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candida allergy

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Hi, I posted a couple days ago about how I had been taking drops for candida and mold allergy hoping it would help my vulvodynia from when I had gone to an environmental doctor. Someone asked what is an environmental doctor and that is someone who treats environmentally ill people, when you go to the office you can't wear any scents like perfume or hand lotion as some of these people are really reactive to that kind of stuff and alot of patients have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and alot of those illness that mainstream medicine doesn't' know what to do with.They look for the underlying causes of your health issues and in my case the inflammation such as vulvodynia, abdomen aching, loose stools, body aches, skin sensitivity and redness and feeling tierd but who wouldn't be. He had me do a G.I panel and found alot of inflammation there which he thinks is extending to the vulva and causing the vulvodynia but none of the

things tested like parasites, bad bacteria or gluten sensitivity that might cause it and I only had trace amounts of candida that showed up. He said he oftentimes sees inflammation in the intestines from allergy to candida so he sent me to the lady there who pricks your skin and looks for a reaction and sure enough it welted up. Of course everything the mold, bed mites and candida that they tested me for welted up so I am a little skeptical but she said he is really good and testing for certain things he thinks that certain people are allergic to so anyhow I am keeping an open mind. Several people have asked what kind of drops these are so I went back and looked at the instruction sheet that they gave me and the therapy is called " sub-lingual antigen drops". It says that people need to be consistent and take one drop everyday and that it can take some people months before they get rid of their symptoms and that you need to continue on

them sometimes for years. I know that people use it for all kinds of allergies like pollen, food, animal dander, ect. From what I have read this type of allergy testing and remedy is not very mainstream it is not something regular M.Ds do and there is alot of criticism about it. Well nothing has been working for me so I was looking for someone and something outside of the mainstream anyway. He also recommended several other things as he feels like I should keep trying the candida approach with anti fungals and diet and he also said they have a very safe drug that stops the inflammation reaction in the body. I am putting the drug thing on hold and seeing if I can get the inflammation down with diet, caprylic acid and the antigen drops. I have noticed today that my abdomen doesn't hurt and my bowel movements were more formed as alot of the time I feel like I have the flu and have loose stools and lower abdomen pain and I don't feel any burning. So we will

see. Take care, Bhaukti

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Hi Baukti, My doctor believes that a yeast allergy is the cause of my

vulvodynia also. I've tried Diflucan for several months, but didn't see

much improvement. Now I'm using Gynazole once a week for a couple

months. Are the drops that you take prescription because when I asked

my doctor, he said that there are no anti allergy drops for yeast. He

does research on vulvodynia at Penn State so I tend to believe him, but

maybe an environmental doctor would know more about allergies. Where do

you go to see you doctor? Thanks. Kathy---

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I used Gynazole every week for 13 months. I didn't have any vaginal yeast, but it didn't do anything to help my vulvodynia.


-------------- Original message -------------- > Hi Baukti, My doctor believes that a yeast allergy is the cause of my > vulvodynia also. I've tried Diflucan for several months, but didn't see > much improvement. Now I'm using Gynazole once a week for a couple > months. Are the drops that you take prescription because when I asked > my doctor, he said that there are no anti allergy drops for yeast. He > does research on vulvodynia at Penn State so I tend to believe him, but > maybe an environmental doctor would know more about allergies. Where do > you go to see you doctor? Thanks. Kathy--- > > > ------------------------------------ > > **IF REPLYING TO THIS POST, PLEASE REMOVE ORIGINAL POST, > Thanks for your cooperation! ** > > ***D

ISCLAIMER: The messages and opinions offered on this support group are not > to be construed or used as medical advice or as a substitute for a consultation > with your own physician, they are opinions only! Please discuss any issues > regarding your health, medications, or treatments with your own practictioner. > > Our HOME page is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VulvarDisorders > to search our archives, files, articles,photos etc. > > > ***WARNING: Flames and inappropriate treatment of other members on this group > will NOT be tolerated. > > Group owner: > Dee~ DTroll@... > > Moderator: > Ora~ taurusrc@... > > Moderator: > Chelle ~ elliottmag@... > >

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Hi Kathy, the first person who said anything about candida sensitivity to me was a nurse practitioner who practices at the U.W vulvodynia clinic. She told me that she had some success putting women with vulvodynia on long term anti candida therapy and that I could try it and if it helped then I would have to stay on it forever because it meant that my body was reacting to candida and the only way to eradicate something that is naturally in everyone was to be on what she called suppressive therapy. The environmental doctor that I went to is here in Washington state where I live and he is located in Redmond where Microsoft is, a nurse working for another doctor told me about him and said that she had heard that he was really good and that he has been practicing for over 30 years. Like I wrote earlier doctors who treat environmental illness are outside of the mainstream and the illnesses they treat are

mostly people who can't seem to get well from their primary doctors. They are M.Ds and they still prescribe drugs but they are also well versed in nutrition and natural supplements and different kinds of testing and also in alternative therapies that can be discredited and frowned on by the medical community so just be aware of that. Like some of these doctors do chelation which is an intravenous drip which helps clean out the veins so a lot of older people go for this and some use it to chelate heavy metals and their is alot of sceptism in the medical community about it really working for lowering cholesterol but some swear by it, that it keeps the veins clear. My doctor doesn't do chelations. His practice seems to mainly revolve around helping treat people with chemical and environmental sensitivities and allergies. As for the drops, the day that I went in to do the skin testing to see what I reacted to, after wards the women who

did the skin tests made up the bottle right there for me from things I reacted to. Also be aware when you go to these types of doctors you insurance likely won't cover it. So things like having a check up and the usual blood test panel have done at your primary doctor beforehand. I don't know if anything will work but I am keeping an open mind and trying things at least I feel like I doing something. Take care, BhauktiKathy wrote: Hi Baukti, My doctor believes that a yeast allergy is the

cause of my vulvodynia also. I've tried Diflucan for several months, but didn't see much improvement. Now I'm using Gynazole once a week for a couple months. Are the drops that you take prescription because when I asked my doctor, he said that there are no anti allergy drops for yeast. He does research on vulvodynia at Penn State so I tend to believe him, but maybe an environmental doctor would know more about allergies. Where do you go to see you doctor? Thanks. Kathy---

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<I used Gynazole every week for 13 months. I didn't have any vaginal yeast, but it didn't do anything to help my vulvodynia.>

HI Sherri

I can barely believe anyone would use the Gynazole or any antiyeast meds for 13 months. I mean I do of course but am in total shock that any doctor would ever suggest that. WOW & double WOW and hoping maybe that was a typo? If you did hon it's no wonder it didn't help your vulvodynia and if anything made it worse.


"Of the 314 patients treated with GYNAZOLE·1 for 1 day in controlled clinical trials, 18 patients (5.7%) reported complaints such as vulvar/vaginal burning, itching, soreness and swelling, pelvic or abdominal pain or cramping, or a combination of two or more of these symptoms"... and that was ONE DAYS use...

WOW... I'm just at a lost for words (for a change) *smile*

Hugs honDee

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I did candida drops through Dr. Metzger

(www.harmonywomenshealth.com). They helped but weren't covered by

insurance. I switched to allergy shots through a local doc-which

were covered. He doesn't test for candida specifically but even Dr.

Metzger said that the better I treated my allergies, the lower the

inflammation load would be on my body. I don't know exactly what did

the trick (I also did PT, doxycycline for Lyme, estrace, and also

long-term diflucan) but I'm almost completely well now. I

occasionally have a bit of tenderness after intercourse and sometimes

if I've sat like 10 hours in a row in pants. Mostly...I'm fine. Han

gin there!


> Hi Baukti, My doctor believes that a yeast allergy is the

cause of my

> vulvodynia also. I've tried Diflucan for several months, but didn't


> much improvement. Now I'm using Gynazole once a week for a couple

> months. Are the drops that you take prescription because when I


> my doctor, he said that there are no anti allergy drops for yeast.


> does research on vulvodynia at Penn State so I tend to believe him,


> maybe an environmental doctor would know more about allergies.

Where do

> you go to see you doctor? Thanks. Kathy---







> ---------------------------------

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Hi Carol, I live in the Scranton area. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to

get down to Penn State Hershey. What part of Pa are you in?


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Hi Baukti, I'm finding that the Gynazole is causing more burning, so

I'm not going to use it anymore. I may call my doctor and see about

the long term Diflucan treatment. It's funny, my doctor said that the

candida sensitivity should go away eventually in a few years. Who

knows what to believe anymore! Maybe I'll think about going to an

environmental physician, but I know insurance won't cover it. Thank you

for the info, and I hope you find some relief. :) Kathy

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Hi Lindsey, Wow, you and Baukti both have used the candida drops. My

doctor said that there aren't any, I'm going to have to question him

about this. Were they very expensive? Kathy

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Hi Kathy,

Im in Altoona, near Penn State, State College

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Hi Kathy, I don't know if this info will help you but even though my test results only showed trace amounts of candida in my G.I tract I decided in addition to what my doctor suggested ( the desensitzing candida drops and nutritional support for colon repair) I decided on my own to go on a candida diet and take capylic acid. I have done alot of strict candida, gluten free and allergy diets in the past for very long periods of time and never really felt any difference sometimes worse and also took difulcan everyday for a month and never felt good on it, nor better. Anyhow, I noticed since taking the caprylic acid for less then a week that my lower abdomen that has been really achy and bothersome for a while has slowly gotten less everyday and my lower abdomen would also feel swollen and that has gone down. Today my abdomen feels really good and normal for a change. Also I have noticed that my normally loose stools are normal lately and

that says alot as I have felt really uncomfortable for a long time in my lower abdomen and my bowel movements always feel loose like I am not digesting well and like I have the flu or something except it never seems to go away, till now. About a year ago my primary doctor said it was irritable bowel and said it goes along with vulvodynia a lot of the time.When the environmental doctor saw my G.I test he said I had a lot of inflammation in my G.I track and no wonder I felt bad, he also thought the inflammation there was possibly causing the vulvodynia. I went online and read about caprylic acid and I read several others who said it really helped their gastointestinal problems. Maybe you should try something simple and natural like capylic acid before trying drugs like Diflucan. Just a suggestion. Take care, Baukti Kathy wrote: Hi Baukti, I'm finding that the Gynazole is causing more burning, so I'm not going to use it anymore. I may call my doctor and see about the long term Diflucan treatment. It's funny, my doctor said that the candida sensitivity should go away eventually in a few years. Who knows what to believe anymore! Maybe I'll think about going to an environmental physician, but I know insurance won't cover it. Thank you for the info, and I hope you find some relief. :) Kathy

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Hi Baukti, For years I've had problems with my stomach and chronic

constipation. I went for a lot of tests and was also told it was IBS.

I've wondered if this could be connected to my vulvodynia. I'm going to

the mall later today and I'm going to pick up the Caprylic Acid. I've

read that it has helped some women. Thanks so much for your suggestion.

The idea of taking Diflucan for such a long time scares me a

little. :) Kathy

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