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Re: Re: - MORE questions! ;)

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Hi - thanks for answering!

of course, I now have even MORE questions tho ;)

So is the difference between acute and chronic whether

or not the pain is constant? So if you just get

attacks now and then it's acute, but when the pain

stays constant it's chronic??

Also - if you had that pain in your back before your

attacks - approximately how long would it be from the

start of the back pain to the full blown attack? I

started having pain late yesterday afternoon. It's

not terrible pain, feels like maybe I worked out too

hard and all my muscles are sore, that kind of thing.

But it's been constant, and I now have a dull pain in

the middle of my abdomen, and once in a while a sharp

pain on the left side.

I am really afraid of having another attack - last

time it was just so horrible, and I felt sick for

about 10 days afterwards. I really don't want to go

through that again :( But if I have to, I at least

want to be prepared for it. Last time, I didn't have

any back pain, but I did get a fever and chills a

couple hours before the attack hit. sheeesh.. I feel

like a walking timebomb here.

Another question is about diet, and your comment that

you could eat a turkey and cheese sandwich. What do

you normally eat? Is there anything I could do diet

wise that would help me out? Since my attack I have

been eating pretty bland most of the time, a lot of

carbs - rice, pasta, bread, cereal.. it just seems

the most appealing to me. Also a lot of chicken, I've

been trying to stay away from fried foods.. I had

some french fries one day and it made me feel really

crummy so I stopped, and have been staying away from

fast foods as well, except pizza a couple times and

chinese food a couple times, but I seemed okay with

them. Any suggestions on diet do's and don't's would

be appreciated - thanks!

--- dunayczan@... wrote:

> Hi ,


> My name is and I am relatively new here also.

> Me and chronic

> pancreatitis are techically newlyweds...I've been

> having an affair

> with acute pancreatitis for years....(sorry...a

> little bit of bad

> humor always makes me feel better...LOL)

> Anyway, your pain could certainly all be related to

> the pancreatitis.

> Like I said I have had acute pancreatitis for years

> and my pain has

> always been on the right side, middle of my abdomen

> and through the

> back (or shoulder blades). About 6 weeks ago I

> started having mostly

> left sided pain that goes through my back. At first

> I thought it was

> strange but then realized it must be the chronic.

> Someone else

> responded to you saying that as soon as they feel

> the shoulder blade

> pain they start fasting. I have been doing that also

> and it seems to

> help...not that I am eating that much to start. I

> actually just

> started on pancrease (enzymes) this week and I had a

> whole (yes...a

> WHOLE) turkey and cheese (yes...CHEESE) sandwich and

> had NO troubles!

> Can you tell I am excited! It has been a while. I

> actually had real

> mayo on it too!

> OOPS...here I go again...off on a tangent!

> I also wanted to let you know that a few years ago

> when I was trying

> to find out what was going on, I had a CT scan that

> showed " something " on the pancreas. I then had an

> MRI and it showed

> a " mass " on the pancreas " consistent with cancer " . I

> was so freaked

> out! That was on a FRiday. I had to wait until

> Monday and then I went

> to the hospital and meet with the docs. They wanted

> to double check

> the scans so I had a repeat CT scan and another

> upper GI. After much

> debate the docs decided it was just a combination of

> air pockets and

> the fact that I had lost weight. I was only about

> 100lbs then so I

> guess everything was " smooshed " together. It took me

> a few weeks and

> a few more second opinions before I actually

> believed I was ok. Now I

> wonder if it wasn't the start of chronic

> pancreatitis.

> I am telling you this so maybe you won't be to

> nervous while you wait

> for your meeting with your doctor. Lots of times

> they think they see

> something and it turns out to be nothing. Think

> positively....although I know it is hard.

> One last thing...TPN stands for Total Parental

> Nutrition. It is

> basically food through the IV. It is more than just

> a regular IV. It

> has vitamins, calories, fat etc. Everything you get

> when you eat but

> it gives the pancreas a chance to rest since no

> digestion has to

> occur.

> Sorry this is so long but I hope this helps. Please

> let me know if I

> can be of any more help to you. Like I said before,

> this is new for

> me also but I am a nurse so I have a little bit of a

> head start. This

> site has been a God-send for me!

> Good Luck and Take Care,









> > Hi everyone -

> >

> > I'm new here, posted last night for the first time

> (subject was

> > looking for a specialist in Massachusetts - and in

> the post I told

> my

> > history)

> >

> > I have some questions for you after spending some

> time reading the

> > messages here.

> >

> > What is TPN? I've seen that phrase a lot - don't

> know what it

> stands

> > for tho.

> >

> > The next question is about pain. I've seen some

> people talk about

> > pain on their left side. Why would there be pain

> there? Isn't the

> > pancreas on the right? My pain (when I had the

> bad attack) was on

> the

> > right, right where the gallbladder is (that's what

> they thought it

> was

> > at first).

> >

> > But after reading about pain on the left, I

> started thinking.

> About a

> > month prior to this bad attack, I was having pains

> on my left and

> the

> > middle of my stomach area. Lasted about a week.

> It was bad, but

> not

> > bad enough to keep me in bed. I also had had the

> same thing about

> a

> > month before that when I was in Florida on a

> business trip. The

> pain

> > was worse then, I ended up going to a walk-in

> clinic because it was

> > getting worse as the week went on. both times the

> doctor told me

> it

> > was acid reflux and put me on an antacid (Prevacid

> the first time,

> > Prilosec the second). Now I am wondering if this

> was really

> something

> > related to the pancreas.. just some minor

> attacks. Could that be

> > possible?

> >

> > Next question: When I first had my attack that I

> think was

> > pancreatitis, I was nauseous for about a week

> afterwards. the

> nausea

> > has been gone now for a while (the attack was

> about 5 weeks ago)

> but

> > yesterday after lunch I started feeling nauseous

> again. Then later

> in

> > the afternoon my back started hurting, and it is

> still really

> hurting

> > today. The pain is probably right at or below my

> shoulder blades,

> > then halway down my back, stretching across from

> side to side.

> Could

> > this be an advance warning of an attack about to

> happen? ARE there

> > any advance warnings? Maybe I'm just getting

> paranoid, but I just

> > started feeling " off " yesterday, and am wondering

> why, if it's

> related

> > to all this.

> >

> > I'm sure I'll have lots more questions for all of

> you.. but

> reading

> > through your messages has already helped me a lot

> - so thanks! I'm

> > glad I found this group :)

> >

> >




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