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LOL....I have to say Greggory will do the same thing. I am afraid that they are

already getting to the age where mom is just a bother sometimes and way too

nosey! ugh.

Jacquie H


went to an indoor playground for his school elective last Wednesday.

He's going again today.

Last Wednesday, when I asked him what he did, he muttered something I could

barely understand about the climbers. When I asked another question, he yelled,

" I ALREADY TOLD YOU ABOUT IT!!!! " and then he growled at me. So that was that.

WHY, then, WHY did he sit on the phone with my mom this morning and tell her

ALL ABOUT the indoor playground and what he did there!?!?!?!?!

It was only by eavesdropping on that conversation that I learned anything

about that trip!



moderator, 's mom

" To be or not to be -- those are the parameters. "


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You asked him the same day when he was already stressed internally from his

school day. Today when he talked to his Grandma he was telling her about

something that he did and he wasn't stressed from the same days events.


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Because he had already TOLD you...he HADN'T told Grandma yet.



went to an indoor playground for his school elective last Wednesday.

He's going again today.

Last Wednesday, when I asked him what he did, he muttered something I could

barely understand about the climbers. When I asked another question, he

yelled, " I ALREADY TOLD YOU ABOUT IT!!!! " and then he growled at me. So

that was that.

WHY, then, WHY did he sit on the phone with my mom this morning and tell her

ALL ABOUT the indoor playground and what he did there!?!?!?!?!

It was only by eavesdropping on that conversation that I learned anything

about that trip!


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> He went there again yesterday, and mom called this morning to ask about it

> and he completely shut her down.


> I must admit, I felt smug and vindicated! :-P


> Jacquie

hahaahaahaaha :-)

At least now you don't feel singled out! Believe me BTDT. Sometimes I find

out about things so much later, that I have no idea when they happeded! His

version of yesterday, or a week ago have nothing to do with the actual time

frame, you know?


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> You asked him the same day when he was already stressed internally from


> school day. Today when he talked to his Grandma he was telling her about

> something that he did and he wasn't stressed from the same days events.

> Sue

He went there again yesterday, and mom called this morning to ask about it

and he completely shut her down.

I must admit, I felt smug and vindicated! :-P


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  • 9 years later...
Guest guest

A question that I keep asking myself is WHY!!!

Why are NADAs so hostile?

Mine has a favorite. " JESUS, MARY, and JOSHEPH!!! " screamed at least 36

times a day.

I have been hearing that, and a slam, for 45 years!

What about BPD specifically makes them so angry and hostile?

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This is just my take on the matter. I think they feel hostile

and angry (at least in part) because they view the world as a

very threatening place. Things that you and I regard as normal

feel like threats and attacks to them. In addition to feeling

attacked, they take things way out of proportion and place huge

amounts of importance on things that have no real importance.

For example, my nada seems to feel like anyone who doesn't agree

with her opinions is actively attacking her. In one instance she

asked me if I thought the blue or the green rug at the store

would look better in her living room. The one I chose wasn't the

one she preferred. To her, my failure to have the same

preference was like me saying that she was wrong and I was right

and that was an attack on her. Because she felt attacked, she

got angry with me and pitched a fit once we were out of the


I find that it helps to think of them as emotionally like

toddlers. You've probably seen how two and three-year-olds react

to not getting their way about even minor things? That's how

nadas behave. Their emotions run out of control. They can't feel

mildly annoyed or upset. Their feelings are either on or off.

All of this comes back to their inability to regulate their


I think some of them also feel like we're obstacles to them

getting what they want and that can contribute to their

hostility too. It isn't uncommon for them to feel that having a

baby then a growing child to take care of crimped their style

and interfered with their lives. They expect us to feel like we

owe them for raising us and do whatever they want even when

we're adults. The fact that we don't adds to their angry and

hostile feelings.

At 07:37 PM 03/30/2012 Manning wrote:

>A question that I keep asking myself is WHY!!!


>Why are NADAs so hostile?


>Mine has a favorite. " JESUS, MARY, and JOSHEPH!!! " screamed at

>least 36

>times a day.


>I have been hearing that, and a slam, for 45 years!


>What about BPD specifically makes them so angry and hostile?







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Did you grow up under my bed?

All I heard all my life was what I burden I was.

She used to count down on all my birthdays.. " 6 more years till' you are 18

and I am FREE " etc.

One of the hardest parts of this for me is that NO MATTER WHAT I DO FOR HER


I have waited on her hand and foot when she took the heart attack and I

still get BITCHED at for leaving a spot of water on the counter..

And I don't mean a little annoyance. I mean off the hook " JESUS, MARY, and

JOSHEPH's with the inevitable following SLAM!!! "

Thank goodness for this group. you have all given me much insight that no

alanon / alateen group has ever given to me.

Thank you!


From: WTOAdultChildren1

[mailto:WTOAdultChildren1 ] On Behalf Of Katrina

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 7:57 PM

To: WTOAdultChildren1

Subject: Re: Why?

This is just my take on the matter. I think they feel hostile

and angry (at least in part) because they view the world as a

very threatening place. Things that you and I regard as normal

feel like threats and attacks to them. In addition to feeling

attacked, they take things way out of proportion and place huge

amounts of importance on things that have no real importance.

For example, my nada seems to feel like anyone who doesn't agree

with her opinions is actively attacking her. In one instance she

asked me if I thought the blue or the green rug at the store

would look better in her living room. The one I chose wasn't the

one she preferred. To her, my failure to have the same

preference was like me saying that she was wrong and I was right

and that was an attack on her. Because she felt attacked, she

got angry with me and pitched a fit once we were out of the


I find that it helps to think of them as emotionally like

toddlers. You've probably seen how two and three-year-olds react

to not getting their way about even minor things? That's how

nadas behave. Their emotions run out of control. They can't feel

mildly annoyed or upset. Their feelings are either on or off.

All of this comes back to their inability to regulate their


I think some of them also feel like we're obstacles to them

getting what they want and that can contribute to their

hostility too. It isn't uncommon for them to feel that having a

baby then a growing child to take care of crimped their style

and interfered with their lives. They expect us to feel like we

owe them for raising us and do whatever they want even when

we're adults. The fact that we don't adds to their angry and

hostile feelings.

At 07:37 PM 03/30/2012 Manning wrote:

>A question that I keep asking myself is WHY!!!


>Why are NADAs so hostile?


>Mine has a favorite. " JESUS, MARY, and JOSHEPH!!! " screamed at

>least 36

>times a day.


>I have been hearing that, and a slam, for 45 years!


>What about BPD specifically makes them so angry and hostile?







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I think they are angry because they have a lot of unacknowledged rage and grief

that they suppress and that then outs in different ways at innocent victims. ie


Also, if you have a bpd that puts on a pleasant front to the world, well they

are putting on an act, and that anger will also out against innocent victims.

It's hard to suck it up all the time for the world. We should know.

Luckily by being here on this board we are able to change, something our BPD

loved ones are incapable of for the most part. That's why I wouldn't trade

places with them for the world. That and the whole karma thing.


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BPD diagnostic criteria #8:

" Inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of

temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights). "

I've heard bpd described as having " no emotional skin " ; like a burn victim who

perceives even the slightest touch as excruciatingly painful, the person with

bpd perceives even mildly annoying events as horribly hurtful, horribly

aggravating, rage-inducing, etc.

They lack the ability to perceive anything as " gray " , so to speak; an event or a

person is perceived as " black " or " white " , as " all good " or " all bad " ; nothing

is ever just mildly annoying, just a little aggravating or bothersome, its a

*catastrophe*, its the *worst ever* and unendurable.

Also, those with bpd seem to love drama and may even generate drama to get

attention. Bpds who also have narcissistic pd traits ( " Queen " bpds) need a lot

of attention, so if they discover that being VERY UPSET or VERY ANGRY tends to

gain them attention and soothing by others, they'll do it more often.

A hallmark characteristic of bpd is a lack of ability to regulate their

emotions, so, once they perceive something as aggravating/irritating, as an

insult or slight, as frightening, or as rejection or abandonment by others,

their emotions cascade out of control and they are hurtled directly into EXTREME

rage (or extreme fear, or extreme despair, etc.) with no shifting of gears, or

no brakes, so to speak.

(I've read that the up-side of this is that the person with bpd can also be

hurtled directly into extreme sexual passion, so, the spouses and partners of

those with bpd have at least some benefit to the relationship.)

I think my own nada would build up a repressed wad of rage and frustration, and

then when she was in the privacy of her own home or her own car, she would

unleash it at us kids and at dad and relieve herself of this built-up,

constipated rage and frustration. I think her screaming melt-down rages were a

release for her; she usually felt much better after a really volcanic screaming

rage-tantrum, and she either had no clue or simply did not care that venting

her rage and frustration at her husband or at us kids was making us terrified of

her and not wanting to be around her AT ALL.



> A question that I keep asking myself is WHY!!!


> Why are NADAs so hostile?


> Mine has a favorite. " JESUS, MARY, and JOSHEPH!!! " screamed at least 36

> times a day.


> I have been hearing that, and a slam, for 45 years!


> What about BPD specifically makes them so angry and hostile?











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Oh the yelling and slamming... does it bring memories...:-)

It was just part of my everyday life.

I think all that anger is an anger and a hatred that they feel toward

*themselves*, at a deep level, and that is being redirected to others around.

I have very rarely seen my mother happy.


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