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Also New [VERY Long, thanks to those who read through and can help]

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I will appologise in advance as this is going to be looong ;) I have so

many questions I'm not even sure where to start....

We attempted a gf diet a few months back and didn't see any results although

I know now that we did not in any way implement it right and without taking

away the casein it was utterly useless.

We suspected our son needed this diet after reading many articles explaining

that children who have allergies to these types of foods are basicaly

addicted to them. Wheat and Milk products are ALL Ben eats, literally as

I'm sure many of you can attest to.

What we are unsure of though is wether or not he will benefit. We had a

nutritionist do the blood work and hair analysis and sure enough wheat and

cows milk are highest on the list of food to avoid. BUT he just doesn't

seem to fit the profile of children who DO benefit from the diet. I read

through the list of questions sent in the info packette for the list and

could only answer yes to one. My son is not normally aggressive, he's not

self injurous etc etc. He does however tend to 'zone' a lot, has trouble

paying attention and concentrating. Is trying it the only way we will know

wether or not he'll benefit?

Food related questions: He HATES the soy milk, is there another alternative

we can use and if so where would we find it?

Is jello OK?

Is there a list of retail products that are suitable anywhere?

Any tips on keeping costs down? The last time we tried this it cost a small

fortune and money is stretched to almost breaking points right now with ABA,

which he is doing amazing in.

Last but not least, we took our son, as I said earlier, to a natropath.

When we paid $800 for the first visit and tests we assumed that would

include some advice on the results. Wrong. That costs another $150 that we

just don't have. Since this all relates to diet and I'm sure most of you

have gone through this I was hoping you'd be able to help us interpret.

Here's some of the results:


Corn +1

Oat +3

Rice +3

Rye +1

Wheat +3

Coe's Milk +4

Egg White +2

Shellfish +1

Apple/Pear +1

With 4 being the largest reaction. There was no reaction to Egg yolk, White

fish, Potato, Berry's, Citrus, Nuts, Yeast or Chicken and on Rotation is

Carrot, Soya Beans, Horicot Beans, Pea's and Kidney beans.

He;s Severly iron defficient which doesn't surprise me since he won't touch

either red meat or veggies. We do have him on a multi but I gues that isn't


There is another sheet of results that I could really use some help with but

I'm not sure if it's related to diet at all. He's high in aluminum, lead,

low in zinc, copper, magneseum and lot's of fungi showed up on the live cell


Why does everything have to cost so much?!!!

We will be able to see the doc again in a few months but until then I'd like

to figure out how to get started in correcting some of this.

Thank You!!!


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