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Re: OT someone needs to tell me how the F*** this works!

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The answer is always 0 or a multiple of 9. The symbols are assigned to

those numbers, and then randomly, so you get a different symbol every time

AND they are not limited to the answers. (i.e. if the answer is a star, 33

might have a star although it is not one of the answers)

Are you looking for the mathematical formula to figure out all the possible

answers, or what?


Wife to Matt

SAHM to (3.5, autism)

Gabe (21 mos, speech delay)

and 'Punkin' due late May!

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You're welcome! =) Yay me! <dance> <dance>

I know how very, very much not knowing things like that bothers me. I

wasn't sure what you meant by understanding how it worked but not why...


Wife to Matt

SAHM to (3.5, autism)

Gabe (21 mos, speech delay)

and 'Punkin' due late May!

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> I've always been good at patterns. >

LOL...Do you two have any idea how totally fascinating it is to

be " listening in " on this conversation?

Raena (who, upon encountering things like this, usually

thinks, " That's cool " , had *no clue* what the trick was...and never

even considered trying to figure it out)

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I *still* don't understand exactly how it works. :(

Debbie with twins

- Jordan (ASD) 2.5yo

- (NT) 2.5yo

Re: OT someone needs to tell me how the F***

this works!

> I've always been good at patterns. >

LOL...Do you two have any idea how totally fascinating it is to

be " listening in " on this conversation?

Raena (who, upon encountering things like this, usually

thinks, " That's cool " , had *no clue* what the trick was...and never

even considered trying to figure it out)

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Debbie, I am taking that as a request to explain further, so here I go. If

you don't care then just ignore me. :)

You start with the formula - 2 digit number (10-99)

add together both digits (for 10, 1 + 0 = 1)

subtract the answer from the 2 digit number (10-1=9)

With any 2-digit number, the answer will be 0 or a multiple of 9. 0, 9, 18,

27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99

These are the possible answers.

So the program knows you're going to be looking at one of those numbers. It

assigns the same symbol to all of those numbers, so no matter which one

you're looking at, that's the symbol you get.

It ALSO assigns all the symbols randomly to the rest of the numbers. The

answer symbol can be assigned to non-answer numbers. This is just to

confuse you and make it less obvious that the symbols are assigned in a


The symbols change each time so you don't just get the same symbol over and

over again.

Hit " try again " and keep looking at the 9 numbers, and you'll see it.

Did that help?


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Untrue, because I've done the formula and ended up with different


Debbie with twins

- Jordan (ASD) 2.5yo

- (NT) 2.5yo

Re: Re: OT someone needs to tell me how the

F*** this works!


> But .... why does it always randomly pick the same one I'm thinking of

> when I actually do the formula??

Because the SAME symbol each time is given to ALL possible answers to


formula, so no matter what answer you get, it's the right one.


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Yes, every time you start the game over again, it re-assigns all the

symbols. So 9 is a star this time and a spiral next time and a smiley face

the time after that, but the answer is still always the symbol next to 9.


> Untrue, because I've done the formula and ended up with different

> symbols.

> > But .... why does it always randomly pick the same one I'm thinking of

> > when I actually do the formula??



> Because the SAME symbol each time is given to ALL possible answers to

> the

> formula, so no matter what answer you get, it's the right one.

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Duh.

Thanks Sara, thanks Jacquie.

Feeling quite dumb now,

Debbie with twins

- Jordan (ASD) 2.5yo

- (NT) 2.5yo

Re: Re: OT someone needs to tell me how the

F*** this works!

> Untrue, because I've done the formula and ended up with different

> symbols.

True, because the symbols reset every time you click try again. So if


was a circle beside 9 and you clicked and got a circle, the NEXT time


clicked try again, there would be a wave beside 9 and you'd click and

get a



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Sara and Jacquie,

I, like Raena, found the site interesting, but had absolutely no

curiousity about how it worked. Just figured it was beyond

me...While I have a great mind for words, numbers do not fascinate me

at all. I memorize the formula and do it, without any worry about

HOW it works. Always blew my dad's mind (he's a mechanical engineer)

that I didn't get numbers and didn't care.

However, I do get it now after reading your posts. You made it clear

to me in a way that few math teachers ever could. Just think, if you

all had been my math teachers, I might not need a calculator for each

and every math problem I do in everyday life! Where were you two

when I was taking math? Oh, wait, I know! You weren't even BORN

yet! Leggs

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> I truly do not. What is fascinating about it? >

Well, first there's Jacquie's header--she is obviously frustrated

that she *can't* figure the thing out. Then you come on almost

instantly and start talking about this math pattern as if it was SO

obvious...to which she casually replies, that yeah, she saw the first

part, etc...then the conversation moves on to here's the formula and

this part is random, so that was a bit tricky, and so on...you're

both brilliant mathematically, and apparently haven't noticed yet

that the rest of the world isn't.

You see, my little brain doesn't run that way. It saw a PRETTY

site...interesting symbols...and a neat trick. Now, I like math as

much as the next person---there's a Mu Alpha Theta sticker on my high

school diploma to prove it---but I wouldn't have known how that trick

worked without *really* thinking about it...and would NEVER have

taken the time to figure it out if I HAD known; truth is, I just

don't care...it's a good trick, and that is enough for me. Knowing

how it works would take out the fun.

Perhaps this isn't making sense...and I truly hope that it isn't

offensive (I really admire your skill)...it's just that it was very

interesting to me to get a glimpse of an exchange between two minds

that think so much alike (and so differently from mine). Your

comment, " I've always been good at patterns " , said it all. ;-)


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I'm really not sure what to say. No, you weren't offensive at all, I

just...I don't understand. The pattern WAS obvious to me and I don't

understand why it isn't to other people. Surely it isn't that difficult?

I've never especially enjoyed math or considered myself to be particularly

good at it. And WHY it's always 0 or a multiple of 9 I could not tell you.

I just know that it IS.

But I'm glad that you found it interesting. :)


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> Jacquie

> -who was HORRIFIED when all her friends, frustrated, just took

> the stickers

> off their Rubik's Cubes and put them back in the 'solved' pattern!

Och! Ack! Ouch!!!

It would never have occured to me to do that. The thought causes me pain.


So, perhaps the word " tenacious " doesn't only apply to ?


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but I wouldn't have known how that trick

> worked without *really* thinking about it...and would NEVER have

> taken the time to figure it out if I HAD known; truth is, I just

> don't care...it's a good trick, and that is enough for me.

Ditto to that. And I am good at math, really like it, in fact.


> how it works would take out the fun.

Well, it is kind of interesting. But I do not give a hoot one way or the



> Perhaps this isn't making sense...and I truly hope that it isn't

> offensive (I really admire your skill)...it's just that it was very

> interesting to me to get a glimpse of an exchange between two minds

> that think so much alike (and so differently from mine). Your

> comment, " I've always been good at patterns " , said it all. ;-)



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> mean, you really could just turn away from it with a shrug and think,

> 'neat'??????????

Yup. And get a good night's sleep. And I am generally considered an

intelligent human being, LOL.


> It amazes ME that there are people out there who DON'T analyze every


> thing, breaking it down and examining it minutely, unsatisified until they

> understand exactly what it is, what it does, and how it works!

But so tiring to do that for everything. I'd rather read a good book.


> The most oft-repeated thing people say to me: " You over-analyze

> everything. "


> Yeah, AND? Doesn't everyone?



> Guess not! :-P


> (btw, I envy those who don't, but that's a whole 'nother post)


> Jacquie

> -who was HORRIFIED when all her friends, frustrated, just took the


> off their Rubik's Cubes and put them back in the 'solved' pattern!


Ha, ha, I did that.


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Okay, I, in my twisted NT-type way, read the whole thread without ever

looking at the mind reader.

Then, just a few minutes ago, I looked at the mind reader. Could not

remember exactly what everyone had said about it, something about nines (I

confess to skimming the explanations as, after all, I hadn't seen the mind

reader). I read Sara's explanation and it all made total sense.

But I did not see it when I was looking and I even remembered the nine


Called Enrique over. Said to him, " All the Aspies seem to understand how

this works fast, but the NT's do not. " " Okay, " he says, " I'll look at it. "

Maybe two minutes? Maybe less before he understood it too.

Fine Aspie minds.


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> I'm really not sure what to say. No, you weren't offensive at all,

> I just...I don't understand. >

I just am in awe of the way you think, Sara. There's no right or

wrong to it...just a difference. Whie my brain is sitting there sort

of idling...thinking, " pretty " ... " cool " ... " neat " ... " wow " ...your mind

is investigating...thinking, " How does that work? " .... " Oh, so that's

it " .



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>> I mean, you really could just turn away from it with a shrug and

> think, 'neat'?????????? >>

Um...yeah? Actually, I LIKE things like that to stay

unexplained...feeds that part of me that still wants to believe in

Santa, mermaids, and fairies....

> It amazes ME that there are people out there who DON'T analyze

every little

> thing, breaking it down and examining it minutely, unsatisified

until they

> understand exactly what it is, what it does, and how it works!>

There is one thing I do this with...neurology. I really love

figuring out how and why the CNS acts/responds the way it does to


> (btw, I envy those who don't, but that's a whole 'nother post) >

Well, see now...that goes both ways. :-)

> -who was HORRIFIED when all her friends, frustrated, just took the


> off their Rubik's Cubes and put them back in the 'solved' pattern!>

Okay...it would actually never have occurred to me to pull off the

stickers; that thing I HAD to solve.


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> I memorize the formula and do it, without any worry about

> HOW it works. >

That's me. I loved plugging numbers into formulas and watching it

all fall into place. My favorite was geometry...you take an idea and

go " if/then/if/then " until you hit that glorious moment when you can

say " THEREFORE " ! The logic of that felt wonderful to me.

> Where were you two when I was taking math? Oh, wait, I know! You

weren't even BORN yet! >

Okay...we're not even going there, right? ;-)


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This is strange, eerie, and impossible.



Oh, that is freaky.

Tuna :o


mom to:

, 8, ASD

, 4, NT

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

- Whoopi Goldberg


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