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Hi ,

Welcome to this group. I'm pretty new too. I usually read most

posts.. and in doing so I've learned a lot! I was particularly

moved by reading yours, and I just wanted you to know that I'm

really glad your " ok " and that you are recovering..

Thank you too for sharing your story.. your very courageous and I

know your story will help others that suspect problems and need

hope.. and it will remind people like myself that we need to get

back in and have our sonograms done.

I hope you too are encouraged by this group. There are a lot of

women in here that are very compassionate and knowledgeable!



P.S. By the way.. Welcome to Texas! And if you ever need a prayer

partner.. I'd be happy to agree with you in prayer. = )


> Hello everyone. I am new to the group and just wanted to say


> I joined this group so that I can have someone to talk to about


> I've been going through. I had a total Thyroidectomy back in May

> 2002 due to a very large goiter in my neck. Six months after that


> had a scar revision which was a surgery for them to try to fix the

> scar. It didnt look to preety. So then life went on and I was


> synthroid everyday. Now a year 1/2 ago I started breathing funny


> weezing alot and it was very hard to do normal activities, then I

> found out I was pregnant. So everytime I would bring it up at the


> office they kept blaming it on my pregnancy and wouldnt take any

> xrays or anything. So finally I had my daughter March 2006, but

> after her birth I was still breathing funny, still doctors did

> nothing. So had an appt to get my tubes tied but I was nervous

> about them putting me to sleep with me breathing so funny, so I


> an appt and talked to a doctor to see if it was ok to be put to

> sleep. So after listening to my breathing and finally performing

> different breathing tests and doing xrays, they found out I had a

> tumor that started in my neck where the old thyroid used to be and

> it grew all the way down inside my chest, which is why I was


> so many problems. I was then told that alittle thyroid couldve


> left in accidently from the first surgery so this thing was


> in me all this time and I basically had another thyroid that had

> just about closed my breathing tube and was pushing on my heart


> other things. So they said I had to have emergency surgery to have

> it removed and that they would have to cut my chest and back open


> get this large tumor out and that I had a 50/50 chance and that if


> didnt have the surgery I would die........Needless to say I was


> scared. I wrote goodbye letters to my parents, husband and all 4


> my girls just in case I didnt make it and I did alot of praying.

> Well the good news is as you can see I did make it, and they ended

> up being able to get it all out threw my neck instead of going in


> chest and back. I am now revovering from this surgery but kindve

> scared that this may happen again. On top of having a baby then

> going through this, I just moved to Ft Hood Tx and we got here


> because my surgery was 6 days before we were supposed to move here

> from Va, so its been very hectic for me. So I'm hoping to talk


> members of the group since I have no one else to talk to that


> understand any of what I'm going through. Sorry to put all of this

> in one email but just needed to talk. Thanks................


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