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Re: Re: High calorie drinks/foods

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What about L-carnitine? (or increasing his L-carnitine -- I remember we had a discussion before about carnitine not doing anything for our kids but once I increased the dosages to the right levels...WHOA!).  Ethan got scary skinny for a while.  Ethan ate a lot too -- several times a day but just wouldn't put on any weight.  My friend was over one day and I was changing Ethan's shirt and when I took his shirt off, she thought he looked scary skinny, too.  We could see all his ribs and see his rib cage through his back.  He wouldn't even grow out of his toddler clothes for a long time.  With carnitine supplementation (we use both acetyl and L-carnitine), he's put on about 13 lbs. since June.  He's not " fat " now -- he's got some good toned meat on his bones now.


No, thank.God. we don't have a yeast issue here.  He doesn't care for rice but he will have it occasionally in soup.  He's decided in the past couple of days that he's going to try not to be so picky - so now might be a perfect time to try something new. I would LOVE anything you'd like to share.

He's a total carnivor. meat!meat!meat!  I have to slip macrogreens in his food/smoothies because he doesn't care for veggies.Though last night he ate onions, green, red and yellow peppers and tonight he ate a couple of greenbeans.  I'm thinking about getting some chlorophyll and/or spirolina once I take the time to find a trustworthy source.

 Glad you had a productive visit with the Dan today  :

) -Tammy

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2011 11:11 PM

Subject: Re: High calorie drinks/foods


Tammy, I am not sure if you are dealing with yeast or not otherwise I have some ideas. I make broth of any meat with bones like chicken, mutton or beef and cook rice in it which definitely puts meats on bones. Somebody had recommended t-bones for better calories. If you want the recipe for the rice in broth, I can email it to you. Just explain what your child prefers to eat and then I might be able to come up with more ideas.



> I've gotta get some meat on Tom's bones.� I was just washing him in the shower and the child is looking emaciated. I can count his ribs all the way up�and his shoulder blades are so pronounced they look like weapons.� He eats 4-5 times a day. Anyone have any super high calorie suggestions? Drinks, shakes, yummy recipes?� Our diet is free of gluten, casein, soy, hfcs, refined sugars (a little ok), and artificial colors and flavors.


> Thanks,

> Tammy


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That is a thought. He was on it for quite some time, but started to complain about belly aches. I took away the carnitine and they stopped. Maybe he could tolerate it -just long enough to put on a few pounds. Thanks, Alberta-Tammy To: mb12valtrex Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2011 3:43 AM Subject: Re: Re: High calorie drinks/foods

What about L-carnitine? (or increasing his L-carnitine -- I remember we had a discussion before about carnitine not doing anything for our kids but once I increased the dosages to the right levels...WHOA!). Ethan got scary skinny for a while. Ethan ate a lot too -- several times a day but just wouldn't put on any weight. My friend was over one day and I was changing Ethan's shirt and when I took his shirt off, she thought he looked scary skinny, too. We could see all his ribs and see his rib cage through his back. He wouldn't even grow out of his toddler clothes for a long time. With carnitine supplementation (we use both acetyl and L-carnitine), he's put on about 13 lbs. since June. He's not "fat" now -- he's got some good toned meat on his bones now.


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