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Testosterone !Topical, Sublingual & Libido ( Lois) T. benefits here too

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<I hear you say the 'topical' T can help with libido, but does the 'sublingual' T help with this problem too?Also, is your systemic E by mouth or sublingual? How is the prescription written out? I am thinking about going on both E and T systemically.>

HI Lois... sorry hon I didn't see your message sooner. ;)

If the topical T is used more frequently than say than every 3rd night.. then it seems to go more systemic for 'me'... I take the sublingual T every day 365, it's orange flavored and melts in less than 30 seconds or so... so its a stable steady dose and to be honest with you I don't really notice a big difference for the libido with that one. Maybe early on when I first started it it did, but I've been on it daily for probably 9 years now.. so maybe I've just adapted, I dunno.. but to give it a boost or a kick, I'll add it more often topically.

The sublinguals always have to be compounded (just in case you didn't know that) I get mine at Bellevue pharmacy from Pete Heuseman.. he's in the Database at the home page. (left side)

My sublingual T... is 2.50 mgs... and my E.. estradiol (also sublingual) is 2. mgs a day. But I split them in half, AM & PM... because they are so natural and can leave the system fairly fast.. that way it keeps a more stable steady dose.

They're just written out: '' 2.50 mgs of T. SL''.. (that stands for sublingual) ''take once daily'' and ditto for E except it's 2 mgs of estradiol SL. Some get them combined into one pill.. but I like them separately. so that if I were to see some signs I can play around with them a little bit.

Also I would definitely get my blood levels tested hon first to see where 'you' are. I was lucky to have earlier test to know where mine 'should' be to compare it and you might need only half that amt... but you have to also take into consideration as to how you feel not only numbers on a chart. Because originally my doctor tried to say 'you're fine even you are within the 'low normal' range... but when I pulled out my older charts and I had several of them... I was nowhere near 'my' normal range at all, actually I had almost none by comparison and he immediately gave me my T..

I take the sublingual T more for the whole body benefits, esp. bone, it's a mood elevator, possibly a breast cancer preventor (some studies show that)... plus if I only took the E (estradiol) alone, that depletes what T might be there but yet T can't work unless it's primed with E.... So I do both in balance... sublingually... and then both topically specifically for the V. tissue health.

Just FYI, T levels if you have your blood tested and are menopausal the suggested range that's beneficial and optimal (not just barely functional) for ''Total T'' is approximately 40 to 60 ng/dl, and always get the 'free and unbound' (the active working part of it) tested too, it should be approximately at 1-2% (occasionally 3%) of the Total T.

Regarding the 'FREE (unbound) TESTOSTERONE: 97-99% of a womans Testosterone is attached or binds to a protein, called SHBG (known as the Sex Hormone BindingGlobulin, it's *a protein* and NOT a hormone ), thus leaving only 1-3% available to act on tissue receptors. This is called the Free or unbound Testosterone and is absolutely necessary for optimal performance.

Generally a woman who is menopausal and on nothing will show far less than the 40 total.. often times it's so low it can't be read... so those are the suggested ranges to keep it in for women.

Thought I'd add this too... something I've sent before about the benefits of T.. ;)

TESTOSTERONE EFFECTS: (Just right when it's balanced with estrogen)

(Chart from Dr. Vliets book 'Screaming to be heard) I hope it keeps it's format.

Too Little Just right Too much

1.Low energy normal energy hyper feelings

2.Loss of sex drive normal libido hyper-increased libido

3. Slowed down feeling alert, interested scattered thoughts

4. Mildly depressed positive mood Intense moods

5. Few or no dreams Normal dreams Violent or agressive dreams

6. thin, fine hair, esp. pubic thicker hair Facial hair

7. dry, thin fragile skin normal skin acne

The most 'obvious' (let alone subtle) signs of testosterone 'deficiency' are:

1. Overall decreased sexual desire

2. Diminished vital energy and sense of well-being.

3. Decreased sensitivity to sexual stimulation in the clitoris

4. Decreased sensitivity to sexual stimulation in the nipples.

5. Overall decreased arousability and capacity for orgasm.

6. Thinning and loss of pubic hair

7. Loss of bone mass.

''You may notice thinning or loss of pubic hair and genital atrophy may be present, which is the thinning and diminishing of the tissues surrounding the vagina. It may even include both scarring and cracking that is often not typically responsive to female estrogen hormones applied to the area in cream form. This condition can lead to extreme difficulty during penetration as well as severe pain.''

(That is why the addition of a T cream to the E cream is so much more beneficial to me, let alone the fact that by adding T topically it can help restore depleted or non functioning E. receptors.) Dee T

''Women who take the correct physiologic doses of testosterone rarely have to worry about growing a beard, because women are not genetically programmed to grow a beard. But fine, downy facial hair can appear with too high a level of T.

Testosterone can have a tonic effect in the body by stimulating the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells which helps to thicken the blood. This may be an important consideration in some high risk patients especially men, who typically take much higher doses of testosterone than women.

Testosterone is thought to have a natural anticoagulant effect to counter blood clots. Therefore anticoagulant therapy might be contraindicated.''

Some clinical and genetic evidence suggests that endogenous androgens (produced by the body) normally ''inhibit'' estrogen-induced mammary epithelial proliferation (MEP) and thereby may protect against breast cancer.' (from the N. Amer. Menopause Soc. I've other studies that suggest the same benefits, dee)

From Reuters: ''When added to conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), testosterone may reduce the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, results of a study suggest."

''In 1994 researchers at Columbia Medical School reported that they found an inverse correlation between testosterone levels and degree of coronary artery disease.

They found that men with higher levels of testosterone have a better blood supply to the heart muscle and higher levels of HDL than do men with lower levels of testosterone. Those with prostate problems are generally too low in testosterone.''

Comment: That (Prostate & Testosterone levels) is a very debatable subject, one of those chicken or egg first things, as the general concensus is that T is the cause of it and physicians will try to block it, while others suggest it's the deficiency or loss of T as the cause in the first place and don't agree.) Dee

''Current blood tests to measure total and free testosterone cannot yield accurate data when a person is taking 'methyltestosterone' (orally) . Only the non-methylated natural bio-identical form will suggest changes in blood levels.''

**** THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT in my mind and why I often mention the difference between a methyl form and a natural bioidentical form. The creams or gels by the way are always (as far as I know) a natural form & not a methyltestosterone one . There are more side effects with a methyl form as you cannot measure blood levels as they simply won't change on a methyl form no matter how much or how little you take so you never know where you stand. ''Estratest'' is one (an oral form) I really suggest we do 'not' take, as it is a Methyltestosterone form.

The methylation of testosterone is an attempt to reduce the quick metabolism in the liver. The one time when I'd suggest a Methyltestosterone, (because it is not readily aromatized to estradiol and therefore may be the drug of choice in choosing a testosterone preparation) is when the estrogen levels are of a concern. As in the case of an already established breast cancer which is estrogen positive and is the only reason 'I'd' ever use a Methyl form of T. Dee

''There have been correlation's of testosterone levels with regard to behavior and emotions. Some of the observations are as follows:

1. Testosterone levels cycle daily. They are highest in the morning, on awakening, and fall by as much as one-third to one-half throughout the day.

2. Testosterone levels rise and fall with experiences of success and failure in social encounter.

3. Sexual experience stimulates a rise in testosterone, Interestingly more for women than for men.

4. In an initial study of ninety-two men in eight occupations and an un-employed category, ministers were the lowest in testosterone, while professional football players and actors were highest. Trial lawyers have higher levels of testosterone than nontrial lawyers.

The conclusion to this study was that men and women with relatively higher levels of testosterone have both the challenge and the opportunity to access more assertive 'energy' than do men and women with lower levels.''

Well if you've read through all of this you must be a saint, but I hope it gives you just a little idea of what some of the benefits of T are and why "I" sure take it. :)

Hugs and hope that helps a little bit.

Dee~ ;)

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