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Catch 22

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I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is aggravated by stress.

I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who is the direct

cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might relent a little bit- or hide

it from her, because she will make it all about her and probably blame me for

causing my own medical problem?

She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her when I got home

from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my son in law's Birthday and she

had told me she hates him.He is the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken

care of her finances for years and done so many things for her without a word of

thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my daughter) or his children(Her

great grand children) or me-he stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So

obviously, no one wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What a pleasant

picture! what a lovely evening it would have been! She was raging that I had

repeated to him that she hated him (which I did not) She has this way of turning

things around so I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

nasty words.

Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such wisdom, validation

and understanding in this group.

What would you do in this situation?


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You will not get what you need from her. She doesn't think she is doing anything

wrong, so why would she relent?

If she's anything like my nada, she'll worry about your condition, calling you

to scold you, yell at you for not taking better care of yourself. She'll use

this new diagnosis to wedge further into your life, making her feel more

important, and she'll justify it by saying you simply can't be trusted to take

care of yourself. SHE has to be in charge, after all! And if you remind her you

are a fully grown adult, she'll call you an immature ingrate who slaps at those

that 'just want to help.' She'll be crying 'victim' while you try to avoid


As to the rest of your post, nadas particularly don't like those family members

who call them on their BS!


> I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is aggravated by


> I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who is the direct

cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might relent a little bit- or hide

it from her, because she will make it all about her and probably blame me for

causing my own medical problem?

> She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her when I got home

from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my son in law's Birthday and she

had told me she hates him.He is the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken

care of her finances for years and done so many things for her without a word of

thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my daughter) or his children(Her

great grand children) or me-he stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So

obviously, no one wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What a pleasant

picture! what a lovely evening it would have been! She was raging that I had

repeated to him that she hated him (which I did not) She has this way of turning

things around so I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

nasty words.

> Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such wisdom, validation

and understanding in this group.

> What would you do in this situation?

> Thanks!


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I think your gut instinct is correct: if you tell your nada the truth RE your

heart condition, she will just usurp it as her own and then blame you for

causing your own heart condition (which would then become her heart condition;

she would commandeer it) which will cause you even more stress.

Your nada is who she is: she is *not capable* of caring about you or your

health. Those with severe Cluster B pds lack the capacity or quality of

empathy: the ability to genuinely care about anyone else in a meaningful way.

If you can accept that she is genuinely not capable of caring about your needs

and feelings, or capable of changing, then you won't keep getting your gut

punched by *expecting* her to care (or *hoping* that she will care) and getting

hurt over and over again when... nope, she again shows you that she truly does

not care.

My suggestion is to not tell her, and to cut way, way back on the amount of

exposure you allow yourself to the toxic stress she dumps on you.

For example, you probably allowed yourself to listen to several long minutes'

worth of her rage RE not being invited to the party, enough time to listen to

her attack you and attack everyone else, and enough time to get your heart rate

& blood pressure up.

You don't have to do that. When she starts in on a rant or rage, you can say,

" I'm sorry mom but I'm not feeling well, I have to go now.

Talk to you later. 'bye. "

Or if its a recorded phone message, just delete it. You don't even have to

listen to it at all, you already know what the content will be.

So my suggestion is to take that proactive step and gently but firmly do not

just allow her to rage at you. I'm suggesting you take a baby step in the

direction of becoming emotionally detached from her.

However, you are the only one who knows what you can and can't handle, and what

you can and can't live with. You have to decide what feels workable and right

for you, as an individual.

I'm so sorry you have this heart condition, but do what you doctor recommends,

take care of yourself, and I hope that includes protecting yourself as best you

can from further abuse by nada.



> I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is aggravated by


> I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who is the direct

cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might relent a little bit- or hide

it from her, because she will make it all about her and probably blame me for

causing my own medical problem?

> She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her when I got home

from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my son in law's Birthday and she

had told me she hates him.He is the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken

care of her finances for years and done so many things for her without a word of

thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my daughter) or his children(Her

great grand children) or me-he stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So

obviously, no one wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What a pleasant

picture! what a lovely evening it would have been! She was raging that I had

repeated to him that she hated him (which I did not) She has this way of turning

things around so I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

nasty words.

> Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such wisdom, validation

and understanding in this group.

> What would you do in this situation?

> Thanks!


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Lesson #4,084 I learned from my therapist: You are NOT obligated to tell your


That one took 6 months to sink in... but I get it now. Would you tell a trusted

friend about your heart condition? You bet. Would you tell a crazy woman who

will twist, distort, dismiss it and thus, cause you more stress? Absolutely

not. It would be bad for you. Just because she gave birth to you doesn't erase

the fact that she's a crazy woman who will twist, distrot, dismiss and cause you

more stress. Sucks but it's reality.

That said, in your best interest, decide once and for all w here you're going to

erect your boundaries (mental electric fence and vicious dogs) and get yourself

in the mindset to flip the switch. It will seem stressful at first, yes... why?

Because it goes against our programming to say HELL NO! But trust me (read my

journey here if you need affirmation that it does indeed get better) you can do

this... and your stress level will rapidly diminish as soon as you decide how

much you're willing to tolerate from her before you set the fence ablaze and

set out the dogs...

You've given your Nada you're entire existence... are you really willing to hand

her your death papers too? Probably not.

You are worth more.



> I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is aggravated by


> I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who is the direct

cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might relent a little bit- or hide

it from her, because she will make it all about her and probably blame me for

causing my own medical problem?

> She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her when I got home

from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my son in law's Birthday and she

had told me she hates him.He is the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken

care of her finances for years and done so many things for her without a word of

thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my daughter) or his children(Her

great grand children) or me-he stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So

obviously, no one wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What a pleasant

picture! what a lovely evening it would have been! She was raging that I had

repeated to him that she hated him (which I did not) She has this way of turning

things around so I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

nasty words.

> Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such wisdom, validation

and understanding in this group.

> What would you do in this situation?

> Thanks!


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I think that any hope you have that your nada will relent at all

if you tell her is a false hope. That's just not how nadas work.

I don't believe that they're capable of putting someone else's

needs above their own wants. Giving her any information about

your health is likely to resemble giving her ammunition for a

gun. She'll use it to hurt you in one way or another. I never

mention anything health-related to my nada. For the most part, I

never tell her anything that is personal. My health, my social

life, my work, etc are just none of her business.

If you want to reduce the amount of nada-induced stress in your

life, I think you'll have to stop putting yourself in positions

where she can cause stress for you. You can't control what she

does, but you can control how you react to it and how much of it

you'll put up with. Why did you listen to her raging last night?

Just because she wants to rage doesn't mean you have to listen.

If she calls on the phone and starts saying things that are

stressful to you, you have the right to interupt her and tell

her to stop, and if she won't stop, you have the right to hang


At 02:13 PM 05/30/2011 Jocelyne wrote:

>I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is

>aggravated by stress.

>I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who

>is the direct cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might

>relent a little bit- or hide it from her, because she will make

>it all about her and probably blame me for causing my own

>medical problem?

>She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her

>when I got home from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my

>son in law's Birthday and she had told me she hates him.He is

>the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken care of her

>finances for years and done so many things for her without a

>word of thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my

>daughter) or his children(Her great grand children) or me-he

>stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So obviously, no one

>wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

>invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What

>a pleasant picture! what a lovely evening it would have been!

>She was raging that I had repeated to him that she hated him

>(which I did not) She has this way of turning things around so

>I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

>nasty words.

> Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such

> wisdom, validation and understanding in this group.

>What would you do in this situation?




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Hi Jocelyne,

First, you didn't go on long at all. And if you need to, that's fine. That's why

we're all here. I've certainly gone on pretty long myself!

I would not tell your mother. Just because, if she's like mine, I'm guessing

she'll be calling you and " fretting, " and announcing your condition to everyone,

and reporting back to you what they said, and reminding you how sick your

condition is making HER.

For your own sake, I would not say anything about it. Is there any reason that

she needs to know? It sounds from what you shared that if anything, you may

need to scale back contact with her. I mean, if your dr told you you had to

move to a different climate for your health's sake, you would, right?

Her outbursts at you are unacceptable. Can you assign someone stronger, like

your husband, to deal with her?

Best wishes; I'm very sorry about your heart condition and I wish you healing in

every respect.



> I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is aggravated by


> I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who is the direct

cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might relent a little bit- or hide

it from her, because she will make it all about her and probably blame me for

causing my own medical problem?

> She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her when I got home

from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my son in law's Birthday and she

had told me she hates him.He is the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken

care of her finances for years and done so many things for her without a word of

thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my daughter) or his children(Her

great grand children) or me-he stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So

obviously, no one wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What a pleasant

picture! what a lovely evening it would have been! She was raging that I had

repeated to him that she hated him (which I did not) She has this way of turning

things around so I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

nasty words.

> Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such wisdom, validation

and understanding in this group.

> What would you do in this situation?

> Thanks!


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Thank you everyone for your advice.I feel stronger and more determined to

conquer this problem. What a blessing this site has been.Again,thank you!


> I have now been diagnosed with a heart condition which is aggravated by


> I am now caught in a catch 22 situation : Do I tell my nada who is the direct

cause of all my stress,in the hope that she might relent a little bit- or hide

it from her, because she will make it all about her and probably blame me for

causing my own medical problem?

> She had another episode of rage last night. I did not call her when I got home

from a dinner she was not invited to. It was my son in law's Birthday and she

had told me she hates him.He is the most wonderful man I know ! He has taken

care of her finances for years and done so many things for her without a word of

thanks. But when she starts attacking his wife(my daughter) or his children(Her

great grand children) or me-he stands up to her and it drives her nuts! So

obviously, no one wanted her there, but according to her, she should have been

invited and would have sat at the other end of the table. What a pleasant

picture! what a lovely evening it would have been! She was raging that I had

repeated to him that she hated him (which I did not) She has this way of turning

things around so I am blamed for the repercussions of her vile behavior and

nasty words.

> Forgive me for going on for so long ,but I have found such wisdom, validation

and understanding in this group.

> What would you do in this situation?

> Thanks!


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