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God, grant me the strength of eagles wings, the faith and courage to fly to new heights, and the wisdom to rely on his spirit to carry me there.

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My Senior Portal E-newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 6

November, 2010

Our portal is a web site that functions as an entry point to the Internet by providing useful content and linking to various sites and features on the World Wide Web.Our web portal is designed to provide a one-stop gateway to the internet, a broad range of information, locating providers of goods and services in your area, forms to record medical information, family tree creation, communicate with others, play mind challenging games and much more. We believe you will find the portal informative, easy to

use and engaging. Users can register for Free by visiting My Senior Portal - user registration.This e-newsletter is being sent to you based on a relationship or a suggestion from someone else. If you do not wish to continue receiving our e-newsletters, please merely click on Unsubscribe, at the top or bottom of this newsletter, and we will promptly remove you from our mailing list. You can also freely forward this e-newsletter to anyone you think may enjoy the content or wish to visit My Senior Portal.

Veterans benefits to help subsidize the cost of Assisted Living

One of the most misunderstood of all Veterans Affairs programs is the veteran's benefit for a non-service connected disability. There is a "pension program" available for individuals who are disabled due to the complexities of old age, and need assistance with activities of daily living. Basic activities of daily living (ADL's) include: bathing, dressing, grooming, incontinence care, transfer, ambulation, etc. Instrumental ADL's are items such as transportation, laundry, housekeeping and meal preparation. This VA benefit is also defined as an Aid and Attendance benefit, because an individual requires the regular aid (help) and attendance (presence) of another person in order to avoid the dangers and hazards incident to their daily living environment.

This Aid and Attendance benefit is available to a veteran or a widow or widower of a veteran. A married veteran can receive up to a maximum of $1,950 per month in benefits, a single veteran $1,644, and a widow or widower can receive up to $1,057 per month for the year 2010. Continuation - Veterans benefits for assisted living

All about Porcelain Veneers for your teeth Porcelain veneers ( or "laminates") can help brighten front teeth that have permanent stains or discoloration that can't be whitened. They may be used to correct small gaps between the front teeth, or to fix teeth that are poorly shaped or slightly crooked. We may recommend veneers to cover teeth that are chipped, worn or eroded at the gum-line from aggressive brushing.

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells made by a master lab technician that we affixes to the teeth in a simple, comfortable procedure that requires just a few appointments. They are made from glazed porcelain. This is the best material available, based on durability, stain resistance and a natural look. But due to the fact they are custom-made by hand... costs for some are a consideration. For a less expensive alternative, consider GLAMSMILEâ„¢ !

How it's done

During your first visit, we will select the color veneers that will best match or blend with your natural teeth. We then remove a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of the teeth. This is done so that when the veneers are attached, the teeth won't look or feel bulky. After the enamel is reduced, we take an impression of the prepared teeth. A model is made from the impressions so that the veneers are compatible with your bite. The model is sent to a dental laboratory where the veneers are fabricated. A BIG benefit of this process - Patients can wear a "copy" of the final cosmetic result prior to approval with custom-made "temporaries"!

During the next visit, a mild etching solution is applied to the surface of the teeth. Using a special dental cement, the veneers are carefully set in place. Once the veneers are attached, a high-intensity light is used to harden them. Continuation - Porcelain veneers for your teeth

Strength training tips

Squats are the BEST exercise

What is the single most important functional exercise? Without question, it is the squat, an exercise that works the large muscles of the legs to improve our mobility, stability and ability to carry out our daily activities with ease. The squat is identical to the movement we need to get up from a chair or go down to the floor. It strengthens the muscles of the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps in an integrated fashion to create stability in the lower body and empower our movements. And as a bonus, it is one of the best exercises for shaping the bottom line!

It is essential to master the proper technique of squatting to minimize stress on the knees. These three exercises offer a progression for building up strength and learning the correct form, i.e. how to keep your weight back on your heels and your knees behind your toes in the lowered position. For all variations, begin with one set of 10-15 reps and progress to 2-3 sets.

Wall Squat: Begin with the Wall Squat, in which you lean some of your body weight against the wall and slide up and down.

Stand with your back against the wall.

Take a giant step out and plant both feet securely on the floor about hip-width apart.

Slowly bend your knees and slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or as far as you can comfortably go (if you are just beginning, slide partway down the wall).

Make sure that in the fully bent position, your knees are over your ankles, not forward of them.

Pause, then exhale and squeeze the buttocks as you slide back up, keeping your head, shoulders and hips against the wall.

This exercise is also called The Olympic Rest because it is a great ski-conditioning exercise that can be done outdoors, leaning against a tree. For this kind of endurance training, hold the position for as long as you can, for example 30-90 seconds.

Continuation - Strength training tips

Should you try a Gluten-free diet?If you have symptoms or feelings such as nasal allergies, low back pain, asthma, autoimmune-rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis, eczema, endocrine disorders, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, lymphoma, neuropathies, acute psychosis, feeling a general sense that something is not quite right, feeling constantly on edge, anxiety, irritability and moodiness, brain fog, hard time staying focused especially in a class or lecture, general aches and pains anywhere in the body short term memory difficulty you may want to try a gluten-free diet for three months..

The diet must be completely gluten free, not just reducing gluten intake. You may have been tested for gluten allergies and no gluten allergy or sensitivity was found. This may not matter as often moderate or mild gluten sensitivities can cause significant discomfort and the test often doesn't detect mild or moderate gluten sensitivities. A gluten free diet isn't hard, especially if your improvements are significant enough to make it worthwhile to stay gluten free. Many people become able to enjoy their lives much more after stopping gluten.

A gluten free diet means avoiding such products as wheat,oats, barley, rye or their derivatives (including: bread, breading, buns, rolls, croutons), couscous, orzo, bulgar, duram, malt, malt vinegar, rice pilaf, seitan, semonlina, soy sauce, spelt or stuffing. There are web sites that give substitutes and most health food stores know how to make suggestions for gluten free baking and cooking. Drinks, such as ale, beer, bourbon, brandy, cognac, gin, malt liquors, rye, scotch,vodka and root beer have gluten in them..

Gluten free foods include meats, seafoods, fruits, vegetables, amaranth, arrowroot, beans, buckwheat, corn, millet, nut flowers, potato, quinoa, rice, soy, tapioca, and vinegar (except malt vinegar). Gluten free alcohols include champagne, port, rum, tequla, wine and potato/grape vodka. Gluten is also in many soaps, shampoos and cosmetics.

Have fun with the gluten free experiment. Some people only feel better and better during the experiment. A few experience some moodiness and intense cravings. Holistic doctors, nutrition professionals, and Integrative Manual Therapist can make this easier.Written by: Herring, Integrative Manual TherapistInnovative Pain Release Center, LLC1769 town Roadburg, VA 23185Phone - Website - Innovative Pain ReleaseE-mail Herring

Continuation - Veterans benefits for assisted living

The program has limitations related to income and assets, however, unreimbursed medical expenses may be used to reduce the applicant's income. The cost of an assisted living facility is an allowable medical deduction which will reduce income to a much lower net income, allowing an applicant to qualify for this benefit. Examples of other medical expenses include: dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aids, hospital expenses, insulin treatment, wheelchair, prescription drugs, etc.

Here are the basic eligibility requirements:

Must be at least age 65.

Physician must declare claimant as housebound and in need of assistance from another individual (this includes services offered by an Assisted Living Facility).

Must have served 90 days and at least one day during wartime.

Income & Asset limitations, which allows for the deduction of "unreimbursed medical expenses" (mentioned above).

It is never too early to begin to educate yourself about the benefits that are available to you. It is also never too early to educate yourself about the assisted living communities in your area, so that you can determine the community that will best meet your needs.

Written by:Diane DuffyCommunity Relations DirectorGlen Mills Senior Living242 Baltimore PikeGlen Mills, PA 19342.Phone - Web-site - Glen Mills Senior LivingE-mail - Diane Duffy

Continuation - Porcelain veneers

Taking care of veneers

Good oral hygiene and regular dental visits are needed to keep your teeth healthy. We may recommend that you avoid some foods and beverages, such as tea, coffee, red wine, other heavily pigmented foods, and tobacco that can discolor your veneers. Veneers may chip or crack. Avoid chewing on hard objects, such as pencils or ice. Like any dental restoration, it is possible, over time, for veneers to dislodge. In that case, new ones may be needed.

Fast Facts

Results: Can fix one imperfect tooth or give you an entirely new smile

Advantages: Long-lasting results; In most cases, noninvasive procedure; virtually instant gratification.

Disadvantages: Won't last forever; Potential for initial sensitivity; As you age, non-treated teeth will yellow naturally and may have to be bleached in order to match; Enamel is removed so teeth may become sensitive to hot or cold; Although not likely, veneers can be dislodged or fall out;NOT reversible and NOT permanent.

Cost: Because each veneer is a custom-made all-porcelain restoration BY HAND, they are NOT inexpensive! Fees range from $1200 to $2,300 per tooth, depending on the difficulty of your case, as well as the education and experience of the dentist and ceramist.

Endurance: Can last 6 to 10 years in most cases. With good care, they can last well beyond.

Upkeep: Avoid prescription-grade fluoride, which can stain; stop the fingernail biting, which can chip or crack the porcelain. If you tend to grind your teeth or play a sport such as racquetball, soccer, or basketball, a professional mouth-guard is recommended Written by: H. Doundoulakis, D.M.D, M.S.Cosmetic Dental Rehabilitation, P.C.53 East 66th StreetNew York, NY 10021Phone - Web-site - Cosmetic Dental Rehabilitations, P.C.E-mail Dr. H. Doundoulakis

Continuation - Strength training tips

Chair Squat, Sit to Stand: This movement rehearses the one we need everyday in order to get up from a seated position

Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair, your knees bent at a right angle and positioned over your ankles. Your feet should be parallel and hip width apart. Place your hands on your waist.

Lean forward from the hip with your spine straight.

Exhale and squeeze the buttocks as you press through your feet to stand up.

Straighten your knees (without locking them) at the end of the movement to come to a fully upright position.

Pause, then slowing sit back down, reaching your hips back toward the seat, heels firmly planted on the floor.

Chair Squat, Stand to Sit: This version of the squat uses the chair behind you to cue you into the proper body mechanics and to help determine a full range of motion.

Stand in front of a chair with your feet parallel, hip-width apart.

Shift your weight back onto your heels: imagine that they are nailed to the floor.

Bring your arms forward for balance and look straight ahead.

Inhale as you bend your knees and reach back with your hips, lowering yourself toward the chair as if you were going to sit down.

Continue to bend your knees until you tap the edge of the chair with your hips (don't actually sit down). If you are testing out your knees, just go partway down.

Exhale as you squeeze your buttocks to return to the start position.

If I were to recommend one exercise for life, it would definitely be the squat. It is the most functional move, requires no equipment and takes only a few minutes to complete a set or two. For a minimum investment of time and energy, the pay-off is dramatic in terms of benefit to your well-being.

Written by:Joan L. PaganoJoan Pagano Fitness Group401 East 89th StreetNew York, NY 10128Phone - Website - Joan Pagano FitnessE-mail - Joan Pagano

In This Issue

Veterans Affairs benefits for assisted living costs

All about porcelain veneers for your teeth

Strength tranining tips

Gluten free diets

Coming in the next issueCaring for a loved one with Alzheimer's DiseaseDiseases of the veinsBowenwork - Gentle healing

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The article in the previous issue of our e-newsletter inadvertently omitted the writer of the article

"Can I Afford a Retirement Community". The article was written by:Tricia Ourand, DirectorBrightview Senior LivingLocations in New Jersey and PennsylvaniaWeb-site - Brightview Senior LivingE-mail - Tricia OurandWe apologize for the omission.

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My Senior Portal | 43 Hampshire Drive | Mendham | NJ | 07945

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Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 8:55:48 AMSubject: E-newsletter from My Senior Portal

My Senior Portal E-newsletter

Volume 2 Issue 1

January , 2011

Our portal is a web site that functions as an entry point to the Internet by providing useful content and linking to various sites and features on the World Wide Web.Our web portal is designed to provide a one-stop gateway to the internet, including a broad range of information, location providers of goods and services in your area, forms to record medical information, family tree creation, communication with others, play mind challenging games and much more. We believe you will find the portal

informative, easy to use and engaging. Users can register for Free by visiting My Senior Portal - user registration.This e-newsletter is being sent to you based on a relationship and if you do not wish to continue receiving our e-newsletters, please merely click on Unsubscribe, at the top or bottom of this newsletter, and we will promptly remove you from our mailing list. You can also freely forward this e-newsletter to anyone you think may enjoy the content or wish to visit My Senior Portal

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From: My Senior Portal arthur@...Sent: Mon, January 17, 2011 9:12:09 AMSubject: E-newsletter from My Senior Portal

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My Senior Portal E-newsletter

Volume 2 Issue 2

Mid-January , 2011

Our portal is a web site that functions as an entry point to the Internet by providing useful content and linking to various sites and features on the World Wide Web.Our web portal is designed to provide a one-stop gateway to the internet, including a broad range of information, location providers of goods and services in your area, forms to record medical information, family tree creation, communication with others, play mind challenging games and much more. We believe you will find the portal informative, easy to use and engaging. Users can register for Free by visiting My Senior Portal - user registration.This e-newsletter is being sent to you based on a relationship and if you do not wish to continue receiving our e-newsletters, please merely click on Unsubscribe, at the top or bottom of this newsletter, and we will promptly remove you from our mailing list. You can also freely

forward this e-newsletter to anyone you think may enjoy the content or wish to visit My Senior Portal.

Financial assumptions for retirement With so many variables to consider, how can you reasonably assure you will have sufficient funds to last for your retirement years? Make sure to use conservative assumptions.Read the full article at Financial assumptions for retirement years

Aging into Medicare Turning 65 and registering for Medicare is a major life event and you should consult with a professional to evaluate some of your options or choices.Read the full article at Aging into Medicare

Monovision for Presbyopia As the lens of the eye ages, we develop a condition resulting in the loss of the ability to focus up close. There may be help to reduce this condition. Read the full article at Monovision for Presbyopia

Sleep apnea and oral appliances Sufferers of sleep apnea may have had to rely upon some form of oral appliance or a machine to help get a good rest. For those intolerant to these solutions, a dentist trained in dental sleep medicine may be able to provide relief.Read the full article at Sleep apnea and oral appliances

A new feature Later this month, we will commence a weekly webcast highlighting the features of our web portal and also interviewing providers of goods and services on our web portal. The interview will include a question and answer period for listeners to pose questions. We will provide the times, dates and information about the interviewee a few days prior to each webcast.

The information contained in this newsletter can be freely redistributed or republished in whole or in part. However, any redistribution or republication, in whole or in part, must include a reference to state the information is provided through the courtesy of My Senior Portal, and must include in such statement a link to our web portal at www.myseniorportal.com. as well as the name of the author of the


In This Issue

Financial assumptions for retirement

Aging into Medicare

Monovision for Presbyopia

Sleep apnea and oral appliances

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My Senior Portal registered user can find:

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Contact Information

Sales and Marketingette Krelman paulette@...

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Sent: Sun, January 30, 2011 11:19:37 AMSubject: E-newsletter from My Senior Portal

My Senior Portal E-newsletter

Volume 2 Issue 3

February , 2011

Our portal is a web site that functions as an entry point to the Internet by providing useful content and linking to various sites and features on the World Wide Web.Our web portal is designed to provide a one-stop gateway to the internet, including a broad range of information, locate providers of goods and services in your area, forms to record medical information, family tree creation, communication with others, play mind challenging games and much more. We believe you will find the portal informative, easy to use and engaging. Users can register for Free by visiting My Senior Portal - user registration.

Glamsmile Veneers The brand new Glamsmile treatment is a fast and painless way to have beautiful, sparkling teeth.Read the full article at Glamsmile veneers for beatuiful, sparkling teeth

Economic outlook - 2011 An opinion on the outlook for the economy and markets for the current year, including the job market, monetary policy, currency rates and investor perspective.Read the full article at An outlook

for the economy and markets for 2011

The stress in caring for someone with Alzheimer's DiseaseHow you can be informed and prepared to ease the stress in caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's Disease. Read the full article at Ease the stress of Alzheimer Disease patient


Vitamin D - do I have enough? Why, all of a sudden, do we seem to be low on Vitamin D, and what can we do about it?.Read the full article at Do I have enough Vitamin D?

A new feature Later this month, we will commence a weekly webcast highlighting the features of our web portal and also interviewing providers of goods and services on our web portal. The interview will include a question and answer period for listeners to pose questions. Invitations will be sent to provide the times, dates and information about the interviewee a few days prior to each webcast.

The information contained in this newsletter can be freely redistributed or republished, in whole or in part, and must state the information is provided through the courtesy of My Senior Portal, and must include a link to our web portal, www.myseniorportal.com as well as the name of the author of the article.

In This Issue

Glamsmile Veneers

Economic Outlook 2011

Ease the stress in caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease

Vitamin D - do I have enough?

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This e-newsletter is being sent to you based on a relationship and if you do not wish to continue receiving our e-newsletters, please merely click on Unsubscribe, at the top or bottom of this newsletter, and we will promptly remove you from our mailing list. You can also freely forward this e-newsletter to anyone you think may enjoy the content or wish to visit My Senior Portal.

Contact Information

Sales and Marketing:

ette Krelman


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My Senior Portal | 43 Hampshire Drive | Mendham | NJ | 07945

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