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*New Member Introduction*

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Hi, Mike. I'm so sorry to hear your tragic story. My daddy used to say,

that if our family didn't have bad luck, then we wouldn't have any luck at all.

I was always sickly as a child and it only got worse as I grew into

adulthood and went through pregnancies and miscarriages and physical abuse. I

was in

a huge flare about 12 years ago, when I went to a dr. at the clinic I was

using and was " lucky " enough to see a dr. who had a very good knowledge of

fibro. He immediately got me on treatment for it.

I don't want to say that what happened next is common to all with fibro, but

over the years I have declined. I went back to work for a few months after

the dx, but couldn't handle it and couldn't stay " well " enough to be reliable

for work. I couldn't even do day care, because I would be bedridden too

much of the day and my energy level just sucked very badly.

Anyway, I don't want to bore you with details about me. I pray that you

will find the same support and information about how fibro effects each of us

and what works and doesn't work for each of us. I have loved this group ever

since I joined it last summer when I was in the worst flare I have ever had.

Love and gentle hugs,

Debi/Central Cal.-55


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Hello Everyone,

I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to introduce myself. I

also want to

provide some background on my situation so that anyone interested may have a


understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come from. Sorry that it

is long

but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single paragraph or 2.. So

please forgive me

in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal on my own! :(

My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.

I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was involved in a

MVA when

a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving almost flipping

it over

ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no patients on

board at

the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area and not able to

work for

about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp and It took my


about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in debt, forcing me

to rely on

public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my apt due to lack of


basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting paid, My apt

caught fire and I

lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were hiding and both

survived and

were able to move with me.

For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress and many


pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the age of 25 I was

trying to

maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because the pain in my

back and

legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin, Flexerall, Paxil,

Zanax, Just

to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept increasing. After

several years

of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not Quality life for a

25yo and I

finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%) Laminectomy I tried so

hard a long

to avoid.

I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week Hospital stay and

3-6 months

of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long enough, So on March

20th, 1999 I

went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to everyoneÕs

amazement and

confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours later, I walked

out of the

Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had NO NEED for meds

at all.

My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ. The hospital


called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the breeze! It was a new

lease on life!!

So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a rollercoaster (with Dr's


after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for me... It allowed

me to live

life again.

In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I purchased our

first home.

Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a crazed driver tried

to flee from

another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us. From this point I

began to

experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of the same area

that was

previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my Orthopedic Surgeon

advised that

the only other option is pain management again. The pain was minor in comparison


tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days just Aleeve would

work just

fine. As long as the weather was good!

I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs from time to time

and I just

brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would experience pains in

my thighs

each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and blamed it on the sore

back. My

arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had tightness in my

lower and

upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint of being very

tired and my

entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I again blamed this

on my back

pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.

Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back for it. I was

never one for

DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic Surgeon for my back. I

had a

Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits at work) but not

once did I

have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back related issuesÉ

On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work Christmas party we


rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage but just a good

jolt to the

car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck was starting to

hurt and

getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have not been able to

do my job


At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head to toe,

intermittent pains

down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling and intermittent

pain in my

right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right handed and

cannot work

because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off because all these

years I

experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind I knew it was

from my

back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was just a pinched nerve!

She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck (C5-C6), and no

change in

the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed EMGÕs on both my


and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so sure it was a pinched

nerve or

carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the EMGÕs came back text


normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could be but FIBROÉ.. I



Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO diagnosed me with

~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next week. I guess to


diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt dazed from the

Lyrica and

very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg in 3rds cause

otherwise it

would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The Lyrica has slowed

down the

sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both hands and arms are

killing me

mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red and such pain in


hands I can hardly move them.

It will take me some time to come to grips with this because in my mind I am


feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my back injury. Another


factor is that I was under the false impression that those that suffer from

Fibro have pain

all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is different and


different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is a NCMT as well

as an

instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still was/am not convinced

it was

fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma I have but

explains that I

need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn how to cope.

A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so depressed because

I have

gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I am VERY MAD that I


must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still feels this is not

real and there

has to be another explanationÉ. :(


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I know exactly what you are saying....I still feel that there has to

be an explanation as to why and what, but all I get from my Doc is

it is Fibro. I refused to take heavy meds and they wanted to put me

on naronten (not sure if that is how it is spelled) to curb some of

the affects....but I refuse to take this lying down and doped up.

I wish you all the luck in the wolrd and I hope things will get

better for you with in time.


> Hello Everyone,


> I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to

introduce myself. I also want to

> provide some background on my situation so that anyone interested

may have a better

> understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come from.

Sorry that it is long

> but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single

paragraph or 2.. So please forgive me

> in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal on

my own! :(


> My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.


> I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was

involved in a MVA when

> a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving

almost flipping it over

> ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no

patients on board at

> the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area and

not able to work for

> about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp and It

took my attorney

> about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in

debt, forcing me to rely on

> public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my apt

due to lack of rent,

> basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting

paid, My apt caught fire and I

> lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were

hiding and both survived and

> were able to move with me.


> For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress

and many debilitating

> pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the age of

25 I was trying to

> maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because the

pain in my back and

> legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin,

Flexerall, Paxil, Zanax, Just

> to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept

increasing. After several years

> of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not

Quality life for a 25yo and I

> finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%)

Laminectomy I tried so hard a long

> to avoid.


> I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week

Hospital stay and 3-6 months

> of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long enough,

So on March 20th, 1999 I

> went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to

everyoneÕs amazement and

> confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours

later, I walked out of the

> Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had NO

NEED for meds at all.

> My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ.

The hospital staff

> called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the breeze!

It was a new lease on life!!


> So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a

rollercoaster (with Dr's Approval)

> after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for

me... It allowed me to live

> life again.


> In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I

purchased our first home.

> Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a crazed

driver tried to flee from

> another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us. From

this point I began to

> experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of the

same area that was

> previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my

Orthopedic Surgeon advised that

> the only other option is pain management again. The pain was minor

in comparison and

> tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days just

Aleeve would work just

> fine. As long as the weather was good!


> I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs from

time to time and I just

> brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would

experience pains in my thighs

> each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and blamed it

on the sore back. My

> arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had

tightness in my lower and

> upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint of

being very tired and my

> entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I

again blamed this on my back

> pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.


> Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back for

it. I was never one for

> DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic Surgeon

for my back. I had a

> Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits at

work) but not once did I

> have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back

related issuesÉ


> On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work

Christmas party we were

> rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage but

just a good jolt to the

> car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck was

starting to hurt and

> getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have not

been able to do my job

> since.


> At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head to

toe, intermittent pains

> down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling and

intermittent pain in my

> right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right

handed and cannot work

> because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off because

all these years I

> experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind I

knew it was from my

> back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was just a

pinched nerve!


> She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck (C5-

C6), and no change in

> the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed

EMGÕs on both my Upper

> and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so sure it

was a pinched nerve or

> carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the EMGÕs

came back text book

> normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could be

but FIBROÉ.. I was

> Devastated!!!!!


> Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO diagnosed

me with

> ~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next week. I

guess to officially

> diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt

dazed from the Lyrica and

> very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg in

3rds cause otherwise it

> would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The

Lyrica has slowed down the

> sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both hands

and arms are killing me

> mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red and

such pain in my

> hands I can hardly move them.


> It will take me some time to come to grips with this because in my

mind I am always

> feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my back

injury. Another Contributing

> factor is that I was under the false impression that those that

suffer from Fibro have pain

> all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is

different and experience

> different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is a

NCMT as well as an

> instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still was/am

not convinced it was

> fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma I

have but explains that I

> need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn how

to cope.


> A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so

depressed because I have

> gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I am

VERY MAD that I now

> must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still feels

this is not real and there

> has to be another explanationÉ. :(


> Mike


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Thanks for the understanding!

What also makes this ruff is that this is more common in women then

in men and people look at you like your just weak!

My partner hates that i take the meds i am prescribed and really

wants me to do a homeopathic approach. But this is all new to me and

stressing out about whats going to happen to my Job with after being

on STD since 12/16 Do i even still have a job? So it's all a bit


> Mike,


> I know exactly what you are saying....I still feel that there has to

> be an explanation as to why and what, but all I get from my Doc is

> it is Fibro. I refused to take heavy meds and they wanted to put me

> on naronten (not sure if that is how it is spelled) to curb some of

> the affects....but I refuse to take this lying down and doped up.


> I wish you all the luck in the wolrd and I hope things will get

> better for you with in time.





> >

> > Hello Everyone,

> >

> > I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to

> introduce myself. I also want to

> > provide some background on my situation so that anyone interested

> may have a better

> > understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come from.

> Sorry that it is long

> > but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single

> paragraph or 2.. So please forgive me

> > in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal on

> my own! :(

> >

> > My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.

> >

> > I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was

> involved in a MVA when

> > a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving

> almost flipping it over

> > ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no

> patients on board at

> > the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area and

> not able to work for

> > about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp and It

> took my attorney

> > about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in

> debt, forcing me to rely on

> > public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my apt

> due to lack of rent,

> > basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting

> paid, My apt caught fire and I

> > lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were

> hiding and both survived and

> > were able to move with me.

> >

> > For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress

> and many debilitating

> > pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the age of

> 25 I was trying to

> > maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because the

> pain in my back and

> > legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin,

> Flexerall, Paxil, Zanax, Just

> > to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept

> increasing. After several years

> > of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not

> Quality life for a 25yo and I

> > finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%)

> Laminectomy I tried so hard a long

> > to avoid.

> >

> > I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week

> Hospital stay and 3-6 months

> > of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long enough,

> So on March 20th, 1999 I

> > went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to

> everyoneÕs amazement and

> > confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours

> later, I walked out of the

> > Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had NO

> NEED for meds at all.

> > My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ.

> The hospital staff

> > called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the breeze!

> It was a new lease on life!!

> >

> > So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a

> rollercoaster (with Dr's Approval)

> > after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for

> me... It allowed me to live

> > life again.

> >

> > In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I

> purchased our first home.

> > Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a crazed

> driver tried to flee from

> > another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us. From

> this point I began to

> > experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of the

> same area that was

> > previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my

> Orthopedic Surgeon advised that

> > the only other option is pain management again. The pain was minor

> in comparison and

> > tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days just

> Aleeve would work just

> > fine. As long as the weather was good!

> >

> > I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs from

> time to time and I just

> > brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would

> experience pains in my thighs

> > each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and blamed it

> on the sore back. My

> > arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had

> tightness in my lower and

> > upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint of

> being very tired and my

> > entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I

> again blamed this on my back

> > pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.

> >

> > Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back for

> it. I was never one for

> > DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic Surgeon

> for my back. I had a

> > Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits at

> work) but not once did I

> > have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back

> related issuesÉ

> >

> > On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work

> Christmas party we were

> > rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage but

> just a good jolt to the

> > car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck was

> starting to hurt and

> > getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have not

> been able to do my job

> > since.

> >

> > At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head to

> toe, intermittent pains

> > down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling and

> intermittent pain in my

> > right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right

> handed and cannot work

> > because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off because

> all these years I

> > experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind I

> knew it was from my

> > back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was just a

> pinched nerve!

> >

> > She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck (C5-

> C6), and no change in

> > the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed

> EMGÕs on both my Upper

> > and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so sure it

> was a pinched nerve or

> > carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the EMGÕs

> came back text book

> > normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could be

> but FIBROÉ.. I was

> > Devastated!!!!!

> >

> > Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO diagnosed

> me with

> > ~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next week. I

> guess to officially

> > diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt

> dazed from the Lyrica and

> > very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg in

> 3rds cause otherwise it

> > would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The

> Lyrica has slowed down the

> > sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both hands

> and arms are killing me

> > mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red and

> such pain in my

> > hands I can hardly move them.

> >

> > It will take me some time to come to grips with this because in my

> mind I am always

> > feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my back

> injury. Another Contributing

> > factor is that I was under the false impression that those that

> suffer from Fibro have pain

> > all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is

> different and experience

> > different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is a

> NCMT as well as an

> > instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still was/am

> not convinced it was

> > fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma I

> have but explains that I

> > need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn how

> to cope.

> >

> > A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so

> depressed because I have

> > gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I am

> VERY MAD that I now

> > must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still feels

> this is not real and there

> > has to be another explanationÉ. :(

> >

> > Mike

> >




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I know this is easier said then done....but don't stress about the

thing you can not control. I have learned through my studies that

there is a few things that you can't control and the things you can

one may normally just let loose of. So take hold of what you can and

remember there is always tomorrow (cliche I know). I have tried an

experiment on myself and please don't laugh, but all I can say is

bananas.....lol and read my Intro into the group. I hope it

helps....but there is a fine line between potassium and FM. I am not

a doc, nor do I play one on t.v., but I said before I refuse to take

this one lying down.

Believe it or not....this is fairly new here in the United States,

but in India they have been reserching it for quite sometime. Right

now I am working on the Psych part of it and a freind of mine that

is a resident here in the U.S. is working with me to see what we can

come up with. I know for a student of Psychology this is quite a big

task to take on, but there is no time like the present for a


Mike, I really hope you find the patience for others rather than

they having it for you.....remember it's easy for others to make bad

judgements when they have no clue as to what they are talking

about...and since we are getting the facts about what we have, we

have to learn how to be patient with others and not to fly off the

handle at times.

Best regards,

> > >

> > > Hello Everyone,

> > >

> > > I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to

> > introduce myself. I also want to

> > > provide some background on my situation so that anyone


> > may have a better

> > > understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come


> > Sorry that it is long

> > > but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single

> > paragraph or 2.. So please forgive me

> > > in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal


> > my own! :(

> > >

> > > My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.

> > >

> > > I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was

> > involved in a MVA when

> > > a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving

> > almost flipping it over

> > > ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no

> > patients on board at

> > > the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area


> > not able to work for

> > > about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp

and It

> > took my attorney

> > > about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in

> > debt, forcing me to rely on

> > > public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my


> > due to lack of rent,

> > > basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting

> > paid, My apt caught fire and I

> > > lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were

> > hiding and both survived and

> > > were able to move with me.

> > >

> > > For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress

> > and many debilitating

> > > pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the

age of

> > 25 I was trying to

> > > maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because


> > pain in my back and

> > > legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin,

> > Flexerall, Paxil, Zanax, Just

> > > to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept

> > increasing. After several years

> > > of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not

> > Quality life for a 25yo and I

> > > finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%)

> > Laminectomy I tried so hard a long

> > > to avoid.

> > >

> > > I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week

> > Hospital stay and 3-6 months

> > > of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long


> > So on March 20th, 1999 I

> > > went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to

> > everyoneÕs amazement and

> > > confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours

> > later, I walked out of the

> > > Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had


> > NEED for meds at all.

> > > My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ.

> > The hospital staff

> > > called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the


> > It was a new lease on life!!

> > >

> > > So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a

> > rollercoaster (with Dr's Approval)

> > > after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for

> > me... It allowed me to live

> > > life again.

> > >

> > > In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I

> > purchased our first home.

> > > Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a


> > driver tried to flee from

> > > another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us.


> > this point I began to

> > > experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of


> > same area that was

> > > previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my

> > Orthopedic Surgeon advised that

> > > the only other option is pain management again. The pain was


> > in comparison and

> > > tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days


> > Aleeve would work just

> > > fine. As long as the weather was good!

> > >

> > > I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs


> > time to time and I just

> > > brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would

> > experience pains in my thighs

> > > each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and

blamed it

> > on the sore back. My

> > > arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had

> > tightness in my lower and

> > > upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint


> > being very tired and my

> > > entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I

> > again blamed this on my back

> > > pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.

> > >

> > > Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back


> > it. I was never one for

> > > DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic


> > for my back. I had a

> > > Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits


> > work) but not once did I

> > > have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back

> > related issuesÉ

> > >

> > > On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work

> > Christmas party we were

> > > rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage


> > just a good jolt to the

> > > car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck


> > starting to hurt and

> > > getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have


> > been able to do my job

> > > since.

> > >

> > > At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head


> > toe, intermittent pains

> > > down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling


> > intermittent pain in my

> > > right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right

> > handed and cannot work

> > > because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off


> > all these years I

> > > experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind


> > knew it was from my

> > > back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was

just a

> > pinched nerve!

> > >

> > > She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck


> > C6), and no change in

> > > the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed

> > EMGÕs on both my Upper

> > > and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so

sure it

> > was a pinched nerve or

> > > carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the


> > came back text book

> > > normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could


> > but FIBROÉ.. I was

> > > Devastated!!!!!

> > >

> > > Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO


> > me with

> > > ~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next

week. I

> > guess to officially

> > > diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt

> > dazed from the Lyrica and

> > > very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg


> > 3rds cause otherwise it

> > > would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The

> > Lyrica has slowed down the

> > > sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both


> > and arms are killing me

> > > mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red


> > such pain in my

> > > hands I can hardly move them.

> > >

> > > It will take me some time to come to grips with this because

in my

> > mind I am always

> > > feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my


> > injury. Another Contributing

> > > factor is that I was under the false impression that those that

> > suffer from Fibro have pain

> > > all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is

> > different and experience

> > > different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is


> > NCMT as well as an

> > > instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still


> > not convinced it was

> > > fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma


> > have but explains that I

> > > need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn


> > to cope.

> > >

> > > A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so

> > depressed because I have

> > > gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I


> > VERY MAD that I now

> > > must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still


> > this is not real and there

> > > has to be another explanationÉ. :(

> > >

> > > Mike

> > >

> >

> >

> >




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Hi Mike,

I want to welcome you to the group. I can tell that you are overwhelmed with

the dx of Fibromyalgia. When I was first dx, after 2 years of trying to find

out why I hurt all over and felt fatigued and foggy all the time, in 1991, I

went into complete denial. I was sure the doctors had missed something,

although I had been tested for everything from Epstein Barr Syndrome to Lupus to

RA. I had two cervical discs replaced, because of a car accident, at C1 and C2

and I could use my arms and hands again, but the pain and other symptoms were


I was very active, had my own business, was married, raising 3 kids,

volunteered at their schools, their sports and at church, took care of a big

organized house, worked in the yard and played competitive tennis. I never got

sick and never even felt tired except for the good kind after accomplishing

something. I couldn't have a chronic disorder. But I did.

Little by little Fibromyalgia took away the life that I once knew. It may not

do that to you. You may not get any worse than you are now. But I did.

While I stayed in denial I got progressively worse and went into a deep

depression. I stayed there a long time. Without going into whatever came at

what times, I finally got over the depression, with the help of a psychiatrist

and anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Some time after that I reached

acceptance of my having fibro. Since I've reached acceptance, around 2004, I've

dealt with having the monster better and better. It's almost like going through

the steps a person goes through when loosing a loved one. It goes from denial

to acceptance with several steps in between.

I'm sorry you have fibromyalgia. I hope we can help you go from denial to

acceptance, without too much emotional pain added to the pain you already have.

We are here to support you. You can vent here. You can bring happy

accomplishments and sadder disappointments. We are open 24/7. Come here for

whatever you need from factual information to just comforting.

I hope I can help you with whatever you need.

Feel better, you've taken the first step,


m wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to introduce myself. I

also want to

provide some background on my situation so that anyone interested may have a


understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come from. Sorry that it

is long

but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single paragraph or 2.. So

please forgive me

in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal on my own! :(

My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.

I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was involved in a

MVA when

a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving almost flipping

it over

ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no patients on

board at

the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area and not able to

work for

about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp and It took my


about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in debt, forcing me

to rely on

public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my apt due to lack of


basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting paid, My apt

caught fire and I

lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were hiding and both

survived and

were able to move with me.

For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress and many


pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the age of 25 I was

trying to

maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because the pain in my

back and

legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin, Flexerall, Paxil,

Zanax, Just

to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept increasing. After

several years

of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not Quality life for a

25yo and I

finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%) Laminectomy I tried so

hard a long

to avoid.

I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week Hospital stay and

3-6 months

of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long enough, So on March

20th, 1999 I

went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to everyoneÕs

amazement and

confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours later, I walked

out of the

Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had NO NEED for meds

at all.

My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ. The hospital


called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the breeze! It was a new

lease on life!!

So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a rollercoaster (with Dr's


after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for me... It allowed

me to live

life again.

In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I purchased our

first home.

Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a crazed driver tried

to flee from

another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us. From this point I

began to

experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of the same area

that was

previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my Orthopedic Surgeon

advised that

the only other option is pain management again. The pain was minor in comparison


tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days just Aleeve would

work just

fine. As long as the weather was good!

I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs from time to time

and I just

brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would experience pains in

my thighs

each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and blamed it on the sore

back. My

arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had tightness in my

lower and

upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint of being very

tired and my

entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I again blamed this

on my back

pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.

Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back for it. I was

never one for

DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic Surgeon for my back. I

had a

Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits at work) but not

once did I

have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back related issuesÉ

On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work Christmas party we


rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage but just a good

jolt to the

car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck was starting to

hurt and

getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have not been able to

do my job


At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head to toe,

intermittent pains

down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling and intermittent

pain in my

right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right handed and

cannot work

because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off because all these

years I

experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind I knew it was

from my

back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was just a pinched nerve!

She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck (C5-C6), and no

change in

the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed EMGÕs on both my


and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so sure it was a pinched

nerve or

carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the EMGÕs came back text


normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could be but FIBROÉ.. I



Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO diagnosed me with

~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next week. I guess to


diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt dazed from the

Lyrica and

very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg in 3rds cause

otherwise it

would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The Lyrica has slowed

down the

sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both hands and arms are

killing me

mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red and such pain in my

hands I can hardly move them.

It will take me some time to come to grips with this because in my mind I am


feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my back injury. Another


factor is that I was under the false impression that those that suffer from

Fibro have pain

all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is different and


different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is a NCMT as well as


instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still was/am not convinced

it was

fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma I have but

explains that I

need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn how to cope.

A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so depressed because I


gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I am VERY MAD that I


must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still feels this is not

real and there

has to be another explanationÉ. :(



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Hi , I realized when I saw this post that I haven't welcomed you. I'm

sure others have but I want to welcome you myself.

As I've said to Mike we are here to support you on your journey with

Fibromyalgia. I can understand why you want it to be something else. I wanted

it to be something else too. I was young, with 3 kids, married, had my own

business, played competitive tennis, was extremely organized, volunteered at my

kids schools, their sporting events and at church and was almost never sick or

even very tired. I fought the dx tooth and nail.

While I was fighting the dx I became very depressed and have fought that off,

but had the support of my psychiatrist, and yes drugs for depression and

anxiety. Eventually I accepted that I had fibromyalgia and started fighting the

illness rather that myself. I definitely manage my fibro better now that I

accept it. I do take 5mg hydrocodone up to 3X day, which I know you don't want

to do, but I don't feel drugged out and don't get " high " , I just get rid of

enough pain to be productive throughout the day. I started the drug several

months ago and it has made a lot of difference in how I live now that I am 59.

I put if off as long as I could.\

I hope you will be able to manage your fibromyalgia without any pain meds and

that it doesn't get any worse. I do think that with me the time I spent

fighting against the dx instead of fighting the illness was very unproductive.

This support group is here for you 24/7. If I can help you in any way let me

know. Or just post to the group for anything from good to bad. It's a good

place to vent.

Take care of yourself,


mkroske6149 wrote:


I know exactly what you are saying....I still feel that there has to

be an explanation as to why and what, but all I get from my Doc is

it is Fibro. I refused to take heavy meds and they wanted to put me

on naronten (not sure if that is how it is spelled) to curb some of

the affects....but I refuse to take this lying down and doped up.

I wish you all the luck in the wolrd and I hope things will get

better for you with in time.


> Hello Everyone,


> I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to

introduce myself. I also want to

> provide some background on my situation so that anyone interested

may have a better

> understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come from.

Sorry that it is long

> but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single

paragraph or 2.. So please forgive me

> in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal on

my own! :(


> My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.


> I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was

involved in a MVA when

> a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving

almost flipping it over

> ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no

patients on board at

> the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area and

not able to work for

> about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp and It

took my attorney

> about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in

debt, forcing me to rely on

> public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my apt

due to lack of rent,

> basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting

paid, My apt caught fire and I

> lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were

hiding and both survived and

> were able to move with me.


> For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress

and many debilitating

> pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the age of

25 I was trying to

> maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because the

pain in my back and

> legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin,

Flexerall, Paxil, Zanax, Just

> to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept

increasing. After several years

> of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not

Quality life for a 25yo and I

> finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%)

Laminectomy I tried so hard a long

> to avoid.


> I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week

Hospital stay and 3-6 months

> of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long enough,

So on March 20th, 1999 I

> went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to

everyoneÕs amazement and

> confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours

later, I walked out of the

> Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had NO

NEED for meds at all.

> My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ.

The hospital staff

> called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the breeze!

It was a new lease on life!!


> So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a

rollercoaster (with Dr's Approval)

> after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for

me... It allowed me to live

> life again.


> In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I

purchased our first home.

> Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a crazed

driver tried to flee from

> another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us. From

this point I began to

> experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of the

same area that was

> previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my

Orthopedic Surgeon advised that

> the only other option is pain management again. The pain was minor

in comparison and

> tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days just

Aleeve would work just

> fine. As long as the weather was good!


> I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs from

time to time and I just

> brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would

experience pains in my thighs

> each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and blamed it

on the sore back. My

> arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had

tightness in my lower and

> upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint of

being very tired and my

> entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I

again blamed this on my back

> pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.


> Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back for

it. I was never one for

> DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic Surgeon

for my back. I had a

> Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits at

work) but not once did I

> have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back

related issuesÉ


> On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work

Christmas party we were

> rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage but

just a good jolt to the

> car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck was

starting to hurt and

> getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have not

been able to do my job

> since.


> At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head to

toe, intermittent pains

> down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling and

intermittent pain in my

> right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right

handed and cannot work

> because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off because

all these years I

> experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind I

knew it was from my

> back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was just a

pinched nerve!


> She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck (C5-

C6), and no change in

> the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed

EMGÕs on both my Upper

> and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so sure it

was a pinched nerve or

> carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the EMGÕs

came back text book

> normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could be

but FIBROÉ.. I was

> Devastated!!!!!


> Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO diagnosed

me with

> ~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next week. I

guess to officially

> diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt

dazed from the Lyrica and

> very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg in

3rds cause otherwise it

> would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The

Lyrica has slowed down the

> sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both hands

and arms are killing me

> mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red and

such pain in my

> hands I can hardly move them.


> It will take me some time to come to grips with this because in my

mind I am always

> feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my back

injury. Another Contributing

> factor is that I was under the false impression that those that

suffer from Fibro have pain

> all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is

different and experience

> different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is a

NCMT as well as an

> instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still was/am

not convinced it was

> fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma I

have but explains that I

> need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn how

to cope.


> A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so

depressed because I have

> gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I am

VERY MAD that I now

> must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still feels

this is not real and there

> has to be another explanationÉ. :(


> Mike



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Big HI to Mike in Lansdale,

Used to live in Harleysville myself! So howdy neighbor! Your story

sounds like so many of the ones here. Lots of physical and emotional

trauma. All the symptoms sound the same. Sounds like Fibro with

complications to me. Just so you don't feel too lonely, I have had

physical and emotional trauma in the past as well as a fractured

spine and my car was rearended three times, once by a snowplow!

Ain't life grand? Just me, perhaps, but I think when you stop

fighting the diagnosis and start finding ways to cope, you will do

better. Fibro isn't going to kill you. Don't let it kill your spirit.

Kiss the kittens for me. I have 10 of my own plus two doggies.

Ruthie (now in NJ)


> Hello Everyone,


> I am very new to this and just wanted to take this time to

introduce myself. I also want to

> provide some background on my situation so that anyone interested

may have a better

> understanding of where my thoughts, ideas and fears may come from.

Sorry that it is long

> but itÕs difficult to put 13 yrs of my life into a single

paragraph or 2.. So please forgive me

> in advance, I am new to this and I always thought I could deal on

my own! :(


> My name is (Mike) 36-Yo " Male " from Lansdale Pa.


> I am a former Pennsylvania EMT. In 1995 at the age of 23, I was

involved in a MVA when

> a car ran a red light striking the ambulance that I was driving

almost flipping it over

> ending my EMS career and almost my life. Thank God there was no

patients on board at

> the time. However, I suffered a herniated disc in L5-S1 area and

not able to work for

> about 1 yr. I had to fight long and hard for WorkmanÕs Comp and It

took my attorney

> about 1 yr to get me even a dime. The time that past put me in

debt, forcing me to rely on

> public welfare, having my car repossessed, almost loosing my apt

due to lack of rent,

> basically destroying my life. Soon after the battle of getting

paid, My apt caught fire and I

> lost everything I had. Luckily my 2 Kittens at the time were

hiding and both survived and

> were able to move with me.


> For sometime after the accident, I suffered with so much stress

and many debilitating

> pains at some points I would pass out from the pain. At the age of

25 I was trying to

> maintain a new job and life while walking with a cane because the

pain in my back and

> legs were that bad. I was on so many meds (Soma, Oxycontin,

Flexerall, Paxil, Zanax, Just

> to name a Few) I was like a walking zombie and they kept

increasing. After several years

> of doing this pain management routine I realized this is not

Quality life for a 25yo and I

> finally decided to stop this madness and have the (80%)

Laminectomy I tried so hard a long

> to avoid.


> I was told it would be a long road to recovery with a 2 week

Hospital stay and 3-6 months

> of Rehab etc... I new that I waited and avoided this long enough,

So on March 20th, 1999 I

> went in for my surgery. When I woke up from the anesthesia to

everyoneÕs amazement and

> confusion, I was full of energy and in NO PAIN at all. 24 hours

later, I walked out of the

> Hospital on my own with out my cane. I never needed rehab, had NO

NEED for meds at all.

> My Dr was astonished and completely in shock with my recoveryÉ.

The hospital staff

> called me ÒThe Miracle BreezeÓ I was in and out like the breeze!

It was a new lease on life!!


> So I returned to work 4 days after my Surgery and on a

rollercoaster (with Dr's Approval)

> after 3 months. Being Pain free was a tremendous blessing for

me... It allowed me to live

> life again.


> In October 2003 and almost 4 yrs of no pain, my partner and I

purchased our first home.

> Just 30 days later we were involved in a minor MVA where a crazed

driver tried to flee from

> another accident she caused and by doing so she ran into us. From

this point I began to

> experience pain. I had an MRI and found a slight herniation of the

same area that was

> previously injured. I didnÕt want another surgery and my

Orthopedic Surgeon advised that

> the only other option is pain management again. The pain was minor

in comparison and

> tolerable with some minor meds like Ultram but on most days just

Aleeve would work just

> fine. As long as the weather was good!


> I had backaches everyday and a little pain in the both legs from

time to time and I just

> brushed this off as related to my back injury.. I also would

experience pains in my thighs

> each time I climbed stairs. I also shrugged this off and blamed it

on the sore back. My

> arms would hurt at times where they felt weak/tired while I had

tightness in my lower and

> upper back I again blamed this on my back injury. I complaint of

being very tired and my

> entire body just felt drained never getting enough sleep.. I

again blamed this on my back

> pain because I know that pain drains the life from youÉ.


> Each pain I experienced I shrugged it off and blamed the back for

it. I was never one for

> DrÕs and the only one I have ever seen was my Orthopedic Surgeon

for my back. I had a

> Primary care Dr (because I needed to pick one for my benefits at

work) but not once did I

> have a need to go. All symptoms were textbook signs of Back

related issuesÉ


> On Dec 16th 2007, 4 Years Later, Driving home from a work

Christmas party we were

> rear-ended while at a traffic light. There was not much damage but

just a good jolt to the

> car! (I know, I donÕt have much luckÉ). 2 days later my neck was

starting to hurt and

> getting very stiff. I left work and went to my DrÕs. and have not

been able to do my job

> since.


> At the time I was complaining of over all tiredness from head to

toe, intermittent pains

> down my legs (similar to Sciatica) with numbness and tingling and

intermittent pain in my

> right hand/arm almost like Carpal Tunnel in my hand. I am right

handed and cannot work

> because of this. She mentioned Fibro and I Shrugged it off because

all these years I

> experienced many -many types and pains all over and in my mind I

knew it was from my

> back. The tingling/numbness in the arm I was convinced was just a

pinched nerve!


> She sent me for MRIÕs a found a degenerative disc in the neck (C5-

C6), and no change in

> the lower back. So she sent me to a Neurologist who performed

EMGÕs on both my Upper

> and lower extremities to rule out pinched nerves. I was so sure it

was a pinched nerve or

> carpal tunnel in the arms and Sciatica in the legs. But the EMGÕs

came back text book

> normal and the Neurologist said there is nothing else it could be

but FIBROÉ.. I was

> Devastated!!!!!


> Just a little more then 2 weeks ago my Primary Care DO diagnosed

me with

> ~Fibromyalgia~. I have an appt with a Rheumatologist next week. I

guess to officially

> diagnose. My DO put me on Lyrica and provigal. At first I felt

dazed from the Lyrica and

> very tired. Then I added the provigal and had to cut my 100mg in

3rds cause otherwise it

> would make me too Jittery and I didnÕt like that feeling. The

Lyrica has slowed down the

> sporadic sharp, shooting, stabbing pains all over but both hands

and arms are killing me

> mainly my right. I wake up each morning with my knuckles red and

such pain in my

> hands I can hardly move them.


> It will take me some time to come to grips with this because in my

mind I am always

> feeling that it isn't Fibro and it's just Pain caused by my back

injury. Another Contributing

> factor is that I was under the false impression that those that

suffer from Fibro have pain

> all at once all over the body! Not realizing that everyone is

different and experience

> different Flares in different parts of the body. My Partner is a

NCMT as well as an

> instructor of Massage Therapy & Healing Science and I still was/am

not convinced it was

> fibro. Being in the field he is in, he understands the dilemma I

have but explains that I

> need to come to grips on things so that I can begin to learn how

to cope.


> A few days ago I just had a complete break downÉ Feeling so

depressed because I have

> gone through so much in my life more then outlined here and I am

VERY MAD that I now

> must endure this burden as well. But yet a part of me still feels

this is not real and there

> has to be another explanationÉ. :(


> Mike


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