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I swear, I am going to kill someone

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>> The case worker does have the right to insist to see those children without

a court order if he feels the children are in danger. Most of the time, even if

unwarranted the judge will side with the cps worker. <<

They can insist all they want, I can deny it. He can get a cop to do it for him

but that doesn't mean he comes in. And yes, the judge will give him a court

order to see them but he has to have some reason, of course he can lie, it



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>>they have continued to harass us for over two years AFTER sending us paperwork

stating that the case is closed. <<

You have paperwork? Why is he there at all? They need to feel some heat. You

really should write a letter to your congressman. It is effective.


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I was pissed. I wrote a letter once. Had it almost done, took me several hours

and a lot of heartache and pain, then my computer shut itself down and I lost

it. I just didn't have it in me to do it again.

My question for you is this, how quickly do things get resolved after writting

the congress person? Would you do an actual letter and mail it or would you

send it via the web site in email?

Georga Hackworth

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RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

>>they have continued to harass us for over two years AFTER sending us


stating that the case is closed. <<

You have paperwork? Why is he there at all? They need to feel some heat. You

really should write a letter to your congressman. It is effective.


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I heard once that the best way is to fax it in. I don't remember why.

Something about email being too easy to delete.

I'm glad you understood what I was saying about them investigating the call

to begin with -- and you are absolutely right about the rest of it.

Stupidity. UGH.


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7 children. At the time that all this started we only had 6 and I was pregnant

with number 7.

I guess CPS determines that.

Georga Hackworth

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Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

Georga, how many kids is too many to handle? who decides that?

Russia, China? Anyways, how many children do you have (if you don't

mind me asking) Kris

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This is going to sound stupid because I haven't been paying attention. How many

children do you have?

Right now I have 4 and I'm always being told I have a large family, and I don't

think it is. People also don't understand my contraception viewpoint because

not every Catholic believes the chruches teaching. " oh well I do and why should

my life decisions hinge on theirs. "


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>> My question for you is this, how quickly do things get resolved after

writting the congress person? Would you do an actual letter and mail it or

would you send it via the web site in email? <<

This depends on your congressman and his or her agenda. Naturally, the more

heart-wrenching, the better. It took about six to 8 weeks to get to the

governor, then I had a written apology in another 2 or 3 weeks. If your

congressman has an office near you, go, but send a written letter and mail it,

as well. You could be the straw that changes the system in your state. And

finally gets them off your back. Sheesh!


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Maybe I should write the letter and just send it to everyone. LOL!

My question would be, who is everyone?

Georga Hackworth

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RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

>> My question for you is this, how quickly do things get resolved after

writting the congress person? Would you do an actual letter and mail it or

would you send it via the web site in email? <<

This depends on your congressman and his or her agenda. Naturally, the more

heart-wrenching, the better. It took about six to 8 weeks to get to the

governor, then I had a written apology in another 2 or 3 weeks. If your

congressman has an office near you, go, but send a written letter and mail it,

as well. You could be the straw that changes the system in your state. And

finally gets them off your back. Sheesh!


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Georga Hackworth

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Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

This is going to sound stupid because I haven't been paying attention. How

many children do you have?

Right now I have 4 and I'm always being told I have a large family, and I

don't think it is. People also don't understand my contraception viewpoint

because not every Catholic believes the chruches teaching. " oh well I do and why

should my life decisions hinge on theirs. "


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-<< They can insist all they want, I can deny it.>> Sure you can deny it and

it's the very first thing you should do. Deny him access to your children and

right away call a lawyer.

<<He can get a cop to do it for him

but that doesn't mean he comes in>>

I'm not sure what state you are in but in this state the police officer can

enter your house with that social worker without your consent. If that child is

in imediate danger. " Everyone and every Judges belief of Imediate is diffrent "

<<< And yes, the judge will give him a court

order to see them but he has to have some reason, of course he can lie, it


That's just not the case in some places. He doesn't have to lie. There are

many cases were extended breastfeeding, special diets, refusal of vax's and

homeschooling, have all been called immediate danger to a child. Some of what

we do to protect our children, like special locks on doors and windows can very

well be considered a danger due to fire hazards (child not being able to get out

of fireman getting in) . It's all in the eyes of be beholder, there really

doesn't have to be a reason to lie.

There is way too much room in the system for interpolations. Each Social

worker is suppose to be without judgment but how is that possible without set

rules . (there just aren't enough rules to the cps system) Even things that are

considered legal are looked up with downcast eyes like homeschooling


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This article was sent to another list that I am on.

Homeschoolers win against abusive Social Workers.......



An article which actually has very little to do with homeschooling, but

everything to do with abusive social workers. It gets REALLY good in

the middle!!

The judge in this case ruled that the 4th admendment does apply to social

workers (which they tried to claim that it did not apply to them) and some other


Georga Hackworth

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Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

-<< They can insist all they want, I can deny it.>> Sure you can deny it and

it's the very first thing you should do. Deny him access to your children and

right away call a lawyer.

<<He can get a cop to do it for him

but that doesn't mean he comes in>>

I'm not sure what state you are in but in this state the police officer can

enter your house with that social worker without your consent. If that child is

in imediate danger. " Everyone and every Judges belief of Imediate is diffrent "

<<< And yes, the judge will give him a court

order to see them but he has to have some reason, of course he can lie, it


That's just not the case in some places. He doesn't have to lie. There are

many cases were extended breastfeeding, special diets, refusal of vax's and

homeschooling, have all been called immediate danger to a child. Some of what

we do to protect our children, like special locks on doors and windows can very

well be considered a danger due to fire hazards (child not being able to get out

of fireman getting in) . It's all in the eyes of be beholder, there really

doesn't have to be a reason to lie.

There is way too much room in the system for interpolations. Each Social

worker is suppose to be without judgment but how is that possible without set

rules . (there just aren't enough rules to the cps system) Even things that are

considered legal are looked up with downcast eyes like homeschooling


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Georga, i think you deserve every bit of it since you have no books

in your house.........HA HA HA HA HA HA kidding kidding, she's got

like a whole bookstore, you ought to see her website. OMG!! Kris

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Really the only thing I can say is that I'm sorry you're going through this,

and I hope the asshole stops bugging you soon.



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State and federal congressman, your county board of supervisors, the governor,

the attorney general of your state, the county sherriff (if elected), and then

put it on the net. I'm sure I've missed a few. Local city officials have no call

on this so the mayor and council is not really worth much.



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Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone


Maybe I should write the letter and just send it to everyone. LOL!

My question would be, who is everyone?

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

>> My question for you is this, how quickly do things get resolved after

writting the congress person? Would you do an actual letter and mail it or

would you send it via the web site in email? <<

This depends on your congressman and his or her agenda. Naturally, the more

heart-wrenching, the better. It took about six to 8 weeks to get to the

governor, then I had a written apology in another 2 or 3 weeks. If your

congressman has an office near you, go, but send a written letter and mail it,

as well. You could be the straw that changes the system in your state. And

finally gets them off your back. Sheesh!


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LMAO! Those are only the ones that I sell. I have maybe a 4th of that catalog

in my house. That does not include the huge shelf of just homeschooling books,

the three shelves of just kids stuff and all the books that and I have for

us...that would include cookbooks (I have hundereds of them, and some of them I

picked up for the kids), all of Chris's electronics books that the kids are

allowed free access to (I think he has about 3 huge bookcases full of the stuff

~ no, my husband isn't an aspie ~ and enough magazines to fill another large


No, there are no books in my house. None at all.

My kids have also never seen the inside of a library.

When we were moving I think we packed up something like 1000 lbs or more in just

books. I am not kidding here.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

Georga, i think you deserve every bit of it since you have no books

in your house.........HA HA HA HA HA HA kidding kidding, she's got

like a whole bookstore, you ought to see her website. OMG!! Kris

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Ok, I have found the address to the governor and one of the state senators (I

don't know if this is good or bad...her previous job was a socail worker).

I see I need to go find a few people yet.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

>> My question for you is this, how quickly do things get resolved after

writting the congress person? Would you do an actual letter and mail it or

would you send it via the web site in email? <<

This depends on your congressman and his or her agenda. Naturally, the more

heart-wrenching, the better. It took about six to 8 weeks to get to the

governor, then I had a written apology in another 2 or 3 weeks. If your

congressman has an office near you, go, but send a written letter and mail


as well. You could be the straw that changes the system in your state. And

finally gets them off your back. Sheesh!


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Found the attorney general.

Nothing on the county board of supervisors.

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


RE: I swear, I am going to kill someone

>> My question for you is this, how quickly do things get resolved after

writting the congress person? Would you do an actual letter and mail it or

would you send it via the web site in email? <<

This depends on your congressman and his or her agenda. Naturally, the more

heart-wrenching, the better. It took about six to 8 weeks to get to the

governor, then I had a written apology in another 2 or 3 weeks. If your

congressman has an office near you, go, but send a written letter and mail


as well. You could be the straw that changes the system in your state. And

finally gets them off your back. Sheesh!


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<<He can get a cop to do it for him

but that doesn't mean he comes in>>

I'm not sure what state you are in but in this state the police officer can

enter your house with that social worker without your consent. If that child is

in imediate danger. " Everyone and every Judges belief of Imediate is diffrent "

Arizona. Police can enter and then I still can deny without a warrant, but at

that point, you might as well let the police in. I won't let the social worker

in without a warrant. They have no legal authority, at least in Arizona. They

cannot arrest or coerce.

>> That's just not the case in some places. He doesn't have to lie. There are

many cases were extended breastfeeding, special diets, refusal of vax's and

homeschooling, have all been called immediate danger to a child. <<

Federal law says " immediate threat of imminent danger. " It was so fun breaking

these words down. We looked up immediate, threat and imminent, danger and

imminent danger in a legal dictionary. Of course, again, if they fail to follow

the law, they are immune. Sick, sick, sick.

>>It's all in the eyes of be beholder, there really doesn't have to be a reason

to lie.<<

But in many cases they have nothing as in Georga's case, but they don't like her

attitude. So what will he say? She won't let me talk to them? She's not abusing

them. She is teaching them. It's such a waste of money.

>>Each Social worker is suppose to be without judgment<<

Do you mean without prejudice?

>>(there just aren't enough rules to the cps system)<<

There are very few and they don't live on statute, they live on *policy*, stupid

easily changed internal policy. Sigh.


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<<<There are very few and they don't live on statute, they live on *policy*,


easily changed internal policy. Sigh.


It's just so sad isn't it.

I have to agree with the big sigh...

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<<<When we were moving I think we packed up something like 1000 lbs or more in

just books. I am not kidding here.>>>>

ALL HAIL THE BOOK QUEEN.... Geez I thought I was bad. I love books and have two

huge shelves of books for the boys and a smaller one of mostly homeschooling

stuff next to the computer and that doesn't account for the history and

geography books in the dining room cabinet. Never mind the other thing on

wheels I have full of homeschooling stuff. Then I find you an Usborn rep I

would like to support. UGHHH and dh wonders where that refund check will be

going. To fund my homeschooling book addiction


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OK When did 7 children become so large that people question it. I know a

wonderful loving family of 11 children. I don't know how she does it. Routine

and lots of it, she has the most peaceful house. Makes me wish I wasn't so high


I even took her advice and have calming music in the background and it does make

a difference. I have my dinner table set most nights when I know DH will be home

by 3pm.

7 is not a lot of children. Tell me 15 and I'll say that's a lot. My mother's

neighbors when she was little had 15 children.

My neighbors here , when I was growing up had 11 at any given time. They adopted

more as the older children moved out

Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

This is going to sound stupid because I haven't been paying attention. How

many children do you have?

Right now I have 4 and I'm always being told I have a large family, and I

don't think it is. People also don't understand my contraception viewpoint

because not every Catholic believes the chruches teaching. " oh well I do and why

should my life decisions hinge on theirs. "


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Around here it isn't a homeschooling book addiction...it is just a book


I think we have books in every room of the house except the bathroom. I can

arrange that though.

When we moved our friend that helped us got made at us because all we could find

were large boxes and we packed them really tight with books and you couldn't

lift them. The box that had my cookbooks in I was told went around 300lbs. In

the 7 months since we moved we have accumalted more books. It's really scary.

Hee hee.

Jody (she buys tons of books from me) calls me *The Book Fairy*. LOL!

Georga Hackworth

Enter to win $50 worth of free books


Re: Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

<<<When we were moving I think we packed up something like 1000 lbs or more in

just books. I am not kidding here.>>>>

ALL HAIL THE BOOK QUEEN.... Geez I thought I was bad. I love books and have

two huge shelves of books for the boys and a smaller one of mostly homeschooling

stuff next to the computer and that doesn't account for the history and

geography books in the dining room cabinet. Never mind the other thing on

wheels I have full of homeschooling stuff. Then I find you an Usborn rep I

would like to support. UGHHH and dh wonders where that refund check will be

going. To fund my homeschooling book addiction


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Ok well I admit it's just books. Mostly for the boys. I get a ton at Yard sales

in the summer and the awesome used book store the library runs here. The rest I


We are still not allowed to borrow from our library because of a stupid tax

dispute with the district here. I just don't have the $150 to buy the card that

allows me to borrow till that tax return money comes in.

Re: Re: I swear, I am going to kill someone

<<<When we were moving I think we packed up something like 1000 lbs or more

in just books. I am not kidding here.>>>>

ALL HAIL THE BOOK QUEEN.... Geez I thought I was bad. I love books and have

two huge shelves of books for the boys and a smaller one of mostly homeschooling

stuff next to the computer and that doesn't account for the history and

geography books in the dining room cabinet. Never mind the other thing on

wheels I have full of homeschooling stuff. Then I find you an Usborn rep I

would like to support. UGHHH and dh wonders where that refund check will be

going. To fund my homeschooling book addiction


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Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 1/10/2003

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