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Staying motivated is hard!

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Dear channa,sometimes I feel like I should start with another Dan doctor but when I think about their paper work ,price and lack of result I feel like I just can't afford it all , unfortunately I have been trough it all , my son is low functioning, nonverbal with severe apraxia and he stim all day long. he can make one sound of each word(he has been like this since he was 2) ,he is happy boy and he grows pretty well( he is in 85% for height and 75% for weight), so I just feel like with all this issue he had to respond to something ,chelation is the only hope I have he can't tolerate more the 5 mg ala which indicates his toxicity ,I haven't seen any big progress but I won't give up until I do one year and a half of chelation with no progress (we are on round#19) and

btw thank you because you refer me to RFA group:)so I will still fight Lili To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:08 PM Subject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

wow it sounds like you have gone thru it all!

maybe some fresh new eyes? you could post the main symptoms your child is having....and post to group and maybe get some diffrent perspectives....

are you havin any reaction at all with andy cutler chelation?


To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 6:49 PMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

thank you guys so much

we are doing classical homeopathy for more than a year with no result and I tried to pick the best that people were talking about and still no result ( now they want to do CEASE protocol for him!). the reason I haven't give up is because as you said I do believe there is a underlying problem and until it is solved we won't get any where ,I just don't know what that is,

we worked on his gut for years with medication like diflucan, ketoconazole, amph B ... for bacteria we did flagyl we did biofilm protocol , we did valtrex, we did MB12 ,enhansa and all the supplement you can think of we tried ( I did not do them at the same time ,it was introduced one by one and also I removed them after a while to see if there is any changes) we did diet and etc.and the problem is based on the test he is yeasty, viral with high metal kid.

right now we are doing AC chelation ( still no major improvment) as my last hope, I just can't give up because Of his severity. so maybe lyme would be next but honestly spending all those money with no result is not easy ,and I just don't know how much more money I have to investigate to find out his problem and If the DAN doc is confused with his situation and can't figure out I'm way more confused about his situation, I did blood test recently to find out about his thyroid and strep( strep was negative before) and my next treatment is for parasite . and I'm praying for him too,

please let me know of any specific test we can do to address any other problem

thank you guys again


To: mb12valtrex Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 12:16 PMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

I think that, in many cases, this is also diagnostic. I could mean that we are missing some underlying problem. Or, possibly we aren't addressing the issue in a way that works for our kids. WE went over two years working on the gut, metals, neurotransmitter problems, nutrition and diet. And, during that time, it was all a bandaid. My son was having small improvements but nothing lasting or substantial. Now we know we have strep, mycoplasma Pneumonia, and lyme, and viruses, too. We aren't probably going to get anywhere until we address these. Viruses and bacteria bind to metals, so we are going to have a hard time reducing that load until we clear the bugs. Methylation is key to all detox, so a critical piece. We have especially difficult genes. It will be harder for us, but I am hopeful that we can achieve health.

Have you checked for infections, immune function? Lots of DANS don't do this, and the research on this is developing. But, I do think it is a key for many kids. And, I think one other thing to think about is how all this interacts. Some DANS do a protocol and hope it works - for example chelation. But they aren't looking at the methylation cycle and how much sulfur a child can tolerate. Also, are detox pathways open?

Finally, I know may people who have tried one solution to a problem without success, and then they try another solution that works. Some people don't do well on a traditional DAN approach, but another one, like homeopathy, works great. IT is a bit of trial and error, because the science is not felly there and our kids are so individual. BUt, I think if your testing shows health issues, it is worth it to find effective ways to treat those, that work for your kid. If your DAN is stuck, I'm hoping he/she would keep digging. If not, I'd do a bunch of research, tap into the smart people on these groups, and possibly find another doc.

It can be discouraging. We've been at this for 8 year snow. And, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have times (many) where I've gotten discouraged. During those times, I do what I can manage. THen, I get reinvigorated and go at it again. I pray a lot, too, for strength, wisdom, and insight. It really helps. I honestly pray for everyone who is struggling with these issues. We all need a little extra boost now and then. :) I will be praying for your little one.



Can somebody plz explain to me , when we did all the test and it showed that my son has virus, metal , gut problem .... And we started to do treatment for all of them and he hasn't respond to any of the treatment then what? We started biomed since he was 2 and now he is 5 still severe and nonverbal. We have been under care of a very well known Dan , but we just don't know why he does't respond. What do you guys do on the situation like this? Lili

; To: <mb12valtrex >; Subject: Re: Staying motivated is hard! Sent: Sat, Mar 10, 2012 5:44:11 PM

So here's my take on all this.

Do what works.

If it's not working, do something else. Research is sooo important and the reason why I say that: you DO know more than your DAN. Your DAN isn't home with you. Your DAN isn't seeing what you are seeing. Your DAN isn't taking the notes that you are. You have to be able to put things together when you have the labs, the notes, the results (or lack of) and you have to be able to consider things your DAN doesn't. You have to be able to be a full partner in your child's care and not leave things up to the DAN. It had to be a partnership.

My son is 8. He was diagnosed at 2..5. We started biomed immediately. First on my own doing DAN things and then we saw Dr. Goldberg at 3. Then we left Dr. Goldberg at 4.5 and went to a DAN. I spent all of that time researching. I became very well versed in DAN and got familiar with other protocols. The reason you need to do this: you have to be able to understand what your doc is doing so that you can understand what to throw out. DAN can be soooo expensive until you figure out how to control the money hemorrhaging.

I've never continued anything that wasn't doing anything. 2 years of all kinds of diets and such left my son no better or worse but I was definitely poorer. Do what works, throw out the rest. You won't know what's working until you stop something.

To this day, I can't remove antivirals. Because I can't remove antivirals, I can't remove the anti fungal. By my son is on very few things. His current list:

Vit. C (immune system support but I don't *have* to give it, I choose to)

Pregnenelone 1x week (clinically low)

Hydrocortisone (adrenals - GH burns adrenals)

Valtrex (very viral kid)

Diflucan (goes without saying with the Valtrex)

Growth hormone (clinically low)

Yucca (he has an ammonia problem that is confirmed genetic and through OAT so I just keep him on it, life is better that way and we haven't had any issues since ;) )

Lysine (herpes virus issues - although I don't have issues if I run out, I only give it because I want the added help. Giving it doesn't actually change anything behaviorally - again, this is a choice for me.)

melatonin (sleep is always an issue)

multi (every kid should be on one)

Omegas (every kid should be on it)

Adderall (5 years of biomed never did anything for his ADHD)

That's it. He's not on a diet. He's not on all kinds of supplements and for about 3 years, the only supplements he was on were to help with ADHD symptoms. I got rid of those when we started Adderall. You have to get to what *your* child needs. You simply can't go on all these supplements without understanding why and what and if they are even doing anything. If it's not doing anything, get rid of it. You can always revisit them - which sometimes does help. Sometimes something else needs to be done first in order for it to work.

We've done many things. We've chelated, we've been on abx for a year, we've done everything except ivig and Hbot, I think. Some things worked, many things didn't and a lot just helped a bit.

It's work. It's hard work. But we can't rely on doctors to figure it out for us. We have to do it ourselves. Does biomed work? For many I think the answer is yes. For us, absolutely. My son would not be where he is today (recovered) if it weren't for biomed. If I take him off the antiviral/antifungal he completely regresses so in my house, no, he wouldn't be better off without it. He wouldn't get better without it. He wouldn't "grow" out of autism.

But I can also say that yes, I think some things did get better just with time. The difficulty is figuring out which ones they are.

Don't be afraid to stop it all and see what happens. Don't be afraid to start all over from scratch. Don't be afraid to question whether or not something is working. If you question it, find out the answer. Don't continue to load your kid up with things you aren't confident in.

My son would probably be worse off if we continued to give him things that weren't working. Some were causing more problems than they were helping. Labs aren't the end all be all of what's going on. YOu have to be able to put *everything* together and make a logical decision. Behavior and physical response should be a big part of the choices you make, not just labs. And also, my suggestion is to try to use more local labs than autism labs. Autism labs cost too much and really don't provide that much useful information.

I know the questioning. I've been there. You just have to go into biomed with an open mind but also with clear expectations and a plan for what you do when you don't meet those expectations. In my case, I try just about everything I can afford. I'll do it but I won't go broke doing it and I won't continue to do things that don't work just because someone thinks I should. The ending behavioral result is the main result anyone wants. Not what a lab says. When I rely on labs, I rely on labs that actually tell me something useful. Low thyroid is useful. Knowing my son has low GH is useful. (and the funny thing is that these, for the most part, aren't even behavioral related - they just are and need to be treated). Most information on an OAT is not so useful to me. The only thing it was ever good for was to prove my son can't process fats and proteins very well and no amount of supplementing changed that (confirmed through yasko) and the ammonia problem

(also confirmed through yasko). Yeast, I know my son well enough that I can spot yeast in him better than any lab can. Most of the labs are unreliable at best. Wrong at worst. So stick with labs that will tell you something. You are the only person that can determine if those labs are useful. I know someone people can easily live and die by an OAT. In my house, we couldn't (and this was covered by our insurance so it wasn't like we couldn't afford to do it - it just was pointless).

It takes a lot of time to figure it out. I know. Just remember to do what works. Throw out the rest. There's no law that says you *have* to do something just because DAN thinks you should. Just make sure you are choosing to do them or not for the right reasons. Chelation absolutely helped in my house. High dose supplements did not. Antivirals did. Diet did not. In my house, my son did not do well with naturals. He did great on the Rx things like LDN.

Do what works. I can't say that enough. Don't worry about the teachers and everyone else judging you. If you are doing what works, they'll see the results. If nothing works, then eventually you'll figure that out too.

Hope that helps.

<PastedGraphic-3.tiff>~ Antiviral Therapy 101~

~ Make a biomed book ~

~ gryffinstail.wordpress.com ~

~ @Gryffins_Tail ~

Yes I have a Dan for my son and he's done all the tests but when we went over them it didn't make much sense ... And he's always like u can tr this or that... But I feel like sometimes I know more and he's well known ... And he's not motivational or encouraging and I guess I expected that > > > As we introduce each new supplement or therapy we get so excited... And for many of the supplements we see gains and then we see either regression or return to what he was before. Part of me feels the gains we see are just coincidental and just gains from growing up or aba or speech and not really the biomedical. His Dan doctor is also so wishy washy because really there is no concrete evidence for the biomedical and what works for one kid doesn't work for another.... > > > > So how do we stay motivated? > > How do we know we aren't just loading our kid up on vitamins and making him gag? > > How do we know Dan doctors aren't just making a ton of money off our hope to cure our kid??? > > Keeping a log shows me how up and down this all is and I'm not sold its worth it ??? > > > > I need some motivation and some guidance! > >

AND.... Not to mention the public school teachers think biomedical is a waste of a time and they almost look down on u for doing it....I'm really confused. > > > > >

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We have tried valtrex.... We did t for a month and a half and he only got worse

We have tried nystatin... Saw nothing

We are currently doing amphor for anti fungal ( not much here)

When we went to straight cod liver oil I saw a ton of new vocabulary up but then

it seemed he leveled off

We r doing diet but sometimes break it

He is doing allergy shots

DMg some gains

B12 some gains

GABA- not much

Taurine not much

Cal/mag/ zinc not much

Nac- a little

But all of this is so hard to tell with the combination of everything and

sometimes he breaks hs diet or a supplement is not given

I do agree with is... Life is about perspective, my son is gorgeous, happy,

loving, and verbal... He's not in pain and it in the end will be what it will

be.... I'm not giving up on cure because my mommy instinct says its something

else since his behavior varies sooo much daily... But I am working on acceptance

for wat it is now and I am working on worrying less because it affects my


I started a non profit called HALO ...as a dancer and choreographer in la/ oc I

decided to start this charity to educate more parents on recovery options... I

luckily have parents that help us with his medical bills but I know many don't

have this option... We will put on a dance show every spring and all proceeds

will go directly to families so they can pursue biomedical or private




AUTISM.... And who knows my son may be the next Einstein or Steve jobs....I just

want to give him all the tools to do it!

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Cami, That is really beautiful. You are amazing!I am very unfamiliar with allergy shots but in the past I do know they contained aluminum which goes right to the brain. Are the shots your son is receiving aluminum free? It's in both the vaccines and allergy shots, I thought.http://www.naturalnews.com/030975_aluminum_vaccines.htmlWhen I was 13, I started using antiperspirant. The main ingredient is aluminum. I had terrible rashes, I started sweating profusely, it really affected me. Of course, I had no idea why and kept using it for the next several decades and I am certain it has contributed to my health/mental decline. That and mercury. I will not let my teen use

it.Patty To: mb12valtrex Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:24 AM Subject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

We have tried valtrex.... We did t for a month and a half and he only got worse

We have tried nystatin... Saw nothing

We are currently doing amphor for anti fungal ( not much here)

When we went to straight cod liver oil I saw a ton of new vocabulary up but then it seemed he leveled off

We r doing diet but sometimes break it

He is doing allergy shots

DMg some gains

B12 some gains

GABA- not much

Taurine not much

Cal/mag/ zinc not much

Nac- a little

But all of this is so hard to tell with the combination of everything and sometimes he breaks hs diet or a supplement is not given

I do agree with is... Life is about perspective, my son is gorgeous, happy, loving, and verbal... He's not in pain and it in the end will be what it will be.... I'm not giving up on cure because my mommy instinct says its something else since his behavior varies sooo much daily... But I am working on acceptance for wat it is now and I am working on worrying less because it affects my health!

I started a non profit called HALO ...as a dancer and choreographer in la/ oc I decided to start this charity to educate more parents on recovery options... I luckily have parents that help us with his medical bills but I know many don't have this option... We will put on a dance show every spring and all proceeds will go directly to families so they can pursue biomedical or private services......SO I GUESS GOD CHOOSE ME TO GO THRU THIS WITH MY SON SO I COULD HELP OTHERS THRU DANCE....I AM TRYING TO REMEMBER THIS AS I GO THRU THIS SMALL SPEED BUMP,AFTER ALL THERE IS SO MUCH BEAUTY IN THE QUIET PEACEFUL TIMES WITH AUTISM.... And who knows my son may be the next Einstein or Steve jobs....I just want to give him all the tools to do it!

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Cami and all,

Here is some inspiring work on what training the body can do for the mind.

http://www.sportizm.org.tr/Category.asp?PagesID=776 & SubCategory=51 & CategoryID=23\

4 & Sportizm=Bener

Individual stories on the left of this page


and one here




> I started a non profit called HALO ...as a dancer and choreographer in la/ oc

I decided to start this charity to educate more parents on recovery options... I

luckily have parents that help us with his medical bills but I know many don't

have this option... We will put on a dance show every spring and all proceeds

will go directly to families so they can pursue biomedical or private




AUTISM.... And who knows my son may be the next Einstein or Steve jobs....I just

want to give him all the tools to do it!


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You should read tenna merchents website joyous messenger. She found aliunimum to be her sons biggest problemLet your email find you with BlackBerry® from VodafoneSender: mb12valtrex Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 04:57:00 -0700 (PDT)To: mb12valtrex <mb12valtrex >ReplyTo: mb12valtrex Subject: Re: Re: Staying motivated is hard! Cami, That is really beautiful. You are amazing!I am very unfamiliar with allergy shots but in the past I do know they contained aluminum which goes right to the brain. Are the shots your son is receiving aluminum free? It's in both the vaccines and allergy shots, I thought.http://www.naturalnews.com/030975_aluminum_vaccines.htmlWhen I was 13, I started using antiperspirant. The main ingredient is aluminum. I had terrible rashes, I started sweating profusely, it really affected me. Of course, I had no idea why and kept using it for the next several decades and I am certain it has contributed to my health/mental decline. That and mercury. I will not let my teen useit.Patty To: mb12valtrex Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:24 AM Subject: Re: Staying motivated is hard! We have tried valtrex.... We did t for a month and a half and he only got worseWe have tried nystatin... Saw nothingWe are currently doing amphor for anti fungal ( not much here)When we went to straight cod liver oil I saw a ton of new vocabulary up but then it seemed he leveled offWe r doing diet but sometimes break it He is doing allergy shotsDMg some gainsB12 some gainsGABA- not muchTaurine not muchCal/mag/ zinc not muchNac- a littleBut all of this is so hard to tell with the combination of everything and sometimes he breaks hs diet or a supplement is not givenI do agree with is... Life is about perspective, my son is gorgeous, happy, loving, and verbal... He's not in pain and it in the end will be what it will be.... I'm not giving up on cure because my mommy instinct says its something else since his behavior varies sooo much daily... But I am working on acceptance for wat it is now and I am working on worrying less because it affects my health!I started a non profit called HALO ...as a dancer and choreographer in la/ oc I decided to start this charity to educate more parents on recovery options... I luckily have parents that help us with his medical bills but I know many don't have this option... We will put on a dance show every spring and all proceeds will go directly to families so they can pursue biomedical or private services......SO I GUESS GOD CHOOSE ME TO GO THRU THIS WITH MY SON SO I COULD HELP OTHERS THRU DANCE....I AM TRYING TO REMEMBER THIS AS I GO THRU THIS SMALL SPEED BUMP,AFTER ALL THERE IS SO MUCH BEAUTY IN THE QUIET PEACEFUL TIMES WITH AUTISM.... And who knows my son may be the next Einstein or Steve jobs....I just want to give him all the tools to do it!

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well if you are not getting the gains from other stuff then I would focus on the stuff that seems to help cod liver oil....i really like green pastures...other people mentioned about dangers of getting any kind of shots as they mostly are full of dangerous metal and other chemicals that harm our kids.....i know having a good muti mineral on board goes a long way to protect kids from metals....

with that said i love your attitude...i also had come to the piont that i would accept Gods will of whatever is to be.

for my son he was in so much pain when i first started looking for his cure and i only cared about him not being in pain....

I pray for the wisdom to know when it is time to accept and when it is time to fight....and for my son and his health issues I am in fighting mode.....one day i hope my son too can have more peaceful moments...

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:24 AMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

We have tried valtrex.... We did t for a month and a half and he only got worseWe have tried nystatin... Saw nothingWe are currently doing amphor for anti fungal ( not much here)When we went to straight cod liver oil I saw a ton of new vocabulary up but then it seemed he leveled offWe r doing diet but sometimes break it He is doing allergy shotsDMg some gainsB12 some gainsGABA- not muchTaurine not muchCal/mag/ zinc not muchNac- a littleBut all of this is so hard to tell with the combination of everything and sometimes he breaks hs diet or a supplement is not givenI do agree with is... Life is about perspective, my son is gorgeous, happy, loving, and verbal... He's not in pain and it in the end will be what it will be.... I'm not giving up on cure because my mommy instinct says its something else since his behavior varies sooo much daily... But I am working on acceptance for wat it

is now and I am working on worrying less because it affects my health!I started a non profit called HALO ...as a dancer and choreographer in la/ oc I decided to start this charity to educate more parents on recovery options... I luckily have parents that help us with his medical bills but I know many don't have this option... We will put on a dance show every spring and all proceeds will go directly to families so they can pursue biomedical or private services......SO I GUESS GOD CHOOSE ME TO GO THRU THIS WITH MY SON SO I COULD HELP OTHERS THRU DANCE....I AM TRYING TO REMEMBER THIS AS I GO THRU THIS SMALL SPEED BUMP,AFTER ALL THERE IS SO MUCH BEAUTY IN THE QUIET PEACEFUL TIMES WITH AUTISM.... And who knows my son may be the next Einstein or Steve jobs....I just want to give him all the tools to do it!

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oh Lili, God bless you for fighting so hard for your son....if he has such bad reaction to AlA then must mean you are on right track with metals bein the culprit.....can i mention looking into aidon minerals....they have a hair test specail that they interpret to see waht minerals your son is low on.....althou with metals its hard to know how much is accurate.....for my son i give him the muti mineral liquid by aidon....and i also use zinc by water oz....

i also give seperate selenium as that i believe eats mercury really well.....

maybe you could also get some binders on board.....rita had a list of them if you cant find in the archives let me know and i will send to you...

that could also make a diff.

how is his diet? must keep everything organic and clean from any processed stuff....try getting him outside lots of fresh air and natiure....you can look into a site called www.earthing.com they have stuff to ground the body.....i am looking into other stuff for my son and will let you know what works ...



To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:50 PMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

Dear channa,

sometimes I feel like I should start with another Dan doctor but when I think about their paper work ,price and lack of result I feel like I just can't afford it all , unfortunately I have been trough it all , my son is low functioning, nonverbal with severe apraxia and he stim all day long. he can make one sound of each word(he has been like this since he was 2) ,he is happy boy and he grows pretty well( he is in 85% for height and 75% for weight), so I just feel like with all this issue he had to respond to something ,

chelation is the only hope I have he can't tolerate more the 5 mg ala which indicates his toxicity ,I haven't seen any big progress but I won't give up until I do one year and a half of chelation with no progress (we are on round#19) and btw thank you because you refer me to RFA group:)

so I will still fight


To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 8:08 PMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

wow it sounds like you have gone thru it all!

maybe some fresh new eyes? you could post the main symptoms your child is having....and post to group and maybe get some diffrent perspectives....

are you havin any reaction at all with andy cutler chelation?


To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 6:49 PMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

thank you guys so much

we are doing classical homeopathy for more than a year with no result and I tried to pick the best that people were talking about and still no result ( now they want to do CEASE protocol for him!). the reason I haven't give up is because as you said I do believe there is a underlying problem and until it is solved we won't get any where ,I just don't know what that is,

we worked on his gut for years with medication like diflucan, ketoconazole, amph B ... for bacteria we did flagyl we did biofilm protocol , we did valtrex, we did MB12 ,enhansa and all the supplement you can think of we tried ( I did not do them at the same time ,it was introduced one by one and also I removed them after a while to see if there is any changes) we did diet and etc.and the problem is based on the test he is yeasty, viral with high metal kid.

right now we are doing AC chelation ( still no major improvment) as my last hope, I just can't give up because Of his severity. so maybe lyme would be next but honestly spending all those money with no result is not easy ,and I just don't know how much more money I have to investigate to find out his problem and If the DAN doc is confused with his situation and can't figure out I'm way more confused about his situation, I did blood test recently to find out about his thyroid and strep( strep was negative before) and my next treatment is for parasite . and I'm praying for him too,

please let me know of any specific test we can do to address any other problem

thank you guys again


To: mb12valtrex Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 12:16 PMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

I think that, in many cases, this is also diagnostic. I could mean that we are missing some underlying problem. Or, possibly we aren't addressing the issue in a way that works for our kids. WE went over two years working on the gut, metals, neurotransmitter problems, nutrition and diet. And, during that time, it was all a bandaid. My son was having small improvements but nothing lasting or substantial. Now we know we have strep, mycoplasma Pneumonia, and lyme, and viruses, too. We aren't probably going to get anywhere until we address these. Viruses and bacteria bind to metals, so we are going to have a hard time reducing that load until we clear the bugs. Methylation is key to all detox, so a critical piece. We have especially difficult genes. It will be harder for us, but I am hopeful that we can achieve health.

Have you checked for infections, immune function? Lots of DANS don't do this, and the research on this is developing. But, I do think it is a key for many kids. And, I think one other thing to think about is how all this interacts. Some DANS do a protocol and hope it works - for example chelation. But they aren't looking at the methylation cycle and how much sulfur a child can tolerate. Also, are detox pathways open?

Finally, I know may people who have tried one solution to a problem without success, and then they try another solution that works. Some people don't do well on a traditional DAN approach, but another one, like homeopathy, works great. IT is a bit of trial and error, because the science is not felly there and our kids are so individual. BUt, I think if your testing shows health issues, it is worth it to find effective ways to treat those, that work for your kid. If your DAN is stuck, I'm hoping he/she would keep digging. If not, I'd do a bunch of research, tap into the smart people on these groups, and possibly find another doc.

It can be discouraging. We've been at this for 8 year snow. And, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have times (many) where I've gotten discouraged. During those times, I do what I can manage. THen, I get reinvigorated and go at it again. I pray a lot, too, for strength, wisdom, and insight. It really helps. I honestly pray for everyone who is struggling with these issues. We all need a little extra boost now and then. :) I will be praying for your little one.



Can somebody plz explain to me , when we did all the test and it showed that my son has virus, metal , gut problem .... And we started to do treatment for all of them and he hasn't respond to any of the treatment then what? We started biomed since he was 2 and now he is 5 still severe and nonverbal. We have been under care of a very well known Dan , but we just don't know why he does't respond. What do you guys do on the situation like this? Lili

; To: <mb12valtrex >; Subject: Re: Staying motivated is hard! Sent: Sat, Mar 10, 2012 5:44:11 PM

So here's my take on all this. Do what works.

If it's not working, do something else. Research is sooo important and the reason why I say that: you DO know more than your DAN. Your DAN isn't home with you. Your DAN isn't seeing what you are seeing. Your DAN isn't taking the notes that you are. You have to be able to put things together when you have the labs, the notes, the results (or lack of) and you have to be able to consider things your DAN doesn't. You have to be able to be a full partner in your child's care and not leave things up to the DAN. It had to be a partnership.

My son is 8. He was diagnosed at 2..5. We started biomed immediately. First on my own doing DAN things and then we saw Dr. Goldberg at 3. Then we left Dr. Goldberg at 4.5 and went to a DAN. I spent all of that time researching. I became very well versed in DAN and got familiar with other protocols. The reason you need to do this: you have to be able to understand what your doc is doing so that you can understand what to throw out. DAN can be soooo expensive until you figure out how to control the money hemorrhaging.

I've never continued anything that wasn't doing anything. 2 years of all kinds of diets and such left my son no better or worse but I was definitely poorer. Do what works, throw out the rest. You won't know what's working until you stop something.

To this day, I can't remove antivirals. Because I can't remove antivirals, I can't remove the anti fungal. By my son is on very few things. His current list:

Vit. C (immune system support but I don't *have* to give it, I choose to)

Pregnenelone 1x week (clinically low)

Hydrocortisone (adrenals - GH burns adrenals)

Valtrex (very viral kid)

Diflucan (goes without saying with the Valtrex)

Growth hormone (clinically low)

Yucca (he has an ammonia problem that is confirmed genetic and through OAT so I just keep him on it, life is better that way and we haven't had any issues since ;) )

Lysine (herpes virus issues - although I don't have issues if I run out, I only give it because I want the added help. Giving it doesn't actually change anything behaviorally - again, this is a choice for me.)

melatonin (sleep is always an issue)

multi (every kid should be on one)

Omegas (every kid should be on it)

Adderall (5 years of biomed never did anything for his ADHD)

That's it. He's not on a diet. He's not on all kinds of supplements and for about 3 years, the only supplements he was on were to help with ADHD symptoms. I got rid of those when we started Adderall. You have to get to what *your* child needs. You simply can't go on all these supplements without understanding why and what and if they are even doing anything. If it's not doing anything, get rid of it. You can always revisit them - which sometimes does help. Sometimes something else needs to be done first in order for it to work.

We've done many things. We've chelated, we've been on abx for a year, we've done everything except ivig and Hbot, I think. Some things worked, many things didn't and a lot just helped a bit.

It's work. It's hard work. But we can't rely on doctors to figure it out for us. We have to do it ourselves. Does biomed work? For many I think the answer is yes. For us, absolutely. My son would not be where he is today (recovered) if it weren't for biomed. If I take him off the antiviral/antifungal he completely regresses so in my house, no, he wouldn't be better off without it. He wouldn't get better without it. He wouldn't "grow" out of autism.

But I can also say that yes, I think some things did get better just with time. The difficulty is figuring out which ones they are.

Don't be afraid to stop it all and see what happens. Don't be afraid to start all over from scratch. Don't be afraid to question whether or not something is working. If you question it, find out the answer. Don't continue to load your kid up with things you aren't confident in.

My son would probably be worse off if we continued to give him things that weren't working. Some were causing more problems than they were helping. Labs aren't the end all be all of what's going on. YOu have to be able to put *everything* together and make a logical decision. Behavior and physical response should be a big part of the choices you make, not just labs. And also, my suggestion is to try to use more local labs than autism labs. Autism labs cost too much and really don't provide that much useful information.

I know the questioning. I've been there. You just have to go into biomed with an open mind but also with clear expectations and a plan for what you do when you don't meet those expectations. In my case, I try just about everything I can afford. I'll do it but I won't go broke doing it and I won't continue to do things that don't work just because someone thinks I should. The ending behavioral result is the main result anyone wants. Not what a lab says. When I rely on labs, I rely on labs that actually tell me something useful. Low thyroid is useful. Knowing my son has low GH is useful. (and the funny thing is that these, for the most part, aren't even behavioral related - they just are and need to be treated). Most information on an OAT is not so useful to me. The only thing it was ever good for was to prove my son can't process fats and proteins very well and no amount of supplementing changed that (confirmed through yasko) and the ammonia problem

(also confirmed through yasko). Yeast, I know my son well enough that I can spot yeast in him better than any lab can. Most of the labs are unreliable at best. Wrong at worst. So stick with labs that will tell you something. You are the only person that can determine if those labs are useful. I know someone people can easily live and die by an OAT. In my house, we couldn't (and this was covered by our insurance so it wasn't like we couldn't afford to do it - it just was pointless).

It takes a lot of time to figure it out. I know. Just remember to do what works. Throw out the rest. There's no law that says you *have* to do something just because DAN thinks you should. Just make sure you are choosing to do them or not for the right reasons. Chelation absolutely helped in my house. High dose supplements did not. Antivirals did. Diet did not. In my house, my son did not do well with naturals. He did great on the Rx things like LDN.

Do what works. I can't say that enough. Don't worry about the teachers and everyone else judging you. If you are doing what works, they'll see the results. If nothing works, then eventually you'll figure that out too.

Hope that helps.

<PastedGraphic-3.tiff>~ Antiviral Therapy 101~

~ Make a biomed book ~

~ gryffinstail.wordpress.com ~

~ @Gryffins_Tail ~

Yes I have a Dan for my son and he's done all the tests but when we went over them it didn't make much sense ... And he's always like u can tr this or that... But I feel like sometimes I know more and he's well known ... And he's not motivational or encouraging and I guess I expected that > > > As we introduce each

new supplement or therapy we get so excited... And for many of the supplements we see gains and then we see either regression or return to what he was before. Part of me feels the gains we see are just coincidental and just gains from growing up or aba or speech and not really the biomedical. His Dan doctor is also so wishy washy because really there is no concrete evidence for the biomedical and what works for one kid doesn't work for another.... > > > > So how do we stay motivated? > > How do we know we aren't just loading our kid up on vitamins and making him gag? > > How do we know Dan doctors aren't just making a ton of money off our hope to cure our kid??? > > Keeping a log shows me how up and down this all is and I'm not sold its worth it ??? > > > > I need some motivation and some guidance! > > AND.... Not to mention the public school teachers think biomedical is a waste of a time and they almost

look down on u for doing it....I'm really confused. > > > > >

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also i always say six months is the limit i would do any therapy with no positive result.....if after six months no gains with andy cutler chelation...you could look into the immusist...but becuase i had such good results with andy cutler chelation i always suggest that first thing to try....

only my one opinion.


To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 9:39 AMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!


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channa,for immusist did you order the natural one ? this is my next thing to do , I will hold off the parasite cleanse for now and do the immusist first.Lili To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Monday, March 12,

2012 10:10 AM Subject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!

also i always say six months is the limit i would do any therapy with no positive result.....if after six months no gains with andy cutler chelation...you could look into the immusist...but becuase i had such good results with andy cutler chelation i always suggest that first thing to try....

only my one opinion.


To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 9:39 AMSubject: Re: Staying motivated is hard!


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~ Antiviral Therapy 101~~ Make a biomed book ~~ gryffinstail.wordpress.com ~~ @Gryffins_Tail ~

We have tried valtrex.... We did t for a month and a half and he only got worseYou can't just do Valtrex. You have to use a systemic antifungal with it. 1.5 months is a very short trial - especially without the antifungal on board. Valtrex can cause some pretty bad die off so seeing things get worse is not unexpected. I wouldn't give up on this until you've done it correctly. (I'm only assuming you haven't because from what you've written, it doesn't seem like you have. Maybe you did - I dunno). All I can tell you is that Valtrex takes a lot more effort than most DANs seem to understand and because of this, many people give up because of exactly what you described.

We have tried nystatin... Saw nothingIt's rarely effective, IMO.

We are currently doing amphor for anti fungal ( not much here)It's also non-systemic. I tend to think that much of the supplements that don't really do much are a good indication that the gut is less involved than the immune system and pathogens. My son is *not* a gut kid so I think there's a correlation between that but I have no evidence other than my son. From my experience, people that have success with diet and supplements are more gut related and if you don't have those issues, most of the things that focus on those things just won't do much.

When we went to straight cod liver oil I saw a ton of new vocabulary up but then it seemed he leveled off

We r doing diet but sometimes break it

He is doing allergy shotsI personally think allergy shots are a bad idea. IMO, I wouldn't want to *add* more stress on an already out of whack immune system that is probably over/under active. My son, at 2, was moderate to severe. It took *very* little to get him to mild. Within 6 months of starting biomed he was mild. But getting beyond that was tough. You'll get there. It's hard to pinpoint things. Research, research, research is the best we can do. As parents, *we* need to understand what we're doing in order to best help our kids. It's hard. We all understand. Hang in there. And good for you for having dance! I love it when I hear these kinds of stories. It's awesome and turns into things like A.Skate and Surfer's Healing. I hope it goes well!

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