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RE: Hello From Texas~~~Howdee Janet Lyn~~~!!!

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Hi janet I am and I live in S.E. Arkansaw I too grew up in the boonies

w/all the critters. This group has been a wonderful blessing to me so far. I

haven't been active lately due to pain and fog but I try to make a point to

welcome as many newbies as I possably can. I joined this group the day I was

diagnosed and have learned a great deal about this DISease WE call the MONSTER.

I HOPE YOU find the Love, encouragement and

support I have found since joing back in May 07 i think.

GOD Bless YOU Janet ! ! ! . . . ........................... . . .


GOD grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot

change the courage to change the things I canand the wisdom to know the

difference. Amen ! ! !

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group@...:

thestitchinpost@...: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 16:29:48 -0600Subject:

Hello From Texas

Hi My name is Janet , I live in the deep end of East Texas in the lake areasout

in the boonies. Tis a blessing to find this group!! I am 46 , Married tomy

wonderful hubby Mack of 15 years now .We have no children , but we havefive

furbabies, three dogs and two cats.Not to forget the nature animals wehave ,

birds , deers , possums, and skunks . We are out in the middle of nowhere which

is nice . I am deaf and reads lips and I communicate just likeyou, its a

blessing to say you would not know I was deaf, unless you wastalking to me

behind my back that's where the discovery is made LOL . I love life , I love the

Lord he is so Mysterious and I'm just so happyto know HIM . I was diagnosed over

two years ago ,The Rheamatologist I had , I was onlyable to see her once a year

and if anything comes up , I have to wait tillmy appt that was scheduled to see

her and ONLY SEE HER one time a year isall she allows . So Now I'm being

referred to a new Dr. That specializes inFibromyalgia, by my pain mangagment Dr.

(thank you lord ) What gets me solost is I never know if this or that is fibro

or what .I forget so much andit near wrecked my marriage ,all is okay now . My

family Dr. Explained to usabout brain fog , at first I Laughed because of the

name ,and thought he wasjoking. .From there hubby took over the finances and

paying bills . I havepost its everywhere and even got a uhh booky thing with

calendars and stuff Its so hard to know weather its fibro or diabetics. Just so

over whelming .I love doing things and meeting people . When I do get out

everyone is likewhere you been hiding LOL . I'm outgoing person, I do not judge

no one .I'mat the present time having to stay OFF my feet , keep it elevated and

tryingto get ready for our nephews wedding that is upcomeing in march the

first.Trying to make my ball gown to wear and (sighs ) how do you do that when

youcant put your feet down LOL . I do look forward to meet each one of you.

I'mso thankful To God for leading me to this group.I'm a good listener soanyone

needing to talk to me too come lean on me . Peace,Joy,Hope and Love, Janet Lynn


Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your HotmailĀ®-get your

" fix " .


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