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Help-Question about Estrace Cream

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One of my OBGYN, wrote me a RX for estrace cream due to the fact that I

asked for it. I decided to try Estrace cream because I read a post from

Dee and it was in reference to estrogen receptors being affected by

birth control pills. I was on the pill for 6 years, more on than off

and as of Nov. last year I got off the pill permanently. Even if I'm

not low on estrogen would it still be beneficial for me to use a tab of

Estrace a day? I have senstive skin, should I have it compounded in emu

oil or another base? Thoughs/suggestions


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HI ...:)

Hon it usually doesn't matter what your E levels are and they can be just fine. (age too doesn't make a difference for the same reason) and I was constantly blood tested and my E levels were fine the whole time but it needs a direct local application, not systemic.

So if you've got the Estrace cream you are only going to use a small peasize dab of that topically to rub on the vulva, esp. in that 6 o'clock V area and lightly massage it in. I'd suggest just once a night (at most).. right before bedtime hon is best...

It's not too likely to go systemic and they even use it on children with labial adhesions without or rarely, having side effects (and used a toothbrush size) which I wouldn't suggest, so "I" wouldn't worry too much about that as an adult (but that's me. ) *smile* and it was certainly a BIG key for my getting well hon.

BUT... I will suggest since you have sensitive skin and with this condition who doesn't ?*sigh*... that you might consider getting 'estradiol' compounded in a mild base. Estradiol is the same estrogen that is in Estrace, but Estrace the name brand, can have 'base' ingredients that can irritate. So you would ask to have 'estradiol' compounded, not Estrace itself.

I used the reg. Estrace cream (and wasn't aware of compounding pharmacies years ago) So I had to stick with it and it did irritate me (some it doesn't at all).... but I stayed with it knowing of it's wonders & benefits for V tissue I was that determined. At first could only use it every 3rd or 4th night... for probably a month to 6 weeks, and eventually with time could use it every other night to eventually almost every night.... but I was in an absolute horrific condition to start with (imagining raw hamburger doesn't come close) *sigh*

But today (many years later) and knowing what I do I'd have it compounded in a very mild base and Pete at Bellevue has a great base that 'usually' is very soothing (called a "liquigel' that he made up himself..) so he can put that into it or is willing to try whatever you might suggest too (as long as it is compatible) Some have tried the Emu oil and I hear it's ok, but no idea myself.

One woman told him she wanted hers mixed in an olive oil and it did NOT work out that well, at all, she said it was far too runny and a real mess.... so basically I think 'I" would let him decide and go from there.

(His info by the way is in our DATABASE at the home page and you can call and talk to him yourself hon.. it's toll free... I also hear his son is great too but I've never talked with him. Also you might mention my name Dee Troll and the group as he's very aware of the pain we all suffer.

BUT keep this in mind hon... that by adding a topical Testosterone (T)...(which 'must' be compounded) 'that' is what brings back those lost or dead E. receptors.. that is the miracle of it as that one abstract pointed out.

It was when I finally 'added' the T to my E. (T only every 3rd night) that put me over the top and was the icing on the cake. *grin*... so I'd suggest both the E & T if you can get it. But believe me the E will definitely help esp. to give back that elasticity, stretch and tone .. :) and the T helps toughen and strengthen the tissue as well as bring back those E receptors.

Just a small dab of E & 'gently' massaged in and have patience, don't use too much and if you do have to back off a bit if it irritates, just back off and then go back to it.

Don't make yourself a 'victim' again hon or think I MUST use it or endure this.. No, no and no...none of us need that, it'll work but it takes time to rebuild that tissue hon just like it takes time for a black fingernail to grow out or our hair to grow long... And that's the hardest part, *grin*

Hugs hon and good luck... You hang in there. Dee ~

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bayareaprincess23 wrote: >>>>>Even if I'm not low on estrogen would it still be beneficial for me to use a tab of Estrace a day? I have senstive skin, should I have it compounded in emu oil or another base? Thoughs/suggestions Hey , I'm glad you were able to finally get some Estrace to at least 'try' to see if it will help you. When I saw Libby (Vulvar Dermatologist) she said many women with Vulvar Pain have estrogen issues. Marrise, her nurse, told me to use it everyday. I have used it for 3 yrs. now and it is the one thing that has helped my vulvar skin the most. Since you have sensitive skin, try the tiniest little dab...then go from there. I am very sensitive,

too. I say it's worth a shot. We all have to 'try' what we can to see what helps. Topical estrogen has given me back elasticity to my skin, it looks so much better. Libby even commented on how my skin looked. Never thought I could be so proud of a compliment on my vulvar skin.... ;0) I have used Estrace without a problem. If the inert ingredients bother you, try getting it compounded. Hugs, Chelle

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Thanks, I've heard many women on this group say that the Estrace cream helped their skin tremendously...so I'm hoping for the best. How soon should I expect to see results, a month or more?


Re: Help-Question about Estrace Cream

bayareaprincess23 <caliprincess2369 (AT) aol (DOT) com> wrote:

>>>>>Even if I'm

not low on estrogen would it still be beneficial for me to use a tab of

Estrace a day? I have senstive skin, should I have it compounded in emu

oil or another base? Thoughs/suggestions

Hey , I'm glad you were able to finally get some Estrace to at least 'try' to see if it will help you. When I saw Libby (Vulvar Dermatologist) she said many women with Vulvar Pain have estrogen issues. Marrise, her nurse, told me to use it everyday. I have used it for 3 yrs. now and it is the one thing that has helped my vulvar skin the most.

Since you have sensitive skin, try the tiniest little dab...then go from there. I am very sensitive, too. I say it's worth a shot. We all have to 'try' what we can to see what helps. Topical estrogen has given me back elasticity to my skin, it looks so much better. Libby even commented on how my skin looked. Never thought I could be so proud of a compliment on my vulvar skin.... ;0)

I have used Estrace without a problem. If the inert ingredients bother you, try getting it compounded. Hugs, Chelle

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Hey , it took about two months before my skin really started feeling much better. It just took a little time to 'rebuild' those E. receptors and 'replenish' the skin. I can really say that out of everything I've tried....Estrace has helped the 'skin' more than anything else! I love it! Hugs, Chelle

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, it depends hon on how bad you are as to length of time to see final results. I was in horrific condition and it took me a 'full' six months to be almost completely well..about 99.9% BUT that was after suffering for 10 YEARS.... though benefits started 'for me' after about 2 months.. but I could barely use it in the beginning (first month? Maybe 5-6 X's because it irritated me. Some it doesn't at all) so we're all different.

It's not a fast fix and it's NOT for relieving pain or if in a flare up...

It's for nourishing and feeding that tissue so that 'eventually' as the skin renews and gets healthier & healthier those flare ups getting further and further apart hon till hopefully there are 'none'... so don't get discouraged either if you do have a flare up *it's fairly common*... just back off usage.. but then I'd always return to it.

I read somewhere that for every year you have a chronic condition it takes a month to reverse things once you do get the right treatment.... so that's just a thumbnail sketch... It took me 6 months for a 10 yr condition so I was short of that.. but like I said we're all different. Good luck hon and have patience and don't overuse it. *grin*.. Dee

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