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Hello Roni :)

Welcome to the group :)

Awesome on your loss!!! Keep at it!

I have to tell you,this group IS a great help and support :)

Keep up the good work!

P.S I am on week 13(I think) and I am down 26pds.

I had 2 rough weeks :( But back at it.

Lost 3 this week :)

Kathy :)

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 20:37:44 -0000 " Roni " vjnoone@...> writes:

Hi All!

Just found you guys. I'm on week 7 and already lost 23.6 pounds!

Just looking for support to keep my momentum going. Sometimes when I

get successful I fall off the wagon. It's weird, I'll start cheating

becuase I'm doing good. Weird? huh?

Anyway, Just wanted to introduce myself.



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  • 4 months later...

Weird but normal! Many people do that.

Hi Roni! Welcome! Please ask, share, tell us anything (within reason, of


> New Member


> Hi All!

> Just found you guys. I'm on week 7 and already lost 23.6 pounds!

> Just looking for support to keep my momentum going.

> Sometimes when I get successful I fall off the wagon. It's

> weird, I'll start cheating becuase I'm doing good. Weird? huh?


> Anyway, Just wanted to introduce myself.


> -Roni

> http://noonefamily.com/ww






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  • 3 years later...

Hi All,

Great to relate to so many of your posts and know it's not just me.

I had my 2nd child 16 months ago, all very natural few stiches. 3 months after I got my first bout or thrush and this has continued to come and ago however along with this I have pain when something brushes against my clitoris, some days are better than others and pain in my vulva is always on the right had side along with occasional sorness in the vagina opening. I've seen two Gynae's who both say I have vaginal dryness due to low estrogen, apparantly I have a pail and brittle vagina but looks perfectly normal. They prescribed local estrogen that made things a million times worse so i stopped that. The Gyane said I had a reaction to the compound so now I'm back to square one. I treated myself with Diflucan for 3 months every week and although haven't had thrush still have the constant irritation and sometimes extreme pain especially in my clitoris. They want me to try an HRT patch but I'm unsure as my mother died at 38 from breast cancer that estrogen dominant. I just can't believe vaginal dryness would cause so much pain? I'm only 37. My GP said my Estrogen test was within range although I did have a slightly elevated FSH of 17.

This month has been slightly better but still not great. I'm waiting for an appointment with the dermatologist which I should get within the next 6 weeks but wondered if anyone else had similar problems purely through yeast or dryness? I have had splitting during intercourse at the bottom which now looks permanently bruised but now just gets sore for a few days.

I did the candida diet for about 3 months but gave into the biscuits again last month as I got so thin, I'm not a very big person at the best of times. This month I had an almost constant discharge and was sore, I'm waiting the swab results but am convinced they'll say nothing. I would just love to have a day when I didn't think about my bits

sorry ramble on V

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Thanks for replying. When I first saw the GYN in June I and tested

positive for Candida she said I had really bad Cervisitis then. I

assumed it had cleared up with the yeast. Does it cause any other


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~Thanks for replying.

My Gyn said I had Cervicitis when she tested me back in June. I tested

postive for Candida which was treated again and it's never been

mentioned again. Her collegue did suggest a coloscopy but it never got

arranged. When my GP did a swab last week she said everything looked

fine but who knows. I'm really hanging out for my Dermatology

appointment I also need to call the GP tomorrow for my swab results so

I might mention it to her then. I did have some very faint spotting mid

cycle this month, I guess it could be that? I had a pap last October

which came back clear.

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I don't know of any other symptoms but if you go on www.webmd.com you may find some other symptoms listed. I saw a gyn for 5 months who swore everytime I saw her and she did a culture that I had a yeast infection. Well, the meds were not working and the " yeast " never cleared up. It was not until I switched gyn's that I was diagnosed with cervicitis. For me, the discharge was the only symptom.

Thanks for replying. When I first saw the GYN in June I and tested positive for Candida she said I had really bad Cervisitis then. I assumed it had cleared up with the yeast. Does it cause any other problems?

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