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Cornstarch vs Polycose

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As per the Dr. Harbison document in MAGIC's library on the use of

cornstach to prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia... here is the answer:

3. At what age can cornstarch safely be given to an RSS child at


Children less than 8 months of age do NOT have the enzymes necessary

to breakdown cornstarch. You cannot depend upon cornstarch to

prevent hypoglycemia in young infants. Young infants CAN breakdown

shorter chains of glucose polymer; thus, during infancy, Polycose

should be used instead of cornstarch to prevent hypoglycemia.

4. Could we always use Polycose instead of cornstarch?

Dr. H Responds: No. First, it is burned up much faster than

cornstarch and thus, does not protect against hypoglycemia for as

long. Polycose will prevent hypoglycemia for only 3 to 5 hours

instead of the 6 to 8 hours for cornstarch. Second, it is expensive

and cornstarch is very cheap.

5. Could we use corn syrup instead of Polycose for infants?

Dr. H Responds: No. Corn syrup, like cornstarch, is much cheaper

than Polycose. But it is not the same as Polycose. First, it

contains more free glucose and shorter chains of glucose polymer so

it lasts even a shorter time than Polycose. Second, it contains

other materials that can be harmful to infants if taken chronically.

6. Can honey be substituted for Polycose or cornstarch?

Dr. H Responds: No! Honey should NEVER be given to children less

than 24 months of age. Honey may contain spores that can cause

sudden death.

Hope this explains the difference. Salem

> >> >> Gretchen,

> >> >>

> >> >> I'm glad that you finally have a treatment plan in effect and

> >that

> >> >Sage is doing so well. Please stay with the group, as you have

> >> >decided to do. We are all here to support each other, even if


> >of

> >> >our kids don't have RSS. There are so many similar issues that


> >> >kids face! That's why Dr. H. has suggested on numerous


> >to

> >> >include IUGR and SGA kids in the RSS Division of MAGIC.

> >> >>

> >> >> Keep reading, keep posting and together we will all get


> >> >this.

> >> >>

> >> >> Jodi

> >> >> Sage isnt RSS but Im staying on this

> >> >listserve

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >> Hi everyone

> >> >>

> >> >> I thought I would let everyone know that we went to Boston


> >the

> >> >31st of December for 2 weeks to have numerous doctors to see

> >Sage.She

> >> >saw a genetisist, a GI specialist, a nutrionalist & a


> >She

> >> >had lots of tests performed, lots of blood work, urine work,


> >> >stool tests. She had a upper GI and a gastric emptying scheme


> >> >and ultra-sounds, and bone x rays. The genetisist didnt think


> >was

> >> >necessary at this point for her to see a endocronologist as she

> >> >believes by looking at Sage and examining her that she doesnt


> >> >any kind of syndrome but had a GI problem. The other thing that

> >came

> >> >back was that she has pretty bad gastro reflux. So we had her

> >formula

> >> >switched to similac and the nutritionalist gave me some recipes


> >> >make it at 30 calories per ounce with adding polycose to


> >is

> >> >almost 14 pounds and is 8.5 months. She measures 26 in. THe GI

> >doctor

> >> >told us that because she was IUGR she will probably be a


> >> >feeder for her first 3 years, and he also!

> >> >> believes that she will always be on the smaller side. He

> >doesnt

> >> >believe she will ever need anything like GH but he said it her

> >eating

> >> >doesnt improve then maybe her will try some periactin.


> >> >since we have been home she has not vomitted at all and has


> >> >drinking her bottles and eating her veggies very well. I am


> >so

> >> >worried about her slow growth though, and would like to remain


> >part

> >> >of the listserve for ideas and support. Thanks for listening.

> >> >>

> >> >> Gretchen

> >> >> Mum to Chloe 3.8yrs & Sage 8.5 months (IUGR - 13.8lbs and


> >in)

> >> >from Bermuda

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >>

> >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------

> >> >> WWW.COM - Where the Web Begins! http://www.www.com

> >> >>

> >> >>

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