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Re: No sleep again for me....Anita

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I am so sorry Anita taht you are hurting so badly and treated like a second

class citizen by the drs. they love to play these games, don't they? I recently

fired a pain dr for not following up with the tests he ordered, to make sure

they were done and for not treating my pain until the tests were preformed. My

pcp assured me they would help control my pain and I get there and find out

otherwise. Their bedside manner was atrocous. If you are hurting this much, try

an urgent care facility or er until you can find a good dr. They are hard to

come by, that is for sure. If you need an ear, I am always available to listen.


jodi ellen wrote:

Dear Anita,

I am so sry for you,it sounds like your regular MD had your symptoms under

control. I can't understand why the other docs would change your meds. I would

have made a big fuss and at that md office and threatened to report them. You

have a right not to be in pain. You may want to talk with a lawyer.In the

meantime is there any other doc you can see in your area? Are you seeing a

rheumatologist or is that what you are waiting for?Switching docs in the same

group usually is useless because the docs won't'step on each others toes " so to

speak.I suppose last resort when it gets unbearable is to go to the closest

emergency room.Just to let you know I am frequently up at nite and if you ever

want to chat just check the messenger and see if I am online and I will be glad

to chat with you.

I hope things get better for you very soon.

Gentle Hugs,


" tubelover2u@... " wrote:

Hi everyone....before I begin let me say this...if you're having a bad day

(and I know a lot of us are) and you just don't want to hear someone scream,

holler, and cry...feel free to delete this and not respond...trust me...I


Here I am again...it's after 2:00 AM and yet again my body won't allow me to

sleep...and I don't know what to do...

Most of you know my story...there are some updates...and I'll give my " story

again.... I'm 45 and have been in pain for over 8 years (probably more like

10..I can't remember back that far...what am I talking about...I can't

remember details about yesterday let alone 10 years ago...lol...okay it's

not funny...but I don't want to cry)...

Any who, I had a wonderful doctor who listened to me and helped in any way

she could. She has sent me to specialist after specialist trying to get a

diagnosis...since I began seeing her (I was one of her first patients)...I

have been diagnosed with the following...these came from specialists in

various fields....

1. I was a diabetic but after loosing 160 pounds that is now under control

and I no longer have to take insulin.

2. I had a heart attack at the age of 35.

3. I have high blood pressure.

4. I have high cholesterol.

5. I have herniated disks down my neck and back (he wants to wait as long

as I can for the surgery because he said once he fuses the two disks

together that are the worse in my neck...that I will need to continue having


6. I have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from being physically,

mentally, emotionally, and sexual abused by my so called " father " ...I call

him the destroyer.

7. I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis).

8. And finally I have Fibromyalgia

My doctor had everything under control...by my taking the following


1. Amitriptyline (Elavil)

2. Baclofen

3. Omerprazole (Prilosec)

4. Quinapril (Accupril)

5. Toprol XI

6. Gabapentin (Neurontin)

7. Vicodin (for break through pain)

8. Duragesic Patch (75 mg...change every two days)

Now I realize that it's an awful lot of medicine...but it worked...I could

function...I could cook and clean...Now if I did too much the next day I

paid the price, but I was able to do what I am needed to do.... But it all

changed last December...in November I found out that my doctor had become

ill (I later found out she had to have open heart surgery). So of course

when it came time to get my prescriptions she wasn't there. I was sent to a

different doctor in her " group " . That doctor was HORRIBLE! Within 5

minutes she had me in tears; told me I was nothing but a drug addict looking

for my next high...my husband was there and actually taped part of the

conversation on his phone. By the end of the appointment, she informed me

that this would be the only time she would be giving me Vicodin and the pain

patch. In January I went off the patch cold turkey...I still had vicodin at

that point because I was stretching it as far as I could. I went through a

living hell for almost a week (and I have to be honest and say I don't

remember a couple of those days)....I am in so much pain...I swear I would

do ANYTHING at this point.

I went to another doctor within my doctors " group " ...she won't help either.

she put me on Tramadol...which does NOTHING for the pain. She also told me

she was setting me up for a doctor's appointment in Columbus...that was

almost three weeks ago...I had heard nothing...So I called the office and

left a message (they wouldn't let me talk to anyone) any who, I left a

message telling her I hadn't heard anything....well I know why now...would

you believe she FORGOT to write up the orders????? And since they have to

wait for my results of the tests done in Cleveland and since they forgot to

send that paper as well...I was informed it will take up to a month to get

my chart sent here...so it will probably be closer to two months before I

can be seen. What in God's name am I suppose to do??? Ever feel like..

dying? My whole body aches, I am exhausted yet I can't sleep...my insides

feel like they are shaking...yet no one can see it....I have just a few

vicodin left and then they will be gone as well...I don't know what to do..

I just don't...

I'm so sorry..I know this is so long...and most won't read it I'm sure...but

if you did, and you understand how I feel...please please let me know...am I

alone in this struggle?? What am I suppose to do for the next two months???

I can't type any more...I'm crying too hard...please forgive me.


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Anita - I feel for you and I pray for you. I am having a very bad myself

emotionally(meaning mental pain), but I read your story again. It is so

unfair, and I know you feel like giving up. You are not alone. We are here

to listen at least. HTH

Jeanne in WI

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