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Re: Re: pain meds and explainations

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I just wanted to say it looks like alot of us here are trying to explain

why, when, and how we take our pain meds. I feel that somehow some of us have

got caught up in feeling guilty for having to use a pain med no matter which one

we are on. There are so many people out there who DO abuse these meds, and take

them for the high not for the pain management, but I think all or most will

agree that the pain that comes with this disease and others like it are

unbearable and at times we would rather be put out to pasture like an injured

horse then go thru 1 more min, let alone day of pain. This is when these meds

help. Think of it, people who have been diagnoised with cancer, tumors, and

other terminal illnesses, are using pain meds and much more than we are given

and I don't blame them, NO ONE should be in pain. Now if we were put on Hospice

the thought and theary is treat with comfort and care, and use whatever it takes

to make the person comfortable, not anxious, and

without as much pain as possible. So just because we are not on Hospice does

not mean we do not need to take meds to alleveate our pain, anxiety, and help to

just function thru a day. And to those of you who have small childeren and face

these trials daily I have been you only I was not diagnoised back then and had

no medication to help. Don't feel guilty when you have to lay down and rest

when they want to run you around in all different directions, I lived with so

much guilt because I looked back for so long and said I was a bad mom as I could

not do anything much with my kids, oh we did disneyland, I got sick, 10.mins

into it and hospitalized, and that seemed to be the pattern, anytime I made a

day trip deal I ended up sick, and with some bizzare thing that put me in the

hosp. We ended up joking when traveling check out where the Hosp is here for

mom! To all I wish the best Sharon

ddean228 wrote:

You know, before I was dx'd with FM, I would have low back pain and

spasms that I attributed to gaining weight, doing too much, etc. etc.

Flexeril worked on those times and a few times, when the spasm was

big enough for the doctor to see, a shot of cortisone (yeah, taking

chances there, but what isn't a chance anymore?). Anyhow, when I went

to the doctor's just prior to being dx'd by rheum, I mentioned I was

having to take 2 flexeril to take the edge off the spasms; that's

when I was switched to Robaxin, given Naproxen for the inflammation

for my pleurisy (due to bronchitis) and if it was really bad,


Since being dx'd, I take the Lyrica and ONLY if I am having some

breakthrough pain do I take any of the other 3 pills. Like the night

my knees were flaring (I could have cheerfully found DH's chainsaw

and cut my legs off...lol), then I grabbed a darvocet, only it didn't

really help. I try to " read " my body and determine if the

breakthrough pain is due to inflammation (I am holding fluids due to

some lower extremity blockages that are getting checked out) so I can

take a Naproxen, if they it is due to spasms so I can take a Robaxin

or if it is due to pain, in which case I will take a darvocet.

The challenge for me is I have a set of 8 yr old twins who are

special needs. They do not need to always see mommy sleeping and

unfortunately, are not as adept at watching out for themselves as my

bio sons were at that age (they could be counted on to do what they

were told, these two? well, its a crapshoot a lot of days...lol).

Anyhow, I don't feel I am abusing the meds in any way shape or form.

I am not getting the scripts filled monthly, just using them as

needed, just like the bottle says!

My 2 cents here in Georgia, where the left hip woke me up this

morning! Yippee....


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