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Birth Control & Nuva Ring ....... was------> something of interest i found

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<I tried this same thing after the pill before knowing much about whoremoans, and found this online today about the nuva ring. >



HI Candi.....

hon I'm taking it you intentionally spelled hormones like that. haha cute.

I have often talked about birth control here and how it can be detrimental for V pain..(blocking the E & T 'receptors' for one.. killing the Libido for another) and in that one, the Nuva Ring, (and most others) .. the estrogen that's used is one of the most potent systhetic ones there are, called ''ethinyl estradiol'' so it's not at all like the natural bio-identical estradiol estrogen or testosterone creams we produce naturally that we might speak of using here topically to rebuild the tissue.. so that's the first point. ;)

Then, it, as in all birth control, also contains a progestin, (usually (P) is the main ingredient) this one is called etonogestrel and if anyone reads that close they'll see where last year, the health research group Public Citizen petitioned the FDA to ban all oral contraceptives that contain that progestin 'desogestrel' due to that increased risk of blood clots which was based on evidence from several epidemiological studies.

And the NuvaRing contains a high dose of etonogestrel, which is an active metabolite of that progestin desogestrel. (I hope they ban it now).. *sigh* So they know it's the progestin with those studies & the blood clots. .

So even though the estrogen used in almost all contraceptive pills, etc., is a very potent one... once again it's probably NOT the estrogen that was the problem... but again *sigh* it's the doggone 'progestin' in it just as they said above.

Just as it was the progestin in the WHI hormone study that had to be withdrawn with 'Prempro' and it's side effects with the higher breast cancer risks and more and they absolutely 'know' it was the progestin (Provera) that was used in that case as the estrogen alone leg of that study didn't show that.

It's always been the progestins as far as 'I'm' concerned with other studies showing that years ago... but ignored while the media and so many in the medical community kept stressing estrogen was the bad guy.

Just my $.02 two cents worth.

Dee ~ :)

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I whole heartedly agree, but yes It is unfortunate. Doctors don't seem to mention the dammage the pill can do. Yes I believe because of the pill we have allot of problems, but a friend of mine also had a bad blow with something simelar. The blood clotts they mention can usually can be found in the legs, and what not, but my friend had one go up to her neck, and when a cyropractor tried to move it the clott went to her brain. it nearly killed her, and now she is todally blind like myself. It seems to me if the pill has been out since 1960 they would have started finding these results along time ago, and telling more paitients the risk. What I'm seeing instead is more articles about how it can help with this and that, and patissions to make birth control pills available over the counter.


PS I appologize for spelling errors, it seems when I put on a new version of office it installed what looks like a french spell checker, and this is not very helpful.

Birth Control & Nuva Ring ....... was------> something of interest i found

<I tried this same thing after the pill before knowing much about whoremoans, and found this online today about the nuva ring. >



HI Candi.....

hon I'm taking it you intentionally spelled hormones like that. haha cute.

I have often talked about birth control here and how it can be detrimental for V pain..(blocking the E & T 'receptors' for one.. killing the Libido for another) and in that one, the Nuva Ring, (and most others) .. the estrogen that's used is one of the most potent systhetic ones there are, called ''ethinyl estradiol'' so it's not at all like the natural bio-identical estradiol estrogen or testosterone creams we produce naturally that we might speak of using here topically to rebuild the tissue.. so that's the first point. ;)

Then, it, as in all birth control, also contains a progestin, (usually (P) is the main ingredient) this one is called etonogestrel and if anyone reads that close they'll see where last year, the health research group Public Citizen petitioned the FDA to ban all oral contraceptives that contain that progestin 'desogestrel' due to that increased risk of blood clots which was based on evidence from several epidemiological studies.

And the NuvaRing contains a high dose of etonogestrel, which is an active metabolite of that progestin desogestrel. (I hope they ban it now).. *sigh* So they know it's the progestin with those studies & the blood clots. .

So even though the estrogen used in almost all contraceptive pills, etc., is a very potent one... once again it's probably NOT the estrogen that was the problem... but again *sigh* it's the doggone 'progestin' in it just as they said above.

Just as it was the progestin in the WHI hormone study that had to be withdrawn with 'Prempro' and it's side effects with the higher breast cancer risks and more and they absolutely 'know' it was the progestin (Provera) that was used in that case as the estrogen alone leg of that study didn't show that.

It's always been the progestins as far as 'I'm' concerned with other studies showing that years ago... but ignored while the media and so many in the medical community kept stressing estrogen was the bad guy.

Just my $.02 two cents worth.

Dee ~ :)

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HI Candi...

Hon please don't ever apologize for spelling errors. *smile* and if it was an error on the 'whoremoans' I just loved it. *grin*.. Can I borrow that? :) I didn't realize that you were blind, WOW that's fantastic hon that you can use your computer and believe me many of us aren't good spellers but we usually can figure it out. ;)

I'm so sorry about what happened to your friend. Jeesh...sigh* but I don't know if physicians are 'that' aware of what birth control pills might do other than the basics but if there are no health risks in a basically healthy person I don't think they consider it OR the long term effects. My own daughter took them for years... but do you think she'd listen? No of course not, kids don't listen to their parents... *sigh*... and so it goes. ;)

Take care honBig hugsDee ~ ;)

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I agree. Physicians really aren't aware of the negatives, beyond the basics. They all know about increased risk of blood clots or stroke, especially in smokers; that's why they recommend certain types over others if you smoke. But they see those as possible adverse reactions that occur in a small percentage of cases, and are generally unaware of the side-effects that occur more frequently.

When I addressed possible side-effects with my new GYN, she said that each one is different and " the only way to know the effects is to try it. " You'd think they'd be able to tell me which pills are more or less likely to have certain reactions? But I don't think doctors, in general, know enough about hormones to know things like that. It's why it's very much a guess-and-check process with them. But, IMO, it shouldn't be.

I am convinced that my hormones play a big role in a lot of my health/pain conditions. Why? I get a migraine every time I ovulate. Sure, I get them other times, but without fail, I get one every single time I ovulate. On some BCP's, I get them when I get my period, too. The only time I can have 100% pain free sex -- no matter how much lube we use! -- is when I have my period, on or off BCP. And my TMJ flares a few days before I get my period. When my cycle is irregular, this is actually my foolproof indicator that I'm going to get it soon, because it's so predictable. On some BCP's, it still does this. So, IMO, there's something hormonal going on.

Though, I guess there could be another explanation, too. And I'm totally open to suggestion! I'm just tired of the symptoms of each condition being treated separately, rather than the underlying problem (that I believe is causing all of these) being addressed.

I want to find a doctor who can look at my hormone levels at each of these times and evaluate the best option for me (a BCP or something else!) that would regulate my hormones and hopefully eliminate, or at least decrease, these situations. But, so far, the only answer I've gotten is that I just have to try different pills and see what works and what causes what. Though I did finally at least get one to agree to test me. Though she swears up-and-down that my hormones are going to be normal, because I get my period. Anybody have a good experience with a doctor that really looks at the whole-body and examines hormones? Or, heck, just a good *whole body* doctor, in general?


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