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Wedding Drama

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Five weeks out from my wedding and 7 yrs NC with NADA she decides to create a

fake facebook acct, send the message " congradulations [sic] " and then deactivate

the acct. Fuck her for trying to make this about her. I don't want her

congratulations. She also found our wedding registry and sent us $100. Really,

NADA, because I had to put myself through college and therapy. What is your

lousy $100 going to do for me now? I wish she'd sent me cash so I could rip it

up and send it back to her. Spineless attention whore. So I sent out a mass

email to NADA's family (two of them are BPD, too) and no one even has the gull

to deny telling her about my wedding, instead they're ignoring me, like I'm the

bad guy. I don't want any BPD drama at my wedding. I hope NADA's family doesn't

show. I shouldn't have even invited them. But mark my words, if 7yr NC NADA

shows up to my wedding I'm not hesitating on calling the cops. I dare her.

I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

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I wanted to say thank you to all of your for telling your stories. I had a

pretty tough weekend re: nada and my wedding and was wavering on calling her

until I read all of your stories and reminded myself that contacting her wont

change a thing. My wedding is coming up in June and my nada is refusing to come.

She is blaming me for her refusal saying that I am selfish for having a

destination wedding that much of her family can't come to because its too

far/too expensive (never mind the fact that some of my fiance's family is

driving across the country to make it and one of my best friends is flying while

very pregnant even though I'm sure she needs to be saving money for the baby).

We had a long engagement too which was a poor idea...just spread out the drama!

Whats worse is that my sisters are also making drama about my wedding and coming

up with their own reasons not to come. Whats worse is that most of her family

will likely not come because they fear her wrath. I feel like I have lost my

entire family in this process. The only person I really talk to anymore is my

dad. Nada has come up with this perfect story that makes it my fault that she

wont come and that others wont come. I'm the bad guy here. I tried my wedding

dress on for the first time yesturday and burst into tears because I had to let

go of the dream that we would plan my wedding together and she would actually be

happy for me. I go back and forth between being angry with her and feeling bad

for her because I know why she is the way she is. I'm just rageful at my sisters

though. They both agreed to be my maids of honor and they have been the worst

supports ever. We dont even talk. I wish I could grieve them all and move on but

something about this wedding coming up is making me nostalgic for family.


> Five weeks out from my wedding and 7 yrs NC with NADA she decides to create a

fake facebook acct, send the message " congradulations [sic] " and then deactivate

the acct. Fuck her for trying to make this about her. I don't want her

congratulations. She also found our wedding registry and sent us $100. Really,

NADA, because I had to put myself through college and therapy. What is your

lousy $100 going to do for me now? I wish she'd sent me cash so I could rip it

up and send it back to her. Spineless attention whore. So I sent out a mass

email to NADA's family (two of them are BPD, too) and no one even has the gull

to deny telling her about my wedding, instead they're ignoring me, like I'm the

bad guy. I don't want any BPD drama at my wedding. I hope NADA's family doesn't

show. I shouldn't have even invited them. But mark my words, if 7yr NC NADA

shows up to my wedding I'm not hesitating on calling the cops. I dare her.


> I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.


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I would always just say " Fine. "

That drove her nuts. Like, crazy, screaming rages. The part that was

particularly funny was that I never started to do it intentionally...it just

came about on its own.

As we all know, there is no reasoning with these people.

> > > I look at the

> > > > pictures from our wedding and it makes me cry. I just wanted ONE

> > > > day - -just ONE day for her to let me be happy.

> >

> > Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com

> >


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Your words ring very true. I also did not have nada at my wedding. We got

married very far away, and paid for it ourselves. I told nada when it was and

all that..and she just acted like she wasn't interested in any of it. I don't

know how to explain it, it was a very strange experience. The thing that really

burns me is that she didn't even call me on my wedding day. She said she never

called because she couldn't figure out the time difference and " didn't want to

interrupt my honeymoon " . Ugh. As the years go by, the stranger the whole thing


What really bothered me was that after the wedding she would put on a big happy

show in front of friends and family about the whole thing, and even let them

think she paid for it. She is a pathetic fake.

A friend asked me what my nada got me for a wedding present. I had to think

about it, because I could not remember. Then it came to me, she asked me what I

wanted, and knowing what a cheap bitch she was, I said I always liked her coffee

table. Well, she gave me her coffee table...for about a year. True to crazy nada

form, she accused me of taking it later. Needless to say I gave it back to her.

Me, the big bully thief and all that nonsense.

I haven't seen nada in years, and honestly, I don't miss any of it.

> >

> > Oh, I'm really sorry. I can identify. My therapist warned me

> > months in advance of my wedding that my nada was incapable of

> > allowing me to have a day of my own, and that the only way for us

> to

> > have our ownwedding would be to elope/have something very small.

> We

> > did. It was very very hard for me (I made the mistake of trying

> to

> > involve my fada, who backed out of showing up at the very last

> > minute) and I spent the weeks before enduring horrible phone calls

> > and suicidal threats from my nada, who had found out with her

> usual

> > spying what was going on. I spent the day before and some of my

> > honeymoon crying. With all of this, I KNOW that it would have

> been

> > a 100 times worse if I had invited her.

> >

> > I felt for a long time what you're feeling now. We had planned to

> > have a huge reception a month or two after the date here where we

> > live (family is a long way away), but I was so upset that my

> father

> > had promised to visit to attend such reception - in order to make

> up

> > for skipping my wedding - and then made it clear that he couldn't

> > that I couldn't go through with it. Even this year, we didn't

> > celebrate our one-year anniversary because the day had so many

> > terrible memories for us. So my nada has succeeded in making me

> > feel so bad that we never really celebrated our wedding, which is

> > sad. But we do celebrate being married every day, and are very

> very

> > happy.

> >

> > Sara

> .......


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That's why it finally (finally! in my 50's!) registered with me that I had to

physically leave my nada's presence when she was working herself up into a

screaming rage, or when she was picking and picking at me. My mother WANTED TO

RAGE AT ME, or she WANTED TO PICK A FIGHT WITH ME, just like a schoolyard


Just being calm and trying to reason with her made her MORE ENRAGED, because I

wasn't playing the game properly, I wasn't responding properly; her game was to

goad, and prod and poke me until I felt compelled to defend myself. Then she

felt she had an excuse or justification to really unleash her full wrath at me.

It was something I'd seen her do mostly to dad, that poking and prodding with

stinging little insults that gradually escalated into more and more outrageous

insults and accusations, but after dad died nada started doing that to Sister

and me more and more.

All I can suppose is that that was my nada's version of communicating, or it was

her version of exercising or her version of therapy (for herself): going batshit

ballistic and dumping all her toxic emotional waste into a living human

receptacle. It must have felt very cathartic to her, very pleasant. But it

left me, the human receptacle feeling gut-punched, devastated and sick.

That's why I totally understand if a KO decides that he or she needs to go No

Contact, because that's what I had to do, eventually. It was the only way to

protect myself from more of those hideous " emotional purge " episodes of hers

that left me feeling actually physically ill.


> > > > I look at the

> > > > > pictures from our wedding and it makes me cry. I just wanted ONE

> > > > > day - -just ONE day for her to let me be happy.

> > >

> > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com

> > >

> >


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I completely sympathize with your situation right now. I was married in Dec of

2010 and I planned it in 2 months. I wanted to get married on our five year

anniversary. My sisters and nada were not on talking terms and everyone was

threatening not to show. Of course I was worried because my nada was in charge

of the cake and desserts. After the ceremony (had small wedding approx 25

people) there was a champagne toast and everyone wanted pics with us and I

looked around and nada was no where in sight. Needless to say, I have no

ceremony pics with nada in them (she never really liked my husband). I later

mentioned that to her and she said well I had to set up your cake. I thought of

course it is my fault, why did I even bother. I held on to the hope that nada is

finally going to snap out of it and be the nada figure I always wanted her to be

for so long but that is not being fair to her or myself.

The best advice that I can provide you is to make that day about you and your

soon-to-be husband because that is the way it should be. The day goes by so fast

and all of the months of planning, arranging, and anxiety come down to a couple

of hours and once you say " I do " and kiss your husband nothing else seems to

matter. You are starting your own family now.

> >

> > Five weeks out from my wedding and 7 yrs NC with NADA she decides to create

a fake facebook acct, send the message " congradulations [sic] " and then

deactivate the acct. Fuck her for trying to make this about her. I don't want

her congratulations. She also found our wedding registry and sent us $100.

Really, NADA, because I had to put myself through college and therapy. What is

your lousy $100 going to do for me now? I wish she'd sent me cash so I could rip

it up and send it back to her. Spineless attention whore. So I sent out a mass

email to NADA's family (two of them are BPD, too) and no one even has the gull

to deny telling her about my wedding, instead they're ignoring me, like I'm the

bad guy. I don't want any BPD drama at my wedding. I hope NADA's family doesn't

show. I shouldn't have even invited them. But mark my words, if 7yr NC NADA

shows up to my wedding I'm not hesitating on calling the cops. I dare her.

> >

> > I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

> >


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I feel like I have lost my entire family in this process.

Sounds to me more like you never had much of a family to begin with. It's really

hard grieving the family we never had...I know you wish you had a mom you could

be close to. But it's not your fault the woman who raised you isn't capable of

that...you're NOT the bad guy.

Ever read about enmeshment? People think they've been " happy " and " close " and

" best friends " until they get a mind of their own and refuse to do everything

according to the nada's wishes...Then all hellfire rains down on them for such

an egregious act as being a separate person...


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I don't want any BPD drama at my wedding. I hope NADA's family doesn't show. I

shouldn't have even invited them. But mark my words, if 7yr NC NADA shows up to

my wedding I'm not hesitating on calling the cops. I dare her.


> I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.


I can understand why you're feeling angry. That is downright intrusive of

her...sneaking around your boundaries like that. I'd be mad too (and probably

also having a panic attack! LOL).

I'm glad you have a plan in case she shows up. Plan can also apply to flying

monkeys...do you have any big strong friends, or can you hire an off-duty

officer to be a bouncer?


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My Nada was not at my wedding either. As a workaholic she was under a deadline

that she had to meet, and if she came she would have lost money. I have

understanding and empathy about my parent's financial situation which always

seems to be in more turmoil than any other people I have ever known. Mostly

really poor business decisions, and the fact that they are enmeshed in a career

that has been going downhill for years, and rather than changing they have hung

on like stubborn bulldogs playing tug of war. However when I seemed

disappointed that they were not coming, she began to pick a fight with me so

that I would end up saying something that she could use against me, which I seem

to always give her. This way she wouldn't have to feel guilty about not coming.

She knows how to get what she wants from me and use it against me. You can

never say anything to her because she always has the answer, or if she doesn't

she pulls something out of the past that " relates " to what she is saying. This

particular argument bought me several years of NC from her which she thought was

a punishment for being a bad son, but for me was really a breath of fresh air.

She pulled the same crap on my Brother, actually boycotting his wedding which

was in the same town because she didn't approve of who he was marrying. I don't

particularly care for my Brother's wife either, (I don't think she is a good

match), but she's not a bad person. So after being so terrible to my Brother

and his wife, and me and mine, when she hoovers us back she expects to be

treated with respect by the two of us, and wants some kind of relationship with

our wives. She wanted to go out for special lunches and such with my wife, and

just expects that since she has started contact with us again, that it is some

kind of reward and we should be SO very grateful for her " forgiveness. " Thank

God we are back to LC again. This time she has more at stake since her

Grandkids are involved and if she totally splits me again she will lose contact

with them. What I don't understand is how our Nadas can't see how crazy they

are? Its like they are going around waving a bright red flag but in their heads

they are totally convinced it's yellow.



> Sylvia,


> Your words ring very true. I also did not have nada at my wedding. We got

married very far away, and paid for it ourselves. I told nada when it was and

all that..and she just acted like she wasn't interested in any of it. I don't

know how to explain it, it was a very strange experience. The thing that really

burns me is that she didn't even call me on my wedding day. She said she never

called because she couldn't figure out the time difference and " didn't want to

interrupt my honeymoon " . Ugh. As the years go by, the stranger the whole thing



> What really bothered me was that after the wedding she would put on a big

happy show in front of friends and family about the whole thing, and even let

them think she paid for it. She is a pathetic fake.


> A friend asked me what my nada got me for a wedding present. I had to think

about it, because I could not remember. Then it came to me, she asked me what I

wanted, and knowing what a cheap bitch she was, I said I always liked her coffee

table. Well, she gave me her coffee table...for about a year. True to crazy nada

form, she accused me of taking it later. Needless to say I gave it back to her.

Me, the big bully thief and all that nonsense.


> I haven't seen nada in years, and honestly, I don't miss any of it.



> > >

> > > Oh, I'm really sorry. I can identify. My therapist warned me

> > > months in advance of my wedding that my nada was incapable of

> > > allowing me to have a day of my own, and that the only way for us

> > to

> > > have our ownwedding would be to elope/have something very small.

> > We

> > > did. It was very very hard for me (I made the mistake of trying

> > to

> > > involve my fada, who backed out of showing up at the very last

> > > minute) and I spent the weeks before enduring horrible phone calls

> > > and suicidal threats from my nada, who had found out with her

> > usual

> > > spying what was going on. I spent the day before and some of my

> > > honeymoon crying. With all of this, I KNOW that it would have

> > been

> > > a 100 times worse if I had invited her.

> > >

> > > I felt for a long time what you're feeling now. We had planned to

> > > have a huge reception a month or two after the date here where we

> > > live (family is a long way away), but I was so upset that my

> > father

> > > had promised to visit to attend such reception - in order to make

> > up

> > > for skipping my wedding - and then made it clear that he couldn't

> > > that I couldn't go through with it. Even this year, we didn't

> > > celebrate our one-year anniversary because the day had so many

> > > terrible memories for us. So my nada has succeeded in making me

> > > feel so bad that we never really celebrated our wedding, which is

> > > sad. But we do celebrate being married every day, and are very

> > very

> > > happy.

> > >

> > > Sara

> > .......

> >



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Dani, I feel the same way. Her behavior is obviously a way to make you upset...

it has nothing to do with trying to make you happy. Like you said, she is trying

to make it about her.

Ughhhhh I get so infuriated just thinking about this!


> Five weeks out from my wedding and 7 yrs NC with NADA she decides to create a

fake facebook acct, send the message " congradulations [sic] " and then deactivate

the acct. Fuck her for trying to make this about her. I don't want her

congratulations. She also found our wedding registry and sent us $100. Really,

NADA, because I had to put myself through college and therapy. What is your

lousy $100 going to do for me now? I wish she'd sent me cash so I could rip it

up and send it back to her. Spineless attention whore. So I sent out a mass

email to NADA's family (two of them are BPD, too) and no one even has the gull

to deny telling her about my wedding, instead they're ignoring me, like I'm the

bad guy. I don't want any BPD drama at my wedding. I hope NADA's family doesn't

show. I shouldn't have even invited them. But mark my words, if 7yr NC NADA

shows up to my wedding I'm not hesitating on calling the cops. I dare her.


> I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.


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I am so sorry that you are going through this difficult time when it should be

such a happy moment. Truthfully, all weddings are stressful, but with a nada

they multiply the stress to 100!

First, don't worry about what anyone else THINKS you should do for your wedding.

Its about you and your soon to be husband. No one else. If you want to have

skull and bones in your reception hall and have the priest dress in black and

wear a wig, DO IT! its your day and no one else. The people that love you will

know that and respect that.

Second, your sisters sound like they are your nada's flying monkeys. Don't allow

them to ruin your day. If they cant be there for you without their incessant

need to control the situation and your feelings, then its best that you remove

yourself from them, especially on your wedding day.

Don't dwell on how things " should be " and focus on how things are. Yes, it would

be nice to have a wonderful mom give you awesome advice and cry as you try on

your wedding dress but that is not the way it is.

I had a nada who almost ruined my wedding with her controlling ways and we even

got into a heated arguement the night before my wedding. Now I am not even on

speaking terms. trust me, its a blessing that your nada is not involved. She

will ruin everything, including your marriage.

Focus on starting your lives together, regardless of who is there to share it.


> >

> > Five weeks out from my wedding and 7 yrs NC with NADA she decides to create

a fake facebook acct, send the message " congradulations [sic] " and then

deactivate the acct. Fuck her for trying to make this about her. I don't want

her congratulations. She also found our wedding registry and sent us $100.

Really, NADA, because I had to put myself through college and therapy. What is

your lousy $100 going to do for me now? I wish she'd sent me cash so I could rip

it up and send it back to her. Spineless attention whore. So I sent out a mass

email to NADA's family (two of them are BPD, too) and no one even has the gull

to deny telling her about my wedding, instead they're ignoring me, like I'm the

bad guy. I don't want any BPD drama at my wedding. I hope NADA's family doesn't

show. I shouldn't have even invited them. But mark my words, if 7yr NC NADA

shows up to my wedding I'm not hesitating on calling the cops. I dare her.

> >

> > I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire.

> >


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