results.

I am told that a pale white discharge from the growth may be a sign that the

cancer is dying and puking its little guts out.

I have started seeing this out of my bladder cancer now that I take a

combination of Cantron, chlorophyll and Paw Paw, and use an EM+ plasma


I plan to continue using a modified version of Dr. 's 21 day cancer

regimen (everything except for vitamins A, C, D and E, selenium and thyroid

support capsules), and use this for its duration, give my body a couple of

weeks rest, then start it over.

I have began to gain weight (and someone who is " terminal " and going through

a nasty chemo drug cocktail like me should be still losing weight) and my

energy level is better every day.

I speak daily through email to DOZENS of former cancer sufferers, people who

had been told to get their affairs in order.

And even I myself had been told that I would not see this past summer.

Instead now the oncologist casually mentions that I may be termed " cancer

free " or close to " cancer free " come the middle of February.

Cancer may be indeed cured within days, but a terminal case like me might

just need to hedge his bets.


Re: Question

>> I don't understand something. Cancer seems to be the hardest disease

>> of all to cure for mainstream medicine. But Hulda does it in a

>> matter of days...weeks at most.


> I read a serious review of the cases presented in one of

> her books, and some of the claimed successes were apparently

> inconclusive on follow-up.


> Duncan Crow





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