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PSC and pancreatitis questions

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Has anyone ever had pancreatitis flare up WITHOUT it being triggered

by an ERCP?

And if so, did you get an ERCP and have either balloon dilatation or

stent put in? (And then were you one of the lucky ones who got the Big

" P " all over again?)

And did your pancreatitis also involve a UC flare up?

Since Fred's pancreatitis is due to his PSC, isn't there about a 100%

chance he has a blockage somewhere?

He has an appt. with gastro tomorrow and is trying to get his

ducks...or ducts, in a row.

Of note: Fred's gastro treats pancreatitis as out patient: 3 days of

fasting, then she has you order a gazillion boxes of stuff called

Resource Breeze. Fred says it beats an IV and starving to death for a

week or more. It does NOT stimulate the pancreas. He's been drinking

Breeze since Thursday - finishing off his second case of 27 boxes.

Thought this might be helpful to current/future (God forbid)

pancreatitis sufferers. Comes in three flavors: peach, wild berry, and

orange. Get it from WalMart online or your local pharmacy can order

for next day delivery.

Wife of Fred, lots of stuff going on 10/07 after several years of

being asymptomatic except for fatigue.

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Has anyone ever had pancreatitis flare up WITHOUT it being triggeredby an ERCP?And if so, did you get an ERCP and have either balloon dilatation orstent put in? (And then were you one of the lucky ones who got the Big"P" all over again?) Yes, no and no. The docs never determined what caused my pancreatitis but it was so painful with a lipase of 16,000. I haven't had it again. Never had it after ERCP's. And didn't have ERCP after the pancreatitis - at least not directly after it. My next ERCP was about 7 months later. I take a pancreatic enzyme which the GI thinks will help and maybe it has since I haven't experienced pancreatitis again. I don't have a large intestine so the UC question doesn't fit me. Hope this helps. Blessings, Barby - KS UC - 1965, ileostomy - 1972, BCIR (continent pouch) 1994, PSC - 1995, arthritis 2007, listed 9/18/07married 28 years , 5 sons, 2 daughters in law, 1 granddaughter born 6/06 and 2 golden retrievers

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> Has anyone ever had pancreatitis flare up WITHOUT it being triggered

> by an ERCP?


> And if so, did you get an ERCP and have either balloon dilatation or

> stent put in? (And then were you one of the lucky ones who got the Big

> " P " all over again?)

Yes, no and yes. After the second bout of pancreatitis I did have an

ERCP and was subsequently diagnosed with PSC.

My first evidence of liver problems was high LFTs during a routine

physical in 1980. Further tests did not generate a diagnosis. Three

years later pancreatitis struck (amylase around 12000). I went to the

ER, was hospitalized a few days to get VI fluids and was recommended

to get my gall bladder removed so it wouldn't happen again, since it

was believed that a gall stone had blocked the common bile duct

causing the pancreatitis and then passed sometime during all the pain.

So after recovering from the pancreatitis I had the surgery. But 5

years later pancreatitis struck again. Same routine - ER, hospital,

recovery - only this time I had an ERCP to see what the bile ducts

looked like. The result, massive beading in one lobe of the liver -

classic PSC presentation, the other lobe not yet involved. The result

was a roux-en-y to replace the common bile duct, since it was still

getting blocked occasionally by stones forming in the sluggish bile

behind the strictures. This did prevent any further attacks of

pancreatitis but opened up the ducts inside the liver to increased

exposure to bacteria from the gut and I started getting attacks of

bacterial cholangitis (but that is another story).

Tim R, ltx 4/4/98, 6/19/07 & 7/7/07

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Thanks to Barby and Tim for sharing their pancreatitis experiences. I

learn MORE from this board than from any other source. Light bulbs go

on (although they're dimming due to age). Lipase in the 12-16,000 range

is unbelievable.

Wife of Fred, PSC 03/04, UC 03/06, Gastritis, 10/07, Pancreatitis with wussy

lipase of 728. :)

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My onset of pancreatitis had nothing to do with an ERCP or a UC flare. In fact, I've had 20+ ERCPs in my life and I've only gotten pancreatitis once as a result. I now have chronic pancreatitis, as you know, and I can honestly say it hasn't become "acute" pancreatitis during a UC flare. All of this is very interesting to me, though.


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