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Connection between ADD/ADHD and Narcissism?

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Not off-hand, but if I run into any articles about that, I'll post them here or

send the link to you by e-mail (if you like.)



> I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> Best,



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I have ADD so I can say some things about that. I have no links, but of course

it is possible that there are connections on the genetic or other physiological

levels. ADD symptoms are caused (partially) by a malfunction in the synapses in

our brains and neurons. the connections between cells are underdeveloped. AD(H)D

is now classified as part of the " spectrum disorders " (i.e. aspergers, and

autism) and shares genetic connection with those. from what I have read the

physiological causes of bpd are unknown, so that makes me think that at least on

that level they are unrelated.

the behaviors ADD lends itself to are very different than those of NPD. a

person with ADD may or may not be hyperactive (mostly depending on age)this

symptom is actually of all of them the easiest to control. we have trouble

completing tasks, and focusing very long on one thing particularly if it is

hard. I would describe all of this as a hyper focus rather than no focus though

because I sometimes get fixated on things that are only a small part (or

unrelated to) of a task. there is an impulsiveness associated to ADD but as far

as I can tell that is more of a BPD than NPD thing. the impulsiveness of ADD is

more like emptying a whole box of tissues, or skydiving than anything without

regard to safety or others. it is more about curiosity than anything.

as far as chalenges with interpersonal relationships someone with ADD is more

likley to be labled as " spacey " or " annoying " than as a jerk. I suppose

sometimes we may overcompensate sometimes...

most of my problems in this area are when it comes to how I talk to people. I

think differently, so i explain things differently that others. my mind is

constantly wandering so I go off topic easily, or I get stuck on one topic way

too long. I have to make a conscious effort to pay attention when people are

talking to me, and where a conversation is going. this is something I have

learned to compensate for, but I have to work at it.

ADD also effects my learning. I struggle to multitask, and many subjects require

that. music for instance while my thing is very hard for me. I struggle to read

all the parts of music at once, and focus on all the other stuff (tone,

technique etc.) I tend to get stuck on making it sound good and loose all

technicality,and accuracy. so people with ADD generally take longer to learn


It would be hard to find stats. on the concurrence of these things because ADD

is often diagnosed and NPD as we all know is very underdiagnosed.

so I would say they are totally unrelated, but I am no expert.


> I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> Best,



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It strikes me that the common denominator between the two has to do with a

person not having control over the focus of their attention.

In the case of narcissism, a person reflexively focuses on the self and others

exist only in relation that self, not as unique individuals with their very own

vantage points, needs, interests, etc.

In the case of ADHD a person lacks the capacity to reliably chose where to focus

their attention, such that it is difficult to be self-directed in a productive

way. People with ADHD are sort of at the mercy of their own awareness because

they can't choose where it is focused in the way that others can.

Hope this makes some sense.


> >

> > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > Best,

> > AFB

> >


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Meikjyn, thanks you for the detailed response. Much appreciated. Annie, I would

love to hear more. Email away!

Best regards,


> >

> > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > Best,

> > AFB

> >


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the big problem with this connection is that in the case of ADD the perceptions

are still based in reality.

NPD is a lack of reality ADHD is a lack of concentration.

> > >

> > > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit

Disorder and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > > Best,

> > > AFB

> > >

> >


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Hi Meikin,

I guess what I am saying is that they both involve deficits associated with

focusing attention.

A narcissist lacks empathy which is a special type of attention that involves

deliberately or unintentionally using one's attention to inhabit someone else's

reality with a caring concern. Narcissists don't know how to focus their

awareness to look out and feel through someone else's mind. My theory is that

this capacity is best learned as we develop when our caregivers are able to do

this for us consistently. When we have repeated experiences of feeling felt in

the mind of someone who cares about us. I think narcissists didn't get this, so

they don't have an experience of it, so they can't provide it to others. (There

is more to it of course.)

Those with ADD/ADHD have deficits in their ability to focus their attention, but

it is more generalized, and not really related to character formation or

specific to interpersonal relations, though it does have implications for the

people around them. Their attention pulls them around by the nose more so than


I have a relative who is diagnosed with ADD (an adult) and who has many

narcissistic traits as well. Being with him is very difficult. You could be in

serious pain from a migraine, late to get your children to school and yourself

to work, and he would be oblivious asking you computer related questions and if

you would make him some toast. He just doesn't get it. He misses social cues.

He has a really difficult time with relationships. He isn't a bad person, but

he really lacks the ability to tune into other people and their needs at

appropriate moments. The two issues he has exacerbate each other.


> > > >

> > > > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit

Disorder and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > > > Best,

> > > > AFB

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I think its really valuable for research scientists in both psychology and

physiology (soft sciences AND hard sciences) to ask the questions you're asking,

and try to find some underlying causative factors in common, if there ARE common

underlying factors, that create the various mental illnesses.

Its exponentially difficult to figure out what's going on with an individual who

has co-morbid mental illnesses: two or more disorders at the same time. I

can't imagine how difficult that is to tease apart, due to so many disorders

having overlapping symptoms and traits. I guess that's why psychiatrists have

to be both medical doctors and doctors of psychology: twice the training of

either one alone.

I can see how a person could have both Asperger's AND a Cluster B personality

disorder, at the same time. And I can see how Asperger's could be interpreted

as a lack of empathy, as well.

But me personally, I see " lack of empathy " and " ability to focus attention at

will " as two separate and discrete functions, that may both occur in an

individual, or occur separately: such as: lack of empathy but with the ability

to focus the attention whenever and where-ever one wants, as would be the case

with psychopathy.


> > > > >

> > > > > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit

Disorder and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > > > > Best,

> > > > > AFB

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I see your point. sometimes when people try to talk to me I am not sympathetic

because I am focused on the book I am reading, or whatever else is going on...

the motivation is different, but I am frustrating to people sometimes.

it is not a lack of empathy with me anyway I am just obtuse. (: sometimes I

can't relate to people because I struggle paying attention to them. on the other

hand I was bullied severely because of ADD and other unfortunate medical issues

so I think empathy is a strength I have. I may not be a good example at all.

if he is narcissistic and ADD that is a nasty combo. good Luck with that.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit

Disorder and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > > > > Best,

> > > > > AFB

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yeah. He's tough to be around for long periods of time. And it is not easy to

be him either. I have compassion for him because although he is spacey and

self-involved in the extreme (and it sometimes has implications for me) I do

know how and by whom he was raised and it was no picnic. Plus, he doesn't set

out to take advantage of or hurt people, like some other narcissists in his


The two issues, NPD and ADD, I also see as discrete, with different causative

factors. By no means do they have to occur together. I've read a lot of

psychological literature and I don't remember ever reading any studies that

indicated that the two conditions tend to be comorbid with each other more so

than just randomly.

However I do see some overlap in terms of an inflexibility of attention with

implications for interpersonal relationships.

Why is it that some people develop more empathy as a result of being bullied and

others just become better bullies themselves? I wish I understood that one


> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit

Disorder and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > > > > > Best,

> > > > > > AFB

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I sure haven't heard of any, but, like Annie, if I run across anything

I'll let you know.

I will say this. My hubby has inattentive ADD and I do not find him

to be narcissistic at all. He just gets sucked into whatever he's

doing like... really bad! He's been on meds for a while now & doing

MUCH better.

His ex wife also (supposedly) has ADD and I refer to her as " my

husband's likely undiagnosed BPD ex wife " . Does she also have

narcissistic traits? You betcha.

As a side not, I say " supposedly " because I don't know if she really

has ADD or not. I mean, she might, but I do know she doesn't take her

meds & only fills the script to sell them. Yes, that pisses me off

big time on so many levels.

Anyway, interesting thought and like I said, if I see anything, I'll post it =)


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 10:29 AM, awayfromborderland





> I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> Best,




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Wow, what great answers from one little question. I got a lot out of this.

Thanks everybody.


> >

> >

> >

> > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > Best,

> > AFB

> >

> >


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Wow, what great answers from one little question. I got a lot out of this.

Thanks everybody.


> >

> >

> >

> > I'm wondering if there is any connection between Attention Deficit Disorder

and Narcissism. Anybody know? And leads/links would be appreciated.

> > Best,

> > AFB

> >

> >


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