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Topical Testosterone & E.Receptors!! ****

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Thank you Chelle *grin* for finding that one on T loss and V pain conditions.. (Luv ya) and here's the one I thought was a really good one as to why T helped 'me' so much as it tells how using T. can help restore those E receptors. (again with my own thoughts included for what it's worth).



Topical T increases the number of E receptors.

AbstractCapobianco G., Dessole S., Cossu A., Marras V., Meloni G.B., Mesina S.,Demurtas P., Cherchi P.L.''Receptor modifications in vulvar dystrophies before and after treatmentwith topical hormones:

Comparison between the dextran-charcoal technique andimmunohistochemical evaluation''(2006) European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 27 (4), pp. 411-413.Department of Pharmacology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, University ofSassari, Sassari, Italy Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, University ofSassari, Sassari, Italy Dept. of Pharmacology, Gynecology and Obstetrics,University of Sassari, Viale San Pietro, 12, 07100 Sassari, ItalyAbstractPurpose of investigation:The objective of the study was first to quantify estrogen receptors (ERs)and progesterone receptors (PRs) in dystrophic vulvar tissue before andafter topical hormone treatment in an attempt to evaluate whether receptormodifications occurred. Second we compared quantitative analysis withimmunohistochemical staining of the vulvar specimens.Methods: We studied 115 vulvar specimens obtained from 75 consenting womenranging from 21 to 78 years of age.Of the patients,12 had histologically normal vulvar skin,45 had vulvar dystrophies that were not treated by topical steroid therapy,28 patients had vulvar dystrophies that were treated by testosteronepropionate (TP) 2%,12 patients had vulvar dystrophies that were treated by progesterone inhydroalcoholic gel and18 patients had vulvar malignant tumors.For immunohistochemical analysis we considered 25 cases of vulvardystrophies:11 cases of squamous hyperplasia (SH) and14 cases of lichen sclerosus (LS)Among these 25 cases, 15 (5 SH and 10 LS) were treated with TP 2%.(testosterone)Results: After treatment of the vulvar dystrophies with progesterone, thepositivity of ERs (estrogen receptors) ''decreased'' (58.3% vs. 77.8%).

COMMENT by Dee* Meaning in my opinion that progesterone was a negative (not positive), and even 'decreased' those Estrogen Receptors) Dee T

After treatment of the vulvar dystrophies with Testosterone P 2%, the positivity of PRs(progesterone receptors) significantly 'decreased' (14.3% vs. 68.9%) whereasafter treatment with 'progesterone' the positivity of PRs (progesteronereceptors) increased (83.3%).

''COMMENT by Dee* 'I' would want the P. receptors reduced or decreased (which the Testosterone Propionate did)... and it shows that when using the Progesterone(P)... the P receptors increased, not something "I" want because P. blocks or inhibits the E & T receptors., so the T was very beneficial in my opinion and another reason why I am so against using additional P (and that's progesterone or progestins) and that's just 'one' reason. Dee T''

The immunohistochemical study showed some differences in comparison to thequantitative study. In fact we found low basal positivity especially for PRs(16% vs. 68.9% of the quantitative study).This finding was due to the use of a cutoff of at least ++ in order toincrease the specificity.After treatment with TP 2 %, (testosterone propionate) we observed an'increase' of immunohistochemical ''positivity for ERs'' (estrogen receptors)even in cases that were negative before treatment, and a lack of PRs(progesterone receptors) even in cases that were positive before treatment.Conclusions:These data demonstrate the efficacy of androgen therapy with TP 2% (testosterone propionate) in vulvar dystrophies with 'increased trophism' due to the increase of ERs.


*NOTE* by Dee, 'trophism' is definied as 'nourishment' just as 'atrophy' is theopposite, not fed and withering away. It shows how T benefits the genital tissue because the T increased the E receptors when using it, and if one 'adds' the topical estrogen the benefits of E are even more enhanced. And why in my opinion of course, using both the E & T topical medications was my own miracle for full restoration of the Vulvar tissue whether it's LS or any type of vulvar dystrophy.


I also found this same article on Pub Med:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=ShowDetailView & TermToSearch=17009639 & ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus

*If that doesn't work, just type in the first line (copy/paste ) and in the SEARCH area type this in:

''Receptor modifications in vulvar dystrophies before and after treatment with topical hormones''


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