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Re: update

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well ;surprised u can keep up with us all u r amazing love u


> Hi all, I hate to do updates to everyone, but seems like time is short

> these days--ok all days. Pat has been laid off for almost 2 wks now

> --beginning to seem like months--you know what I mean!!!


> the weather is REALLY cold the last two days have been delayed

> openings--not that 90 minutes makes too much difference when the high is 11

> with wind chills of 4 below. but makes sleeping in nice.


> Pat and I took tim to the ent last week at chop--to look into making his

> ear canal bigger--they are so small to begin with and have scar tissue from

> surgery so we are at the local --well 45 minutes away vs 90--ent to get wax

> out every 4-6 weeks. Dr. Tom wants a cat scan done--that is on the 21st of

> course have to sedate him--because he won't lay still--or can't. he says can

> be done, but may interfere with swimming--he would make opening bigger than

> need be in order to compensate should there be more scar tissue. guess we'll

> see.


> the boys all had great report cards!!! all A's and B's from all 3!! yea!!!

> although we go next monday to talk w/ tim's teacher's, therapists and social

> worker about his lack of enthusiasm to do homework, stay in bed an get up.

> or his refusing to do homework --for the first time he will get a low grade

> because of not doing work--not sure if it will make an imppression or not.

> he is definitely in the tween stage--and I'm not liking it!!!


> such an attititude--and refusal to do things--it's not fun--the teacher is

> very understanding and of course most days he's just lovely at school--then

> he comes home and i CAN TELL AS SOON AS HE'S OFF THE BUS what kind of day we

> will have. grandma even got to see it on sunday--refusal to get clothes off

> pj's on--part of it was not wanting to leave.


> and he is not like keegan or liam I can 't take away toys, game cube etc.

> he doesn't care about that. even tv is no big deal--only thing that matters

> is the phone and even then he getting so that is no biggy.


> I realize his behavior is not as bad as it could be but it is driving us

> nuts---and the math augh-----one minute he knows it, the next, we are

> speakng french and he's never done those problems before!!!


> keegan is having a fermeculum? today--the piece of skin from your gums in

> front by front teeth--his goes too far down and is preventing his 2 front

> teeth to go together. gotta go--pat was going to take him he's still at the

> bank---augh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess that's all the news anyway!





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Yes, it can be due to having a child with disabilities. My life improved

when I got counseling. I would recommend it for everyone. It's hard to find

the time but is also important not only for you but for your relationships with


I'm sure we can all say been there done that.

Know you're ok and a loving person. Take life only for a day, remember to

make this day have one positive and then try to think only of that when you go

to bed. Then take tomorrow only for a day. If you can't make it through

the day take it for an hour at a time. If you can't find anything positive

just remember you have been given the gift of another day.

Bonnie, Mom to Kris 23, Patty CHARGE 21 and wife to

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i say it can posbly b combo of both and also being on ;ur myspace thing i

wonder if your brother mite have soemthing to do with it to hugs ellen in



> Hi Everybody,


> Little update on us


> sorry i havent been posting much i am here everyday reading

> messages.this with us are complicated.nathan is good hes been

> healthy his new teacher starts wednesday{deaf and hard of hearing}

> he now has nurses that come in 3 times a week hes doing great with

> his oxygen at night hes now sleeping through the night{yeah nathan}

> katelynn has been sick she just got over bronchitis and a double ear

> infection shes happy to be back in school.


> now for me i need advice again

> i didnt want to burden anybody before but the last 3 months ive been

> depressed i dont eat i dont sleep{unless i take medaction}is this

> normal for a charge mom does it go away has anybody been through it

> i dont know if its because of all the services hes getting or if its

> because things are not going good between me and my husband maybe

> its a combo of both ill take any advice you can give thanks

> mommy to 18 month old CHARGEr




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  • 4 months later...
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, I am so pleased that your life has improved.

Very glad that you and your girlfriend are able to

discuss these things.

I have a friend that is male (really, he is just a

friend), and he was on all those meds and he and his

wife (see I told you it was just a friend) managed to

have 4 beautiful kids.

Don't sweat those evaluation tests....you can drive

yourself nuts worrying about those tests. In the big

scheme of life, they are very small, but a very

necessary step towards the ultimate gift of life - the

liver transplant.

I've been on the transplant list now for a full year

(sigh). I am still fairly healthy, although there are

days that I just wish it was over with (the

transplant, not life), but then the next day I get a

second wind and do remarkably well.

My family doctor, whom I don't go to much because most

of my problems are " specialist " related, did a blood

test and found my hemoglobin to be 8.2...needless to

say he freaked out, but I remained calm and said,

" yeah, it was like that a year ago, and I just can't

seem to get it back up " He was amazed that I didn't

freak out. I explained that with everything I've been

through it takes something really big to get me


At work we are going to a new computer software SAP.

Everybody at work is frantic and worrying about how it

will impact their lives, will they be able to do their

jobs, will they learn it quickly.....and I just

chuckle and say, 'Wait until you have something that

really is 'freakable'.

Glad to hear things are going good.

Cindy Baudoux-Northrup



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  • 3 years later...


I hope things start to look up for you. Having 2 boys of my own and a step daughter, I know how stressful it can all be and frustrating at times as well.

My thoughts are with you and I hope things being to settle down.........



Hi. I've been reading, but not writing that much lately. I feel so overwhelmed with family life; there is much rage and strife going on here, too much to even go into. I am trying to switch the emails to my yahoo address, but things still keep coming to my other account, so I don't have much, if any, privacy. So, I can't say much at this time in terms of home life...I am very depressed. I think my increased fatigue level, and my constant 'grazing' (i.e. eating) is due to the depression.I just got back from a trip to Syracuse for hockey. It was 4 hours up and 4 and a half back. I drove over 500 miles in 2 days. I'm beat.I am having trouble with my 10 year old, and his lack of motivation, involvement and interest in school and reading. I am at my wit's end, and have emailed his teacher. She has not responded, so I'm to say the least, discouraged. Just send some good thoughts my way to get throu gh all this crap that I'm dealing with. I don't mean to be a downer, I'm just distraught right now about a few things.Thanks. love to all,KateKate

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