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Wedding Drama!

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Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the

group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of

this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent

stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She

starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks,

and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have

effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally

dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference

has been only making matters worse.

The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very petty

issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which involves the

wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the dates " that

have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different religion and most

of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left the religion but

knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a Catholic Church.

My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that it will be a

ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel welcomed. My

mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended that we put that

on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. " As well we are

having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20 people and a

few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception that would

not be invited to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite to the

ceremony. We announced this on the website and included that some of the reasons

for this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor taste

to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in

when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a

hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with

family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her

as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking

appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients

because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for

my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second

photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written

nasty emails to my sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able

to still secure the photographer we wanted for the wedding after assuring her

that we would be the only ones in contact with her. My sister is not as strong

willed with putting her foot down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to my

mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During the

phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a jerk,

only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to me.

We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not allow

this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the planning

already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so she will

criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we encounter

with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please offer

suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!


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I'm reliving my wedding drama 8 years ago except I was a Jew marrying a

Catholic.  It ended 2 years ago and I'm still hearing about. It's your

wedding and you're not catering to anyone. My ex and I chose to invite all of

our friends and limit family to those members only whom we'd actually talked

with in the past 6months. Pissed off everyone.Â


The therapist I'm with now said with a bpd mother it will always have to be

about her and her biggest fear is the abandonment so going no contact is

probably the best way to go. Give it a month at most and I bet she calls you and

acts like nothing happened. Your fiance has to know that you will stand by her

and that regardless she will be number 1, my ex actually sited my mom as a cause

for the divorce. Honestly, if you can I'd find a therapist with experience

with bpd and have you and your fiance attend. She needs to have the right

tools to deal with her, and to understand that bpd people don't understand

politness, the best favor you can do your self and her is to remember you have

to stop expecting her to behave rationally because she's incapable of it. If

she doesn't learn how to cope with her it could affect your marriage, believe



Don't know where you are but here in Rochester NY there are some great



To: WTOAdultChildren1

Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:56 PM

Subject: Wedding Drama!


Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the group.

I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of this year.

Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent stress

associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty sleeping

since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She starts to

stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks, and thus

make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have effected her

ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally dismiss. Bottom

line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference has been only

making matters worse.

The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very petty

issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which involves the

wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the dates " that

have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different religion and most

of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left the religion but

knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a Catholic Church.

My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that it will be a

ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel welcomed. My

mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended that we put that

on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. " As well we are

having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20 people and a

few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception that would

not be invited to the

reception. Again a few will get only a invite to the ceremony. We announced

this on the website and included that some of the reasons for this were

budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor taste to air our

financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a contribution

for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down their way which

is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in when we had the

booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a hypocrite for my

fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with family and feels

that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her as I had enough

of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking appointment that the

photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients because of how much

my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for my sisters wedding,

which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second photographer " for

my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written nasty emails to my

sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able to still secure

the photographer we

wanted for the wedding after assuring her that we would be the only ones in

contact with her. My sister is not as strong willed with putting her foot down

with " mommy dearest " as I am.

As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to my

mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During the

phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a jerk,

only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to me.

We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not allow

this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the planning

already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so she will

criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we encounter

with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please offer

suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!


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Hey, no need to apologize RE frequency of participation here; not a problem.

Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!

My suggestion (which may or may not feel suitable for your own situation;

you're the judge about that) is that the next time you speak with your mother,

the moment that she begins to act out at you, (she becomes enraged, or turns

into a puddle of tears, or goes on the attack and says something ugly, critical

or hurtful in an attempt to provoke a fight with you), you do not react at all

to the provocation and instead you say something like, " I'm not going to discuss

that with you, mother. Is there something else you want to talk about? No? Then

there are about a hundred things I need to be doing right now. I'll talk to you

later. " Or " Its not OK to call me names / say ugly things about (someone

else) to me. I won't listen to you when you speak to me like that. I'm hanging

up now. We can talk again some other time. " Or, if she's reverted to Waif mode

and is boo-hooing in a histrionic way in order to provoke guilt, then you say

something like, " I can hear that you are upset now; we can talk later after

you've had a chance to calm down. I'm hanging up now. "

We've been trained our whole lives to cater to our mother's manipulative or

coercive, bullying tactics; she's trained us to fear her anger or fear " hurting

her feelings. " The sad thing is that we've been brainwashed from infancy to not

notice the little factoid that nada cares not one *iota* about our needs or our

feelings. Nada does not care one jot about anything except her own needs and

her own feelings. Nada has molded her child to accept that a very one-way

relationship is " normal " : that all the caring and concern only goes one way:

toward nada. (I personally think that the underlying core trait of all the

Cluster B pds is total, absolute self-absorption or narcissism.)

So, if you can discipline yourself to stay " in the moment " , to actively listen

instead of going numb or going on automatic pilot (just silently enduring the

abuse or even dissociating during contact) and begin *interrupting* nada the

very moment that she initiates her abusive behaviors, then that is being

proactive, that is being assertive, and that is being an adult: giving nada a

negative consequence for behaving badly. So, if Nada behaves badly, then that

= a very, very short phone call or visit. If she behaves worse, she gets a

longer " time out " from contact with you.

Some nadas (bpd moms) can learn to modify their nasty, controlling, ugly,

raging, vindictive, or whiny, demanding, babyish behaviors when it becomes

clear to them that these behaviors will no longer be tolerated, but other nadas

can't change or refuse to change. For nadas with a great deal of narcissistic

traits, having all the power is more important to nada than you are, if that's

the case.

Some nadas will escalate their negative behaviors; the frequency and intensity

will increase once you begin to really stand up to them and give them boundaries

and negative consequences for boundary violations. That behavior is called an

" extinction burst. " Be prepared for an escalation once your nada senses that

you mean business.

But if you can remain firm, (not mean or hateful, not vindictive, not abusive)

just solid, steady, and consistent, then nada should eventually realize that she

will be rewarded with more contact when she behaves herself. Or, if she

continues to escalate her negative behaviors... well, that's what phone

blocking, e-mail blocking, and restraining orders are for.

Best of luck to you; and again, congrats RE your upcoming marriage.



> Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the

group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of

this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent

stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

> My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She

starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks,

and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have

effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally

dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference

has been only making matters worse.

> The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very

petty issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which

involves the wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the

dates " that have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different

religion and most of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left

the religion but knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a

Catholic Church. My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that

it will be a ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel

welcomed. My mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended

that we put that on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. "

As well we are having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20

people and a few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception

that would not be invited to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite

to the ceremony. We announced this on the website and included that some of the

reasons for this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor

taste to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

> One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in

when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a

hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with

family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her

as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking

appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients

because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for

my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second

photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written

nasty emails to my sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able

to still secure the photographer we wanted for the wedding after assuring her

that we would be the only ones in contact with her. My sister is not as strong

willed with putting her foot down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

> As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to

my mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During

the phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a

jerk, only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to


> We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not

allow this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the

planning already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so

she will criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we

encounter with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please

offer suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!


> Chris


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Hi Chris

All I can hear are alarm bells! I totally understand. All I can say from

experience is try and establish some boundaries to protect your marriage. My

nada completely got her nails into my sisters marriage and her husband couldn't

take it after 10 years of abnormal behavior; manipulation, raging, verbal abuse.

Now he has moved on re-married and my sister is alone, drinking heavily with my

mum hanging out with her at every minute.

I am definitely the stronger out of my sister and I but have succumb to her BPD

ways for the past 16 years of my marriage. I have been depressed, unable to

connect with my hubby and hated being intimate with him (sorry if TMI). It has

nearly broken us too. BUT we are educating ourselves and setting boundaries.

It's exhausting physically and emotionally and my hubby and I actually are

becoming closer as we build a wall around our family. Our children have to be

protected from her. Don't wait til the children come along as emotionally I have

found it heart wrenching !!'

your wife chose you, not your nada. I know it's hard but take one day at a

time and dig deep, protect each other, communicate and draw strength from each

other. My sister is 42 and alone living a miserable existence regretful she

didn't do more to protect her marriage. I'm regretful that I a haven't

protected my hubby more and been loyal. To deter her from raging I have actually

given into her at the expense of my marriage!!

This is a new beginning for you as you marry. You deserve happiness as we all


Luckily I still have hope in my marriage to save us. Nada isn't going to break


Good luck to you and congrats! I'll look forward to reading your posts, you can

do it!!



> >

> > Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the

group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of

this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent

stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

> > My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She

starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks,

and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have

effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally

dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference

has been only making matters worse.

> > The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very

petty issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which

involves the wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the

dates " that have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different

religion and most of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left

the religion but knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a

Catholic Church. My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that

it will be a ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel

welcomed. My mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended

that we put that on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. "

As well we are having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20

people and a few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception

that would not be invited to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite

to the ceremony. We announced this on the website and included that some of the

reasons for this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor

taste to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

> > One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in

when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a

hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with

family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her

as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking

appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients

because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for

my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second

photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written

nasty emails to my sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able

to still secure the photographer we wanted for the wedding after assuring her

that we would be the only ones in contact with her. My sister is not as strong

willed with putting her foot down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

> > As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to

my mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During

the phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a

jerk, only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to


> > We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not

allow this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the

planning already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so

she will criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we

encounter with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please

offer suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!

> >

> > Chris

> >


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If your Nada wasn't having fits over the Photog., she'd be going after

the caterer, or the church director, or the janitor, groundskeeper, etc.,

anyone whom she could mess with, in order to mess with the wedding. After

the wedding, she'll mess with anyone whom she can in order to mess with

your marriage.

If you get pregnant, she will mess with that...

If you become ill. she will mess with your doctors....

If you are having your house remodeled, she will mess with that....

Whatever you do in your life, your Nada will mess with, precisely because

she is a Nada.

The only remedy that I know of is, low,(remember revenge) or no contact.

They are loathsome, exhausting, tiresome people. Good Luck! Sunspot

> **



> Hi Chris


> All I can hear are alarm bells! I totally understand. All I can say from

> experience is try and establish some boundaries to protect your marriage.

> My nada completely got her nails into my sisters marriage and her husband

> couldn't take it after 10 years of abnormal behavior; manipulation, raging,

> verbal abuse. Now he has moved on re-married and my sister is alone,

> drinking heavily with my mum hanging out with her at every minute.


> I am definitely the stronger out of my sister and I but have succumb to

> her BPD ways for the past 16 years of my marriage. I have been depressed,

> unable to connect with my hubby and hated being intimate with him (sorry if

> TMI). It has nearly broken us too. BUT we are educating ourselves and

> setting boundaries. It's exhausting physically and emotionally and my hubby

> and I actually are becoming closer as we build a wall around our family.

> Our children have to be protected from her. Don't wait til the children

> come along as emotionally I have found it heart wrenching !!'


> your wife chose you, not your nada. I know it's hard but take one

> day at a time and dig deep, protect each other, communicate and draw

> strength from each other. My sister is 42 and alone living a miserable

> existence regretful she didn't do more to protect her marriage. I'm

> regretful that I a haven't protected my hubby more and been loyal. To deter

> her from raging I have actually given into her at the expense of my

> marriage!!


> This is a new beginning for you as you marry. You deserve happiness as we

> all do.


> Luckily I still have hope in my marriage to save us. Nada isn't going to

> break us!!!


> Good luck to you and congrats! I'll look forward to reading your posts,

> you can do it!!


> Mel


> I




> > >

> > > Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in

> the group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November

> 3rd of this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for

> some recent stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the

> situation as well as I usually do, however it is my fiance that is having

> the most difficulty. Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has

> the arguments and the manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share

> what is going on with my fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my

> reaction to constant text messages being received and the phone calls.

> > > My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

> sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October.

> She starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic

> attacks, and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of

> sleep, have effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would

> normally dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's

> interference has been only making matters worse.

> > > The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very

> petty issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which

> involves the wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save

> the dates " that have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a

> different religion and most of her family is 6 hours away from us. She

> herself has left the religion but knows that those on her side will be put

> off that it is at a Catholic Church. My fiance had put on the website the

> location and stated that it will be a ceremony without the mass and we

> chose this to make everyone feel welcomed. My mother did not like this in

> the slightest and was very offended that we put that on there because it is

> that we are " catering to the Baptists. " As well we are having sending a few

> invitations to a large family of at least 20 people and a few that wouldn't

> support some decisions we made for the reception that would not be invited

> to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite to the ceremony. We

> announced this on the website and included that some of the reasons for

> this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor taste

> to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

> > > One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

> contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

> their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop

> in when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am

> a hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time

> with family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to

> see her as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the

> booking appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take

> us as clients because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the

> photographer for my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our

> photographer was the " second photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard

> about it. My mother had written nasty emails to my sister's photographer

> that had her in tears. So we were able to still secure the photographer we

> wanted for the wedding after assuring her that we would be the only ones in

> contact with her. My sister is not as strong willed with putting her foot

> down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

> > > As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken

> to my mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website.

> During the phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me

> selfish, a jerk, only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and

> actually screamed FU to me.

> > > We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not

> allow this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the

> planning already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even

> so she will criticize what has already been decided and point out all

> errors we encounter with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is

> not. Please offer suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!

> > >

> > > Chris

> > >

> >




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Hi Chris

Sorry I forgot to give you the name of the book that has given me that lightbulb

moment - surviving a borderline parent; how to heal your childhood, wounds and

build trust, boundaries, and self-esteem by Kimberley Roth and Freda Friedman.

It's been a true source of guidance in situations similar to yours.

Good luck



> Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the

group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of

this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent

stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

> My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She

starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks,

and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have

effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally

dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference

has been only making matters worse.

> The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very

petty issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which

involves the wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the

dates " that have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different

religion and most of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left

the religion but knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a

Catholic Church. My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that

it will be a ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel

welcomed. My mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended

that we put that on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. "

As well we are having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20

people and a few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception

that would not be invited to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite

to the ceremony. We announced this on the website and included that some of the

reasons for this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor

taste to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

> One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in

when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a

hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with

family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her

as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking

appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients

because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for

my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second

photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written

nasty emails to my sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able

to still secure the photographer we wanted for the wedding after assuring her

that we would be the only ones in contact with her. My sister is not as strong

willed with putting her foot down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

> As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to

my mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During

the phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a

jerk, only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to


> We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not

allow this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the

planning already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so

she will criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we

encounter with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please

offer suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!


> Chris


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When I got engaged I went through a very similar situation. My nada wanted to be

completely involved but held things over my head to have my wedding the way she

wanted it. She held my dress over my head and refused to pay for it unless I did

things to her liking and not just wedding things, EVERYTHING. I remember dress

shopping in early December and when we discussed holiday plans, she used paying

for my dress as a weapon to get what she wanted. I knew it would only get worse

so I cut her out of all wedding planning. I actually at the time was hitting a

point where I wasn't even going to invite her to the wedding because I knew she

would probably make a scene and make it all about her. My now husband and I had

a low budget wedding but not having my nada have control of it made it

completely worth it. In the 6 months that we planned out wedding I barely talked

to nada and when I did it was not friendly. She did come to our wedding but only

stayed for the ceremony. My husband and my wedding was amazing because it was

OUR wedding, not nada's.

My advice to you is to not let your mother have any control or say when it comes

to your wedding. When you let her pay for things she will see that as having

control or a say in how things should be. Do not involve her in the planning and

when she feels the need to voice her opinion just say " Thanks, we'll think about

it " .

Good Luck and Congrats!


> Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the

group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of

this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent

stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

> My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She

starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks,

and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have

effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally

dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference

has been only making matters worse.

> The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very

petty issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which

involves the wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the

dates " that have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different

religion and most of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left

the religion but knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a

Catholic Church. My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that

it will be a ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel

welcomed. My mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended

that we put that on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. "

As well we are having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20

people and a few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception

that would not be invited to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite

to the ceremony. We announced this on the website and included that some of the

reasons for this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor

taste to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

> One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in

when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a

hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with

family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her

as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking

appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients

because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for

my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second

photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written

nasty emails to my sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able

to still secure the photographer we wanted for the wedding after assuring her

that we would be the only ones in contact with her. My sister is not as strong

willed with putting her foot down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

> As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to

my mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During

the phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a

jerk, only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to


> We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not

allow this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the

planning already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so

she will criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we

encounter with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please

offer suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!


> Chris


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sadly the likelihood of her stopping is slim. you need to decide what you want

for the wedding and go for it. her opinion does not count. if you try to cater

(which it sounds like you are not) it won't make her happy.

my Nada is a monster to photographers too. she had her own beeping flashing

camera and followed the poor guy around the entire day. she has no faith in

their ability and thinks her 30$ is all that anyone needs because she is as

talented as them. she even tried to pose us, and micromanaged our smiles how we

were not " looking at each other lovingly enough " etc. the photographer was

amazing to be so patient.

I sympathise with all the website stuff my nada sees me as so so so embarrassing

too for the stupidest things.

I would recommend that you set a boundary on all of this. if it were me I would

never talk about plans with her in any fashion.

there is a system in SWOE called D.E.A.R. you can tell her in no uncertain terms

that you will not discuss whatever it is you want to avoid. and you can have a

declared boundary that if these things come up you will tell her that the

conversation will be over.

I am cell phone illiterate, but can you block all texts from her? I think you

should it sounds like she has abused the privilege enough. your fiancee sounds

like she needs a break too.

good luck nadas and weddings do not mix.



> Sorry it has been a long time since I have written or participated in the

group. I got engaged in September and we have set a date for November 3rd of

this year. Most of the wedding planning has gone well except for some recent

stress associated with my mother. I've been handling the situation as well as I

usually do, however it is my fiance that is having the most difficulty.

Currently I am the only one of the two of us that has the arguments and the

manipulations from " mommy dearest, " but I do share what is going on with my

fiance. It is difficult not to when she sees my reaction to constant text

messages being received and the phone calls.

> My fiance has been dealing with her own stress with having difficulty

sleeping since the transition of moving in with me back in late October. She

starts to stress that she won't fall asleep, which will give her panic attacks,

and thus make sure she won't sleep. She admits that the lack of sleep, have

effected her ability to logically deal with stressors she would normally

dismiss. Bottom line, the added stress brought on by my mother's interference

has been only making matters worse.

> The wedding drama that my mother has involved herself in has been very

petty issues, but has made it about her. For instance the first of which

involves the wedding website we have made. This website is already on " save the

dates " that have been sent out. My fiance is originates from a different

religion and most of her family is 6 hours away from us. She herself has left

the religion but knows that those on her side will be put off that it is at a

Catholic Church. My fiance had put on the website the location and stated that

it will be a ceremony without the mass and we chose this to make everyone feel

welcomed. My mother did not like this in the slightest and was very offended

that we put that on there because it is that we are " catering to the Baptists. "

As well we are having sending a few invitations to a large family of at least 20

people and a few that wouldn't support some decisions we made for the reception

that would not be invited to the reception. Again a few will get only a invite

to the ceremony. We announced this on the website and included that some of the

reasons for this were budgetary. My mother reacted by saying that it is in poor

taste to air our financial situation like that and is so so so embarrassed.

> One last issue that she has taken up was that my mom and dad gave a

contribution for the photographer to help us out. This photographer is down

their way which is an hour and a half away from where I am. We did not stop in

when we had the booking meeting and she found out. She insists that I am a

hypocrite for my fiance putting on the website that I enjoy spending time with

family and feels that this should be taken off. Besides not wanting to see her

as I had enough of her at Christmas time, we found out at the booking

appointment that the photographer we wanted was about to not take us as clients

because of how much my mother went on the warpath against the photographer for

my sisters wedding, which was back in October. Our photographer was the " second

photographer " for my sisters wedding and heard about it. My mother had written

nasty emails to my sister's photographer that had her in tears. So we were able

to still secure the photographer we wanted for the wedding after assuring her

that we would be the only ones in contact with her. My sister is not as strong

willed with putting her foot down with " mommy dearest " as I am.

> As an outcome of what has gone on in the last month I have not spoken to

my mother in about a week. We have not altered anything on the website. During

the phone calls and text messages she raises her voice, calls me selfish, a

jerk, only thinking of myself, whipped by my fiance, and actually screamed FU to


> We are looking for guidance and suggestions for how to proceed and not

allow this to be a constant issue through the wedding. We have a lot of the

planning already done to try to avoid her demands. It is looking like even so

she will criticize what has already been decided and point out all errors we

encounter with her usual venom. I am used to it but my fiance is not. Please

offer suggestions or help where you can. Thank you!


> Chris


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