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" You? A nurse? I wouldn't let you take care of my dog, let alone ME.

You're too stupid to be a nurse. "

Said my nada 15 years ago.

I know I all ready told you guys that I passed my boards and am officially

a nurse, but last night was my pinning & graduation. I was shocked, in

awe, and honored to be presented with the Program Director's Award for

Practical Nursing. WOW.

I know my program director said VERY nice things, but I was so shocked &

nervous, I CAN'T REMEMBER A WORD! lol!!!! This from the student who hung

on every word her instructors spoke during lecture. Oy!

I am very humbled & honored, but in some ways, I just kind of grin & think,

" in your face, nada. In your face! " I think I finally, officially,

really-really have closure on that statement nada made 15 years ago.

Receiving that award really validated that I am neither incompetent nor

stupid. Still a little nervous about getting out into the workforce very

soon, but the excitement wins over that nervousness.

So I think i can put the horribleness of that statement forever to rest.

Mia, the nurse!

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Mia, CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a milestone. I hope you got lots of pictures on

your big day that you can cherish for life. It might be nice if you could ask

around and see if anybody captured the event on their cell phone video or other

gadget. A copy would be so nice. You could put it on DVD and keep it, or even

send it around for friends to see. Also, Costco does bound picture books for

very little money and what about putting pics together taken over your years of

nursing educations along with the pinning ceremony pics?

These are just a few suggestions to " celebrate yourself " and have lasting

reminders of your achievement whenever you need a boost. At the very least, a

framed photo in your home is called for.

Best, best regards,



> " You? A nurse? I wouldn't let you take care of my dog, let alone ME.

> You're too stupid to be a nurse. "


> Said my nada 15 years ago.


> I know I all ready told you guys that I passed my boards and am officially

> a nurse, but last night was my pinning & graduation. I was shocked, in

> awe, and honored to be presented with the Program Director's Award for

> Practical Nursing. WOW.


> I know my program director said VERY nice things, but I was so shocked &

> nervous, I CAN'T REMEMBER A WORD! lol!!!! This from the student who hung

> on every word her instructors spoke during lecture. Oy!


> I am very humbled & honored, but in some ways, I just kind of grin & think,

> " in your face, nada. In your face! " I think I finally, officially,

> really-really have closure on that statement nada made 15 years ago.

> Receiving that award really validated that I am neither incompetent nor

> stupid. Still a little nervous about getting out into the workforce very

> soon, but the excitement wins over that nervousness.


> So I think i can put the horribleness of that statement forever to rest.


> Mia, the nurse!




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 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own


 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

Proverbs 3:5-8

To: WTOAdultChildren1

Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:29 AM

Subject: Wow


" You? A nurse? I wouldn't let you take care of my dog, let alone ME.

You're too stupid to be a nurse. "

Said my nada 15 years ago.

I know I all ready told you guys that I passed my boards and am officially

a nurse, but last night was my pinning & graduation. I was shocked, in

awe, and honored to be presented with the Program Director's Award for

Practical Nursing. WOW.

I know my program director said VERY nice things, but I was so shocked &

nervous, I CAN'T REMEMBER A WORD! lol!!!! This from the student who hung

on every word her instructors spoke during lecture. Oy!

I am very humbled & honored, but in some ways, I just kind of grin & think,

" in your face, nada. In your face! " I think I finally, officially,

really-really have closure on that statement nada made 15 years ago.

Receiving that award really validated that I am neither incompetent nor

stupid. Still a little nervous about getting out into the workforce very

soon, but the excitement wins over that nervousness.

So I think i can put the horribleness of that statement forever to rest.

Mia, the nurse!

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Truly, " In your FACE, nada! " I agree. I'm so happy for you, Mia! I feel

pretty confident that your nada was most likely projecting her own self-loathing

onto you, in true bpd fashion. She was unable to see you or relate to you as a

separate, individual human being. You were just a mirror to her; a thing, not a


Its very gratifying to hear when former abused, neglected children who were

treated with contempt and denigration by mentally ill parents, wind up doing

very well, even becoming super-achievers. Your own innate resilience and

intelligence and spirit overcame your abusive upbringing.

I am similarly so proud of my younger Sister, the former little all-black,

scapegoated child who only wanted to be loved, who chose a helping profession;

she makes a genuine, positive difference in the lives of her clients. (She

helps military vets get the benefits and services they are owed; its amazing how

many of these veterans are in pain and in need, yet are not aware of the

various services and benefits that are available to them. She is truly angelic,

in my opinion.)

Kudos to you!



> " You? A nurse? I wouldn't let you take care of my dog, let alone ME.

> You're too stupid to be a nurse. "


> Said my nada 15 years ago.


> I know I all ready told you guys that I passed my boards and am officially

> a nurse, but last night was my pinning & graduation. I was shocked, in

> awe, and honored to be presented with the Program Director's Award for

> Practical Nursing. WOW.


> I know my program director said VERY nice things, but I was so shocked &

> nervous, I CAN'T REMEMBER A WORD! lol!!!! This from the student who hung

> on every word her instructors spoke during lecture. Oy!


> I am very humbled & honored, but in some ways, I just kind of grin & think,

> " in your face, nada. In your face! " I think I finally, officially,

> really-really have closure on that statement nada made 15 years ago.

> Receiving that award really validated that I am neither incompetent nor

> stupid. Still a little nervous about getting out into the workforce very

> soon, but the excitement wins over that nervousness.


> So I think i can put the horribleness of that statement forever to rest.


> Mia, the nurse!




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Thanks so much everyone =) And Annie, I couldn't agree with you more.

I do believe she was projecting her own self hatred onto me. I'm glad

I'm not stuck in that trap of toxicity anymore.

Your sister is providing a much needed service to vets, for sure! I

have so much respect for our men & women in the armed forces. So glad

I got the job at the VA. I only hope I can serve them as much as they

have served me hehe. Sounds so cheezy, but it's very true.

Thanks again all.


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Also, AFB - my hubby took some photos at graduation. We forgot the

camera for pinning, doh! But my awesome dad & step mom were there &

got photos. Hopefully better than the ones hubby got lol.

I plan on making a scrap book =) I like scrap booking, but I haven't

had much time to do it with school. We also have a really tall

bookshelf in our apartment (many bookshelves, really). I cleaned up

the smaller one I was using for all my nursing books & binders full of

notes, putting the binders into a plastic storage box and leaving the

nursing books on the shelf. I then cleared off a shelf of books on

the tall book shelf and now have my goodies from graduation

displayed... my diploma, award, my license from the state, my tassel,

my nursing cap & my honors cords =) I looked at some display boxes

for my nursing cap & found a nice one at 's, but they're kind

of expensive. Good thing I get coupons for 's in my email...

often 40% or 50% off. Once I get one, I will put my cap in it. I

don't want it to get dusty & dirty.

I also ordered a fantastic vintage-style sign I saw online that says,

" Nurse on Duty. Clinical skills, extensive knowledge, professional

manner. Making the impossible look easy. " LOL! I saw it a few

months ago online and knew I'd eventually order it. That will go on

the shelf too =)

Thanks again everyone =D I am one happy lady!


> Thanks so much everyone =) And Annie, I couldn't agree with you more.

> I do believe she was projecting her own self hatred onto me. I'm glad

> I'm not stuck in that trap of toxicity anymore.


> Your sister is providing a much needed service to vets, for sure! I

> have so much respect for our men & women in the armed forces. So glad

> I got the job at the VA. I only hope I can serve them as much as they

> have served me hehe. Sounds so cheezy, but it's very true.


> Thanks again all.


> Mia!

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Hi Nurse Mia!,

Congratulations! What a shining moment for you!

I'm so proud of you and you really, truly give me hope that nada's wounding

words don't have to define me at all.

Thanks for sharing this with us; it is an honor. :)



> " You? A nurse? I wouldn't let you take care of my dog, let alone ME.

> You're too stupid to be a nurse. "


> Said my nada 15 years ago.


> I know I all ready told you guys that I passed my boards and am officially

> a nurse, but last night was my pinning & graduation. I was shocked, in

> awe, and honored to be presented with the Program Director's Award for

> Practical Nursing. WOW.


> I know my program director said VERY nice things, but I was so shocked &

> nervous, I CAN'T REMEMBER A WORD! lol!!!! This from the student who hung

> on every word her instructors spoke during lecture. Oy!


> I am very humbled & honored, but in some ways, I just kind of grin & think,

> " in your face, nada. In your face! " I think I finally, officially,

> really-really have closure on that statement nada made 15 years ago.

> Receiving that award really validated that I am neither incompetent nor

> stupid. Still a little nervous about getting out into the workforce very

> soon, but the excitement wins over that nervousness.


> So I think i can put the horribleness of that statement forever to rest.


> Mia, the nurse!




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I was your age when my parents divorced. My therapist told me to start screening

my calls. That when my nada, especially, called that she was always ready to

dump a load of crap in my ear about my dad and that I should call her back on MY

terms. I also finally went off on her and my dad that I thought neither one of

them was a very good spouse and that I would have divorced years ago if I had

been married to someone that treated me the way they treated each other. I don't

remember getting too much grief from either of them about this and its been

eighteen years. I finally even had to put my dad in check about it. He was the

" wronged " party since nada left him for another man. I finally just said, you

know dad, she left you for someone else, but you can get down off that high

horse, cause you drove her all the way there and opened the door for her as she

got out! LIke I said, neither of them was a very good spouse.

I hope you have a therapist. I found it very helpful and got a lot out of it.

You should not, even as an adult child, have to listen to your parents criticize

each other. I was lucky that my nada could not even TRY to tell me that my dad

didn't care for me. I am a daddy's girl and have always had a pretty close

relationship with him.


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