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Re: I need some expert advice/ study on this

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To: MSersLife Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 4:06:06 PMSubject: I need some expert advice

Chuck takes Simvistatin for cholesterol. The cardio doc's nurse called today and said he wants him on Niacin. Start with 1 a day and work up to 4 a day. Chuck was reading about niacin and it says if you take a statin which he is, and take niacin, it can destroy the skeletal muscle. Any one on both??



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Whoops! Let me try that again! Love to you both, nSearch ResultsNiacin Plus Statin Vs. Statin[Jul 31, 2006] In previous combination statin/ niacin studies, which used different statins, the extended release niacin boosted HDL by as much as 30 percent.www.umm.edu/news/releases/niacin_statin.htmFrom: nne To: MSersLife Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 4:06:06 PMSubject: I need some expert advice

Chuck takes Simvistatin for cholesterol. The cardio doc's nurse called today and said he wants him on Niacin. Start with 1 a day and work up to 4 a day. Chuck was reading about niacin and it says if you take a statin which he is, and take niacin, it can destroy the skeletal muscle. Any one on both??



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And I meant his HDL was helped. Steve also eats a cracker with his niacin and he says he thinks it helps with the flushing. This article didn't mention anything about muscles.

Hugs and Love, Jackie

May the peace of God be with you...the love of Jesus enfold you...and the Spirit of Christ fill you.

Subject: Re: I need some expert advice/ study on thisTo: MSersLife Date: Monday, October 11, 2010, 4:18 PM

Whoops! Let me try that again! Love to you both, n

Search Results

Niacin Plus Statin Vs. Statin

[Jul 31, 2006] In previous combination statin/ niacin studies, which used different statins, the extended release niacin boosted HDL by as much as 30 percent.

www.umm.edu/news/releases/niacin_ statin.htm

To: MSersLife Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 4:06:06 PMSubject: I need some expert advice

Chuck takes Simvistatin for cholesterol. The cardio doc's nurse called today and said he wants him on Niacin. Start with 1 a day and work up to 4 a day. Chuck was reading about niacin and it says if you take a statin which he is, and take niacin, it can destroy the skeletal muscle. Any one on both??Hugsnne

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Thanks n I will pass this on to Chuck. He is really worried about using skeletal muscle.



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I need some expert advice

Chuck takes Simvistatin for cholesterol. The cardio doc's nurse called today and said he wants him on Niacin. Start with 1 a day and work up to 4 a day. Chuck was reading about niacin and it says if you take a statin which he is, and take niacin, it can destroy the skeletal muscle. Any one on both??Hugsnne

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