Guest guest Posted October 5, 2011 Report Share Posted October 5, 2011 your post made me laugh! even though i cant do as much as i used to, i still want/need to stay up on what's out there. tx much! vicki Re: Re: Anyone following the KPU/mauve factor theory to autism?+ Lyme and Parasites  Bless you for loving your child enough to do what you are doing... Re: Anyone following the KPU/mauve factor theory to autism?+ Lyme and Parasites We have not done the Humacleanse yet but this is next on our list. I don't know why I waited- family in town, looking into all of this new stuff. . . thanks for the reminder. You really MUST check out the Klinghardt stuff!! Confirms all we're doing and gives reasons why/overarching understanding. He is a smart fellow. Great stuff. NOTES: (THis will be a long one. I have not edited them either) Klinghardt Lecture on HPU/KPU: Autism as Congenitally acquired Lyme disease 80% using Western Blot (?) test positive for Borellia He thinks 100% of those with Autism have Lyme. He feels this is the first thing to be considered when treating Autism. LOOK UP ENERGETIC TESTING- HOW TO Lyme disease underlying candida and HHV6 [[[[Note that this part within brackets is not specifically related to HPU/KPU but an aside that he starts lecture with- still of great interest to ASD. Recent theory he is testing- seeing amazing results with- EMF Issues and autism (see further below for explanation of why EMF increases toxicity) Where was mom sleeping while pregnant? 10-100x higher EMF in population of moms who had Autistic children. Calls this the only predictive factor ever found for Autism. Basically, what to do to decrease EMF- Switch all fuses off at night. Sleep sanctuary (Feraday cage (sp?). No wireless internet. No cordless phones. - preconditioned for a good outcome in treatment of Autistic children. He has better frequency of cure than any other practitioner he knows.- Feels this is because of adding in EMF reduction.]]]] HPU/KPU SPECIFICALLY With HPU/KPU, you Pee out all of your zinc. Become not zinc deficient, but 'zincless'. 300 enzymes in the body are zinc dependant. So the body to survive substitutes cadmium or lead or aluminum or mercury (from mother) for zinc in these enzyme processes. (mom discharges 2/3 of body burden of mercury to 1st born child. In boys, testosterone has dramatic synnergetic response to mercury.) Enzyme still functions (not as well as would with zinc). So adult Lyme patient/autistic kid is in this state. When we substitute zinc, and it goes back into the enzyme processes, we are knocking off the toxic metals. Kids will get ill from this. CAN NOT do the KPU treatment without detoxing to get the mobilized metals out of the system. KPU is the least expensive treatment we've ever given- $4000 a year. Ab. Hoffer discovered condition in 1958. Found in the urine of schizophrenic patients. (original compound was considered to be kryptopyrrol, but later was identified as hydroxy-hemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL). So condition is actually HPU. But is referred to as KPU to keep things simple. Also is called Malvaria, Pyrroluria, HemoKryptoPyrrolLactamUria, Mauve. (Google all of these words to get all of the literature) Early literature is from 1958. 1970 Nature article. Medical Scientific journals are internationally rated by quality and scientific standing. JAMA is between somewhere 3-4000. 1 being best, 6000 being worst. Nature is #3 of all of these. This is not an alternative thing. It is not going to go away next week. It's been in the literature for 50 years. It's a big deal. One problem in the US. The only test we have is for kryptopyrrole, not the HPL complex. 30% will come back false negative. He took tests to Holland on ice. All who tested negative in US were highly positive in Holland (for HPL). He uses Vitamin Diagnostics test here. But FDA issues (research to validate new test required) to test for the HPL, so the old test, which is the one currently offered, is for kryptopyyrole. On test, If you are 2x the upper end of normal (upper end of normal = 15)- indicates a severe condition. This is only a $60 test. HPU/KPU affected lose zinc, B6 biotin, manganese. In adult, usually give unaffected male 25 mg of zinc. In this program give 250-400mg of zinc every day. Peeing out 100-150 mg a day. Losing them irregularly also in sweat and stool. The molecule peeing out is an improperly synthesized Hem molecule. Building block of hemoglobin and cytochromes. -Enzyme components used in mitchondria, liver detox, methylation pathway. To make Hem you need 8 enzymatic steps. In HPU, from 1 to all 8 enzymes can be blocked. Depending on which are blocked, illness can look differently. Causes- Early childhood psych trauma. Chronic infections (Lyme to establish itself has to use many molecular tricks to evade immune system. So Lyme uses one molecule- blocking one of these enzymes, peeing out zinc, disarms immune system with one stroke. Zinc and manganese are essential parts for white blood cells to create the components to fight bugs). The molecular trick has not been exactly identified yet. Chronic infections can be responsible for blocking the enzymes. Close to 100% of lyme patients has this condition. But not 100% has significant early childhood trauma. Illness started with tick bite. . . 10 years later have HPU. So it is an acquired condition. He says everything we know about Autism can be explained with Congenitally Acquired Lyme Disease. -Mold-plays a key role. Can not have Lyme as an adult without having a preceding injury with mold. Or preceding condition of HPU. Only 20% of people infected with Borellia are symptomatic. 100% of people with HPU that get bitten by Lyme tic develop symptomatic condition. Borellia has been around for thousands of years in Europe. It's not new. What is new is the behavior of the illness in us that is making us sick. ****His research in Switzerland- mold research. 2 Mold cultures. Same amount on 2 plates. One culture protected with ferriday cage. Other set on a desk. Let grow 3 weeks. Micotoxins in protected one- low amount of micotoxins. Amount in unprotected one was 600x more. We all have mold, candida, etc. . In gut, connective tissue even. Since 1995 amount of EMF exposure has gone up 30 million times. Density of EMF in one cc of air. The molds in us are doing what the mold experiment did. Will maximize their micotoxin production. Hooper's (?) test or Neuroscience test- will look for 3 micotoxins in urine. Most important test for Autistic kids. ($200). High in Autistic children. All of these kids have mold on board. The microbes that live in us symbiotically for 4.5 million years are feeling attacked by the environmental toxins and electrosmog. Bugs are producing more biotoxins at unprecedented rates. Behind Autism, LD, ADHD, Parkinson's, MS, sleeping problems. Get bugs back to symbiotic environment. We have to detox, detox, detox, and protect from electrosmog. Not a small idea. It's the principle from which healing can happen. Causes again of HPU- Early psych trauma and chronic infection. Psych trauma can be passed down a few generations. Causing kids to be born with HPU. Hem is needed for liver detox. CVS mutation (SP??)- Amy Yasko research. Instead of looking at mutation. Look at the Hem molecule attached. The enzyme is Hem dependant. So if you don't have the Hem, the enzyme doesn't work. They are symptoms of HPU. 27 out of 39 schizophrenics tested positive in Hoffer's test for HPU. Can dramatically improve Down's Syndrome with this. Hoffer- Autism, 30 years ago, found HPU in 50% of population- with poor test. Today 80%. Symptoms: Abdominal tenderness Constipation Light/sound/odor intolerance (BIG) Hypoglycemia/glucose intolerance/insulin resistance Pale skin/poor tanning/china doll look (Feiffer coined- was close, but didn't know about the detox so messed them all up) ("Indigo Children" look- the KPU look. We hurt these children. Then turned it into something mystical) Tremor/shaking/spasms Environmental food and allergies Autism/most symptoms of ASD Poor breakfast appetite Cold hands or feet- hormone disfunction, high testosterone Delayed or early puberty MORE. . . Elevated LDL, low HDL. - will resolve with treatment Calcium EDTA- kids pee out cadmium and lead. Adipose goes down (causing problems) Omega 6 deficient. Peeing it out- ounces of it- they need a lot. ("Grown up Autistics"- people with ALS, MS, Parkinsons, etc- deficient in Omega 6 ) Low Taurine. High MCV. (is actually B6 deficiency). Surprising- in white blood cell and red blood cell test, zinc and manganese will be normal. Are the last thing to drop before death. People have given at this point all zinc from bone at this point. Bone can not heal. After tooth extractions, people lose jawbones and things deteriorate . . . Bone biopsies are a reliable predictor of HPU. Physical signs- "China doll" look. HHV6 outbreak, herpes zoster, other lesions, eczema, . . . NOTE- on his protocol- NEVER VACCINATE AGAIN, EVER. But, because of HPU, when kids get sick from childhood diseases, they get really really sick. Deformed tonails, thin hair, fingernails, bloated belly- zinc deficiency affects lining of intestine. But if you treat the yeast or KPU you have to treat forever. But KPU treatment is cheaper. . . Knee, hip, and ankle pain. -Doesn't like to move Fall a lot, frequent injury. From moderate ataxia. Anal itch, frequent parasites, stress intolerant, difficulty sleeping. White spots on fingernails (leukodynia- spelling?) = zinc deficiency. If lifelong, this will get worse for a whole year. Zinc def may get worse for first 6-8 months. Because the system wakes up and starts using the zinc everwhere. Biotin deficiency, and silica deficiency- fine hair, thin fingernails and deformed toenails (crinkly, can't hold shape) (Slides showing connection between HPL and zinc/B6 deficiency. If white blood cell measure of zinc goes down, close to death. None left in body.) Child Biotin dose at least 2.5 mg a day. . . IN SUPPLEMENTS- NO Magnesium Stearate or Titanium Dioxide!!!!!! "Absolute evil things- poison for these kids". More slides- Higher HPL results in reduced glutathione deficiency. Glut deficiency is a SYMPTOM of this. Nitric Oxide. -bad in wrong parts of brain. Toxic nitrogen compound. Methylation cycle. Yasko's picture of the methylation cycle in one enzyme (a zinc dependant enzyme!!). When you are losing zinc, manganese, magnesium, you are not making prper Hem. There is a big Hem molecule at the heart of the enzyme process. If this is not working, you create peroxinitrate (spelling?), one of the most toxic oxidative substant that we create in the brain. Autistic Children's brains are high in this. You can hang your whole career on any one of the enzymes in this cycle. . . On the one end of the cycle there is the sulfur detox, or glutathione. For the system to run the cycle successfully. . . On one end you are adding methyl groups to the DNA to silence the viruses and bad things in the DNA - but on the other hand you need to run the cycle to make enough glutathione so you can detox. If exposed to certain toxins (lead, aluminum, mercury), the enzymes is induced to run cycle to produce more glutathione. Needs more methyl groups. Either by demethylating DNA (and therefore liberating all of the viruses that have been silenced- Herpes viruses, etc), or by working the Autism protocol of adding/injecting methyl groups every day. . . They're both stupid choices. What you really should do is detox the patient. The only way you can successfully remove lead, mercury, aluminum, is to detox. The only reason the process is toxic is because the enzyme process requires zinc!! If you don't have zinc, the body is putting the other metals in. So add enough zinc to knock out metals. And on other hand stand with effect detox agent with ability to get metals out. The enzyme shown in Yasko's slide is zinc dependant. CVS enzyme is B6 dependant. . . Multiple places in one enzyme process that require zinc, B6, manganese. . . So don't look at genes first, need to look at the basic ingredients missing before trying to bypass the genes!!! When to suspect HPU: Diagnosis of Autism, Rett, Aspergers, Lyme, CFIDS, FMS, heavy metal toxicity. How to test for KPU (From Vitamin Diagnostics) -These are not the instructions you will get from any of the American labs. The researcher running this lab in his writing/research gives the correct instructions, but his lab does not give the right instructions. Surprising. Do not take vitamins for 5 days. Off of everything. Antimicrobials, mineral, B vitamins. Stress child to the maximum. (travel, less sleep) Collect when child is 'nicely' stress. HPU compound has half life of 10 hours. So do NOT do 24 hour test- will be gone. Keep cold. Wrap in aluminum foil to keep it dark and safe from EMF's. Catch pee when you can and freeze at good sampling times over a week. Compound is stable when freezing. Then put together, unthaw, shake up, and put into vial to ship. Exposure to normal/extra stress. Use a large carton. Add 500 mg of ascorbic acid (hardware store?) per liter. 1tsp of ascorbic acid = 3.5 grams. So put less than 1/4 of a teaspoon for a usual sample. It can be ok to have a little too much. Won't ruin it. Wrap in aluminum foil. Put in fridge. AT THE END- Put the transport tube in the freezer. Tetrapyrroles are not detectable by the test (the worst of the compounds in the urine). But when you freeze the sample, these break down to monopyrroles and can be detected. So even with incorrect test, you can improve detection rate. Can store in freezer for even up to 3 weeks if necessray- some loss, but ok. Main excretion of HPL is in the afternoon. So diff samples across a day- it is particular to a person, when they are peeing out the zinc. But with typically a peak at around 4-5 in the afternoon. NOT first morning urine. Treatment. (adult dosages- 160 lb adult. Most children around 40 lbs 1/4 of this) Zinc 250 mg a day (easing in starting with 30mgs. Ease in) Will be nauseas on this. Zinc needs to be broken down in acid in stomach. But enzyme that creates stomach acid is zinc dependant. People who are zinc deficient have low stomach acid. - Don't make stomach acid. Can not break down zinc- get it into solution- and absorb it. Chronic metal toxic people are acidic. It is an attempt of the body to get the metals out. - Alkalinizing a patient for this will fixate the metals in all of the tissues!!!!! NO!! Manganese 20-50 mg/day Biotin 10 mg after breakfast Arachidonic acid from Omega 6 cells- evening primrose, ghee, borage oil, black currant oil Fish oil, pm, before bedtime P-5-P 50 mg B-6 25 mg (up to 800 mg B6) Magnesium glycinate 600 mg (up to 1600 mg), calcium citrate 1200 mg Detox protocol For Psychiatric symptoms- Niacin 500 mg To improve bile quality/neurotoxin elmination/normalizing brain rhythms: Taurine 500 mg Ease your way in. Take minerals in morning, between morning and lunch time. In evening, we need to detox/capture metals. Whatever detox agent you use will be equally binding the zinc with the mercury/lead. Split it up. Give zinc in morning, support detox at night. THERE IS A RHYTHM to this- don't get that right and you'll run into concrete walls. Kids with HPU lose all minerals in small amounts. Supplement with "Microminerals" (monoautomically suspended minerals in a watery solution easily absorbed)- do dramatically better if introduced early on. Sublingual biotin -or athon in Seattle- Tahoma clinic pharmacy- biotin with no binders. After breakfast- the oils. DO NOT take an oil and a mineral at the same time- makes soap in the gut- not absorbable. Overlooked in the U.S. Separate the minerals, taking them with a bulk of food- - then the oils later. -can take oils at night, with detox agents. EPO or GHEE, borage, black currant- for Omega 6's. Fish oil increases (parasympathetic tone?) These kids shouldn't have fish oil all day long. Need the Omega 6's also. P-5-P with B6 (!!!P-5-P is first supplement targeted by FDA rule. FDA is doing a few supplements at a time as a plan to keep organized fighting of rule down- divide and conquer) Good news- we have an enzyme that cleaves off the p-f-p phosphorous and makes the B6. So the p-5-p idea is a myth. (although some are allergic to the standard B6). P-5-P works better in the evening. B6 is better in the morning. It is cheap. Use any cheap B6. P-5-P is expensive. Magnesium glycinate (or malate) High need of calcium. Peeing out huge amounts of calcium in tests of HPU patients. Psychiatric symptoms (all autistics!)- Niacin- In autistic children use niacinimide (not as good, but important) Taurine- an absolute MUST. Huge function in HPU- in brain but also to make bile, which his how we extcrete neruotoxins from mold and lyme. Must turn on bile flow with Taurine. Most important agent of detox program , in the long run. Zinc/Copper issue- people have enough copper stores for about 4-5 months. Zinc knocks out copper and many kids become copper deficient in 4-5 months. Can not overlook copper deficiency. Involved in dopamine synthesis- neurotransmitter for language development and motor development. Can not overlook a copper deficiency. Myth in nutrition medicine that everyone is copper toxic. But completely conflicted by scientific literature. Daily needs for copper are 3-4 mg. Exposure and drinking water- .5 mg daily. Enzymes to fight Lyme are copper dependant enzymes. When immune system fires its ammunition, there is a lot of displaced copper which shows up on the surface in the hair sample, urinalysis. This is used up oxidized copper. On a deep level we are depleted of it. TO recycle the copper, the best thing to do is to supplement with a good vitamin C ( Gordon best in world maybe? Spell?). You need reductive agents to add electrons in the system to recycle the copper. We use Homeopathic copper in a 4x solution. Seems to be the best way of dealing with copper. To give vitamin C and homeopathic copper to recycle the oxidized copper and bring it back into the tissues where it's needed. High Gamma Vitamin E - 400 iu per 40 lbs weight Food allergies- Most HPU patients are chromium deficient. Use Chromium 454 from B.i.i (??SPELL) Great to chew for ASD kids. Brain allergies- Molydenum Always have metals detox agents on board. Initially zinc in high doses cause nausea.. . Symptoms disappear in 2-4 months. Garlic is the holy grail of Lyme treatment. Organic high allin freeze dried garlic release 13 mg of allicin when it is dissolved- unmatched by any other product. Biocure. Most ASD children are sulfur sensitive and can't tolerate it. Treating for HPU they can- they start to crave it (even kids whose genetic profile says they should not tolerate). Use sprinkles at first and increase with every meal. Fills sulphur stores, kills lyme disease (several studies as antispirochete (?)). Full adult dose- 3 caps dissolved in water 3-4 times a day. Use Coca pulse test to differentiate allergic reaction from die-off reactions. - Establish normal resting pulse rate for child. Measure throughout day. (poor sleeping location will cause elevated pulse first thing in the morning). Take several times, use the lowest measured rate. If the pulse is in this state, give garlic. If the pulse rate does not go up, the child is not reactive. In a Herxeimer reaction, pulse does not go up. Only goes up in allergic reaction. Metal Detox New kid on the block- micro silica. For each molecule you get an effect 50 x as strong as with the equivalent amount of DMPS or DMSA. Detoxing kids without side effects. I've never seen a kid not do well on this. This is a phenomenal new product designed by a brilliant biochemist in Colorado. Alittle powder with scoop. 100mg the dosage in a grown up 4 doses a day. With water or juice. A little acidity helps it dissolve. Shake it up. In Autistic child, 1/2 a scoop twice a day at first. When the kids are in rapid accelerator of detox, when new treatments are working, they need more. Up to 10-15 doses a day, for 2-3 days in a row, and they're through the herxheimer, detox reaction. Everything else has become less important since we have this one thing. It has replaced DMSA, DMPS, EDTA, chlorella, zeolite, everything that we've known so far to be true. More elegent, faster, better, smoother. Really works. We have OSR now. Is quite specific in detoxing the CNS. But the kids are so toxic in other places, the OSR never reaches into the brain. It binds to mercury and lead wherever it finds it on the way. It never gets to the brain. After you have used an effective detoxer for 2 years, OSR is a late agent. Then it is great to use. It has a great synergistic effect with micro silica and can be given together. So this talk will be on Tammy's website also on With MORE details. The reason HPU and KPU isn't the first thing that every physician knows about. When you start this protocol, 2-6 weeks in, and waves for months in. . . Use strongest available detox agents - huge doses DMSA etc. to get kids through the crisis. Some stronger DMPS. Sometimes Intramuscular shot. Sometimes twice a day. Address crises in the midst of the KPU treatment. The detoxing is dangerous- huge amounts of metals coming out. Must support. 4 yr old released up to 2000mcg of mercury in one single shot. Not 20 or 30 which we thought was high. Beautiful to document with hair analysis. --- He skips slides, doing quick points. . . Zinc ETPA (?) can't see. Not available in US but used in European clinics. Chloralla and metal binding. Literature available on it. Cilantro increases metals dumping with just 15 drops of Biopure cilantro tincture. . . Very low price. ….. Case studies- does one about cure of child with Rett syndrome. Went from in wheel chair, not responding, seizures, to walking up to him and hugging at appointment (6 months?). He says- You know Rett syndrome are not supposed to be responsive. 2 gene mutation and - but yet, that's not what we see. So I see the genetic angle has a lot of dangers. We fall into genetic cement and get stuck in it rather than trusting- truly we don't know- for every gene that we have, we have a back up gene. That you can call forth somehow. It often happens spontaneously when you just stick with it. 7 year old Autistic boy, nonverbal. Dark brown or white areas on skin. (Or grown ups with a lot of brown spots- KPU) Dr has developed way of muscle testing with wireless device. Kid can run far away but still can test the kids with this system for an exam. He's still doing his exam. -Kid has lyme and HPU. Bartonella- stretch marks on the hip that don't belong. Did phase 1- HPU with detox. Phospholipid exchange. Green clay. He sees xeolite as a glorified clay, superclay- so is going to substitute and add xeolite in. Severe aggression, attacks mom. Mom wants to stop protocol. Too bad. Dr. says crank up detox by a LOT. Every hour. Everything you know about detox, do it 20 fold, a LOT, for 3-4 days. To get through the crisis. Lasted 2 weeks, boy got through it, calm, seizures stop, follows instruction. Hair analysis finds mercury and lead- never had shown before- no heavy metals show them. Now on KPU protocol, has astronomically high profile of mercury and lead. Then boy is stable on HPU protocol, starting lyme protocol. Uses Quintessence (sp?) from Biopure- 5 herbs (from Bohners (sp?) research[ then Klinghardt tested on 200 kids) that stand out. Put them through lazer and electric field process. Put in certain proportions. Synergistic, Fantastic in treating Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, in these kids. One stop, fixes it all protocol. Is a good tasting tincture. Artemesia for babesia. If a kid is old enough to swallow tiny capsules. Leading treatment for Malaria in world. High doses for Babesia. Same as internationally published treatment for Malaria. But does for twelve rounds. Add Rhizodes (sp?) plant peroxides- in bath water or enema. Or rub under arms. . . Native antiviral herbs- different kinds for brain and gut (theta-brain and gamma-gut). For measles in gut and herpes viruses in brain, lyme, bartonella. So Autistic boy in 6 weeks eye contact. Had a narrow upper dental arch. SO give him dental appliance and makes major step forward. At age 9 (2 years in) in special ed but completely communicating. No doubt he wil lmake complete recovery, but takes time. Longer. IT happens fast at 4 years old. . . Ideal, but can be done later- longer the magic takes. Shows slide - # of amalgam fillings mother had in mouth during pregnancy, with amount of mercury kids excrete years later- healthy vs autistic. In Autistic kid, mercury can not get out, vs 'normal' kid- excretes mercury. But on KPU treatment, metals come out. Metals weren't showing on hair analysis, other tests. . . . On KPU, 4 months in, huge amounts of mercury, lead, nickel, cadmium coming out. Breaks the ice in grown up with Lyme and Autistic. Is a wildfire, sometimes hard to control. Principles of ASD treatment GFCF, or SCD, Gut Biofilm protocol with green clay. . . Silica- the underestimated one thing to do with every patient. The main structural molecule in the matrix- matrix is that place between blood vessels and cells where all nutrients have to be transported through. Where toxic metals, environmental toxins are stored. Needs silica as basic structure, makes matrix into a crystal, electrical conductor so everything works 10x, 100x faster. Product that works is Biosil (sp?) choline bound silica. Is taken up 100%. Has phenomenal effect on speeding everything up you've ever heard about. On kids can rub on soles of feet. Natural way for us to absorb silica is by walking barefoot on ground. Can rub in feet or few drops on food. Follinic acid, B12, dymethyglycine (cellular detox). Everything else seems to be 2ndary. Alinia is the miracle drug in the field. Antiparasitic, treats all parasites in you. First visit, he muscle tests all kids for it and puts them on it for 20 days- is a miracle for them. Start detox protocol simultaneously. Increase mitochondrial activity and ATP with Valkion (breathing aparatuscontroversial, FDA crackdown). Increase brain metabolism with Health Light. Increases metabolic activity in forebrain (mirror neurons, stem cell activity. . . ). FDA attack, but phenomenal results. Homeopathic laser detox for vaccines and chemicals Immunemodulation with KH6 method L-DOPA for language and movement skills Lab: Urine organic acids for chemicals and toxins (Gold Profile from Great Plains Lab) with specific detox suggestions - or 24 hr detox pack (HBN) Genetic testing with Amy Yasko type analysis.- He thinks Yasko should come AFTER the treatment, not instead of this treatment, or before. Immunotherapy with kids: Napolean's Army- an anthropologist dug up remains. 95 % died of trench fever. 5% of Russians died. Analyzed teeth for PCR stains. All died of Bartonella. Was real cause of death. The Russian general was an avid student of homeopathy. He treated his soldiers (in 1818)- spit into cup every morning. Then add 5 times as much water. Empty, add, etc. 4 times. Every morning. Lost only 5% of troops. SO, scrape tongue of child. Collect as much goop as you can. Mix tiny bit of water to make it not stick to the wall of a cup. Then add 5 times as much water to it. Becomes H1 dilution (the total is 6 parts- one of spit, 5 of water). Do 6 steps, end up with H6 solution. Of that, child gets 4 drops, 6 times a day. With phenomenal results and improvement in terms of the immune modulation in relationship to the infections they all have. Start thinking clearer, behaving clearer, do go throuhg some herxheimer reactions. Will be listed on Tammy Duncan's website.. . Little bit of a weird step. Can use matrix electrolyte solution for step number 4, to make it better. Hypersalinic solution that kills all the bugs. Ruptures cell membrane, and all products of bug are part of solution (good), and keeps anything from growing in solution . Adds salty taste. Most powerful autonosode- healing remedy to ever give child. Beats anything he's seen from classical homeopathy. . . . The perfect remedy for this patient. Make a fresh mother tincture every 6 weeks because bugs change. MAGICAL. > > > > > is this based on the klinhardt protocol? > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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