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a boy after my own heart.

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ROFL!!!!! I would love that as well!!!!!


FlyMommy To:


Christian and -3 (Fraternal Twin Boys)

" I thought I wanted a career.....turns out I just wanted paychecks... "

MSN messenger- mothertwn@...

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> I don't think we had the same kind of visit in mind. ;-)

Jacquie <

well i hope not! ;)

yeah, i was just down memory lane a few days ago when it was JBJ's 41st bday! he

was 23 when i first fell in love with him :'(


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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> He's sexier now than he's ever been.

<pant pant>

Jacquie <

yes, he is. doesn't even seem possible, does it?


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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I like Bon Jovi too. Besides his music and good looks, he seems to be a

genuinely good guy.



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He's sexier now than he's ever been.

<pant pant>



VERY well said!!!!!!

I haven't been out of lust with him since, well, since a really long time, lol


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> I haven't been out of lust with him since, well, since a really long time, lol

Missy <

my prom song was " never say goodbye " in 1989. we were the first school in the

county to be allowed it :-D


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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my prom song was " never say goodbye " in 1989. we were the first school in the

county to be allowed it :-D




cool, that is my grad year too!!!!


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in my mind bon jovi doesn't hold a candle to bono - he's the sexiest. i have

loved him for 20 years!

M.G.mum to

Sebastian, 11 kinda quirky(NT)

Rowan, 6 extra quirky (ASD)

married to and living in Northern Ontario

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mmmmm Bono, <heart flutters>

Almost as sexy as Aragorn .... tho Bono gets bonus points for not being a

fictional character ...lol

----- Original Message -----

> in my mind bon jovi doesn't hold a candle to bono - he's the sexiest. i

have loved him for 20 years!

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YAY bonus for bono!

Re: a boy after my own heart.

mmmmm Bono, <heart flutters>

Almost as sexy as Aragorn .... tho Bono gets bonus points for not being a

fictional character ...lol

----- Original Message -----

> in my mind bon jovi doesn't hold a candle to bono - he's the sexiest. i

have loved him for 20 years!

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i agree that edward norton is sexy. i also really like colin firth. but

bono...mmm...bono...i love that he uses his fame to promote political agendas

like drop the debt etc. i also love that he has been married to the same woman

(sadly not me) for nearly 20 years and they have 5 children - not typical rock

star stuff.

M.G.mum to

Sebastian, 11 kinda quirky(NT)

Rowan, 6 extra quirky (ASD)

married to and living in Northern Ontario

Re: a boy after my own heart.

> in my mind bon jovi doesn't hold a candle to bono - he's the sexiest. i

have loved him for 20 years!


But, then again...I think the sexiest man alive is Norton, so what

the hell do I know? :-P


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Correct me if I am wrong here, but if we are referring to Sonny

Bono, I am pretty sure he is dead and his wife ran for his seat in

the Senate some time back.

but bono...mmm...bono...i love that he uses his fame to promote

political agendas like drop the debt etc. i also love that he has

been married to the same woman (sadly not me) for nearly 20 years and

they have 5 children - not typical rock star stuff.

> Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 9:50 AM

> Subject: Re: a boy after my own heart.


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> Correct me if I am wrong here, but if we are referring to Sonny Bono, I am

pretty sure he is dead and his wife ran for his seat in the Senate some time



oh monique...

bono is the lead singer of U2, no relation to sonny bono who is indeed dead :)


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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> oh monique...

> bono is the lead singer of U2, no relation to sonny bono who is

indeed dead :)

ROFL...I knew I had to have the wrong guy..hehe...I have no idea who

the other two were that she was talking about either. I DO know who

Aragorn is though. (lascivious smile)

AND.... took me to see the movie Chicago last night. I

thoroughly enjoyed it and have decided that Gere is aging

quite well. (slight heavy breathing here) ;)

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Oh, Gosh, ! I loved your answer! Just goes to show us older

woman don't keep up much. I believe Bono (his only name, not his

last name) is a newer performer that older women like you and me

might not be as familiar with. Definitely no relation to Sonny!

Leggs (an avid People magazine reader or I wouldn't know, either!)

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Mmmm...I like Gere too. He looks better with age.



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> I believe Bono (his only name, not his last name) is a newer performer that

older women like you and me might not be as familiar with. <

sorry to laugh, but, hahahahahaha!!! ;)

U2 has actually been around for 20 years.

and btw, Bono's real name is Hewson His stage name comes from Bono

Vox, a hearing aid retailer. Bono Vox is Latin for " good voice " .


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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Okay, ! I deserved that! But just remember how old I am. If he

has been around 20 years, I was already 29 and counting when he came

on the scene and was not exactly up on the latest music at my already

advanced age. I'll admit I'm out of it, but I have seen him and

heard his music and I knew he was no relation to Sonny, who IMHO had

NO musical talent.(Unlike (wink! wink!) who I believe is a

little younger than me..However, with five kids I don't know how she

has time to listen to any music! Right, ?)

The now more humble Leggs (formerly a Bono expert for an almost fifty

year old!LOL)

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LOL, Let's see, twenty years ago I was in college and really liked

Santana. I remember U2 when they were new but they did not interest

me very much. I was more into Fleetwood Mac, Hart, Manfred Man to

name a few. So while U2 is maybe an oldie to some of you, to Leggs

and I they are still the new kids on the block, haha. It's funny

how your perceptions of time change.

> > I believe Bono (his only name, not his last name) is a newer

performer that older women like you and me might not be as familiar

with. <


> sorry to laugh, but, hahahahahaha!!! ;)


> U2 has actually been around for 20 years.


> and btw, Bono's real name is Hewson His stage name

comes from Bono Vox, a hearing aid retailer. Bono Vox is Latin

for " good voice " .

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I knew he was no relation to Sonny, who IMHO had

> NO musical talent.(Unlike (wink! wink!)

Never thought he had a shred of talent but someone must have. Go


who I believe is a

> little younger than me..

A little.

However, with five kids I don't know how she

> has time to listen to any music! Right, ?)

Time? What time? Music is but a fond memory. likes the

oldies station in the car. prefers country of 'God' music.

wants the Shrek tape. has MP3 on my computer, grandpas

computer and an ever present library of burned CDs at her disposal

for her personal CD player. Gail wants her CD player, and all I want

is quiet.

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I KNEW that was what you would say...I listen to soft rock in the car

(some new, some old), but my dh (who is younger) is such an old

fogey, he listens to talk radio all of the time..Even sets his clock

radio to play it while he falls asleep..Just what I want to hear when

I'm falling asleep-Rush Limbaugh or some other ultra-conservative-NOT!

Of course, most of our " music " is soundtracks to favorite kids

movies, played over and over again! Arggh! Leggs

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> Stay in your compartment, dammit! <

hahahaha, you're funny. you have to admit this is pretty cool tho... Bono was

nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for his successful efforts to

relieve third world debt and promote AIDS awareness in Africa.


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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> I think the sexiest man alive is Norton <

uh oh, does rob know about this?!? :-O


gina, 31, ny

single mom to -

kailey, 8, autism, hyperlexia, depression, anxiety, OCD, DSI

trevor, 3, multiple developmental delays, no " official " dx yet

parker jade, due 7-20-03 :-D

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--- In parenting_autism , " kdminden2001 " but my dh

(who is younger) is such an old

> fogey, he listens to talk radio all of the time..Even sets his

clock radio to play it while he falls asleep..

ARGH!! My husband had REALLY turned into an old fogey too. All he

listens to is talk radio but I draw the line at usingit to fall

asleep. He'd have to find another bed if he did that!

can't stand it. She hates listening to the radio because of the

commercials. She wants a tape or CD in all the time. She's not too

terribly picky but she does want " girl music " meaning girl singers.

I've tried to explain that it's okay for girls to listen to " boy

music " but she gets mad because she can't make her Barbies sing

to " boy music. "


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> > > I think the sexiest man alive is Norton <

> >

> >

> > uh oh, does rob know about this?!? :-O



> Two different categories. One night stand? Meaningless Groupie

Grope? Rob .

> Intense, passionate, possibly destructive affair? Norton.

Rob could sing to me. I really like his voice. :o)

But I'll stick to Oded Fehr & Hugh Jackman for the possibly

destructive affairs. ;o)


*who knows who Bono is cause " Sunday Bloody Sunday " was quite popular

when she was in high school.*

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