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question re. starting diet

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My son who will begin the gf portion of the diet this coming week is 8.

I've noticed some people mentioning that their older children seem either

not to respond at all, or to respond slightly, or over a longer period of

time than preschool children who begin the diet. Any comments? He is

NOT dx'd w/ any sort of PDD, but is dx'd ADHD. I have my suspicions re.

that-- seems to me the pediatrician who dx'd him was more intent on

fitting him into the ADHD box than trying to find out what was really

wrong w/ him. But, I figure that because there's already a family

history of milk allergies and celiac, it isn't going to hurt my son at

all to try the diet for an extended period of time. And, since he has

one brother who is milk-allergic, and a father who is celiac, it isn't as

if we don't already have the appropriate foods in the house. . .

.. . .although this will be the first gluten-free Christmas, and I'm

tellin' ya, I've *gotta* find a way to keep those cookies from running. .

..::sigh:: ;-)



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