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Yes thatnk phil need to take HCG shot i get loopy if I do not :)

e2 must be dumping again. Since increasing thyroid I am noticing a huge dip in

my e2 and not even taking arimidex.

> > >

> > > I have a few questions about taking testosterone, I am

> > 41yrs old and

> > > was diagnosed with hypogonadism, my level was 72 when

> > they should be between 350-1000,my doctor said I've been

> > hypogonadal for years due to small testicle size, low body

> > and facial hair....

> > >

> > > He started me on injectable cypionate, 200mg every 2

> > weeks.  Since I am very low on the scale do I still

> > need to worry or worry at all about estrogen levels while

> > taking this drug?...I can only find information on body

> > builders that use high doses of testosterone.

> > >

> > > It's been a few days now taking my first shot, what

> > should I expect from this dose besides the sore leg I have

> > now........how long does this take to start working.

> > >

> > > Thanks for any help you may give,

> > >

> > > Steve

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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I wish I had this problem lately I am reading a lot from men getting there

Thyroid in line there Estradiol levels are less a problem. I see the Dr. this

Tue. and my Heart Dr. wants me on HGH so this will be one more shot I will be




> From: hardasnails1973 <hardasnails1973@...>

> Subject: Re: Question


> Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 11:01 AM

> Yes thatnk phil need to take HCG shot

> i get loopy if I do not :)

> e2 must be dumping again.  Since increasing thyroid I

> am noticing a huge dip in my e2 and not even taking

> arimidex.



> > > >

> > > > I have a few questions about taking

> testosterone, I am

> > > 41yrs old and

> > > > was diagnosed with hypogonadism, my level

> was 72 when

> > > they should be between 350-1000,my doctor said

> I've been

> > > hypogonadal for years due to small testicle size,

> low body

> > > and facial hair....

> > > >

> > > > He started me on injectable cypionate, 200mg

> every 2

> > > weeks.  Since I am very low on the scale do I

> still

> > > need to worry or worry at all about estrogen

> levels while

> > > taking this drug?...I can only find information

> on body

> > > builders that use high doses of testosterone.

> > > >

> > > > It's been a few days now taking my first

> shot, what

> > > should I expect from this dose besides the sore

> leg I have

> > > now........how long does this take to start

> working.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for any help you may give,

> > > >

> > > > Steve

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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HGH may speed ones metabolism up to help thyroid conversion to t3 so it may be

the missing key to your thyroid imbalances as well as your e2 levels may finally

stabilize. My intiution tells me this may be the link you have been needed to

put icing on the cake. They normally start people off half an ius a day then

remeasure in 3 months. Why the hell didn't they put you on this in the first

place years ago.

> > > > >

> > > > > I have a few questions about taking

> > testosterone, I am

> > > > 41yrs old and

> > > > > was diagnosed with hypogonadism, my level

> > was 72 when

> > > > they should be between 350-1000,my doctor said

> > I've been

> > > > hypogonadal for years due to small testicle size,

> > low body

> > > > and facial hair....

> > > > >

> > > > > He started me on injectable cypionate, 200mg

> > every 2

> > > > weeks.  Since I am very low on the scale do I

> > still

> > > > need to worry or worry at all about estrogen

> > levels while

> > > > taking this drug?...I can only find information

> > on body

> > > > builders that use high doses of testosterone.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's been a few days now taking my first

> > shot, what

> > > > should I expect from this dose besides the sore

> > leg I have

> > > > now........how long does this take to start

> > working.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for any help you may give,

> > > > >

> > > > > Steve

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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We talked about it I held off going on it until I seen how HCG worked and my

levels came back up but my Heart Dr. the one that was an Endo for pituitary

problems feels my heart problems were do to the low levels for so long. And now

he feels the should be higher he says blood levels of IGF - 1 don't tell the

whole story. And he says no need to do more testing anyone with a Hypopituitary

problem should be on HGH. So your saying .5 IU's how do you measure this small

amount or does in come in less them 10 mls. I read in this link the Dr. started

men on .4mgs every day.




> From: hardasnails1973 <hardasnails1973@...>

> Subject: Re: Question


> Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 11:30 AM

> HGH may speed ones metabolism up to

> help thyroid conversion to t3 so it may be the missing key

> to your thyroid imbalances as well as your e2 levels may

> finally stabilize. My intiution tells me this may be the

> link you have been needed to put icing on the cake. 

> They normally start people off half an ius a day then

> remeasure in 3 months.  Why the hell didn't they put

> you on this in the first place years ago.



> > > > > >

> > > > > > I have a few questions about

> taking

> > > testosterone, I am

> > > > > 41yrs old and

> > > > > > was diagnosed with hypogonadism,

> my level

> > > was 72 when

> > > > > they should be between 350-1000,my

> doctor said

> > > I've been

> > > > > hypogonadal for years due to small

> testicle size,

> > > low body

> > > > > and facial hair....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > He started me on injectable

> cypionate, 200mg

> > > every 2

> > > > > weeks.  Since I am very low on the

> scale do I

> > > still

> > > > > need to worry or worry at all about

> estrogen

> > > levels while

> > > > > taking this drug?...I can only find

> information

> > > on body

> > > > > builders that use high doses of

> testosterone.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's been a few days now taking my

> first

> > > shot, what

> > > > > should I expect from this dose besides

> the sore

> > > leg I have

> > > > > now........how long does this take to

> start

> > > working.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks for any help you may give,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Steve

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ------------------------------------

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Thank you so much for the link.  I will definitely check it out.  I need to educate myself more.  We put off a diagnosis for so long.... we were afraid to label him.  Now I wish we had gone ahead sooner.My son varies his obsessions.  He only has one at a time, but he sometimes goes from one to the next very quickly.  I don't think he is obsessed with the Ninja Turtles, but maybe that's the next one in line?  I think I've learned something though, when he watches TV that moves quickly, like the newer cartoons, or something that has a lot of ads, he is much more likely to melt down.  I'm not sure exactly why, but it does seem like the faster the information comes at him, the more trouble he has.  I did try to distract him

with talk about the turtles and he screamed at me to answer his question.  sigh.We do have a child safety lock on our back van doors, but he knows about it.  He checks it every time we get in the van and will not get in unless it's off.I am very protective of my stash of cappuccino.  Decaf for night and caffeine to get me through the day.  :)JenFrom: Kate Stone <katesdishes@...> Sent: Friday,

October 16, 2009 2:06:07 AMSubject: Re: ( ) question


Hi Jen,


I can't comment personally on the length of time before the meds kick in, because my son refused to take them.  What I have been told is reaction time varies with each child; some noticed changes within a few weeks and others have said it took about 4 months.  If your son has been diagnosed by a Psychiatrist, they would prescribe the meds. 


To learn about Asperger's I suggest you check out  www.pacer.org  This site is very informative and has many valuable contacts and aspie-parent support that would benefit you. 

As far as what to do;  the first thing I'd suggest is to do those quickie errands when you have him alone with you, before you fill the van up with kids (stimulus overload).  If you know his triggers, then you know you're about to give him an answer he doesn't want to hear, so be Vague.  I would say things like, "Ohh, that would be FUN to watch wouldn't it?,  Which one is your favorite, what color is his bandanna?" and try to keep him talking about it without answering, until you're home and he's in a safe place to meltdown.   


Aspies typically have some overwhelming interest in something ~ yours may be obsessing about Ninja turtles? ~ bring those toys along and try to use his interest in them to 'distract' him.   


When he jumps out of the car, he's lost control and needs you to keep him safe.  Most cars and vans have child locks on the doors, see if you can find the switch so he will not be able to jump out.  When he's locked in the van, remind him repeatedly that what he wants is to go home and as soon as he buckles up you can go home, but not until he buckles up.  Bribery is a tool, use it if it buys you some sanity.  There's no easy answers, each aspie is so unique.   


My son is 15 now and he still jumps out of cars, refuses to get in them, refuses seat belting puts holes in his walls, threatens my life, property, has major meltdowns and destructive outbursts at home.   He calls me things I've never even HEARD of before. 


I've gotten so I don't respond much at all anymore when he comes unglued... call me Valium.  But I am a big believer in consequences, so when he calms down (sometimes it's days or weeks later) I remind him he has property to fix ~ his fix-it jobs are "creative".  Sometimes I think the holes look better than the fix, but I smile my approval.   When he refuses belting in the car, I stop, until he buckles up.  When he punches a hole... he has to patch it up.  If he refuses to turn down his blaring music, I cut the power to his room.  I know.. I'm tough.


As much as aspie's resist anyone having any control over them, it scares the crap out of them not to have known boundaries and they need us to set limits and expectations (that they can test over and over).  Even if the expectation is something that seems obvious and any other parent would take for granted.  With aspies you have to start small, and build... you must be very specific and you can't assume anything.  


For instance ~ this is the instruction I had with my son who was 13 at the time and wanted to start making his own lunches:      

" Do not use any knives of any kind out of the kitchen.  In the kitchen do not use any knives (especially not a butcher's cleaver), against anything wooden, such as furniture, nor against appliances, or anything that has a metal surface and most especially do not use them on glass, such as windows, and also do not ever use them on people.  They are ONLY to be used on cutting boards (shown example) and in the kitchen.  Soon after, my counter top had deep cleavered hack marks in it.  When I asked him what happened, he told me that he was checking out the cleaver on the counter top to see what would happen, because it wasn't on the "No-list".  He figured if the cleaver could damage the counter top, then he didn't think he should use it on a cutting board because it would surely damage that!  ... It's hard to argue with that aspie logic. 


I don't know how you manage with 6 kids.. may you never run out of Calgon....and decaff cappacino! 




From: Jen Marks <barefootmamma@ sbcglobal. net>Subject: Re: ( ) question Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 10:09 PM

Thank you so much for responding.

Meds are my absolute last resort.  And having said that, I think we've arrived at the place where the last resort is appropriate.  I made an appointment with the doctor, but it's still a week away.  How long is the process once it has begun?  I imagine our family doc will have to refer us to other people in order to prescribe meds?  

Can I ask how old your son is and how long he's been on meds?  Have you noticed side effects that you feel are significant?  Is it something he will have to do the rest of his life?  Does he take them willingly?  (I imagine mine will not, at least in the beginning)  Did you start with one med at a time, or do they usually give combinations in the beginning?

You would think I would know a thing or two about Aspergers, but I really don't know anything.  It was there always, but never so extreme until early this year.  I have a theory as to why, but I don't know if its right or if it even matters. 

Dh came home, which didn't completely surprise me.  I just could do without the d.r.a.m.a., you know?  We have six kids, one with AS, there is enough drama here without him adding to it.  And I was thinking he needs to be a man, so you must have read my mind.  I hadn't thought of the threat of making him have custody.  lol  That might work.  It just makes me so mad that he thinks he can just throw up his hands and be done with it all.

The minimum I need to do right now..... make enough food for the next two days for my family of 8 (we are GFCF) so we can go to my sister's wedding tomorrow.  Try not to worry that horrible things might happen on the trip, while at the wedding, or at the hotel.  Pack for 8 people.  Too much.  Actually, the minimum I have to do at this very moment is make myself some decaf cappuccino and go to bed.  That sounds much better:)

From: Debra Balke <dlbalkecharter (DOT) net> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 8:50:32 PMSubject: Re: ( ) question 

Well.... I wouldn't exactly say "normal" but it is very common with Asperger's.  We do meds.  Thank god.  Otherwise, I would be completely insane.  Meds are hard to do at first, but when you realize that the behavior is destroying the kid, the other kids, the parents, and the marriage, it starts to seem crazy not to do the meds.  We used to have LOTS of this kind of insanity at our house.  With the meds, he no longer tries to kill us, jump out of the car, etc. etc. etc.  But, when we try to lower them, bits of it creeps back in and we forget how bad it was until we see it again.  So, we have him on just barely enough meds to keep it so that it is "do-able" at our house.  But, sometimes that means we get a big ugly scene if we aren't careful.   We are doing Zoloft 50 mg per day, Tenex 1/2 mg twice a day and Abilify 20 mg per day.  The more the antipsychotic, the

better the child, but the more the weight gain.  So, we did have some Risperdal added in at one point and he was the best ever, but we reduced it and now he is just "tolerable."  I wish there were safer, better meds, with no weight gain.  As for the husband.  Ah, ha, ha..... mine used to do that too.  That was always fun.  Gives you warm fuzzies about your marriage too, as everyone crumbles under the strain of it all.  Medicate the kid if you aren't already.  Get yourself psychologically as stable as possible, with antidepressants if needed.  I keep asking my mother, my husband, my friends, "Am I crazy or are they making me crazy?"   They all tell me that the situation would make ANYONE crazy and it doesn't matter if I was crazy first or they are making me crazy...... I need Zoloft to survive this.  I realized also that on 75 mg per day myself, rather than 50 mg per day myself, I

can live through it better and get through each day easier with it.  Same with my husband.  It is a matter of survival at this point. 


Tell the damn husband to step up to the plate, act like a man, and if he doesn't you are leaving and HE will get full custody of the kids.  Ha, ha, ha......  The only divorce proceeding where both parents fight over who HAS to have the kids......  :)  Only kidding.


Hang in there.  Been there, done that.  It is exhausting.. .. absolutely exhausting.  One day at a time.  One hour at a time.  Just get through tonight.  Baby steps.  What is the minimum you need to do right now to get by.  

( ) question


Is this AS?  Or is it something else?  This is so extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning).  He said he didn't want to go, which is what he usually says.  He actually had a very good day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home.  We got to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight.  I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime.  Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix.  I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just stood there waiting for him to get over it.  He didn't, unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up.  He tried to break the van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me.  Then he got out of the van and ran to the corner.  I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance.  He kept inching farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him.  I had to leave all the other kids alone in the van.  The oldest is 10 and the youngest is just a baby-- 16 months.  Thank goodness I have my 10 year old.  For 40 minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds.  He is 8 and very very strong.  I couldn't believe no one

stopped and said anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street.  I was afraid he would run into the road.  I literally could not get him back to the van.  I'm not strong enough.  A cop drove by and just looked.  I waved, but he ignored me.  Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie.  It was the only way I could get him back to the van.  Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming and calling me names.  We had to stop at the bank.  I have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this!  Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today.  We just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other variations on that theme.  Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going.  I was supposed to work tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house.  I had to cancel at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and thumping coming from the basement!  This is not good for my business.  We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know if we can.  I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.  

He hasn't been this bad for a while.  A couple months.  Is this AS?  It seems so extreme.  Nothing helps.  Nothing.  Is this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I will give it to him.  All of our lives stop when this happens.  I don't even know what I could have done.  What can I do when he runs away and we are out?  

He just now has settled down.  It lasted 2.5 hours.  I'm exhausted.


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I can totally relate to this.  When mine is acting so sweet and wonderful, it almost seems like the horribleness never happened.JenFrom: caijiao cj zhao <caijiao@...> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:21:02 PMSubject: Re:

( ) question


I just went through my 3 hours' hell with my boy, who now is playing piano like an angel. Such beautiful music -- what happened during past 3 hours almost seemed like a nightmare...


But I do wonder, though, how you parents set expectations for your AS child? Where do you draw the line that you would just cut him slacks and let it go? When and how do you know that you just have to give up on your dream of this bright child?


After both of us are exhausted, I do often realize that quite often I could have just cut the whole meltdown down to within minutes by having said "yes", "yes", "ok", "you can have that", ..., to all the OCD requests he was making during the meltdowns. But I am having such tough time letting it go, though, to think that I would have to lower my expectations and continue to cut him slacks just to get by... He is such a smart boy: I taught him multiple-digit multiplication & division when he was 3!


But as he gets older and I get more stressed daily, this thought kept creeping in: when is enough enough? How do you even know?


From: Debra Balke <dlbalkecharter (DOT) net>Subject: Re: ( ) question Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 5:50 PM


Well.... I wouldn't exactly say "normal" but it is very common with Asperger's.  We do meds.  Thank god.  Otherwise, I would be completely insane.  Meds are hard to do at first, but when you realize that the behavior is destroying the kid, the other kids, the parents, and the marriage, it starts to seem crazy not to do the meds.  We used to have LOTS of this kind of insanity at our house.  With the meds, he no longer tries to kill us, jump out of the car, etc. etc. etc.  But, when we try to lower them, bits of it creeps back in and we forget how bad it was until we see it again.  So, we have him on just barely enough meds to keep it so that it is "do-able" at our house.  But, sometimes that means we get a big ugly scene if we aren't careful.   We are doing Zoloft 50 mg per day, Tenex 1/2 mg twice a day and Abilify 20 mg per day.  The more the antipsychotic, the

better the child, but the more the weight gain.  So, we did have some Risperdal added in at one point and he was the best ever, but we reduced it and now he is just "tolerable."  I wish there were safer, better meds, with no weight gain.  As for the husband.  Ah, ha, ha..... mine used to do that too.  That was always fun.  Gives you warm fuzzies about your marriage too, as everyone crumbles under the strain of it all.  Medicate the kid if you aren't already.  Get yourself psychologically as stable as possible, with antidepressants if needed.  I keep asking my mother, my husband, my friends, "Am I crazy or are they making me crazy?"   They all tell me that the situation would make ANYONE crazy and it doesn't matter if I was crazy first or they are making me crazy...... I need Zoloft to survive this.  I realized also that on 75 mg per day myself, rather than 50 mg per day myself, I

can live through it better and get through each day easier with it.  Same with my husband.  It is a matter of survival at this point. 


Tell the damn husband to step up to the plate, act like a man, and if he doesn't you are leaving and HE will get full custody of the kids.  Ha, ha, ha......  The only divorce proceeding where both parents fight over who HAS to have the kids......  :)  Only kidding.


Hang in there.  Been there, done that.  It is exhausting.. .. absolutely exhausting.  One day at a time.  One hour at a time.  Just get through tonight.  Baby steps.  What is the minimum you need to do right now to get by.  

( ) question


Is this AS?  Or is it something else?  This is so extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning).  He said he didn't want to go, which is what he usually says.  He actually had a very good day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home.  We got to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight.  I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime.  Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix.  I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just stood there waiting for him to get over it.  He didn't, unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up.  He tried to break the van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me.  Then he got out of the van and ran to the corner.  I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance.  He kept inching farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him.  I had to leave all the other kids alone in the van.  The oldest is 10 and the youngest is just a baby-- 16 months.  Thank goodness I have my 10 year old.  For 40 minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds.  He is 8 and very very strong.  I couldn't believe no one

stopped and said anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street.  I was afraid he would run into the road.  I literally could not get him back to the van.  I'm not strong enough.  A cop drove by and just looked.  I waved, but he ignored me.  Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie.  It was the only way I could get him back to the van.  Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming and calling me names.  We had to stop at the bank.  I have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this!  Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today.  We just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other variations on that theme.  Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going.  I was supposed to work tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house.  I had to cancel at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and thumping coming from the basement!  This is not good for my business.  We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know if we can.  I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.  

He hasn't been this bad for a while.  A couple months.  Is this AS?  It seems so extreme.  Nothing helps.  Nothing.  Is this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I will give it to him.  All of our lives stop when this happens.  I don't even know what I could have done.  What can I do when he runs away and we are out?  

He just now has settled down.  It lasted 2.5 hours.  I'm exhausted.


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Wow, I really wish you could be our neuro now :)  I am very glad we can be friends though.  My profession is sometimes not well received, usually because many people don't know what homeopathy is (it isn't herbs!  My mom tells me I should always start out with that when explaining it.  lol).  I wonder if you experience that as well.  It would be for opposite reasons, I imagine.  Too bad most of us on both sides don't want to meet in the middle and cooperate.  I imagine we could accomplish some great things that way!  I know what you're saying about side effects of it all.... no matter which path you choose, there is a price to pay, isn't there?He did AMAZINGLY well at the wedding reception and everything that went on the next

day. That reception was so loud, I'm just shocked that he got through so well.  He brought his teddy bear and would hide in the hall with her every once in a while and would come right back.  He went out on the dance floor a few times and was very social with his cousins.  There was only a hint of a meltdown a couple times.  He slept well at the hotel, he did well at breakfast, he followed directions at the hotel pool, he was polite to nearly everyone nearly all of the time.I don't get it.  He did complain all the way there.  Maybe he got it out of his system.  JenFrom: Debra Balke <dlbalke@...> Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 2:20:21 PMSubject: Re: ( ) question


I hear you!  The drugs do suck.  And yes, homeopathy, pharmacology. .... all drugs, just a matter of how much mainstream science has studied it, that is all.  Yes, we can still be friends.  :)  Too funny!

I wish there was the perfect solution!  There are many nights I think I can't do it another day, but I tell myself that I will feel differently when I wake up the next morning and I just make myself go to bed and forget about it and then, amazingly, the next day I can do just one more day of it. 


Yes, the idea of meds making it worse is a real concern.  Absolutely.  These drugs are like taking a giant sledgehammer to the problem.  You never know what you are going to get.  It is totally trial and error.  And, the concern of what it will do to the kid in the long run.  Who knows.  That is why they truly are a last resort.  But, we have been between a rock and a hard place several times and the drugs have been a lifesafer.  There are true dangers to psychiatric hospitalization and residential placement, people often forget about that as well.  Not to mention the negative impact on kids of divorce and other siblings falling apart under the stress.  All of these things have "side effects" too, just like the drugs do. 


It is scary.  I don't think I want to be a grown up anymore..... . tired of putting on the big girl pants every day. 

( ) question


Is this AS?  Or is it something else?  This is so extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning).  He said he didn't want to go, which is what he usually says.  He actually had a very good day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home.  We got to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight.  I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime.  Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix.  I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just stood there waiting for him to get over it.  He didn't, unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up.  He tried to break the van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me.  Then he got out of the van and ran to the corner.  I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance.  He kept inching farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him.  I had to leave all the other kids alone in the van.  The oldest is 10 and the youngest is just a baby-- 16 months.  Thank goodness I have my 10 year old.  For 40 minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds.  He is 8 and very very strong.  I couldn't believe no one stopped and said anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street.  I was afraid he would run into the road.  I literally could not get him back to the van.  I'm not strong enough.  A cop drove by and just looked.  I waved, but he ignored me.  Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie.  It was the only way I could get him back to the van.  Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming and calling me names.  We had to stop at the bank.  I have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this!  Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today.  We just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other variations on that theme.  Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going.  I was supposed to work tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house.  I had to cancel at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and thumping coming from the basement!  This is not good for my business.  We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know if we can.  I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.  

He hasn't been this bad for a while.  A couple months.  Is this AS?  It seems so extreme.  Nothing helps.  Nothing.  Is this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I will give it to him.  All of our lives stop when this happens.  I don't even know what I could have done.  What can I do when he runs away and we are out?  

He just now has settled down.  It lasted 2.5 hours.  I'm exhausted.


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I love the nicholas show, how apt. lol

From: Debra Balke <dlbalkecharter (DOT) net>Subject: Re: ( ) question Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 5:50 PM

Well.... I wouldn't exactly say "normal" but it is very common with Asperger's. We do meds. Thank god. Otherwise, I would be completely insane. Meds are hard to do at first, but when you realize that the behavior is destroying the kid, the other kids, the parents, and the marriage, it starts to seem crazy not to do the meds. We used to have LOTS of this kind of insanity at our house. With the meds, he no longer tries to kill us, jump out of the car, etc. etc. etc. But, when we try to lower them, bits of it creeps back in and we forget how bad it was until we see it again. So, we have him on just barely enough meds to keep it so that it is "do-able" at our house. But, sometimes that means we get a big ugly scene if we aren't careful. We are doing Zoloft 50 mg per day, Tenex 1/2 mg twice a day and Abilify 20 mg per day. The more the antipsychotic, the

better the child, but the more the weight gain. So, we did have some Risperdal added in at one point and he was the best ever, but we reduced it and now he is just "tolerable." I wish there were safer, better meds, with no weight gain. As for the husband. Ah, ha, ha..... mine used to do that too. That was always fun. Gives you warm fuzzies about your marriage too, as everyone crumbles under the strain of it all. Medicate the kid if you aren't already. Get yourself psychologically as stable as possible, with antidepressants if needed. I keep asking my mother, my husband, my friends, "Am I crazy or are they making me crazy?" They all tell me that the situation would make ANYONE crazy and it doesn't matter if I was crazy first or they are making me crazy...... I need Zoloft to survive this. I realized also that on 75 mg per day myself, rather than 50 mg per day myself, I

can live through it better and get through each day easier with it. Same with my husband. It is a matter of survival at this point.

Tell the damn husband to step up to the plate, act like a man, and if he doesn't you are leaving and HE will get full custody of the kids. Ha, ha, ha...... The only divorce proceeding where both parents fight over who HAS to have the kids...... :) Only kidding.

Hang in there. Been there, done that. It is exhausting.. .. absolutely exhausting. One day at a time. One hour at a time. Just get through tonight. Baby steps. What is the minimum you need to do right now to get by.

( ) question

Is this AS? Or is it something else? This is so extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning). He said he didn't want to go, which is what he usually says. He actually had a very good day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home. We got to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight. I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime. Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix. I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just stood there waiting for him to get over it. He didn't, unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up. He tried to break the van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me. Then he got out of the van and ran to the corner. I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance. He kept inching farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him. I had to leave all the other kids alone in the van. The oldest is 10 and the youngest is just a baby-- 16 months. Thank goodness I have my 10 year old. For 40 minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds. He is 8 and very very strong. I couldn't believe no one

stopped and said anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street. I was afraid he would run into the road. I literally could not get him back to the van. I'm not strong enough. A cop drove by and just looked. I waved, but he ignored me. Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie. It was the only way I could get him back to the van. Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming and calling me names. We had to stop at the bank. I have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this! Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today. We just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other variations on that theme. Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going. I was supposed to work tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house. I had to cancel at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and thumping coming from the basement! This is not good for my business. We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know if we can. I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.

He hasn't been this bad for a while. A couple months. Is this AS? It seems so extreme. Nothing helps. Nothing. Is this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I will give it to him. All of our lives stop when this happens. I don't even know what I could have done. What can I do when he runs away and we are out?

He just now has settled down. It lasted 2.5 hours. I'm exhausted.


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Re complaining all the way there, one day I took my son to see Mama Mia, he complained from about half way through, can we go now, over and over. I also took him ice skating and swimming, which he loves, when we got home his dad asked if he had enjoyed himself and he said yes the film was great!!! Now its one of his favourite dvd's.

From: Jen Marks <barefootmamma@...>Subject: Re: ( ) question Date: Sunday, 18 October, 2009, 22:34

Wow, I really wish you could be our neuro now :) I am very glad we can be friends though. My profession is sometimes not well received, usually because many people don't know what homeopathy is (it isn't herbs! My mom tells me I should always start out with that when explaining it. lol). I wonder if you experience that as well. It would be for opposite reasons, I imagine. Too bad most of us on both sides don't want to meet in the middle and cooperate. I imagine we could accomplish some great things that way!

I know what you're saying about side effects of it all.... no matter which path you choose, there is a price to pay, isn't there?

He did AMAZINGLY well at the wedding reception and everything that went on the next day. That reception was so loud, I'm just shocked that he got through so well. He brought his teddy bear and would hide in the hall with her every once in a while and would come right back. He went out on the dance floor a few times and was very social with his cousins. There was only a hint of a meltdown a couple times. He slept well at the hotel, he did well at breakfast, he followed directions at the hotel pool, he was polite to nearly everyone nearly all of the time.

I don't get it. He did complain all the way there. Maybe he got it out of his system.


From: Debra Balke <dlbalkecharter (DOT) net> Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 2:20:21 PMSubject: Re: ( ) question

I hear you! The drugs do suck. And yes, homeopathy, pharmacology. .... all drugs, just a matter of how much mainstream science has studied it, that is all. Yes, we can still be friends. :) Too funny!

I wish there was the perfect solution! There are many nights I think I can't do it another day, but I tell myself that I will feel differently when I wake up the next morning and I just make myself go to bed and forget about it and then, amazingly, the next day I can do just one more day of it.

Yes, the idea of meds making it worse is a real concern. Absolutely. These drugs are like taking a giant sledgehammer to the problem. You never know what you are going to get. It is totally trial and error. And, the concern of what it will do to the kid in the long run. Who knows. That is why they truly are a last resort. But, we have been between a rock and a hard place several times and the drugs have been a lifesafer. There are true dangers to psychiatric hospitalization and residential placement, people often forget about that as well. Not to mention the negative impact on kids of divorce and other siblings falling apart under the stress. All of these things have "side effects" too, just like the drugs do.

It is scary. I don't think I want to be a grown up anymore..... . tired of putting on the big girl pants every day.

( ) question

Is this AS? Or is it something else? This is so extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning). He said he didn't want to go, which is what he usually says. He actually had a very good day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home. We got to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight. I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime. Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix. I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just stood there waiting for him to get over it. He didn't, unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up. He tried to break the van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me. Then he got out of the van and ran to the corner. I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance. He kept inching farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him. I had to leave all the other kids alone in the van. The oldest is 10 and the youngest is just a baby-- 16 months. Thank goodness I have my 10 year old. For 40 minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds. He is 8 and very very strong. I couldn't believe no one

stopped and said anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street. I was afraid he would run into the road. I literally could not get him back to the van. I'm not strong enough. A cop drove by and just looked. I waved, but he ignored me. Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie. It was the only way I could get him back to the van. Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming and calling me names. We had to stop at the bank. I have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this! Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today. We just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other variations on that theme. Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going. I was supposed to work tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house. I had to cancel at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and thumping coming from the basement! This is not good for my business. We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know if we can. I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.

He hasn't been this bad for a while. A couple months. Is this AS? It seems so extreme. Nothing helps. Nothing. Is this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I will give it to him. All of our lives stop when this happens. I don't even know what I could have done. What can I do when he runs away and we are out?

He just now has settled down. It lasted 2.5 hours. I'm exhausted.


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I have the same problems! When is it worth it to just give in to avoid a fit?

From: Jen Marks <barefootmamma@...> Sent: Sun, October 18, 2009 5:24:34 PMSubject: Re: ( ) question

I can totally relate to this. When mine is acting so sweet and wonderful, it almost seems like the horribleness never happened.


From: caijiao cj zhao <caijiao (DOT) com> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:21:02 PMSubject: Re: ( ) question

I just went through my 3 hours' hell with my boy, who now is playing piano like an angel. Such beautiful music -- what happened during past 3 hours almost seemed like a nightmare...

But I do wonder, though, how you parents set expectations for your AS child? Where do you draw the line that you would just cut him slacks and let it go? When and how do you know that you just have to give up on your dream of this bright child?

After both of us are exhausted, I do often realize that quite often I could have just cut the whole meltdown down to within minutes by having said "yes", "yes", "ok", "you can have that", ..., to all the OCD requests he was making during the meltdowns. But I am having such tough time letting it go, though, to think that I would have to lower my expectations and continue to cut him slacks just to get by... He is such a smart boy: I taught him multiple-digit multiplication & division when he was 3!

But as he gets older and I get more stressed daily, this thought kept creeping in: when is enough enough? How do you even know?

From: Debra Balke <dlbalkecharter (DOT) net>Subject: Re: ( ) question Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 5:50 PM

Well.... I wouldn't exactly say "normal" but it is very common with Asperger's. We do meds. Thank god. Otherwise, I would be completely insane. Meds are hard to do at first, but when you realize that the behavior is destroying the kid, the other kids, the parents, and the marriage, it starts to seem crazy not to do the meds. We used to have LOTS of this kind of insanity at our house. With the meds, he no longer tries to kill us, jump out of the car, etc. etc. etc. But, when we try to lower them, bits of it creeps back in and we forget how bad it was until we see it again. So, we have him on just barely enough meds to keep it so that it is "do-able" at our house. But, sometimes that means we get a big ugly scene if we aren't careful. We are doing Zoloft 50 mg per day, Tenex 1/2 mg twice a day and Abilify 20 mg per day. The more the antipsychotic, the

better the child, but the more the weight gain. So, we did have some Risperdal added in at one point and he was the best ever, but we reduced it and now he is just "tolerable." I wish there were safer, better meds, with no weight gain. As for the husband. Ah, ha, ha..... mine used to do that too. That was always fun. Gives you warm fuzzies about your marriage too, as everyone crumbles under the strain of it all. Medicate the kid if you aren't already. Get yourself psychologically as stable as possible, with antidepressants if needed. I keep asking my mother, my husband, my friends, "Am I crazy or are they making me crazy?" They all tell me that the situation would make ANYONE crazy and it doesn't matter if I was crazy first or they are making me crazy...... I need Zoloft to survive this. I realized also that on 75 mg per day myself, rather than 50 mg per day myself, I

can live through it better and get through each day easier with it. Same with my husband. It is a matter of survival at this point.

Tell the damn husband to step up to the plate, act like a man, and if he doesn't you are leaving and HE will get full custody of the kids. Ha, ha, ha...... The only divorce proceeding where both parents fight over who HAS to have the kids...... :) Only kidding.

Hang in there. Been there, done that. It is exhausting.. .. absolutely exhausting. One day at a time. One hour at a time. Just get through tonight. Baby steps. What is the minimum you need to do right now to get by.

( ) question

Is this AS? Or is it something else? This is so extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning). He said he didn't want to go, which is what he usually says. He actually had a very good day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home. We got to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight. I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime. Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix. I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just stood there waiting for him to get over it. He didn't, unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up. He tried to break the van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me. Then he got out of the van and ran to the corner. I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance. He kept inching farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him. I had to leave all the other kids alone in the van. The oldest is 10 and the youngest is just a baby-- 16 months. Thank goodness I have my 10 year old. For 40 minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds. He is 8 and very very strong. I couldn't believe no one

stopped and said anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street. I was afraid he would run into the road. I literally could not get him back to the van. I'm not strong enough. A cop drove by and just looked. I waved, but he ignored me. Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie. It was the only way I could get him back to the van. Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming and calling me names. We had to stop at the bank. I have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this! Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today. We just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other variations on that theme. Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going. I was supposed to work tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house. I had to cancel at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and thumping coming from the basement! This is not good for my business. We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know if we can. I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.

He hasn't been this bad for a while. A couple months. Is this AS? It seems so extreme. Nothing helps. Nothing. Is this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I will give it to him. All of our lives stop when this happens. I don't even know what I could have done. What can I do when he runs away and we are out?

He just now has settled down. It lasted 2.5 hours. I'm exhausted.


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this sounds exactly like my 55 yo aspie husband and my 12 yo aspie daughter.

resisting the different or the new. but in my husbands case, rather than agree

that something is good, he will just cease complaining.




> From: Jen Marks <barefootmamma@...>

> Subject: Re: ( ) question


> Date: Sunday, 18 October, 2009, 22:34









> Wow, I really wish you could be our neuro now :)  I am very glad we can be

friends though.  My profession is sometimes not well received, usually because

many people don't know what homeopathy is (it isn't herbs!  My mom tells me I

should always start out with that when explaining it.  lol).  I wonder if you

experience that as well.  It would be for opposite reasons, I imagine.  Too bad

most of us on both sides don't want to meet in the middle and cooperate.  I

imagine we could accomplish some great things that way!  



> I know what you're saying about side effects of it all.... no matter which

path you choose, there is a price to pay, isn't there?



> He did AMAZINGLY well at the wedding reception and everything that went on the

next day. That reception was so loud, I'm just shocked that he got through so

well.  He brought his teddy bear and would hide in the hall with her every once

in a while and would come right back.  He went out on the dance floor a few

times and was very social with his cousins.  There was only a hint of a meltdown

a couple times.  He slept well at the hotel, he did well at breakfast, he

followed directions at the hotel pool, he was polite to nearly everyone nearly

all of the time.



> I don't get it.  He did complain all the way there.  Maybe he got it out of

his system.  



> Jen







> From: Debra Balke <dlbalkecharter (DOT) net>


> Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 2:20:21 PM

> Subject: Re: ( ) question





> I hear you!  The drugs do suck.  And yes, homeopathy, pharmacology. .... all

drugs, just a matter of how much mainstream science has studied it, that is

all.  Yes, we can still be friends.  :)  Too funny!

> I wish there was the perfect solution!  There are many nights I think I can't

do it another day, but I tell myself that I will feel differently when I wake up

the next morning and I just make myself go to bed and forget about it and then,

amazingly, the next day I can do just one more day of it. 


> Yes, the idea of meds making it worse is a real concern.  Absolutely.  These

drugs are like taking a giant sledgehammer to the problem.  You never know what

you are going to get.  It is totally trial and error.  And, the concern of what

it will do to the kid in the long run.  Who knows.  That is why they truly are a

last resort.  But, we have been between a rock and a hard place several times

and the drugs have been a lifesafer.  There are true dangers to psychiatric

hospitalization and residential placement, people often forget about that as

well.  Not to mention the negative impact on kids of divorce and other siblings

falling apart under the stress.  All of these things have " side effects " too,

just like the drugs do. 


> It is scary.  I don't think I want to be a grown up anymore..... . tired of

putting on the big girl pants every day. 


> ( ) question






> Is this AS?  Or is it something else?  This is so extreme..... . please tell

me what you think, my dh is ready to take our son to the hospital.



> At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go with me

(he only goes for a few hours in the morning).  He said he didn't want to go,

which is what he usually says.  He actually had a very good day at school this

morning and was doing well when he got home.  We got to the school and he told

me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on TV tonight.  I said no

because it starts at 8:00, which is his bedtime.  Believe me, I said it as

gently as possible and tried to bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix.

 I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells with him.



> When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we all just

stood there waiting for him to get over it.  He didn't, unfortunately, he just

kept getting more wound up.  He tried to break the van door and the front seat

and started punching at the windows and SCREAMING and swearing at me.  Then he

got out of the van and ran to the corner.  I didn't chase him because I know he

will run if I do that, so I just watched him from a distance.  He kept inching

farther and farther and when he got out of sight, I had to follow him.  I had to

leave all the other kids alone in the van.  The oldest is 10 and the youngest is

just a baby-- 16 months.  Thank goodness I have my 10 year old.  For 40 minutes

I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab him, he kicked and

scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds.  He is 8 and very very

strong.  I couldn't believe no one stopped and said anything, we were on the


> of a very busy street.  I was afraid he would run into the road.  I literally

could not get him back to the van.  I'm not strong enough.  A cop drove by and

just looked.  I waved, but he ignored me.  Thanks a lot buddy.



> I had to promise him that he could watch the movie.  It was the only way I

could get him back to the van.  Then he wouldn't buckle up and he kept screaming

and calling me names.  We had to stop at the bank.  I have to make our car

payment-- I HAD to do this!  Otherwise, believe me, I wouldn't have today.  We

just went through the drive through and the whole time he was yelling that he

was going to kill me and other variations on that theme.  Then he climbed into

the back of the van-- the storage area and wouldn't get back in his seat.



> When we got home he was still going.  I was supposed to work tonight, but I

can't because I see clients at my house.  I had to cancel at the last minute

because they surely would have wondered about the screaming and swearing and

thumping coming from the basement!  This is not good for my business.  We are

supposed to go to my sister's wedding three hours away tomorrow and I don't know

if we can.  I hurt my back wresting with him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on

my shin where he kicked me, and scratches that are bleeding on my hand.  



> He hasn't been this bad for a while.  A couple months.  Is this AS?  It seems

so extreme.  Nothing helps.  Nothing.  Is this something else?



> If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point where I

will give it to him.  All of our lives stop when this happens.  I don't even

know what I could have done.  What can I do when he runs away and we are out?  



> He just now has settled down.  It lasted 2.5 hours.  I'm exhausted.



> Jen


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I would not say this is normal for an AS kid. Kids with AS have a

harder time regulating themselves, some more than others. You need to

get some help. See the doc for meds. But also you could locate a

behavioral therapist (look up ABA therapist for your area) and get a

plan going. One problem is that intermittent reward is so powerful.

He knows you will eventually give in so he is able and willing to keep

going until he gets what he wants. It will be really tough to break

the cycle although I know how easy it is to get there. Someone can

help you design a plan to teach him how to calm down and perhaps meds

are helpful - talk to therapist and doc about the best way to proceed.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

Re: ( ) question


What?  You are living my life??? 

Wow.  :)

( )



Is this AS?  Or is it something else?  This is so

extreme..... . please tell me what you think, my dh is ready to take


son to the hospital.

At 3:30 I went to pick up my older girls from school and he had to go

with me (he only goes for a few hours in the morning).  He said he


want to go, which is what he usually says.  He actually had a very


day at school this morning and was doing well when he got home.  We


to the school and he told me he wanted to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja


on TV tonight.  I said no because it starts at 8:00, which is his

bedtime.  Believe me, I said it as gently as possible and tried to

bargain, telling him I would put it on Netflix.  I feel like I'm


walking on eggshells with him.

When his sisters got out to the van, he would not let them in, so we


just stood there waiting for him to get over it.  He didn't,

unfortunately, he just kept getting more wound up.  He tried to break


van door and the front seat and started punching at the windows and


and swearing at me.  Then he got out of the van and ran to the


 I didn't chase him because I know he will run if I do that, so I


watched him from a distance.  He kept inching farther and farther and

when he got out of sight, I had to follow him.  I had to leave all


other kids alone in the van.  The oldest is 10 and the youngest is

just a

baby-- 16 months.  Thank goodness I have my 10 year old.  For 40

minutes I followed him and fought with him. When I was able to grab

him, he

kicked and scratched me and tried to put me in wrestling holds.  He

is 8

and very very strong.  I couldn't believe no one stopped and said

anything, we were on the sidewalk of a very busy street.  I was

afraid he

would run into the road.  I literally could not get him back to the


 I'm not strong enough.  A cop drove by and just looked.  I

waved, but he ignored me.  Thanks a lot buddy.

I had to promise him that he could watch the movie.  It was the only

way I could get him back to the van.  Then he wouldn't buckle up and


kept screaming and calling me names.  We had to stop at the bank.  I

have to make our car payment-- I HAD to do this!  Otherwise, believe


I wouldn't have today.  We just went through the drive through and


whole time he was yelling that he was going to kill me and other

variations on

that theme.  Then he climbed into the back of the van-- the storage


and wouldn't get back in his seat.

When we got home he was still going.  I was supposed to work

tonight, but I can't because I see clients at my house.  I had to


at the last minute because they surely would have wondered about the


and swearing and thumping coming from the basement!  This is not good


my business.  We are supposed to go to my sister's wedding three


away tomorrow and I don't know if we can.  I hurt my back wresting


him on the sidewalk, I have a bruise on my shin where he kicked me,


scratches that are bleeding on my hand.  

He hasn't been this bad for a while.  A couple months.  Is this

AS?  It seems so extreme.  Nothing helps.  Nothing.  Is

this something else?

If someone can offer me a medicine that will work, I am at the point

where I will give it to him.  All of our lives stop when this


 I don't even know what I could have done.  What can I do when he

runs away and we are out?  

He just now has settled down.  It lasted 2.5 hours.  I'm



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Hi Liz any good hormone Dr. will tell you shoot for the upper 1/3 of your labs

range for Total, Free and Bio. Testosterone then go by how one feels if not

great go higher. Labs ranges are by age and they suck Dr.'s believe if levels

were good for a man in his 20's then they are dam good for a man in his late


I am 65 and my Total T is 856 top of the range is 1100.

My Free T is 210 top of the range is 224.

My Bioavailable T is 395 top of the range is 575.

I feel dam good at them levels.

My Estradiol is 17

My SHBG is 19 and because my levels are this low I do better with Estradiol at




> From: starlightvisions@... <starlightvisions@...>

> Subject: Question


> Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 2:02 PM

> Phil,


> Do you know the optimal free and total testosterone levels

> men should aim for? I know every man is different but I am

> talking lab values. We are talking more eldery men who want

> to feel great!


> Thanks,


> Liz

> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct

> Connect


> ------------------------------------



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Wow, your free t is 210. My dad's was on;y 25, I dont remember lab

ranges but he used labcorp for his blood work. He is on pellets, (if

you remember) and its been 3 months and he feels crappy. He said he

only got a good month of them. He had 7 pellets, 100mg a piece. What

TRT are you using to produce such good results?

On Oct 29, 2009, at 4:30 PM, philip georgian wrote:

> Hi Liz any good hormone Dr. will tell you shoot for the upper 1/3 of

> your labs range for Total, Free and Bio. Testosterone then go by how

> one feels if not great go higher. Labs ranges are by age and they

> suck Dr.'s believe if levels were good for a man in his 20's then

> they are dam good for a man in his late yrs.


> I am 65 and my Total T is 856 top of the range is 1100.

> My Free T is 210 top of the range is 224.

> My Bioavailable T is 395 top of the range is 575.

> I feel dam good at them levels.

> My Estradiol is 17

> My SHBG is 19 and because my levels are this low I do better with

> Estradiol at 17.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil




> > From: starlightvisions@... <starlightvisions@...>

> > Subject: Question

> >

> > Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 2:02 PM

> > Phil,

> >

> > Do you know the optimal free and total testosterone levels

> > men should aim for? I know every man is different but I am

> > talking lab values. We are talking more eldery men who want

> > to feel great!

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Liz

> > Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel Direct

> > Connect

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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If he can't get the Dr. to give him about 1500 mgs in pellets stop wasting his

time doing them any Dr. giving a man 700 mgs and telling him he should be good

for 3 months is not up on doing this and 700 mgs will only last about 30 days.

You need to take to ernestnolon about pellets he have been on them for many yrs

over 20 here is a link to a search on his posts.

Read back a few yrs. there is a lot of info about pellets from his posts.


If he can't get this Dr. to come around then go to shots.

The cost is a lot lower.



> >

> > > From: starlightvisions@...

> <starlightvisions@...>

> > > Subject: Question

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 2:02 PM

> > > Phil,

> > >

> > > Do you know the optimal free and total

> testosterone levels

> > > men should aim for? I know every man is different

> but I am

> > > talking lab values. We are talking more eldery

> men who want

> > > to feel great!

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > > Liz

> > > Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel

> Direct

> > > Connect

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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Hi Phil,

How can I get to talk to ernest...I put him on my list awhile

ago I think, and he is never on. No, he had 700mg and told him that

would last him 6 months!! He has had them in for 3 months now, and he

feels petered out. Ok, I have his labs here from 4 weeks after 700mg

pellets and armitrex 2 times a week total 1mg

estradiol : 7 range 0-55

Free T: 28.5 Range 6.6-18.1

Total T: 1215 Range 214-827

He said his libido WAS good at that time, but still had problems with

intercourse, (not erect enough) Morning erections were better he said.

Just a month ago his libido started dropping and so did morning

erections. He stopped the armitrex like you said, and its been a week

and still no morning erections. So this is where he is at now.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 5:03 PM, philip georgian wrote:

> If he can't get the Dr. to give him about 1500 mgs in pellets stop

> wasting his time doing them any Dr. giving a man 700 mgs and telling

> him he should be good for 3 months is not up on doing this and 700

> mgs will only last about 30 days. You need to take to ernestnolon

> about pellets he have been on them for many yrs over 20 here is a

> link to a search on his posts.

> Read back a few yrs. there is a lot of info about pellets from his

> posts.

> http://tinyurl.com/ykfwcg4

> If he can't get this Dr. to come around then go to shots.

> The cost is a lot lower.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil



> > >

> > > > From: starlightvisions@...

> > <starlightvisions@...>

> > > > Subject: Question

> > > >

> > > > Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 2:02 PM

> > > > Phil,

> > > >

> > > > Do you know the optimal free and total

> > testosterone levels

> > > > men should aim for? I know every man is different

> > but I am

> > > > talking lab values. We are talking more eldery

> > men who want

> > > > to feel great!

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > >

> > > > Liz

> > > > Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with Nextel

> > Direct

> > > > Connect

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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Try to send him a Email at


I hope he is ok he is in his 80's any way by now he is very low being on only

700 mgs 3 months now. I would call this Dr. and tell him he is not doing well

as for stopping arimidex as his T levels come down and they are he is not going

to get good wood his Estradiol levels are not going to come back up. Estradiol

is made from testosterone in men. I am beting he is very low now.

If you can't get this Dr. to give him more pellets and a higher dose switch to

shots. We do are own shots I use a small needle 27g 1ml x 1/2 " lg. to shoot

into my thigh. Have the Dr. show him if he will not then you need a better Dr.



> > > >

> > > > > From: starlightvisions@...

> > > <starlightvisions@...>

> > > > > Subject: Question

> > > > >

> > > > > Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 2:02

> PM

> > > > > Phil,

> > > > >

> > > > > Do you know the optimal free and total

> > > testosterone levels

> > > > > men should aim for? I know every man is

> different

> > > but I am

> > > > > talking lab values. We are talking more

> eldery

> > > men who want

> > > > > to feel great!

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks,

> > > > >

> > > > > Liz

> > > > > Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

> with Nextel

> > > Direct

> > > > > Connect

> > > > >

> > > > > ------------------------------------

> > > > >

> > > > >

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  • 2 weeks later...

He needs to stop the prohormons they are doing more harm then good and are very

bad for his liver taking them oraly. They can give him man boobs, make his

Estradiol levels go way up and this will kill his sex life. The list of bad

things this dose is so long if he read about it first he whould not have tried

it. You said his Dr. has him on Test Cyp. but only 100 mgs every 2 weeks this

is nothing and all it will do is shut down his testis from making Testosterone

and leave his with lower levels then before the shot.

Men start at 100 mgs a week and try to get there total T levels up into the

upper 1/3 of there labs range then go from there by how they feel. His Dr. did

this wrong and there would be a lot of muscle loss from this over time.

Here is a link to the AACE Guildlines in this it states to do shots on page 11

every 7 to 10 days.


I can't tell him what to do but if I were him I would get some testing down and

stop the Prohormone and do shots every week. Get his Estradiol levels checked

if high try to get them down using arimidex if he needs this let me know.

Also go to Dr. 's forum and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and his HCG

update in this are labs one needs done and he puts this out there free for you

and your Dr.




> From: irina.stern <irina.stern@...>

> Subject: question


> Date: Friday, November 13, 2009, 8:31 PM

> MY friend, 36 y.old have been on the

> cypionate 100ct every 2 week in about 6 month, He fell much

> different and look great than during 3 year of researches of

> his health problem issue.

> His training and muscle gain hase a perfect result.

> About 4 mo. ago he desided add some prohormons as Spawn in

> oraly intake.

> After cycle of muscle gaining and staing on Post cycle

> Therapy He chanched a lot.

> when I see him - its totaly dofferent men

> Lost weight and get very pale face.

> He didn't tell to his MD about taken prohormons.

> I don't know what to tell him about using both treatment

> but realy want to help.

> Is here any body who can answer what could be happen if he

> will continue and will stay on both TRT and prohormons




> ------------------------------------



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Yes. I am positive for Epstein Barr. & others are too. Come over to LDNforCFS

( forum) to discuss or ask questions.

LDN helps in varying degrees for CFSers, but is definitely not a stand alone


Hope to see you at LDNforCFS.



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I am halfway thru reading Robison's bio, " Look me in the Eye " . Both of his

parents had mental illness(depression/alcoholism and schizophrenia) and it is

alarming to read of his unfortunate childhood. It is also encouraging to read of

his successful adulthood.

I was wondering the same thing, how many families of Aspies are affected by

serious mental illness?



> I have a daughter who is 27. While she was diagnosed 22 years ago as a high

functioning moderate autistic, those who first meet her think she is Aspergers.

My husband is also Aspergers.


> I know so many people who are autistic/Asperger's that are also either bipolar

or schizophrenic. My question is how many people on this list also have a

child/spouse/family member/friend who has the same problem.


> I think it has to do with the anxiety so many on the spectrum deal with that

it causes other problems.


> In my daughter's case they have had a hard time diagnosing her because she has

some symptoms from one thing and some from another thing but not enough to

really be considered as either. One of the biggest problems is that we can't

seem to find a psychologist that deals with adults with autism and how mental

illness effects it.


> I am waiting for the day when there are more doctors that understand adults

with autism spectrum disorder and how anxiety and stress truly affects them.


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Guest guest

I read that and so have my family. It is great. There are too many people with different mental illnesses. Especially depression and bipolar. Yet society are still unaccepting! Sent from my iPhoneOn 11/05/2010, at 2:51 AM, "KylieM" <kyliemonty@...> wrote:

I am halfway thru reading Robison's bio, "Look me in the Eye". Both of his parents had mental illness(depression/alcoholism and schizophrenia) and it is alarming to read of his unfortunate childhood. It is also encouraging to read of his successful adulthood.

I was wondering the same thing, how many families of Aspies are affected by serious mental illness?



> I have a daughter who is 27. While she was diagnosed 22 years ago as a high functioning moderate autistic, those who first meet her think she is Aspergers. My husband is also Aspergers.


> I know so many people who are autistic/Asperger's that are also either bipolar or schizophrenic. My question is how many people on this list also have a child/spouse/family member/friend who has the same problem.


> I think it has to do with the anxiety so many on the spectrum deal with that it causes other problems.


> In my daughter's case they have had a hard time diagnosing her because she has some symptoms from one thing and some from another thing but not enough to really be considered as either. One of the biggest problems is that we can't seem to find a psychologist that deals with adults with autism and how mental illness effects it.


> I am waiting for the day when there are more doctors that understand adults with autism spectrum disorder and how anxiety and stress truly affects them.


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Guest guest

I can't believe I missed this post...my son has Aspergers...my ex is an alcholic and I know has is hyperactive...I have to go for now but I'm going to come back and read this whole post..


Re: ( ) Re: question

I read that and so have my family. It is great. There are too many people with different mental illnesses. Especially depression and bipolar. Yet society are still unaccepting!

Sent from my iPhone

On 11/05/2010, at 2:51 AM, "KylieM" <kyliemonty > wrote:

I am halfway thru reading Robison's bio, "Look me in the Eye". Both of his parents had mental illness(depression/alcoholism and schizophrenia) and it is alarming to read of his unfortunate childhood. It is also encouraging to read of his successful adulthood.

I was wondering the same thing, how many families of Aspies are affected by serious mental illness?



> I have a daughter who is 27. While she was diagnosed 22 years ago as a high functioning moderate autistic, those who first meet her think she is Aspergers. My husband is also Aspergers.


> I know so many people who are autistic/Asperger's that are also either bipolar or schizophrenic. My question is how many people on this list also have a child/spouse/family member/friend who has the same problem.


> I think it has to do with the anxiety so many on the spectrum deal with that it causes other problems.


> In my daughter's case they have had a hard time diagnosing her because she has some symptoms from one thing and some from another thing but not enough to really be considered as either. One of the biggest problems is that we can't seem to find a psychologist that deals with adults with autism and how mental illness effects it.


> I am waiting for the day when there are more doctors that understand adults with autism spectrum disorder and how anxiety and stress truly affects them.


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Guest guest

I just picked up the book this Saturday at Target, and can't wait to start

reading it!

In my family, my mother, her mother, her brother, and her nephew all have had

bipolar disorder and are addicted to alcohol and/or drugs (My mom was actually

Baker Acted last week--again).

On my dad's side, one of his aunt's had schizophrenia.

Thankfully, my 2 sisters and I have broken the viscious cycle and our kids'

lives have not had to be touched by any of this. My older son is the only

person in my family that has been diagnosed with Asperger's, but I suspect my

twin sister's oldest son is also an Aspie, just not diagnosed...

> >

> > I have a daughter who is 27. While she was diagnosed 22 years ago as a high

functioning moderate autistic, those who first meet her think she is Aspergers.

My husband is also Aspergers.

> >

> > I know so many people who are autistic/Asperger's that are also either

bipolar or schizophrenic. My question is how many people on this list also have

a child/spouse/family member/friend who has the same problem.

> >

> > I think it has to do with the anxiety so many on the spectrum deal with that

it causes other problems.

> >

> > In my daughter's case they have had a hard time diagnosing her because she

has some symptoms from one thing and some from another thing but not enough to

really be considered as either. One of the biggest problems is that we can't

seem to find a psychologist that deals with adults with autism and how mental

illness effects it.

> >

> > I am waiting for the day when there are more doctors that understand adults

with autism spectrum disorder and how anxiety and stress truly affects them.

> >


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Guest guest

I just responded to a another post that in my family there are at least 5 people

on my mother's side who are bipolar and addicts (alcohol/drugs) and 1 person on

my father's side that had schizophrenia. I can't lie and say that I don't worry

about this with my son, but, thankfully, he does have some anxiety, we haven't

seen any signs that concern us.


> I have a daughter who is 27. While she was diagnosed 22 years ago as a high

functioning moderate autistic, those who first meet her think she is Aspergers.

My husband is also Aspergers.


> I know so many people who are autistic/Asperger's that are also either bipolar

or schizophrenic. My question is how many people on this list also have a

child/spouse/family member/friend who has the same problem.


> I think it has to do with the anxiety so many on the spectrum deal with that

it causes other problems.


> In my daughter's case they have had a hard time diagnosing her because she has

some symptoms from one thing and some from another thing but not enough to

really be considered as either. One of the biggest problems is that we can't

seem to find a psychologist that deals with adults with autism and how mental

illness effects it.


> I am waiting for the day when there are more doctors that understand adults

with autism spectrum disorder and how anxiety and stress truly affects them.


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Guest guest

We have depression, anxiety and alcoholism in our family. My father may have had undiagnosed Asperger's, as he had many quirks and anger issues. But died 20 years ago, it's hard for me to know now.




From: Gladys <glad1@...>Subject: ( ) Re: question Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 7:27 AM

I just responded to a another post that in my family there are at least 5 people on my mother's side who are bipolar and addicts (alcohol/drugs) and 1 person on my father's side that had schizophrenia. I can't lie and say that I don't worry about this with my son, but, thankfully, he does have some anxiety, we haven't seen any signs that concern us.>> I have a daughter who is 27. While she was diagnosed 22 years ago as a high functioning moderate autistic, those who first meet her think she is Aspergers. My husband is also Aspergers.> > I know so many people who are autistic/Asperger' s that are also either bipolar or schizophrenic. My question is how many

people on this list also have a child/spouse/ family member/friend who has the same problem.> > I think it has to do with the anxiety so many on the spectrum deal with that it causes other problems.> > In my daughter's case they have had a hard time diagnosing her because she has some symptoms from one thing and some from another thing but not enough to really be considered as either. One of the biggest problems is that we can't seem to find a psychologist that deals with adults with autism and how mental illness effects it.> > I am waiting for the day when there are more doctors that understand adults with autism spectrum disorder and how anxiety and stress truly affects them.>

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