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Re: Kate - Sad...no disgusted...no sad AND disgusted

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Thank you, Kate!love/Reb>> Oh Lord, Reb. That is like a true nightmare. I am so sorry to read this. It's downright disgusting.love to you and . Sad...no disgusted...no sad AND disgustedTo: MSersLife So...it happened...unbelievable as it is. Yes, I want to call it> unbelievable, I know many say today it shouldn't have come as a> surprise, and in a way I suppose it didn't, but I just never > wanted to> believe it would actually take place... an actual nazi party* in the> Swedish parliament. And with a risk of real influence** as well.> I am sad all over AND completely disgusted.> Many sad and angry songs played today. Over and over again.> I know. They (the morons who voted nazi) are only about 6%. That means> 94% didn't. And I suppose that should be a comfort. Probably > will be,> another day. But today I am just sad and disgusted.> Doesn't make it a lot better that here where we are they > actually got> between 10% and 14%. said over dinner today: "Never before > have I> seen and heard people do the nazi salute [sieg Heil] live. Not > anywhere.Not anytime. Only in documentaries about the 1930's and > 1940's and world> war II. But here I have.... And yet this is a nice place. How is that> even possible?" I can only agree, and I have no answer. This IS > a nice> place. But yes, here I have seen and heard that, and been > disgusted by> it, and the political situation is just plain nightmarish. It doesn't> add up, it just doesn't.> Sigh... I guess I should go to bed now, and I say as one friend > of mine> said in a text just now: "Going to bed now. When I wake up > tomorrow I> want this whole election result to just have been a bad nasty > dream". > Agree.> love/Reb> > > > * Sverigedemokraterna, abbreviated SD, used to be an self-> acclaimed nazi> party, they have cleaned up their act a little. But not their > agenda or> their politics, the only thing that has changed is they no > longer use> the nazi-word, and they *try* to refrain from saying Sieg Heil > and stuff> like that in public, with varied/limited success (ie. they tend > to do> that as soon as they don't know there is a camera or reporter > present).And in at least one local parliament (City hall? Is > that the word?),> another, very much openly nazi, party has won a seat.> ** Neither the socialist nor the non-socialist side won a > majority on> their own, so the solution, as it looks right now, will be a minority> government always at risk of having to rely on the SD-party. I > know they> say *now* they will never ever do that, but we have yet to see > that in> actual day to day politics, when they need a majority vote in the> parliament. One can always hope, of course.> Kate>

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