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Re: Ramblings.....taking care of others... and wanting to be taken care of too:) debbi brant

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i am ok , i just have to rem to let them help me , like to night herb's mom and cindy ( sister in law ) wanted to cook for me ..so i let them ..i did make a cheesecake but that was it and we had a good time we make homemade root beer too , i look for a BIG POW to go off sometime. it has to sit for 5 days...got to love the county live ...we always find ways to have fun..i think maybe home made ice cream is coming ...i wish you peace >>>debbi brant

I certainly do understand Kate's about taking care of so many and needing/wanting to be taken care of sometimes as well. I take care of everyone--even the poultry:) I feel like people (read family) don't realize that I do so much for them. I don't know that is actually true but that's the way it feels to me. Yesterday my son, , took me to the dentist. I felt like I was imposing on him because he has to take all four of his kids along because their mom is at work. It's a half hour drive to town and I was in the dentist for a good 2 hours. While I was in the dentist's office, and the kids went to the feed store to buy a bale of straw and a bale of hay. Then he took the kids to the park to play. Well, three of the kids played but little Miss

who is 14 certainly can't PLAY, can she? lol She sits and looks pretty even though there were no cute boys there. Anyway.... when I came out of the dentist's I was nearly in shock from the pain. The kids wanted to go somewhere to get a snack but said "no, Gramma wants to go home I'm sure." He was SO right! Then he said he was going to stop at the store to get me some pudding. I said "no I just want to go home." But he stopped anyway and brought me out pudding, yogurt and a berry drink. Even though I didn't want to stop anywhere I have to tell you it made me feel really loved that he did that for me. Normally I don't have special foods after seeing the dentist but this time I guess I looked like I needed something special, huh? Then later in the evening I was sitting at the table and my 12 year old granddaughter, Kelsey, looked at me and asked "how are you doing?" I burst

into tears. What a big cry baby I am. And poor Kelsey didn't know what to say then....I realize I am rambling when I meant to give a concise, clear response to Kate's email. You'll have to forgive me folks but my thought processes are fried today.hugs SharonThis email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects. From: Sent: T

Hi all,Well, school is about to start next week. It has been a long and

short summer. Long in the heat, long in each day as it slowly passes, yetquick from start to finish, if that makes any sense at all.Hockey has begun...yikes. Conditioning camp every night this weekfor each of the 3 kids;of course at three different times. I have met a few moms that have kids on some of the same teams,and who have offered to help me out should I need.So, that's kindof a relief!I am feeling ok, but fatigued, depressed and the TN has been buggingme a bit. I do get the numbness and tingling in my left foot and abit of my left leg.The Copaxone shots are going ok, but I do still getsome itching, and the welts can get hot to the touch. I should just bethankful that there is something I can take.I need to get to the dentist, but I've been putting it off for a real long time.The TNA--trigeminal neuralgia association, has a regional conference--usually,it is in some faraway

place, but this year, it is in NYC.However, it IS $99/$139for non-members. Not sure if I'm to date on my membership in the TNA; I thinkit is $25 but I forget. I am tempted to go; what would you all do if you were me?On Friday, my daughter, Lia (18) will be going back up to MA for her sophmore yearat the New England Institute of Art. I am so happy for her, but it is so hard to watchmy kids grow up.Don't get me wrong...LOVE watching my kids grow up and succeed,which she is doing, it just pulls at my heartstrings. My 22 year old is in her very firstapt. with her girlfriend. Lia will also be moving into her first apt, as she'll be livingoff campus.Does anyone ever feel like you just wish someone could take care of you? Not that Ihave anything big going on, it just is that I guess I feel I take care of so many, andI only have me, which gets tired!, to care for me...I suppose I'm just having a pityparty

for myself.I hope everyone is doing well...love to all, Kate

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