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Guest guest

I think she did a beautiful job too! You have to have your dh read the letters

from . They are great!


Check out my E-bay auctions

http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems & include=0 & userid=Mic\

hi310 & sort=3 & rows=25 & since=-1 & rd=1


Wow...what a web site.

is talented.

Looks like I'll be spending some time reading tonight...the opening page

caught me! Touching!

Teri ~ Lansing, Michigan

Me: 39

DH: 39

DD: 21

DS: 18

TL: 11/1/84

TR: 8/14/03 (Buddy: a F.)


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Visit www.SmileyCentral.com - the happiest place on the Web.

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  • 8 years later...
Guest guest

U guys, I just wanted to say u are all amazing wonderful sharing pple the depth

of information and willingness to share it is such a precious gift, it is worth

it's weight is gold...

God bless u all and uo children may he bring them home.

Sent from my iPod

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