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Re: whatcha been doin?/ Trigeminal Neuralgia via Kate

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Sharon, Kate is right!Love,nTo: MSersLife Sent: Sun, September 5, 2010 7:05:12 PMSubject: Re: whatcha been doin?

Dear Sharon,I for one, am happy that you have been sitting since your fall.Bravo! That's what you NEED to do for awhile my friend!Your genealogy bend sounds awesome. You sure do soundon fire about it. It must be really fascinating and fun!Yes, Sharon, trigeminal neuralgia is called that, as it hastri or 3 branches to the nerve. Mandibular=teeth/jaw;maxillary=cheek/nose/sinus region and ocular=eye area.When I have the pain in my eye, it really,truly hurts.I'd say that is the worst. The teeth can hurt a lot also,the cheek is more like a sinus pain. When I have the painin all three areas at once, it is the most awful pain imaginable.You really need to get to a neuro. I am afraid the dental workis flaring up your TN. I know you hate the meds, but I mightbe inclined to try the neurontin for a week or so until it

subsides--hopefully it will subside in a week.That is so cool about your brother. Tell him congrats on his blueribbon! Moose hunting, huh? Sounds dangerous. I imagine theyeat moose. How does it taste? Have you ever tried it?I'm up to skyping my daughter, Lia. Technology is so cool I tell you.I was able to get a 'tour' of her new apartment with skype. That wayif I don't make it up the 3 and a half hours to Boston to see it, atleast I got a bit of a preview.Wed., I think I'll take (13) and (10) to see their sister,Kara (22) in Philly. Although school starts for them this Tues.,theyhave off Thurs. and Fri. due to the Jewish holiday. Kara is offfrom work Thurs., so I 'll drive down Wed. night, and Thurs. we'llsee her new place. My nephew and his wife also just bought ahome 5 minutes from my daughter, so we'll get to see their placeas well. I'm

stoked to go see her.I'm putting all the hockey practices and games on the calendar, soI can try to start getting organized. It is overwhelming already to seethe shape of the schedule. So far I only have the 2 boys' hockeyschedules; I still need 's, which I should have in a week or so.I need to get back on my treadmill and get back to the work ofgetting in shape. I find it also helps me with my fatigue. I just haveto get back to it.This Wed. (before the trip), I'll be going with my caseworker (SW)to an appointment at VESID--which is like a vocational rehabilitationcenter. They are going to assist me with either finding a job--Iwant something p/t so I can still collect disability. In NY, you canmake up to $1000 a month and still get disability. , or with goingback to school. I've never finished my college education, so Iflirt with the idea of going back. I just don't know exactly

for what.I think of education, psychology or journalism. I get very mixedup. Not sure what I'll do. Just looking forward to possibilities.That's about it for now. There is always a lot going on with kidsaround; I don't have to tell YOU that, Sharon, with all thosegrandkids you have.Keep yourself safe. And USE that cane! It's not just fordecoration. lol.love you my friend, Kate whatcha been doin?To: Group > What's everyone been doing? What's new with you all?> > I have been working on genealogy again after a long break from > it. A distant > cousin sent me a photo of my great aunt Etta Crippen, as > well as her death > certificate. That lit a fire under me! lol I have been > researching Etta today > and have

printed off some interesting info. Etta was born in > 1857. > > > I have done a lot of SITTING around since my fall yesterday. I > did go out to > take feed chickens/ducks this morning but my 14 year old > granddaughter came with > me. While out there my 7 year old granddaughter came out to > help as well. The > girls are feeling better from their sickness so they have walked > up to feed and > water the turkeys. I am so relieved to have them to help > again:) The 14 year > old also pulled lots of big leafy weeds for the chickens/ducks > this morning so > they were all in poultry heaven. > > > I still haven't decided what to do about a dentist to fix the > mess that other > crappy dentist did last Monday. I need to make a decision and > call someone by > Tuesday. That lousy dentist

really hurt me and my face is still > sore from it. > The odd thing is my eye on that side (right) is also sore and > painful. What the > heck would cause that? I wonder if trigeminal neuralgia can > cause eye pain? > Kate--can it? I am having some TM pain in the right jaw and > above my right ear.> > My daughter's girls call everyday to see if the kids are well. > They are > champing at the bit to come over for a week. I will probably > have them over > next Sunday or the first of next week. They are 7 and 10. They > love to come > over here to stay and play. We have a treehouse with a rope > swing and a rope on > a pulley system for 'transportation'. I don't know how to > describe it well > enough for you all to understand what it is though;) There is > also a strawbale > fort up at the top of

the property. All the kids have such a > great time playing > together and I love to hear their laughter.> > Oh yeah... my brother Chuck (the Alaskan mountain man) won a > blue ribbon at the > county fair in Kenai for his Rhubarb Marmalade!! Chuck lives > off-grid like I > do. (I guess it's a family thing:) Chuck is 71. He and his > wife are getting > ready to go moose hunting in a few weeks. > > > big hugs to all my friends here> > > Sharon> This email is a natural hand made product. The slight variations > in spelling and > grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no > way are to be > considered flaws or defects.> > > love and blessings,Kate

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